• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Qᴜᴀʀʀʏ ᴀᴛ ᴅᴀᴡɴ, ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ.



𝚓𝚊𝚍𝚎'𝚜 𝚐𝚏
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • scroll.

    quarry at dawn


    Thank you everyone who has shown interest in Quarry at Dawn so far! If anyone has any questions before completing their cs, feel free to ask here, send me or anyasjoy anyasjoy a dm, or join the discord!

    Deadline: July 23rd. If any extensions are needed, personally reach out and you will be given an extra three days to work on the sheet 🤗

    (example: The Hierophant - The Figurehead)
    AGE: 21 - 26
    (see the job board!)

    (hair, eyes, skin, notable features, etc)
    FACE-CLAIM: (realistic only! if you rather not use real people, art is fine as long as it's a realistic painting, or stick to the facial features alone!)
    BODY MODS: (any scars, piercings, tattoo's?)

    (brief description of their personality)
    VIRTUES: (three to five virtues)
    VICES: (three to five vices)
    LIKES: (as many as you like, but explain WHY your oc likes xyz.)
    DISLIKES: (as many as you like, but explain WHY your oc dislikes xyz.)

    (how did your character end up at Evergreen Camp? were they originally a camper turned counsellor? are they just in need of a summer job? do they know a counsellor that suggested the position? what is their opinion about the Evergreen sisters' disappearance?)
    REPUTATION: (if a returning counsellor, how are they perceived by the young campers, other counsellors, and by the Evergreen sisters? if a new counsellor, how do you expect them to be perceived?)
    RUMOURS: (if returning only: has your character started a rumour about others, most notably the Evergreen sisters? are there any rumours floating around about themselves?)
    THE SISTERS: (what personal relationship has your character had with renee and paige evergreen, if anything at all? if a new counsellor, what do you think the relationship WOULD have looked like?)

    0 - 100%
    CHARITABLE: 0 - 100%
    BRAVE: 0 - 100%
    ROMANTIC: 0 - 100%
    CURIOUS: 0 - 100%
    SURVIVAL: 0 - 100%

    the hierophant

    0 / 2

    Wisdom, conformity, traditions.
    FIGUREHEAD; known for working at the camp the longest of all returning counsellors — they have been around enough to know how things should work, and exactly how to delegate to others. Notably, the Figurehead was very familiar with the Evergreen sisters and knows the extent of the rumour mill that surrounds them. Assists in supervising most of the classes and activities that run throughout the camp, and is passionate about the position and their level of authority. When the situation begins to escalate, will they be able to remain calm and keep a level-head, or will the pressure of leadership become too much?

    Personal beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo.
    REBEL; reluctant to be put into a box, the Rebel has always excelled at challenging those with authority over others. Whether by outright questioning people's motives through confrontation, or undermining them on the side, they will never be satisfied by doing things 'the normal way'. If a new counsellor, the Rebel would most likely play devil's advocate in discussions surrounding the mystery of the sisters' disappearance. If a returning counsellor, more than likely started one or two rumours themselves out of good fun and disdain for the hierarchy the sisters' have represented at the camp.

    the lovers

    0 / 2

    love, harmony, choices.
    THE ARTIST; their chosen form of art (painting, sculpting, etc) has never failed to fix a shitty day, using it for escapism. The Artist was not only known as the counsellor that provided the most engaging class at Camp, but they also caught the eye of one of the Evergreen sisters; and it was impossible to escape unscathed. Was it love? Was it a summer fling? Why did it feel so soul destroying when the body was never found? Maybe that was the intention — to be so enraptured by the attention, it was only natural the disappearance was punishment for daring to fall for an Evergreen daughter.

    self-love, disharmony, imbalance.
    THE HOT HEAD; quick to anger, quick to jump to conclusions, and even faster to fall in love with one of the Evergreen sisters. The Hot Head has returned to camp reluctantly, either out of a thirst for revenge — someone had to be responsible, right? Or, maybe because sleeping at night is no longer an option, because the Evergreen daughter sits behind their eyelids like a stubborn stray lash. What ever the case, the Hot Head intends to get answers, revenge, and sink into memories. Will the truth set them free, or down a path of destruction?

    the sun

    0 / 2

    positivity, warmth, success.
    CITY NATIVE; they have lived in an apartment or penthouse their entire life. Maybe they crave a change of scenery, or a sense of purpose, to push limits and see what they're capable of out in the wilderness rather than surrounded by skyscrapers and the cushy life. If a new camp counsellor, the City Native is likely in for the shock of a lifetime: not only is Fairview Lake deep in the forest and scattered with a deposit of opal caves, vastly different from hearing traffic at their bedroom window all hours of the day, but stumbling upon the disappearance of two notable daughters and the enigma of the mystery around them? If returning, it would likely only be their second session, not quite adept at handling the outdoors as well as others are, and their opinion on the sisters is up to you.

    inner child, feeling down, overly optimistic.
    NEWCOMER; befriending others may or may not come easily to them, what is true is they somehow are pulled into the fold effortlessly. What ever their reasons for attending Evergreen Camp, it becomes crystal clear they have missed a major event: Renee and Paige Evergreen, effectively MIA and likely dead. The Newcomer might bring it upon themselves to gather as much information about them as possible, and the circumstances surrounding the mystery — how could they be expected to do their job when the young campers are scared out of their minds, telling each other ghost stories at night, assuming the worst? Resolved to gain some semblance of truth, will the Newcomer be able to handle the existence of monsters, or find comfort in denial?

    the moon

    0 / 1

    fear, anxiety, intuition.
    BEST FRIEND; the best and maybe only real friend of Renee Evergreen. They lived in Renee's shadow, knew the truth of who she was at her core, and loved her anyway. Maybe she treated others as less than, but never the Best Friend — no, she always kept them company, confided secrets they expect not even Paige knew of, told them of the weird noises she heard late at night and threatening notes left under her pillow. Someone needed to know and it was the Best Friend that was trusted beyond all others. They know the disappearance was no fucking accident, someone or something was behind it, and they won't rest until there's justice for Renee Evergreen.

    release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion.
    BEST FRIEND; it was confusing to be the best friend of Renee Evergreen, the only real monster at Evergreen Camp. Subjected to torment and humiliation during the beginning of the 'friendship', the Best Friend began to do things for Renee out of fear, born from a promise to no longer be the focus of her negative attention. Instead, they would sit together in the cafeteria for supper. She would link their arms when walking to and from lessons with the younger campers. They have mixed emotions about the disappearance: forlorn at the sudden loss of companionship, grateful to never be bullied again. Devastated their best friend suffered an unknown fate, relieved beyond belief someone had the courage to deal with Renee Evergreen themselves. Conflicted, hurt, and scared are the ABC's of the Best Friend.

