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Active [Quang] Property for my Property - Part 1: What's on Sale

This RP is part of the Isekai Hell setting. It's currently open to limited participation, so let me know if you want to join and I'll see if we can make it work.

What to expect out of character:
This part is meant to be a short opening (< 30 days) to a series (aiming for 30 to 45 days per part afterwards) with the goal of Saoirse obtaining an Estate Asset through Wealth D (or ideally a higher grade if it can be upgraded before the series ends). Round-turning/narrative posts are planned every Wednesday and Sunday morning or afternoon (UTC+1), so post before then or risk being skipped.

Additional posts between players, outside of normal rounds, are encouraged so long as they don't advance the main plot (and I might personally get a few smaller interactions up between narrative rounds as well if there's a demand).

What to expect in character:
Saoirse returns from her desert trip with a new slave, whom she's planning to get equipped, only to hear about an offer she can't refuse. The rest of the gang, as usual, have little other choice than to follow along.

Mentions and goals:
Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario – Buy some new property. | Buy some new gear for her current and new property. | Buy an estate property to house her property.
Ryuuji Kamimura TheTimePiece TheTimePiece – Help Saoirse deal with the business. | See if he can firmly claim his position as Saoirse's second.
Cow Femboy Femboy – Be a good cow. | Give milk?
Diego Argento Megilagor Megilagor – Pick his new gear. | Prove he wasn't a mistake to take on.
Fenrir Hellsing Maxxob Maxxob – Be bought by a bunny. | Show he's a worthwhile purchase.

Ororoot Empire. Capital City: Quang, Weapon Shop
From: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3qLDDJ

Saoirse Desrosiers

Active titles: Beast, Haregon, Liudong Lianhua Monastery Affiliate F, Prideful, Bunny Girl, Stockperson, Slaver, Mentor C
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Cow Femboy Femboy | Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Diego Megilagor Megilagor | Fenrir Maxxob Maxxob

“Ugh, it feels like I still have sand stuck in my fur.” She'd mumble, as they entered the weapon shop. The desert outing had been long, hot, slightly annoying, but also fairly profitable. She'd gotten some great new contacts in the desert city, allowing her wealth and influence to grow. She also had a new slave thanks to the trip.

“Well then, Diego, it's all yours.” She'd state, gesturing him into the store. “A deal's a deal, after all.” She added, as she'd allow him to pick his own gear from this store. She'd check the others. “Are the rest of you still good on equipment?” She asked, as she didn't like cheapening out too much on gear for her slaves, as that would discourage them from flourishing. (OOC: Please give me a list of what your character needs for equipment at D grade or lower.)

Melia Hayward

Melia was first to speak up. “I would wish to obtain a new shield, madam.” She'd state, firmly yet with some respect.

Saoirse would nod. “Very well, go find something suitable.” She'd state, allowing Melia to go pick something. The latter would head to the shield section and carefully observe, lifting some up, checking their weight... She wanted to make sure she'd got the best of the best for her current level and position, in order to do her task of protection Saoirse and fulfilling her goal of flourishing as a warrior even better.

Jastira Veidi


“Perhaps, if milady wishes, I could get a second catalyst? I always wanted to have a spare one.” She figured she'd try her luck. All in all, the main reason was that a lot of catalysts looked like jewellery and that it was probably the closest she'd get to having accessories paid for.

Although Saoirse suspected as much, she'd nod. “You've done well enough to have earned one, go ahead. Just skip the extraordinary fancy ones. They're not worth their price.” She'd add the next bit, making it clear there were some limits to her generosity.

Jastira would give a fairly deep bow in gratitude, as she went to go pick something. Wondering how much the upper-limit of Saoirse's wallet would open up for her and what the fanciest thing was that she could get for it.

That left Ryuuji and Lei-Cao. “Anything either of you needs?” She'd ask. However, before she could get a reply, a large and fancy dressed beastman walked over.

Shop Owner


From: Microsoft Copilot

“Ah, my, you must be a real noble customer! It's an honour to have you, miss..?”


“Desrosiers! Outstanding! Perfect! If I might be as rude as to suggest it, I have a deal that is absolutely perfect!” He would gesture her to follow, which she did.

