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Multiple Settings Queen of Procrastination (rp with me c: ?)


Going to be poofy today! I am doing chores.
Ya see what I did there with that title? Eh? My screen name? Queen of Peace? Okay I'm sorry 🤦
So hello, I am queenofpeace (if you get that FaTM reference I love you sm) and I'm new to this site. Not new to RPing, though. I figured this is the best place for me to meet someone who shares the same passion for writing and RPing like I do!
From what I can gather, these threads start with an introduction, so here's mine:

- I love creating plots. I don't have a specific genre or fanbase that I prefer, though. I often will listen to music and a song will inspire me to want to get my fingers hitting the keyboard! So I do like making plots and bouncing off my partner for details and characters and just building a firm outline that we will both enjoy roleplaying.
- I'm 19, and have started studying to become a vet. I am also working so I only get one day off a week, so my activity (especially as the year progresses) may not be the greatest. I will do my best even if I'm busy to jump on and say hello though! I love to talk outside of the RP, it keeps me connected.
- I'm from Australia! My timezone is different to most, probably, but I will still be on!
- I am a fool for romance RPs. I do have a preference for mxf though, only because I have no other experience with anything else ^^' That being said, I'm fine with LGBT+ characters, etc.
- I'm not sure what else to put in here...

In terms of roleplays...
- I love historical roleplays. Love, love, love. From the 1900s to medieval-fantasy times, I'm keen.
- I also lover fantasy! I can also work with powers, but not superhero plots.
- I'm honestly pretty open to anything lol.

I like to write at least a nice paragraph, I'd say. I'm not the kind of person to write a novel that's full of fluff that my partner can't even respond too, but I do like to explore the characters thoughts and feelings as well as move the plot forward, I guess is the best way to describe it. So long as you can write a nicely detailed post that I can connect with, I'm happy. Quality over quantity!

So yeah! I hope you're intrigued and will RP with me C:
Tired lol, but I typically like a medieval fantasy RP setting the most idk what we would do for the story though
I've got a couple ideas for medieval. There's always the classic and sappy arranged marriage to join two kingdoms. Or we can go with something that has more action, I've got a couple of plots I can dig up. I do love medieval-romance-and another genre.

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