    the fool

    0 / 2

    beginnings, innocence, a free spirit.
    ENTERTAINER; overly dramatic and theatrical, they can always be expected to say something out of pocket at the drop of a hat. They take great pride in their ability to make a funny quip if the situation calls for it, or even distract someone that's feeling down and in need of comfort. The Entertainer never is able to take things seriously, remembered for laughing during the initial interview with police following the disappearance of the sisters. Some believe that to be suspicious, others know them well enough to shrug it off it's never easy to know the true emotions of the Entertainer, the world is their stage after all.

    holding back, recklessness, risk-taking.
    DELINQUENT; known for mischief and trickery consistently late to lessons and activities, always helping themselves to extra food during supper, encouraging the children to misbehave in order to have some real fun. Their pranks are harmless and their continued welcomed presence at camp is all thanks to the Evergreen sisters, having instantly found amusement in their mischievous ways. Renee found them to be quite useful in conducting her own 'pranks', however much less funny and much more harmful than the Delinquents, and Paige found herself genuinely laughing at the Delinquents boldness. Rumour has it that Paige and the Delinquent would often hole themselves up in the sports shed, smoking weed, and maybe more...?

    the star

    0 / 2

    hope, purpose, spirituality.
    THE BELIEVER; in touch with spirituality, they believe there's a supernatural explanation for any given situation. Working at camp during the summer was not preferable over keeping their head buried in a book about the magical properties of certain gemstones and minerals, or the range of ghosts, ghouls, spectres, banshee's — but the campers love the Believer's ghost stories they whisper over campfires when no one else is watching. Renee Evergreen never used to pay them attention until the fifth day of the 2001 session, suddenly inquisitive of mythologies and urban legends. If you ask the Believer today what happened to the Evergreen sisters that fateful night? The answer was obvious: there are monsters lurking in the wilderness. Renee Evergreen knew it. And so does the Believer.
    despair, self-trust, disconnection.
    THE REALIST; a master of dead-pan responses, opting to be realistic over ridiculous. The Realist is the first to brush off any rumours or suspicions that can't be proven by facts. Their transparency comes across as negative to others. If returning to the camp, the Realist most likely is favoured among the young campers, finding their 'negativity' amusing and real, not fake positive for the sake of it. If new to the camp, the Realist might think they've turned up to the wrong place with the amount of conspiracy spreading among camp surrounding the mystery of the Evergreen sisters.


    0 / 2

    courage, persuasion, influence.
    JOCK; one of the biggest reasons young campers sign up to return to Evergreen camp. An all-rounder with lessons and activities, the Jock's influence over others rivals even that of Renee Evergreen able to persuade people, not out of fear, but inspiration. Are they as wholesome and positive as the campers remember them for, or is it all an act to have optimal control over how they are perceived by others? Did Renee avoid the Jock out of jealousy for how effortless it was for them to be so beloved? Are they eager to seize even more influence and power in the camp now that both Evergreen sisters are gone?

    inner strength, self-doubt, raw emotion.
    BASKET CASE; ruled by their own emotions. There has never been an easy way to regulate how they feel at any given time, giving in to the urge to believe what they're told at face value in the moment, and overthinking it hours later — they come across as paranoid to others, but those that pay attention and know the Basket Case well enough understand the mental health problems plaguing them. Many will write them off as just that: a Basket Case, but the inner strength they have to move forward in the face of self-doubt and raw emotions should never be underestimated. Perhaps the disappearances frighten them, might exaggerate the paranoia even, but their survival instinct might save them all.


    0 / 1

    justice, truth, cause and effect.
    BLOODLINE; a close relative of the Evergreen sisters (cousin, brother, sister, even a twin). Their reasons for attending the 2002 session comes from a sense of desire to understand the truth of Renee and Paige's disappearance and find some justice. The Bloodline is of the belief that there was a cause and effect that led to their untimely fates, that the truth must be hidden at the camp, and people must know more than they're letting on — if anyone is going to get to the bottom of the mystery, no matter what, they will.

    unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonest.
    BLOODLINE; a close relative of the Evergreen sisters (cousin, brother, sister, even a twin). When threatening notes were found in their cabin the day after Renee and Paige's disappearance, stuffed deep inside a pillow case, the Bloodline knew instantly something was amiss. Someone was responsible. Someone knew something. It didn't matter to the Bloodline whether Renee ruined lives, or Paige spent the better part of her camp experience cleaning up Renee's messes, they don't deserve to pay for their sins with their lives — but someone will, and the Bloodline will make sure of it. Tit for tat.


    0 / 2

    balance, purpose, patience.
    GREEN THUMB; nature often feels like coming home. Taking up gardening as a hobby was unconventional at times, but extremely useful come applying for a counsellor position at Evergreen camp. They were in desperate need of someone to teach young campers how to make most of the simple ingredients, to forage and how to plant. The Green Thumb found a second home at the camp, adored by campers and other counsellors alike. It was only natural that Paige Evergreen floated into their corner, finding a getaway amongst the plants and the Green Thumb's ability to not treat Paige as anything special. The Green Thumb was understandably upset at her sudden disappearance, having found their own comfort in their mutual companionship.

    imbalance, self-healing, re-alignment.
    EXCHANGE STUDENT; their first summer in the United States. It was required for the Exchange Student to find work during the summer by their host family and a sleep-away camp far away from the reality of their personal issues seemed like the best option. New to the counselling scene, to the very real mystery plaguing Fairview Lake, the Exchange Student quickly finds themselves confronted with terrifying truths about the state they have settled in. Do they find themselves an outsider, not just as a new counsellor but also a foreigner? Are they able to adjust quickly to the horrifying reality of two missing girls?

    high priestess

    1 / 2

    intuition, sacred knowledge, the subconscious mind.
    HISTORY BUFF; a curious mind and a thirst for knowledge. They're known for their ability to always have an answer for everything, to make sense of the unthinkable, to shut down even the biggest pranksters at camp with an uncomfortable fact. If returning to Evergreen Camp, the History Buff likely cared little for the sisters up until their disappearance — not just as a potential mystery to solve and something to exercise their brain, but by how highly improbable it was to have only been an 'accident'. If new to camp, the History Buff will quickly find themselves sucked into the rumours around the sisters, unable to prevent themselves from eavesdropping and gathering as much information as possible.

    secrets, withdrawal, silence.
    SKEPTIC; never convinced of anything other than what can be clearly seen and confirmed. Won't waste any time hearing nonsense about monsters, curses, and ghosts. Reality is far more interesting than fables, and the Skeptic has no problem offending people in order to get their point across in the face of insanity. They meet most conspiracies with an eye-roll and a shake of their head, disbelieving how gullible some people could be. When confronted with the truth, will the Skeptic accept reality for what reality is? Or will they be plagued by denial, unable to accept anything outside of their viewpoint?

