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Multiple Settings quarantined and looking for an RP


New Member
hey there!

the quick facts
+please be at least 21. this is for my own sanity (and also the themes I tend towards)
+I don't have a post length preference. all I ask is that you match my effort. sometimes the most engaging posts can be a single paragraph, and sometimes the most useless posts can be 1000 words of prattling prose. it's all about how you use the tool, you know what I mean?
+I'm looking for romance to be a meaningful part of the plot. what this DOESN'T mean: two characters are madly in love and that's most of the RP and otherwise things just happen around them. what this DOES mean: the circumstances and character development that bring two people together create a world where their love is impactful to the narrative and has consequences to more than just them
+I'll RP any of the following settings: modern, fantasy, magical, futuristic (as long as it doesn't involve aliens or slimy bugs)
+I am 100% ditch-friendly. life is really difficult and shit gets in the way and you owe me literally nothing. we are having fun together and joining our imaginations. I don't view RPing as a deeper commitment than that. please respect the same from me. however, if it's been a week and you haven't heard from me, I welcome check-ins! as long as that's what they are: checking in, not implying that I've disrespected you intentionally or that I'm outright ignoring you. I understand that it can be upsetting to look forward to something and have it fall through, but that's not the same thing as accusing me of deliberately seeking to upset you. it sucks that I even have to add this on here, but I've seen too many people complain about this kind of stuff that I have to be clear about what I expect and what you should expect from me.
+if I'm doing all the heavy lifting, we aren't a good match. plot with me, build with me, collaborate with me!
+I play nonbinary people, men, women, and femme characters. I'm happy to put on whatever hat fits best

to that point, enter my usual likes~~

+enemies to lovers
+forbidden romance
+friends that won't admit their feelings for one another until it's too late
+childhood best friends that are forced on opposite sides of a war
+a hardened master and a rebellious apprentice
+characters at odds with one another's morals (think good vs. evil but way more nuanced than these generalizations imply)

I can make up any OC to fit whatever general setting and dynamic we discuss. as far as fandoms go, I really only RP a very specific fandom canon pairing and I'd rather keep this request thread to original ideas.

ideas I've been hoping to try out:

two characters with a common enemy
one centuries old vampire, one human grad student, both in pursuit of a vampire hunter that is gearing up to wage war on vampires and using humans as warm bodies to fight. the vampire reluctantly teams up with the grad student who is studying the history of vampire hunters and has unexpectedly crucial information to aid in tracking them down. they slowly (and I mean *very slowly*) develop a bond, and when they find the vampire hunters it becomes clear that their ultimate battle is something much more personal; the grad student is a descendant of the vampire hunters, and once they kill the hunter they have found, the grad student will ascend. what do they do? will they fall in love? can a vampire even truly love a human? can a vampire hunter reject their calling? so many questions that I'd love to pursue (I'm hoping to play the vampire)

two characters with an unlikely connection
one decades old spirit caught in a mansion they cannot ever leave, unable to pass on or return to the mortal world. one down-on-their-luck human who just inherited a fortune and an old mansion from their estranged father. after the human moves in, they begin having encounters with the spirit, and the two of them realize that the only way to set either of them free is to discover the circumstances of the spirit's death and what it has to do with the human's family.

two characters who believe they are right in their own ways
one son of a political hero and one daughter of a nobody fighting on opposing sides. each want to end the reign of terror that has plagued their lands in this century-long plutocracy, but they disagree with each other's methods. there is no moral high ground here -- both sides use violence, coercion, all the war tactics one might expect. the daughter is sent on a mission to retrieve information about weapons, and she is found by the son and his personal guards. he decides to spare her life, and they both feel as if they have met somewhere before. as war rages on and the two sides become more divided each day, they realize that the key to saving the world may have something to do with who they are and why they feel so familiar to each other.

if you see anything you like, send me a PM with which dynamics listed above you want to plot with me or a riff of your own. looking forward to hearing from you! stay safe out there
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I'm back!!! lost my job and under a mountain of stress, so if we had an RP planned please be gentle with me.

I've added a new idea that I'm hoping someone bites (pun intended) -- anyone, new or current partners, are welcome to message me

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