Quest Academy for Juvenile Deliquents and Mentally Unstable OoC


Senior Member
Quest Academy is a specialized high school for the kids accused of criminal activity sometime in the past or have been subject to psychological trauma are sent for their education. Many of these kids are from foster families or have bad backgrounds that have led the state to take action and send them here.

It his specifically suited to the needs of troubled teens like themselves, their bags and clothing are checked for drugs or weapons before they are allowed to enter, security guards are in each classroom to oversee that students are on their best behaviors and teachers are trained in educating these students and there is safety protocol in case violence were to break out. All students are required to see a therapist, whether on or off campus. Students have dorm rooms, meaning they are at the school 24/7. Basically an educational prison. Unless they have a foster family, in which they aren't in dorms.

Like was mentioned before, many of these students are from bad backgrounds, some have mental conditions, and all have been taken in for special care because of what has happened. Now, they aren't necessarily bad kids some of them but they are susceptible to issues that, out of habit, make them react to situations emotionally or violently.

All in all, its a high school were teens have to deal with problems of their past and learn to cope and deal with peers who have the same issues.


-No overposting and leaving other RPers behind, I'd like maybe 2-5 posts a day but if I or the others cannot get on limit posting to 1-3

-This is PG-13, meaning I don't mind how detailed you get with violence but if there is any sexual situations, i.e. rape, as part of their background or sex as part of the present, but don't go into detail. i.e no smut.

-Dating, enemies, fighting, bullying is allowed, but if someone requests you stop in an OoC, stop.

-If you want to drop out of an RP, post an excuse to leave so your character isn't just floating around doing nothing as we move on, that's a peeve of mine

-Nothing else except for the general rules of RP like no godmodding, duh.

-That's it have fun.

Character Bio:



Age:(13-26, since they can be left back also mention what grade and specify if they're left back)



Mental conditions/disorders: (Can be none but they still get therapy)

Criminal Behavior/Family Issues: (If their not in for mental condition alone)

Dorm or foster family: (If dorm, specify your dormroom buddy or you can have a dorm alone...doesn't matter.)

Character Bio:

Name: Lya "Ly" Lyndel

Gender: F

Age: 16


View attachment 8520

Wears dark hoodies, usually her purple one, with rock band tshirts, jeans, and converses

Personality: Doesn't talk much, shy, and her first reaction is to fight back if confronted with a bad situation, she has good self control though. Negative and Sarcastic.

Mental conditions/disorders: Asocial, Selective Mutism, Counseling for psychological traumas because of abuse

Criminal Behavior/Family Issues: She was in an abusive family home where her parents were constantly high and alcoholic. At 12 she was placed into foster care. She was beaten and her 'friends' were always drunk and high themselves. At one point they mugged a kid, and although she refused to beat the boy she was guilty by association and sentenced to prison. It was then they sent her to prison, she was released and sent to Quest Academy.

Dorm or foster family: Dorm (Partner Undecided)

I'm hoping I get a few people (3-5) but if not very many show up I'll probably terminate the RP.
Character Bio: Shane was a young girl when she first witnessed a murder. she was laughing uncontrolably as the female screamed in pain. After that she has killed many things. Stray cats, stray dogs, a goat. she cant help herself. her parents left her when they noticed her scarlet red eyes. She has really bad anger problems.

Name: Jessica Grey

Gender: Female

Age: 16 grade 10

Appearance: blond-ish long, slightly curled hair; scarlet red eyes; around 5'4

Personality: flirty, easily annoyed, pretty nice..... sometimes, curses alot

Mental conditions/disorders: sosteopathy (or how ever you spell it)

Criminal Behavior: breaking and entering, disrupting the peace, public intoxication, burglery

View attachment 8599View attachment 8600(motorcycle)le Jessica's b
Name: Luna Hatasuka

Gender: female

Age: 16

Appearance: 5'0 96lbs. dark brown hair. almost grey eyes. wears all black. black pants and a long sleeve shirt.

Personality: quite most of the time

Mental conditions/disorders: always having horrible mental breaks at night

Criminal Behavior/Family Issues: has had the police called more than 10 times in one month from cutting and fighting

Dorm or foster family: dorms alone
Oh hey sorry I'm new I didn't get that we had to post something on here too.