    the magician

    1 / 2

    manifestation, resourceful, power.
    TECHIE; rather live in the future than the past. Being surrounded by nature isn't their first choice, much preferring to be home and playing Elder Scrolls or Resident Evil. Their reasons for attending summer camp is unknown to most, clearly only those most trusted by the Techie will know the mystery and intrigue surrounding them. One such person that found themselves interested in their circumstances was Renee Evergreen, incredibly focused upon in her bullying and humiliation tactics, almost able to rival the Best Friend (reversed only). When the sisters first went missing, the Techie was the last interviewed and left the camp in cuffs, marked a person of interest requiring further investigation. Two days later they were cleared, allowed to return to camp and pack their belongings (much to the suspicious glances of other counsellors and even campers) to go home in time with the others. Returning in 2002 is bittersweet... and maybe a terrible fucking idea.

    manipulation, poor planning, untapped talents.
    TRAVELER; never lived in one place longer than two years. With a family that travels for work often, the Traveler has never understood what it meant to settle until attending Evergreen Camp six years ago. No matter where work carried their family, the Traveler always returned for summer camp, to a sense of normalcy in a life so full of change. On a surface level, some would assume the Traveler was one of the few people able to crack BOTH Evergreen sisters, often seen eating with Paige and assisting Renee with her activities if she needed a plus one. Little did most know that the Traveler had reason to hate both of them — yes, both of them.

    the hermit

    0 /2

    soul-searching, being alone, inner guidance.
    BAND GEEK; used to being alone, but never truly feeling lonely. Not with an instrument in hand. A person of many talents, the Band Geek was skilled enough to travel outside of the country to play at numerous events and festivals, showcasing their talent. At Evergreen Camp, the reception was less popular in the eyes of Renee Evergreen — no matter how hard Paige tried to fend her sister away from the Band Geek. Some people assured them that maybe Renee felt threatened by their talents, having no skills other than manipulation herself. Others thought it was justified, the Band Geek played music so loud after all, the noise obnoxious especially in the hands of younger campers. Word has it: Renee Evergreen was in the midst of shutting down the Music lessons — could the Band Geek have killed Renee in an attempt to keep their summer job safe?

    isolation, loneliness, withdrawal.
    CAREGIVER; a second nature to help others and put them first. With a specific aptitude for medicine and stitching up nasty wounds, the Caregiver is considered the most pivotal person at Evergreen Camp, if not for the safety measures they've introduced, it would no longer be able to run and function legally. They felt especially useless and, sometimes, like a failure when the sisters went missing and nothing could be done from their end. If they were found, then they could be of use — maybe save them from what ever affliction stole them away in the first place. Ideally, the Caregiver would be among the first to step up during a crisis — but would they be able to remain calm and remember what's important in the face of something supernatural?

    coded by xayah.ღ
Deadline: July 23rd. If any extensions are needed, personally reach out and you will be given an extra three days to work on the sheet 🤗

(example: The Hierophant - The Figurehead)
AGE: 21 - 26
(see the job board!)

(hair, eyes, skin, notable features, etc)
FACE-CLAIM: (realistic only! if you rather not use real people, art is fine as long as it's a realistic painting, or stick to the facial features alone!)
BODY MODS: (any scars, piercings, tattoo's?)

(brief description of their personality)
VIRTUES: (three to five virtues)
VICES: (three to five vices)
LIKES: (as many as you like, but explain WHY your oc likes xyz.)
DISLIKES: (as many as you like, but explain WHY your oc dislikes xyz.)

(how did your character end up at Evergreen Camp? were they originally a camper turned counsellor? are they just in need of a summer job? do they know a counsellor that suggested the position? what is their opinion about the Evergreen sisters' disappearance?)
REPUTATION: (if a returning counsellor, how are they perceived by the young campers, other counsellors, and by the Evergreen sisters? if a new counsellor, how do you expect them to be perceived?)
RUMOURS: (if returning only: has your character started a rumour about others, most notably the Evergreen sisters? are there any rumours floating around about themselves?)
THE SISTERS: (what personal relationship has your character had with renee and paige evergreen, if anything at all? if a new counsellor, what do you think the relationship WOULD have looked like?)

0 - 100%
CHARITABLE: 0 - 100%
BRAVE: 0 - 100%
ROMANTIC: 0 - 100%
CURIOUS: 0 - 100%
SURVIVAL: 0 - 100%
the hierophant
Wisdom, conformity, traditions.
FIGUREHEAD; known for working at the camp the longest of all returning counsellors — they have been around enough to know how things should work, and exactly how to delegate to others. Notably, the Figurehead was very familiar with the Evergreen sisters and knows the extent of the rumour mill that surrounds them. Assists in supervising most of the classes and activities that run throughout the camp, and is passionate about the position and their level of authority. When the situation begins to escalate, will they be able to remain calm and keep a level-head, or will the pressure of leadership become too much?

Personal beliefs, freedom, challenging the status quo.
REBEL; reluctant to be put into a box, the Rebel has always excelled at challenging those with authority over others. Whether by outright questioning people's motives through confrontation, or undermining them on the side, they will never be satisfied by doing things 'the normal way'. If a new counsellor, the Rebel would most likely play devil's advocate in discussions surrounding the mystery of the sisters' disappearance. If a returning counsellor, more than likely started one or two rumours themselves out of good fun and disdain for the hierarchy the sisters' have represented at the camp.

the lovers
love, harmony, choices.
THE ARTIST; their chosen form of art (painting, sculpting, etc) has never failed to fix a shitty day, using it for escapism. The Artist was not only known as the counsellor that provided the most engaging class at Camp, but they also caught the eye of one of the Evergreen sisters; and it was impossible to escape unscathed. Was it love? Was it a summer fling? Why did it feel so soul destroying when the body was never found? Maybe that was the intention — to be so enraptured by the attention, it was only natural the disappearance was punishment for daring to fall for an Evergreen daughter.

self-love, disharmony, imbalance.
THE HOT HEAD; quick to anger, quick to jump to conclusions, and even faster to fall in love with one of the Evergreen sisters. The Hot Head has returned to camp reluctantly, either out of a thirst for revenge — someone had to be responsible, right? Or, maybe because sleeping at night is no longer an option, because the Evergreen daughter sits behind their eyelids like a stubborn stray lash. What ever the case, the Hot Head intends to get answers, revenge, and sink into memories. Will the truth set them free, or down a path of destruction?

the sun
positivity, warmth, success.
CITY NATIVE; they have lived in an apartment or penthouse their entire life. Maybe they crave a change of scenery, or a sense of purpose, to push limits and see what they're capable of out in the wilderness rather than surrounded by skyscrapers and the cushy life. If a new camp counsellor, the City Native is likely in for the shock of a lifetime: not only is Fairview Lake deep in the forest and scattered with a deposit of opal caves, vastly different from hearing traffic at their bedroom window all hours of the day, but stumbling upon the disappearance of two notable daughters and the enigma of the mystery around them? If returning, it would likely only be their second session, not quite adept at handling the outdoors as well as others are, and their opinion on the sisters is up to you.

