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Multiple Settings Quarantine Roleplay Partner Search (Primarily Mafia Based)

Roleplay Type(s)
I have loads of free time on my hands so why not try to get another roleplay going?

I only write in third person, and I really would like if my partner did too. I don’t need/expect much to be written per post. A paragraph or a few give or take is all I’m going to write usually and I don’t need more from my partner. Just enough to move the story along (and not leave me doing all of it and vice versa).

I can most definitely do multiple responses a day, especially because I'm in quarantine like so many other people right now. I’d love a partner who could do the same, but I understand that people get busy. Giving me a heads up if you’ll be leaving for long periods of time is such a huge plus for me. I’ll try to do the same.

I don’t really have any huge overarching idea for this one, something mafia/gang-related/police would be great. I am VERY OPEN to any ideas my partners might have. I’ve also have been in the mood of superheroes/superpowers currently.

I’d like to play the criminal, and I would really prefer to play a female. I can write a male, however, if the plot and characters are good. My partner can practically write whoever. It would be ideal if their character was some form of law enforcement (police officer, detective, government worker, etc.)

There could be some mature-ish themes in this one, depending on the plot and the partner; mental health (done respectfully only), abuse, potentially mild forms of addiction.

If you’re interested or have any ideas, please reply below and I will PM you. I will be cleaning this thread from time to time, just to keep it looking nice.


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