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Answered Q's on "viewers" +

Kaoru Asuna

"I like tiny stuff!"
Roleplay Availability
I am not looking for any roleplays currently.
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  1. One on One
What does that word "viewers" refer to on threads? Example: I posted a 1x1 interest check. I looked back at it 11 minutes later and it had 3 viewers. Does this mean someone is actively looking at my thread? Also, I've noticed that it will tell you how many members and guests, and it will show my username and the person I'm doing the RP with if they happen to be online. It will also say, "...and 1 more," but it won't let me see who the 1 more is. Is there any way to look at who's looking at my threads?
Does this mean someone is actively looking at my thread? Also, I've noticed that it will tell you how many members and guests, and it will show my username and the person I'm doing the RP with if they happen to be online. It will also say, "...and 1 more," but it won't let me see who the 1 more is. Is there any way to look at who's looking at my threads?
yes, it means that someone is actively viewing the thread.

the one more is propbably someone who has their account hidden in some way, usually by not showing that they are online.

i have no clue how to see who else is viewing.
Some extra things to note! The viewer count includes everyone who has viewed the thread within the past hour. Once it's been 60 minutes since the viewer last opened your thread, they're removed from the list.

And when the viewer count refers to"guests", it means that either the person does not have an account, or (much more likely) it's a bot of some sort.
Oh, that's even more helpful. Thanks guys!

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