inner child, feeling down, overly optimistic.
NEWCOMER; befriending others may or may not come easily to them, what is true is they somehow are pulled into the fold effortlessly. What ever their reasons for attending Evergreen Camp, it becomes crystal clear they have missed a major event: Renee and Paige Evergreen, effectively MIA and likely dead. The Newcomer might bring it upon themselves to gather as much information about them as possible, and the circumstances surrounding the mystery — how could they be expected to do their job when the young campers are scared out of their minds, telling each other ghost stories at night, assuming the worst? Resolved to gain some semblance of truth, will the Newcomer be able to handle the existence of monsters, or find comfort in denial?

the moon
fear, anxiety, intuition.
BEST FRIEND; the best and maybe only real friend of Renee Evergreen. They lived in Renee's shadow, knew the truth of who she was at her core, and loved her anyway. Maybe she treated others as less than, but never the Best Friend — no, she always kept them company, confided secrets they expect not even Paige knew of, told them of the weird noises she heard late at night and threatening notes left under her pillow. Someone needed to know and it was the Best Friend that was trusted beyond all others. They know the disappearance was no fucking accident, someone or something was behind it, and they won't rest until there's justice for Renee Evergreen.

release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion.
BEST FRIEND; it was confusing to be the best friend of Renee Evergreen, the only real monster at Evergreen Camp. Subjected to torment and humiliation during the beginning of the 'friendship', the Best Friend began to do things for Renee out of fear, born from a promise to no longer be the focus of her negative attention. Instead, they would sit together in the cafeteria for supper. She would link their arms when walking to and from lessons with the younger campers. They have mixed emotions about the disappearance: forlorn at the sudden loss of companionship, grateful to never be bullied again. Devastated their best friend suffered an unknown fate, relieved beyond belief someone had the courage to deal with Renee Evergreen themselves. Conflicted, hurt, and scared are the ABC's of the Best Friend.

the fool
beginnings, innocence, a free spirit.
ENTERTAINER; overly dramatic and theatrical, they can always be expected to say something out of pocket at the drop of a hat. They take great pride in their ability to make a funny quip if the situation calls for it, or even distract someone that's feeling down and in need of comfort. The Entertainer never is able to take things seriously, remembered for laughing during the initial interview with police following the disappearance of the sisters. Some believe that to be suspicious, others know them well enough to shrug it off it's never easy to know the true emotions of the Entertainer, the world is their stage after all.

holding back, recklessness, risk-taking.
DELINQUENT; known for mischief and trickery consistently late to lessons and activities, always helping themselves to extra food during supper, encouraging the children to misbehave in order to have some real fun. Their pranks are harmless and their continued welcomed presence at camp is all thanks to the Evergreen sisters, having instantly found amusement in their mischievous ways. Renee found them to be quite useful in conducting her own 'pranks', however much less funny and much more harmful than the Delinquents, and Paige found herself genuinely laughing at the Delinquents boldness. Rumour has it that Paige and the Delinquent would often hole themselves up in the sports shed, smoking weed, and maybe more...?

the star
hope, purpose, spirituality.
THE BELIEVER; in touch with spirituality, they believe there's a supernatural explanation for any given situation. Working at camp during the summer was not preferable over keeping their head buried in a book about the magical properties of certain gemstones and minerals, or the range of ghosts, ghouls, spectres, banshee's — but the campers love the Believer's ghost stories they whisper over campfires when no one else is watching. Renee Evergreen never used to pay them attention until the fifth day of the 2001 session, suddenly inquisitive of mythologies and urban legends. If you ask the Believer today what happened to the Evergreen sisters that fateful night? The answer was obvious: there are monsters lurking in the wilderness. Renee Evergreen knew it. And so does the Believer.

despair, self-trust, disconnection.
THE REALIST; a master of dead-pan responses, opting to be realistic over ridiculous. The Realist is the first to brush off any rumours or suspicions that can't be proven by facts. Their transparency comes across as negative to others. If returning to the camp, the Realist most likely is favoured among the young campers, finding their 'negativity' amusing and real, not fake positive for the sake of it. If new to the camp, the Realist might think they've turned up to the wrong place with the amount of conspiracy spreading among camp surrounding the mystery of the Evergreen sisters.

courage, persuasion, influence.
JOCK; one of the biggest reasons young campers sign up to return to Evergreen camp. An all-rounder with lessons and activities, the Jock's influence over others rivals even that of Renee Evergreen able to persuade people, not out of fear, but inspiration. Are they as wholesome and positive as the campers remember them for, or is it all an act to have optimal control over how they are perceived by others? Did Renee avoid the Jock out of jealousy for how effortless it was for them to be so beloved? Are they eager to seize even more influence and power in the camp now that both Evergreen sisters are gone?

inner strength, self-doubt, raw emotion.
BASKET CASE; ruled by their own emotions. There has never been an easy way to regulate how they feel at any given time, giving in to the urge to believe what they're told at face value in the moment, and overthinking it hours later — they come across as paranoid to others, but those that pay attention and know the Basket Case well enough understand the mental health problems plaguing them. Many will write them off as just that: a Basket Case, but the inner strength they have to move forward in the face of self-doubt and raw emotions should never be underestimated. Perhaps the disappearances frighten them, might exaggerate the paranoia even, but their survival instinct might save them all.

justice, truth, cause and effect.
BLOODLINE; a close relative of the Evergreen sisters (cousin, brother, sister, even a twin). Their reasons for attending the 2002 session comes from a sense of desire to understand the truth of Renee and Paige's disappearance and find some justice. The Bloodline is of the belief that there was a cause and effect that led to their untimely fates, that the truth must be hidden at the camp, and people must know more than they're letting on — if anyone is going to get to the bottom of the mystery, no matter what, they will.

unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonest.
BLOODLINE; a close relative of the Evergreen sisters (cousin, brother, sister, even a twin). When threatening notes were found in their cabin the day after Renee and Paige's disappearance, stuffed deep inside a pillow case, the Bloodline knew instantly something was amiss. Someone was responsible. Someone knew something. It didn't matter to the Bloodline whether Renee ruined lives, or Paige spent the better part of her camp experience cleaning up Renee's messes, they don't deserve to pay for their sins with their lives — but someone will, and the Bloodline will make sure of it. Tit for tat.

balance, purpose, patience.
GREEN THUMB; nature often feels like coming home. Taking up gardening as a hobby was unconventional at times, but extremely useful come applying for a counsellor position at Evergreen camp. They were in desperate need of someone to teach young campers how to make most of the simple ingredients, to forage and how to plant. The Green Thumb found a second home at the camp, adored by campers and other counsellors alike. It was only natural that Paige Evergreen floated into their corner, finding a getaway amongst the plants and the Green Thumb's ability to not treat Paige as anything special. The Green Thumb was understandably upset at her sudden disappearance, having found their own comfort in their mutual companionship.

