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Multiple Settings queer apocalyptica 1x1 search


New Member
i'm a big steaming pile
(they/them - he/him)
i'm anxious and sad and like to write
i'm not mean, just exhausted and ill ok?
match me in playing any/all genders n sexualities
i'm 27, so please be at least 20 to write with me
i will rp wherever, i like ooc chat, can do discord, etc
ditching happens
i can reply once a week for sure, maaaybe more-- usually more if i'm into the story

will pm me with something more than 'i wanna rp'
come at me w your plots. i promise i care.
know to write, and know that quality=/= quantity, and that some times in the story call for shorter posts, others longer, etc, etc
bring me your beautiful, fucked up, unconventional, complex characters

gimme what i want
- hurt comfort, polyamory, revolutionary movements, rise of the working class, sobbing, cute stoners
- characters with mental illness, anxious characters, characters with overwhelming self-doubt, characters who make really bad choices, amoral characters
- major character death!
- driving around very late at night in empty cities, driving through a snowstorm to bring pot to your crush, ugly breakups, city boys and country boys, cowboys, dogs
- young characters stuck with overwhelming responsibility, loss, tragedy, grief, suicide, farms, cows
- inter-generational trauma, healing, wise old grandmothers, cooking, kitchens, tall churches, stained glass, maize, brujeria
- dystopia, apocalypse, zombie apocalypse!!!
- gardens, botany, distress, futuristic, police state bashing, working class, poverty, trailers, pools run over by algae and wild flowers, mountains, dusk, silhouettes inside tents, whispered confessions
- running from zombies, rationing, survival, medical emergencies, diversity in bodies, diversity in identities
- powerful, complex women & femme characters who get shit done, finding too many newborn puppies, nursing an addiction throughout the fall of the world as we know it
- betrayal, cheating, broken hearts
- trauma, ptsd, trauma bonding, hallucinations, hallucinogenics, drug use, nerds, witchcraft
- globalization, ghost hunters, paranormal investigation, ineptitude
- brokenness, bakeries, tiny apartments on top of stores, loud fights, quiet, agonized fights
- strong women & femme characters overpowering and using men
- long winters, log fires, angry teary drunken breakdowns
- big eyes, elegant hands, psychiatric interventions, chain smokers, chubby, fat characters
- leather, punks, travelers
- anti-racist
- playing in a band, alcohol and drinking problems, evil witches
- terminal illness, cockroaches, boat rides, ferries
- abuse, overcoming abuse, escaping abusers, murdering abusers
- getting away with crimes, hail, endless rain, starvation, surviving fictional wars, historical drama
- getting away from racists, being stuck with racists, small racists towns and only having each other
- deathly cough that just won't go away, demonic possession, death from consumption, moonshine stills, contraband, networks
- rats, morse code, psychotic breaks, minimum wage, young parents, spell casting, herbs, shelves full of jars with dried flowers, mushrooms, oils, halos

more concrete plot idea: post apocalyptic botanical witches
- a well established post apocalyptic world, maybe zombies but more leaning towards like an environmentally decimated world. cities are empty, it's hard to live, hard to breathe, hard to grow or eat much. i imagine a lot of people get really sick and die young.
- band of witches? i see at least a few really powerful femme characters leading a small group of survivors. they're botanical witches, lol, and forage and hunt around for whatever plant life/barks/roots, even stones, mica, pigments, etc, to make medicine. it's unsafe, and impractical, for them to stay in one single place for long, but they stop by in towns to sell their brews.
- they're highly respected, evidently queer, their medicine is contraband? outlawed by whatever small authority is trying to take control again? or maybe each town has their own like, sheriff, and many people don't approve/fear the witches, yet mostly that's a campaign of fear and misinformation, because their medicine gives survivors freedom, because otherwise they have to pay exorbitant prices for like, maybe leftover conventional medicine that the small town authorities have?
- i see bounty hunters chasing after the witch caravan
- i see the witches needing to keep really good, trustworthy people around them. i see them 'bossing around' boys/men
- i see them rescuing young, vulnerable, traumatized bbs, i see young people who have a natural talent for brewing medicinals chase after them, try to join their caravan
- not every witch has the same 'powers', some are really good at say, finding water sources, foraging, others are healers, others can keep track of the weather
- sacrifice, sweat and dirt being wiped off brows, dry air, dust everywhere
- elders remember the world how it was before, young people know only this incredibly difficult existence

or just give me a good zombie apocalypse rp, please, i would love you forever

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