Margo has a long dark history that would explain why she's so damn ****** up. Her brother and her father were both in the same institution at one point or another, so it runs in the family. But now they're "Cured" and everything was fine and happy with the world, that was, until, Margo killed her boyfriend. It was a classic case of self defense, she dumped him, he tried to kill her, but she won out in the end. Before all that happened she was fine, completely fine! Obviously she had emotional damages from her father and her brother being locked up, but no one ever imagined it would happen to Margo. You never met a girl with a better head on her shoulders, a bigger smile, a better outlook. But taking a life, taking the life of her first love, the one she had given her virginity, her first kiss, it killed her. They'd dated for years but he cheated on her, and no matter how much she loved him the trust was broken. Her eyes are a haunting green and her skin so pale she looks like a ghost. Before she got locked up she was homecoming queen and an incredible artist, now she can't even bare to pick up a pen. She has gone off the deep end, absolutely and in a very violent way. It took a tranquilizer and a straight jacket to get her there, and a miracle to get her out.

J.D is not crazy. At least, not anymore. He's Margo's brother, and he used to be locked up in the same institution. Now, he only visits, every single day. He hopes he'll be able to help her out of it the way she helped him, but she's just so far gone. He's 21 and very handsome, majoring in business at the local college. His hair is a light brown and his eyes a lighter green than his sisters.
Character Bio: Aria had always been normal, but in an outstanding sort of way. She didn't cuss, steal, or break too many major rules. She did extrodinarily in her acedemic life, and her social life was comfortable for her. She was athletic enough to stay fit, but she wasn't skinny. She had her whole life together, but suddenly everything crumbled in a night, when she killed an armed robber that had entered her home. Ever since then, a case of schiznophrenia has haunted her.

Name: Aria

Gender: Female

Age: 14 8th grade

Appearance: Hair varies from dark brown to black, green eyes, lately she has a pale tinge to her skin. Something along the lines of this

Personality: Happy and witty when she isn't haunted by her condition. She likes to be nice as much as she can, because it makes her feel like less of a burden. When her visions come she can become distant and irritable, even dark and dangerous.

Mental conditions/disorders: Schizophrenia

Criminal Behavior/Family Issues: Killed an armed robber

Dorm or foster family: Dorms alone (especially because she can become dangerous when she's asleep)

Character Bio: Jay was never quite the same as everyone else. He kept to himself, and when he ever voiced his thoughts, people were astounded by how brutally honest he was. His only friend saw his athletic abilities as beneficial and recruited him in a top secret group of assasins. They killed mostly for money, but were also responsible for the deaths of known criminals and other menaces to society. He was caught when a colleague made a career ending mistake.

Name: Jay

Gender: Male

Age: 15 8th grade

Appearance: Brown hair, black eyes, wears comfortable but fitting clothing click

Personality: Dark, serious, reclusive, cold, brutally honest

Mental conditions/disorders:

Criminal Behavior/Family Issues: Trained assasin

Dorm or foster family: I don't think anyone would want to be his dorm member... xD
Oh hey [MENTION=1526]HoOdWiNk[/MENTION] (Does the name 'Gamzee' mean anything to you?) approved, the thread slowed down again so I decided to not bother, but you're here, so go ahead and post :)

And I'd like to get a post from @Max Ride, [MENTION=3856]AngieG[/MENTION] , and yes [MENTION=2458]Sam Smith[/MENTION]
Name: Leah Flannery

Gender: F


Appearance:View attachment 9359

Personality:Leah is very quiet. She hardly ever speaks, only to people she trusts. And that's a very rare few.

Mental conditions/disorders: Leah suffers from manic depression and schizophrenia.

Criminal Behavior/Family Issues: Leah was abandoned by her father when she was young, and was left with her bipolar mother, who eventually left her for a crackhead friend and left for Vegas. She lived alone until the state found out and sent her here.

Dorm or foster family:ALone dorm room
Name: Elle

Gender: female

Age:(13-26, since they can be left back also mention what grade and specify if they're left back): 15 8

Appearance: View attachment 9526

Personality: sweet, loves animals and helping people

Mental conditions/disorders: (Can be none but they still get therapy): None. She has a broken home and came here only for the people, but gets therapy.