imbalance, self-healing, re-alignment.
EXCHANGE STUDENT; their first summer in the United States. It was required for the Exchange Student to find work during the summer by their host family and a sleep-away camp far away from the reality of their personal issues seemed like the best option. New to the counselling scene, to the very real mystery plaguing Fairview Lake, the Exchange Student quickly finds themselves confronted with terrifying truths about the state they have settled in. Do they find themselves an outsider, not just as a new counsellor but also a foreigner? Are they able to adjust quickly to the horrifying reality of two missing girls?

the high priestess
intuition, sacred knowledge, the subconscious mind.
HISTORY BUFF; a curious mind and a thirst for knowledge. They're known for their ability to always have an answer for everything, to make sense of the unthinkable, to shut down even the biggest pranksters at camp with an uncomfortable fact. If returning to Evergreen Camp, the History Buff likely cared little for the sisters up until their disappearance — not just as a potential mystery to solve and something to exercise their brain, but by how highly improbable it was to have only been an 'accident'. If new to camp, the History Buff will quickly find themselves sucked into the rumours around the sisters, unable to prevent themselves from eavesdropping and gathering as much information as possible.

secrets, withdrawal, silence.
SKEPTIC; never convinced of anything other than what can be clearly seen and confirmed. Won't waste any time hearing nonsense about monsters, curses, and ghosts. Reality is far more interesting than fables, and the Skeptic has no problem offending people in order to get their point across in the face of insanity. They meet most conspiracies with an eye-roll and a shake of their head, disbelieving how gullible some people could be. When confronted with the truth, will the Skeptic accept reality for what reality is? Or will they be plagued by denial, unable to accept anything outside of their viewpoint?

the magician
manifestation, resourceful, power.
TECHIE; rather live in the future than the past. Being surrounded by nature isn't their first choice, much preferring to be home and playing Elder Scrolls or Resident Evil. Their reasons for attending summer camp is unknown to most, clearly only those most trusted by the Techie will know the mystery and intrigue surrounding them. One such person that found themselves interested in their circumstances was Renee Evergreen, incredibly focused upon in her bullying and humiliation tactics, almost able to rival the Best Friend (reversed only). When the sisters first went missing, the Techie was the last interviewed and left the camp in cuffs, marked a person of interest requiring further investigation. Two days later they were cleared, allowed to return to camp and pack their belongings (much to the suspicious glances of other counsellors and even campers) to go home in time with the others. Returning in 2002 is bittersweet... and maybe a terrible fucking idea.

manipulation, poor planning, untapped talents.
TRAVELER; never lived in one place longer than two years. With a family that travels for work often, the Traveler has never understood what it meant to settle until attending Evergreen Camp six years ago. No matter where work carried their family, the Traveler always returned for summer camp, to a sense of normalcy in a life so full of change. On a surface level, some would assume the Traveler was one of the few people able to crack BOTH Evergreen sisters, often seen eating with Paige and assisting Renee with her activities if she needed a plus one. Little did most know that the Traveler had reason to hate both of them — yes, both of them.

the hermit
soul-searching, being alone, inner guidance.
BAND GEEK; used to being alone, but never truly feeling lonely. Not with an instrument in hand. A person of many talents, the Band Geek was skilled enough to travel outside of the country to play at numerous events and festivals, showcasing their talent. At Evergreen Camp, the reception was less popular in the eyes of Renee Evergreen — no matter how hard Paige tried to fend her sister away from the Band Geek. Some people assured them that maybe Renee felt threatened by their talents, having no skills other than manipulation herself. Others thought it was justified, the Band Geek played music so loud after all, the noise obnoxious especially in the hands of younger campers. Word has it: Renee Evergreen was in the midst of shutting down the Music lessons — could the Band Geek have killed Renee in an attempt to keep their summer job safe?

isolation, loneliness, withdrawal.
CAREGIVER; a second nature to help others and put them first. With a specific aptitude for medicine and stitching up nasty wounds, the Caregiver is considered the most pivotal person at Evergreen Camp, if not for the safety measures they've introduced, it would no longer be able to run and function legally. They felt especially useless and, sometimes, like a failure when the sisters went missing and nothing could be done from their end. If they were found, then they could be of use — maybe save them from what ever affliction stole them away in the first place. Ideally, the Caregiver would be among the first to step up during a crisis — but would they be able to remain calm and remember what's important in the face of something supernatural?
Welcome to Evergreen Camp! We sport an impressive amount of activities and lessons for our campers, and we need somewhat experienced adults between the ages of twenty and twenty-six to provide comprehensive and exciting programs during the summer. Due to our wide range of offered programs and the length of sessions, choosing to work with us would be an excellent addition to any resume.

Fill out the below application for a chance to join our team for the summer session of 2002!

RETURNING / STARTING (please circle bold the relevant term)
RELEVANT SKILLS: (at least three per job)
PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: (not necessary)

1. COMMITMENT TO CAMPERS. Our huge success here at Evergreen Camp is in large part our dedication to providing youth with extensive care and support during the summer. Our counselor's are not 'teachers' whose day is done once lessons are over, but 'friends' who enjoy meals, recreation, and free time with their campers. It's imperative to build rewarding bonds with the children to earn trust and respect, important traits that will carry on back home with hard-working families. Some students may find your involvement intrusive and difficult to accept, especially those coming from troubled homes, so the ideal candidate will exercise great patience and dedication to achieve a rewarding experience for yourself, and the campers.

2. SAFETY. You must be prepared to put the safety and, in some cases, the life of a camper before your own. We operate on a somewhat dangerous lake that, at a certain time of night, can be incredibly dangerous to swim in. Some campers may suffer from mental health and want a night-time swim, this has happened in the past and thankfully, did not have a fatal outcome. If such an instance happens again, you are expected to retrieve them even at risk of your own life. It is against Oregon law to knowingly endanger the lives of children which includes being a bystander to a preventable situation. There is also a cluster of mines and caves in our mountains - if a child happens to wander off and find themselves lost, missing, or stuck in a mine, you are again required to retrieve them at the potential loss of your own life.

3. CAMP SCHEDULES. We have agreed to the following schedule in order to be fair to our counselors and prevent burnout. With ten total activities and lessons, it's required for each counselor to perform their chosen job(s) at least five times a week. A single camp day should see four total activities/lessons/programs performed with breakfast, lunch, and dinner included.