Upon leading her to the back of the room, he'd show her a Wolfman (Fenrir) who was just... sitting there. “You see, madam Desrosiers, a while ago, someone entered my shop and begged me to sell me my entire stock of anti-monster and anti-curse weaponry, armour, amulets, catalyst. Everything. Considering he could barely pay for even the cheapest things, he was desperate enough to offer me a slave of his and one of his estates. I think, by now, all his assets in general have been liquidated, but that's another matter... Either way, I couldn't easily refuse such a deal from a nobleman, so I accepted, but I've got no clue how to sell a slave and I know the Slaver's Guild or Merchant's Guild would offer me some scraps at best. So please, madam, why don't you take a look at him? See if he's to your liking? If you want, I can even throw in the estate he gave me and sell them both as a package deal!”

That was a lot to take in. “Right... what's the catch?” She'd speak up (Intimidation C), which made the owner let out a nervous chuckle.

“Well... the man was convinced his estates and even his slaves were haunted. Of course, nothing of that is true, I assure you, I think, but he was so highly convinced that monsters or curses were involved that anyone that hears about it figures it's not worth the risk. So they didn't want to touch his previous belongings, leaving anyone that accepted them, well... Ehm...

Either way, I assure you, those are just rumours. The slave hasn't caused any trouble since he's been here and whilst I haven't been there myself, I'm sure the estate he sold me for his gear is entirely unproblematic as well. Even so, I'm willing to sell them at a discount, as part of a package deal, simply due to wishing a noble owner as you to have them!”
The latter bit sounded like a practised merchant story.

Meanwhile, Fenrir wouldn't know about the estate in question, as he'd been bought later and never went to it, having been trained in another estate in the inner city, rather than the more rurally located estate that'd been exchanged. That said, he would (if he wanted to) be able to back up his former master's bad financial decisions and investments in many pricey anti-monster and anti-curse items, most of which likely weren't even legitimate ones.

The whole story made Saoirse raise an eyebrow. It didn't take long before Fenrir could see Saoirse stare directly at him and he felt some form of magic being used on him as she got closer (Appraisal B). “Hmmm... Born for what..?” She wondered, but she shrugged it off. “So you're a butler? What are your talents and goals.” She'd ask him, wondering if it was worth taking him on. Either to make him flourish or to have him help make others flourish. Possibly both. Perhaps he could even help deal with the cow.

Titles: [Beast], [Born For This], [Butler], [Native] - #3FA008

Elvario Elvario

The last few days have been quite hectic for Fenrir. The bankruptcy of his former master had not been predicted by the wolfman so soon, however its inevitability was clear. The large sums of glittering gold being spent so freely in all sorts of trinkets and baubles, with the promises of protection against the terrible curse, which he heard about it on a daily basis, sounded pretty suspicious. The aversion his prior master had towards monsters was also bizarre, considering from what he had seen of other nobles in the Ororoot Empire. Yet, he never dared to question his master: that was not something a slave and servant should do. Dutifully as ever, he had spent his days training the sword and serving his master, to keep protection against the unseen, looming threat.

Being the very last of the slaves being liquidated, the butler found himself with a new and transient owner, or at least that was what he imagined. His time in the Weapon Shop had been quite a calm one: serving as needed and as efficient as he could. There was no left in him, without even being able to remember what that would be like. Even if he tried to force his memory, things from before his servitude were foggy, like an impenetrable wall impossible to cross. All in all, he was content with his situation. Not being in charge of one's destiny could feel... refreshing. Liberating even.

Whatever internal musings he might have had were cut short with the door of the room he was in began creaking open, prompting his gaze to follow those who entered the room. One, he already knew: the hippopotamus shop owner. The other, a petite bunny-kin. Without wasting time, Fenrir was on his feet, brushing and straightening his clothes to make himself more presentable. The last piece of advice that his former master had given him was that appearances were paramount to be purchase by another master, and this was an advice he had taken to heart. After all, he didn't want to end up like one of the poor dregs who ended up in slave pens, never being bought.

The towering, muscular wolf stood silent, hearing his transient master talk about what had happened with his previous one. Fenrir was there personally when the conversation took place, the lion-kin's worries about curses and monsters having reached its zenith, desperation which bordered insanity in the eyes of the most. Midnight screams, sleepless nights, darting eyes: it was all there. Despite Fenrir's much patrolling, guarding and standing at the ready, nothing appeared to sooth the lion's mind.

