Queen's Waltz (SU/Info)


New Member
(Based on the Holocaust loosely) This is post-sweep rp, where an unknown disease wiped out 97% of males on the Earth. The world is ruled by women, to which they adapted to woman being the dominate sex while the few men left in the world have little rights. The men are treated as street rats, and because of this they begin to ask why, and why the disease only killed males.

The queens of each section of earth ponder this, and they decide to each delegate their rule to a look-alike and live, as men, in several factions.

They may be together, though since there are not many men they travel alone most of the time.

Each Queen has a set of rules they agreed on that go against their conduct. They are:

1.) Do not reveal you are royalty or a woman

2.) Being rude is okay; you may ask anyone any questions

3.) Do not stereotype the men before you meet them

4.) There will be no secret-telling

5.) You cannot bring anything of yours with you, you start from scratch just like a normal male

6.) There is no giving up and returning to your kingdom until you realize how important males are

7.) Bring your daughters if you have any

8.) Do not travel all together, it may be suspicious

9.) Do not get in a romantic situation with any male

10.) Lie

Roleplayers can be a queen or a man, but the queen must have some type of disguise. They can just be a traveler, a merchant, or anything else that you can think of. The character can be a warrior fighting for rights, so you can carry weapons.


No Bunnying

No God-modding

Get the owner's permission if you want to harm or kill their character

You may have NPC's but not if they're main

5 character maximum

3-5 paragraph minimum (Unless in a fight scene)

Characters can be the following: Queen, Princess, Man or Woman (Who believes in male rights and/or has a relationship with a man)

Swearing or bad language is allowed

The rule of "No romantic situations" is just for show. You may have romantic situations if you can handle the PG-13 rating.

Don't ninja, let me know if you want to quit.

Character sheet:


Nickname (if applicable):






For/against male rights?:


Oh, you just need to ask a Mod or Admin. (People like Esme, Kagura, Riddle78 and GgAcE the site creator)

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