It stands to follow as:
8:00AM: Breakfast
9:00AM: Orientation (Supervisor will explain the activities for the day, and reiterate the rules campers must follow in accordance to the lesson)
9:30AM: Activity One (Music/Drama, Arts & Crafts, or Nature)
11:00AM: Free Time (campers can use this time to visit the Recreation room, or spend their time freely under supervision)
12:30PM: Lunch
01:30PM: Activity Two (Sports, Swimming/Lifeguard, or Boating/Sailing)
03:00PM: Free Time
04:30PM: Activity Three (Survivalist, or Farming)
06:00PM: Dinner
07:30PM: Free Time (it's down to the counselor's discretion on whether to involve the campers in a game or movie night before lights out)
09:30PM: Lights Out

Counselor's are expected to be awake by 06:30AM and in bed by 11:00PM.

4. DRUGS & ALCOHOL. It is prohibited for campers and counselor's alike to engage in any illegal or reckless activities when attending Evergreen Camp. Failure to act in accordance with this rule with supporting evidence will result in immediately expulsion from the camp and the inability to ever be accepted back to our summer program.
Both positions require counselor's that are either skilled in music (varying instruments, singing, etc) or drama, educating our young campers in theatre and potentially capable of organising campers to produce a play for the final weekend of camp.

Position is seeking someone with knowledge of nature: plants, insects, reptiles. How to identify the various species of those categories. How to treat bites and stings.

Various positions open! Looking for people qualified in Archery (an elective of campers requiring parental permission), how to make fire, build tents, identify landmarks and read maps/compasses, etc.

Looking for a person able to provide multiple arts and crafts activities over the two week period with varying lessons that aren't repeatable! Encouraged to establish a project that can be taken home at end of session.

Sports instructors capable of soccer, volleyball, badminton, baseball, and/or golf. Must be able to communicate effectively with children and provide lessons that optimise exercise and learning.

Two positions available: one as a swimming instructor prepared to swim multiple times a week and capable of ensuring all campers are wearing sunscreen. Another for a lifeguard, must include lessons for campers, but first job is to always be available during swimming lessons in case of emergency. Both MUST be able to perform CPR.

Experience in operating a motorized boat as well as a kayak. Must be able to perform CPR and capable of swimming long distances in case of emergency.

Various roles seeking those capable of teaching campers how to plant seeds, care for plants, collect eggs from chickens in order to use as an ingredient for cooking, and basic gardening.

Position does not require interaction with young campers. Your job is to provide nutritional meals for campers and counselor's alike every day. You may be assisted by other counselor's when needed.

Position for a nurse, capable of treating surface wounds, sprains, cuts and scrapes, with adequate bandage knowledge. Position for crisis aid, able to be approached by campers needing mental health assistance, to call parents or family if a camper requests so, or seek out emergency services should they be required.

Job requirement is to inform campers at orientation of the daily activities after breakfast. Must accompany campers to and from lessons, with a reprieve whilst campers are busy during their programs. Your orders come from the Camp Director, in which you are able to delegate to other counselor's.

Two positions, favouring those that have been former counselors. Quick learners that are all-rounders, capable for filling in for any activity required of them in case of emergency, illness, or otherwise.
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renee evergreen
renee evergreen has never been known to limit herself. with the world figuratively in her hands, why would she sit aside and let others question her choices? accusations of bullying weren't new to renee, but it wasn't a bother — revenge was her favourite dish. sneer at her, and she'll ensure you are thoroughly humiliated for the entirety of summer. speak out against her, and she'll spread the nastiest rumour that comes to mind. young campers believe anything without much convincing, especially against a counselor in charge of their activities — what teenager doesn't jump at the chance to undermine someone in authority? because of her blatant cruel actions to other counselor's, renee was somehow able to foster an environment of fear and loyalty in exchange for not being the next target — if someone was unlikely to care for fake rumours and disrespect, they might care more for the security of their jobs. and with renee evergreen being the 'golden child' daughter, she thrived off the power to dangle summer jobs over the heads of the counselor's.
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paige evergreen
paige did not live in the shadow of her sister, but she was prone to cleaning up her messes. when renee slighted someone, paige was there to offer an apologetic smile. when renee spread nasty rumours, paige would play devils advocate. but no matter what, paige would defend her sister, and if someone believed themselves to be the one to finally dethrone the 'princess', paige was not afraid to remind them she is also an evergreen with as much pull around camp as renee. a genuine kind soul, paige loved her sister, dearly. but renee would always put herself first, unlike paige. desperate for ways to cope, she fell hard into using drugs — not often enough to be a concern, but enough to numb any emotion other than pure resentment. sometimes, she found herself believing it might be easier to be as terrible as her sister.
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jonathan evergreen
jonathan evergreen is a somewhat lucrative businessman. with now two profitable companies in a VHS store and start-up tech company, jonathan is mourning the loss of his daughters but unable to let go of his current passion project: evergreen camp. it has risen in popularity over the years, garnering the attraction of young campers from across the country. main traits: passionate, cowardly, and resilient.
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eva twine
official camp director of evergreen camp. whilst able to make certain executive decisions herself, she typically has a direct line to Jonathan and his wants for the camp are led and implemented by eva. her general demeanour is warm and friendly, especially towards the younger campers - a mother of sorts, at the camp. even for the counselor's. main traits: secretive, demanding, warm.
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hugo burns
groundskeeper and bus driver. hugo is in charge of transporting campers from the drop-off city to easthallow town in turns, keeping the general upkeep of evergreen camp to standard, and working on small maintenance where he can to avoid calling in for contract work. he's known to be helpful when spoken to, but has a general rough exterior that might frighten some of the younger campers - his priority is the upkeep of the camp, not himself. main traits: considerate, stubborn, helpful.
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sheriff jones
sheriff jones operates and lives in easthallow town for the past three years. his short tenure at the department has weighed heavily on his appearance and sanity - the truth of this town, the mountains, the woods, caves, everything unravelled for him in an instant. now he's picking up the pieces. main traits: determined, callous, impulsive.
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  • historian

    • liberty fallon

      24 years

      history buff

      may 1st




      5'5" / 166cms.
      53kg / 119lbs.

      camp job
      star sign

      crisis aid


      naturally blonde, liberty's hair falls to rest just above her hips; she keeps the length long, acting as another layer of clothing along her spine.


      hazel eyes, so dark they are often mistaken for brown.


      liberty sports a small scare on her forehead from her childhood, a line right above her right eyebrow.

      body mods

      ear piercings from when she was an infant.

      notable features

      resting bitch face.

      face claim

      ester exposito

    /* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */
    © weldherwings.
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  • techie

    • juliette yorkes

      23 years old

      the magician

      january 2nd




      5'3ft (1.61 m)
      130 lbs (58 kg)

      camp job
      star sign

      the cook


      the main factor about juliette back at camp was her strawberry blonde hair, which came as a shock to many of the campers when she was seen sporting a new look. the ginger color was long gone, replaced with a blonde hue. her hair, which was normally styled more naturally, used to often appear tousled, typically worn up with loose waves that gave off a slightly messy and effortless appearance. now, it's softer; her curls are brushed out to appear more straightened, with her hair worn down and free.

