Quest Board


Notice boards are a very useful sources of information to a traveler looking for work, coin, or a journey to embark on. Your character will find a number of these notice boards as he/she travels through the world If they . 

Notice boards are also where some secondary quests can be started. They will  also provide some details about current events in the world.
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Contracts Quests Tournaments

Punishment for Thieves 


Our guards have captured a group of thieves.they would steal sheep to sell on other Isles. The council of elders hereby orders their right hands hewn off and runes describing lack of honor onto their foreheads. 

Attention to all armed fighters with the steel to face beasts without batting an eye


If there's a warrior of ye brave enough to face the woodland feaster, the bloodless savage of the Inhabitants of Fayrlund, he'll get a due award that'll keep him swimin In pools of mead for a long while. We're not a gathering of rich folk, but we've mustered togeather a good bit of coin between us.

Come to Fayrlund and ask for Djruem



Think your as strong as a grizzly bear, quick as a viper, and mean as a bull, then come down and put your mettle to the test.  Join the festival  tournament and face the mightest of fists In all the northern realms.

Don't delay lads before It's too late! Glory, Honor, and Bragging rights our just a fistfight away!

CONTRACT: Muire D'yaeblen


Want a months worth of crowns? Got a sharp blade and not afraid of getting your hands bloody? Then come to the Novigrad docks and ask for the Iron maiden's ship captain, for he's got work for you.

It's the muire d'yeablen – they need to be killed Immediately, they're multiplying by the day and grown so bold you run into them every time you leave the harbor.

Kill the bloody creatures, and you'll get what your owed.



Help Wanted


Since an obscure event, Undvik has been repopulated with a clan of frost giants and Ice elementias all over the Island. We're rounding up a group of the brawniest fighters from all the skellige Isles and the rest of the Northern realms to Undvik to cull the savage beasts.

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