That aside, it seemed that his transient owner was attempting to strike a deal with the bunny. It was the butler's duties to aid him in such matters, would it not? While also not blurring nor souring the prospect relationship with this possible owner. "Through my experience in my former master's estate, I couldn't see or perceive anything amiss. Despite performing quite many nightly rounds in the manor, I found nothing." He took the liberty to say it, his sharp, predatory eyes focused on the floor of the room. His low, husky voice was kept in a tone that was audible, yet showing subservience.

When prompted by the bunny, feeling something he didn't understand washing over him, he nodded in confirmation that he was a butler. Keeping his eyes on the floor, he began answering her. "I've been trained in domestic tasks, as well as etiquette. I'm quite fast: both in movement and also in learning. I also have some lingering skills with the blade, but what I pride myself is being able to notice other's needs without those needing to be uttered." His eyes would finally raise from the ground, looking at the bunny-kin for a moment, as he studied her with his [Insight F]. "Would you perhaps be parched, madam?" He asked her, seeing if his study had bore fruit. "My goal is to develop my serving skills, possibly learning different ones, so I can serve my master properly. Excelling at it is my aim."
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus

Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Megilagor Megilagor
Equipped Titles:
Beast, Minotaur, Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy
Point Booster: Attentive Student (E)
Character Sheet

Having went through the whole annoyance that was the desert, Lei wanted to just go back to a peaceful place of stay and rest though only time would tell when she'd be allowed such peaceful respite. For now, it felt like she was being dragged to yet another stop that was nothing but to waste her time. In any regard, visiting such a shop as Saoirse had asked the others of anything they held interest within should have peaked her interest too, but she already believed at this point that Saoirse would likely strike her down with some sort of lazyness comment and perhaps an appearance-slash-talking-referencing insult on top of that.

Then again, since she was the definitive herald of chaos AND such a true champion, plus for how much ridiculous nonsense she's had to put up with, Lei felt rather entitled to  something at this point. Huffing and breathing out with a small sigh, she began stating her half-complaint desires to Saoirse.
"I could do with an improved mace, this one works but feels like it'll wear and bend to breaking with enough use. I could do with a size-up in my armour, the plating could be made to be more protective and dense and I'm very much outgrowing this one. The shoulderguard and armguard straps are getting too small for my muscular definition, the girdle of this is pressing into my abs, the plate legging pieces under the suit's skirt are feeling a little small since I never skip leg day, I could use some new pant-pieces for what I've gotten are older-small things that've been stretched out, and the chestplate is so tight that I can feel my chest and lungs being squeezed into suffocation. Also, I wouldn't mind being treated better and having better resting locations, a better meal schedule of something fulfilling and delicious, and I require my own personal bathroom with working shower, sink and toilet. That should be fitting of bare essentials... " she longingly listed out, gesturing to each issue as she brought it up, even though it was not that long ago Lei had been contemplating her obedience just to earn more respect for her own benefit. It had been rather quickly she had momentarily let it slip out of her mind to continue acting how she did prior.

Though, it would appear as if Saoirse would go off with some other beastkin to look at something else instead of acknowledging and agreeing with her totally fair and well-earned demands. Sighing and shaking her head, she muttered.
"Dumb rabbit... " she softly grumbled under her breath, seeing as Melia and Jastira would go off to look for stuff while for some reason Saoirse opted to acting nice and treating well of the random slave Diego who had just recently joined among them. Okay, now it's stupid. It keeps feeling like she's being forced on pointless trips rather than the actual training she was looking for.

Growing rather annoyed, she eyed Melia and Jastira being distracted for the moment as she supposed Diego would probably be doing a little of the same or too much of fresh-blood to be any sort of matter if she was to do some questioning.

Immediately turning her attention to Ryuuji and planting a tight grasp on his shoulder to catch his attention before he suddenly went off to go do goody-twoshoes cringe, she glared at him with a hint of [Intimidation (F)] as she lightly planted her mace on the floor next to him. Walking close and momentarily standing over him with her height, she eventually intensified her glare and leaned over the man to force a very close interaction between them.