      no longer in sight were the baseball caps she used to wear; her infamous R.P.D. hat was gone, along with the evergreen sisters. instead, she replaced them with butterfly clips that pinned her hair back whenever it covered too much of her face.


      bright blue eyes, large, striking, and very captivating, juliette's eyes are a window to her soul, making it difficult for her to lie convincingly. the vivid color of her eyes often gives away her true feelings, but over time, she has learned to control her expressions and conceal her emotions more effectively. the way her eyes can appear crystalline adds an extra layer of depth, making her gaze both mesmerizing and enigmatic. it's what renee always told her, that her eyes were her best feature.


      stress comes easily to juliette; she is always constantly deep in her thoughts. she learned the hard way that biting her nails into her skin keeps her at ease, which unfortunately left a few half-moon-shaped scars on her fingertips and inner wrists.

      body mod(s)

      only has one piercing, which is already an embarrassing story. juliette has zero pain tolerance and is quite a chicken. it came as no surprise when she begged her grandmother to get her ears pierced at thirteen years old, only to walk away holding an ice pack to her left ear, openly crying as she did the walk of shame back to the car. refusing to be honest about the truth, she wears little clip-on earrings to conceal the lie.

      notable features

      you could say most things about juliette are notable. her bright blue eyes, the fact she's now a blonde, but she would personally say it's her lips. full, soft, always seen pouting in a playful-like manner to get what she wants. she learned from the best to use her features as a ploy to get people to do what she wishes, so in a way, thank you, renee evergreen.

      face claim

      sydney sweeney

    /* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */
    © weldherwings.

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NAME: Jason “Jay/JC” Carver


“What happens when the deer dies?” I asked.

“It goes back into nature and the other animals use it to survive,” my father said. Back then, his voice felt warmer, like a smokey campfire or the whiskey that trickled down your throat.

“What happens when those animals die?” I followed.

“Well they go back into nature too,” my father placed a hand on my shoulder. It was calloused.

I remember looking up at him and thinking all the world’s knowledge were in those wrinkles.

“Dad, will we go back into nature too?”

“When we die, yes,” he said.

I stared at a faded picture of my father and I holding up the antlers of a large buck we’d snagged for ourselves after spending the weekend tracking it down. It was my first hunt with my father. I stuck the butt of my cigarette into my father’s face and watched as I burned a hole into the photo.

“You should really stop smoking, JC. It isn’t good for your health,” my mother fanned the smoke out of her face from the doorway to my room. More grey hair was settling atop her head by the day and I was sure it was the hardest thing to do; watching your mother grow old.

I flicked the cigarette out the window and sighed.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“I wanted to patch up your nose a bit,” she said, walking towards me with a small sewing kit that’d since been replaced with various first aid implements. “How is your eye?”

“Your husband painted it splendidly with that right hook,” I retorted.

“Your father is only trying to look out for you,” my mother replied, reaching out gently to pull the ice pack away from my face.

I didn’t have to look to know how bad it was. I could see the purple splotch cover my swollen eye from the mirror in the corner in the periphery.

“I’m sure every father makes a habit of socking the lights out of his son to ‘teach him a man’s lesson,’” I mumbled. There was a bitterness in my voice that I couldn’t hide from my mother. She knew I would envy the families we saw walking by us on a Sunday morning stroll. We’d walk together too but it wasn’t the same. I always felt like I was serving a sentence; a punishment for the crime of growing up.

“You have to understand that your father just wants to prepare you for the world. You’re not a boy anymore,” my mother said, moving a loose strand of hair from my face.

I pull away. I didn’t want her to look at me. Not as I was.

“Oh stop it, let me put the bandages on your nose,” my mother turned my face back to her but I refused to meet her gaze. She seemed content with it for now. “Now, I want you to remember there will be no smoking or drinking at camp, ok? You already know what happened last year,” my mother tenderly dabbed the bloody smear where the skin on my nose had split and placed the bandage over it.

“You don’t have to tell me,” my shoulders slumped. I did not want to recall what happened to the sisters. I had enough on my plate.

“Stay out of trouble,” my mother stressed.

“Anything to get away from him,” I said.

“JC, you stole his car and crashed it against the tree. You’re lucky your father arrived in time to keep you from getting arrested by the police for drag racing,” my mother scolded. She paused for a moment. “You’re lucky you’re even alive.”

“I had everything under control. I didn’t break anything and-”

This time,” my mother put a hand to my face. “You were ok this time. You may not be so lucky if there is a next time,” she said.

“I doubt he’ll bother if I’m gone,” I said.

“And what will your mother do? Console herself for losing a son?” she asked.

At this, I didn’t have much of an answer. Not any good one, at least and it sucked. My expression softened which I suppose showed my mom I had a glimmer of humanity kicking around in there because she smiled after.

“You always were my Rebel child,” she said. “Just be sure to live longer than your dear old mom while you go out there to do all your activities.”

“You’re not old, Mom,” I mumbled which seemed to draw out a laugh.

“Well, I’m certainly not getting any younger,” she said, closing her first aid sewing kit. “Just… try to speak to your father before you leave. I think the two of you need to have a serious discussion about your relationship going forward. I will not tolerate any of my boys being hurt anymore.”

I hesitated for a moment but my mom didn’t seem to show any sign of leaving in a hurry. “Alright,” I said. “I’ll… see if we can talk about it.”

My mother nodded in an approval and turned to leave the room.

AGE: 22



SEXUALITY: Heterosexual


(hair, eyes, skin, notable features, etc)
FACE-CLAIM: (realistic only! if you rather not use real people, art is fine as long as it's a realistic painting, or stick to the facial features alone!)
BODY MODS: (any scars, piercings, tattoo's?)

Jason is a never say die go getter that’s first to say “Just because I can do something doesn’t mean I should… but it’ll be pretty funny if did.” At his best, he’s charming, courageous, resolute, and reliable. At his worst, he’s reckless, aggressive, self-destructive, and lashes out at anyone that gets too close.

To say he’s got a complex when it comes to his father and his role as a “man” in the world is putting it lightly. His father was someone he used to look up to and admire. To have that person turn on you and treat you like a failure hurt him deeply and altered his self-perception. Discretion is not the better part of valor, it’s just the coward’s excuse in his eyes. A man needs to be strong, independent, emotionally impervious, and capable of shouldering any and every burden without complaint.

Unfortunately, while some of these qualities are good within reason, Jason has it in his head that these qualities are paramount in every life situation. He’s bullheaded, passionate, bold but terrible reckless. One thing he won’t stand for are dissenters. Anyone who so much as utters a word of disagreement, discouragement, or doubt only causes him to dig deeper and forge ahead. His mother constantly voices her concern for her son but the only thing he takes from it is that he needs to double down as a means to prove to his mother that she doesn’t need to worry about him.