Criminal Behavior/Family Issues: (If their not in for mental condition alone): Father abusive, mother murdered. Brother was kicked out and looking for her

Dorm or foster family: (If dorm, specify your dormroom buddy or you can have a dorm alone...doesn't matter.): Aria, otherwise, I'll be alone, unless someone doesn't wanna be alone. :) (Hey.)
Name: Joanne "Jo, Joey" Monezro

Gender: Female

Age: 15; 10th grade

Appearance:Milk chocolate skin and a height of 5'2 with a small but well-figured body shape; Jet black and always kept in a bun, high or low; Hazel and right under her right eye is a small black mole. From a rebellious teenage year, Joanne got a Monroe piercing and a tattoo of the sun on her palm. Her face seems to be permanently stuck in the emotion of a furious person; usually wears loose cargo pants that tighten around her ankle, and tennis shoes. For a top she wears a regular long-sleeve crow-neck shirt with a scarf of matching colors or a plain grey sweatshirt. SHe also has a brown cross-body messesnger bag that she carries everywhere. On special occasions, she'll wear a black fedora

Personality: Naturally rebellious, contentious, and a bit cynical. She is also easily set off, due to anger issues obtained throughout years of being walked over. One thing she would never admit is the fact that she's extremely sensitive. She takes everything to heart and has to constantly console herself mentally. She keeps a lot of things bottled up, and is also extremely self-critical, taking a lot of things out on herself. Joanne also loves to protect and look out for her sister, Vanella. Joanne hates being alone, because while she is alone, her obsessive thoughts come back, causing her to indulge in her compulsions.

Mental conditions/disorders: OCD

Criminal Behavior/Family Issues: Assault, Attempted Murder

Joanne's family was perfect, but too perfect for her. Always trying to be a loving family and wanting to know everything about her life. Her parents were workaholics who surpringly still found time to nag and intrude in Joanne and her younger sister's life. She kept everything in her head, which lead to overthinking and finally obsessions and compulsions. Her parents finally took her to the Quest Academy after finding her washing her hands to the point where they were bleeding and she wouldnt speak.

Dorm or foster family: Dorm (Undecided Partner)

Name: Vanella Monezro

Gender: Female

Age: 13; 8th grade

Appearance: Same milk chocolate skin. 4'11 and waiting on a growth spurt that will never come, very curly black hair in an afro-type style and hazel eyes and dark freckles that paint her nose and cheeks. Usually wears a long sweatshirt and tights with various designs and colors.

Personality:Vanella is unpredictable and quirky. She is athletic and cant sit still for a second. Although she doenst like authoritive people, she will comply if negotiated with. Vanella enjoys big crowds and likes to brighten the day of others.

Mental conditions/disorders: Bipolar Disorder

Criminal Behavior/Family Issues: Vanella was more open to the family, causing her diagnosis to become known sooner. Vanella had constant mood swings. For one whole week she could be a ray of sunshine, but the next it seemed like a dark rainy cloud dangled over her head. She was finally admitted to Quest Academy after her parents found her slicing at her lower legs with a razor blade during one of her "down" weeks.

Dorm or foster family: Dorm(undecided partner)
[MENTION=3955]fluttershy6277[/MENTION] [MENTION=2482]Lily[/MENTION]

Both in, just jump in whenever possible.

I'll probably make a male character thoug :/

...And of course you Cocoabutterz but you knew that.

Note to anyone who posts on here, just remind me with an @command so I know, because I don't always check here in time to see new rpers
Character Bio:

Name: Wane Moonscar/Sivart Recklaw

Gender: M

Age: 15; 8th grade

Appearance: (I want to try to get a photo later) Raven-Black hair, blue eyes, fair-skinned. Wears a blue amulet and purple cloak, wears dark clothing


Wane Moonscar is an arrogant and narcissistic boy that likes to cause trouble as well as constantly flirt with lots of women. Basically, the type of guy you want to slap across the face.

Sivart is his polar opposite. A shy but friendly soft spoken boy. He's polite and good mannered and always follows the rules. He is easily frightened or scared by certain things or people.

They are two separate personalities in one body, if that isn't the obvious by now.

Mental conditions/disorders: Dissociative Identity Disorder (Split Personality)

Criminal Behavior/Family Issues: Travis Walker used to always be the soft spoken and affable boy until a lot of emotional experiences within his family happened. His mother passed from heart failure and his father successively a few months later. According to psychologists, he coped by making an alias of himself, (Wane Moonscar) to forget the sad orphan he is in his normal life. The kids at school had started to taunt the strangeness he exhibited and gave him a backwards name, Sivart Recklaw. He was much more receptive of the new name and it stuck. It was a few months into foster care that the odd and unexpected personality shifts warranted him to be sent to Mental institution school.

Dorm or foster family: Foster
(so starting up rp xD )

Ashley was skipping down the hallways to the checker "heyy miss im here" she giggled and set her bag down. she let the person check her and went to her locker. she got what she needed and went to her first class

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