"Okay, since Saoirse isn't here and everyone's busy, you're gonna fess up like a little good boy and tell big mama Lei exactly what she wants to know. First off, I want to know what stupid little background scheme you all have running for some sort of immense hate-plan against me whereas anyone new shows up and you suddenly treat them like family. Don't lie, everyone I've come across since ever meeting you all has treated me the exact same. I know you're playing some ridiculous long-con to mess with me, and second, I expect soon enough that there be some changes around here. I am important, strong, and smart, and I should be acknowledged and well respected just as anyone else, and that includes you doing it too, boy. Third, we are going to  stop with all the stupid  cow insults, okay? I'm a minotaur, and it's an entirely different thing. I do not eat grass, I don't moo, and I don't even have a clue how milk is made, so unless you're gonna tell me so I can shut Saoirse up for good, I should rightfully be acknowledged by Lei-Cao at the LEAST. You are not above me, nor are you better than me. You got that, little boy?" Lei-Cao answered to Ryuuji in a huffed tone, leaning closer and more downward to him so she could hold her height over him without him trying to ignore or demean her. When asking if he had understood it all, she lightly pushed her finger against his face, leaning close and staring at him with a rather peeved glare the whole time waiting on an answer.

1. Intimidation (F) on Ryuuji
Ryuuji Kamimura
Interactions: Elvario Elvario Femboy Femboy

Mention: Megilagor Megilagor

Unlike the other slaves in the party, Ryuuji didn't have a ton of use for using more conventional weapons and armor, outside of a last resort since his kit was usually pretty focused on not being in a position where he'd need to get hit, and supporting from afar. Nevertheless He'd give a respectful bow at Saoirse's display of generosity to spend on her slaves. All he could really hope was that this..different Diego individual would show their worth, they weren't running a charity, and Ryuuji didn't see much need for anyone who wasn't going to provide some sort of tangible value to stick around, much like he was sure that Saoirse felt similarly, much like her, he was only interested in investing seriously in those who could flourish joining their ranks in a more direct way.

Of course there were those other slaves from earlier who would do more menial tasks, yes those had some value too so that slaves like himself and others with higher potential could focus on that instead, but those who got investments in the form of gear that went beyond what was high enough quality to do their aforementioned task, yes they needed to perform to deserve such equipment.

Before Ryuuji probably had a chance to respond properly, on account of Lei-Cao going on a long tangent on all of the things that she apparently deserved just because she managed to prove herself useful in combat once and awhile from what he could tell from last time, what was on his mind was stuff to better protect himself rather than stuff to bash or slash, or shoot.

If this weapon shop had any gear to improve his sustainability like additional light armor He would be open, maybe a catalyst wouldn't be a bad thing.

Should Ryuuji hear Lei-Cao's 'dumb rabbit' comment he'd let out a sigh, why did she not realize that insulting their owner was only going to bring hardship, if she could just get in line, she'd likely greatly expedite getting what she wanted, but it seemed no matter how many times he explained this she wasn't particularly keen on being receptive.

What he hadn't really been expecting was Lei-Cao coming over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder, standing quite tall. He'd look up at her a relatively blank expression on his face while she spoke, even though he likely felt the intimidation some, he knew full well that she wouldn't seriously harm him. He might have flinched a bit at the poke, nor was he expecting her to say 'mama lei' but even so he'd listen.

He'd then nod, and his expression would shift to a soft smile and focused gaze on Lei Cao as he'd speak with some [Seduction F] once more probably not particularly aware of it,

He'd then speak to her in Beastial.

"<I think I'd hardly call it a hate plan or hate campaign, you know just as well as I what our Mistress expects from you and know that when you please her what you're describing tends to stop.

"For example personally, I thought you had quite a showing of strength earlier back in the desert when you helped take out those marauders. I must admit that I was grateful you were there with us. After all there's only one Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus, and I'm lucky enough that I get to have her by my side everyday for protection. If you keep that combat performance up, I'm certain you'll get more of what a tall, powerful, minotaur champion like yourself deserves, you see the Mistress just needs to see more feats of your greatness in defeating our enemies and keeping her safe and she'll understand better.>"

Ryuuji figured he'd go for flattery once more, and technically he wasn't lying, even he would admit that Lei Cao finally had shown herself to be capable of fighting off dangerous enemies. He had no qualms about being agreeable and pleasant too since it had certainly been more effective than his other approaches with the Minotaur. Even so he was a bit baffled why she didn't know where milk came from and that would have been very easy to make a joke or comment at her expense but he refrained from doing so, instead sticking to his original strategy.

For now he'd just hope that this would work out, and that Saoirse would make a good decision, as well as the other slaves who were picking things out.

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