VIRTUES: Strength (Internal and External), Loyalty, and Duty

VICES: Pride, Rage, and Hedonism


- Mornings- Often sneaks out of the house just to steal away into the woods and listen to the animal calls

- A Pretty Girl- Cause who the hell doesn’t? Sadly, this leads to him making a fool of himself

- Mom’s Homecooking- Just about the only thing he can enjoy under the roof of his house

- Adrenaline- Cause in the moment of the thrill, nothing else matters except for what’s happening in the moment and he doesn’t have to worry about anything else.


- Coyotes- They’ll try to poach whatever he’s hunted and they’re a general nuisance. Will absolutely shoot them on sight.

- Looking like a Fool- Unfortunately, his pride is very important to him especially when Pretty Girl™️ is present. That means barfights are a common occurrence.

- Sincerity- It just doesn’t register to him as authentic. His mother is just about the only one he’s willing to accept genuine love and affection from. Everyone else just comes off as pitying or patronizing to him.

- Snitches- Cause snitches get stitches

Jason was never one to feel as though he needed help. On a good hunt, he might invite some friends or on a night out, he'll be arm and arm with on again off again Holly fresh off a makeup talk and some kissing on the couch to the tune of Lovin' On You. But despite his place in the spotlight as the delinquent, surrounded by people that enjoyed the company of a brash, daredevil icon, JC always felt more alone than anything else. He could never open up to anyone besides Holly and his mother and his male role models weren't exactly the best. Fathers can't stop kids from growing and what was once warm mentorship turned into fiery discipline. JC simply couldn't accept following in lock and step behind his father. He wanted something more. Something different. So he signed up for camp counseling.

He got away from home, got to shack up in the middle of the woods and tell the camp kids to shut up when he was waiting at a blind for some white tail, and no one bothered him. That was until the sisters showed up. In fact, they showed up day 1 and JC's dreams of a quiet getaway were shattered.


Camp Kid 1: "JC is taking the axe out again."

Camp Kid 2: "I saw him smash his fist against the wall when he was on the phone. It was probably Holly again."

Camp Kid 1: "Well... at least we'll be stocked up on firewood."


- "Dude, I'm pretty sure they hooked up. Or she got dirt on him. Like, why else would JC and Renee spend all morning without glaring at each other like they're ready strangle them once? I'm telling you they both disappeared last night. It's not a coincidence."

- "JC is gonna be at the party tonight, right? Good, I hope his stuff is strong today."

- "I heard him mention someone named BB once to Renee. I'm pretty sure there's a spot somewhere in the woods that JC and this BB guy use to sneak in and out of the property."

As far as the camp knows? JC and Renee despised each other. JC resented Renee's obsession with control and power over the camp and barked every chance he got... until he didn't... what happened?

JC and Paige were intriguing in the sense that they were never close, but JC refused to tolerate Renee's bullying of her sister. Until he didn't... and just stood aside, giving Renee free reign of the camp until the uh... incident.

BRAVE: 51%

FULL NAME: Jason Franklin Carter
DATE OF BIRTH: April 4th, 1981
RELEVANT SKILLS: Hunting, First Aid, Fishing, Carpentry, Tracking, Wayfinding

Dude, I worked here last year.
Also Home Depot.


1. COMMITMENT TO CAMPERS. Our huge success here at Evergreen Camp is in large part our dedication to providing youth with extensive care and support during the summer. Our counselor's are not 'teachers' whose day is done once lessons are over, but 'friends' who enjoy meals, recreation, and free time with their campers. It's imperative to build rewarding bonds with the children to earn trust and respect, important traits that will carry on back home with hard-working families. Some students may find your involvement intrusive and difficult to accept, especially those coming from troubled homes, so the ideal candidate will exercise great patience and dedication to achieve a rewarding experience for yourself, and the campers.

2. SAFETY. You must be prepared to put the safety and, in some cases, the life of a camper before your own. We operate on a somewhat dangerous lake that, at a certain time of night, can be incredibly dangerous to swim in. Some campers may suffer from mental health and want a night-time swim, this has happened in the past and thankfully, did not have a fatal outcome. If such an instance happens again, you are expected to retrieve them even at risk of your own life. It is against Oregon law to knowingly endanger the lives of children which includes being a bystander to a preventable situation. There is also a cluster of mines and caves in our mountains - if a child happens to wander off and find themselves lost, missing, or stuck in a mine, you are again required to retrieve them at the potential loss of your own life.

3. CAMP SCHEDULES. We have agreed to the following schedule in order to be fair to our counselors and prevent burnout. With ten total activities and lessons, it's required for each counselor to perform their chosen job(s) at least five times a week. A single camp day should see four total activities/lessons/programs performed with breakfast, lunch, and dinner included.

It stands to follow as:
8:00AM: Breakfast
9:00AM: Orientation (Supervisor will explain the activities for the day, and reiterate the rules campers must follow in accordance to the lesson)
9:30AM: Activity One (Music/Drama, Arts & Crafts, or Nature)
11:00AM: Free Time (campers can use this time to visit the Recreation room, or spend their time freely under supervision)
12:30PM: Lunch
01:30PM: Activity Two (Sports, Swimming/Lifeguard, or Boating/Sailing)
03:00PM: Free Time
04:30PM: Activity Three (Survivalist, or Farming)
06:00PM: Dinner
07:30PM: Free Time (it's down to the counselor's discretion on whether to involve the campers in a game or movie night before lights out)
09:30PM: Lights Out

Counselor's are expected to be awake by 06:30AM and in bed by 11:00PM.

4. DRUGS & ALCOHOL. It is prohibited for campers and counselor's alike to engage in any illegal or reckless activities when attending Evergreen Camp. Failure to act in accordance with this rule with supporting evidence will result in immediately expulsion from the camp and the inability to ever be accepted back to our summer program.
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Marquis Solis

  • Marquis.png

    Full Name: Marquis Solis

    Nicknames: Quis (pronounced 'Key')

    Tarot Card & Role: The Hermit - Caregiver

    Age: 24

    Star Sign: Pisces

    Pronouns: He/him

    Sex: Heterosexual

    Camp Occupation: Survivalist, Nurse


    Marquis 2.png

    Height: 6” 0’

    Hair: Dark brown, curly

    Eyes: Hazel, appears brown

    Body Mods: Celtic arm tattoo

    Face Claim: Jorge Lendeborg Jr.

    Detailed Description:
    Marquis is a 6-foot man who sits at 185 pounds and has tan skin. His frame is fit but far from intimidating or muscular, such that he doesn't command much presence. Most people could bump into him and barely stagger. The boy was clearly built more for endurance and stamina more than he was built for strength and power. His muscles are small but firm, not likely to dish out much damage but capable of taking in a lot.

    His eyes are appear fully brown but are actually hazel as can be seen when under bright lighting. His outfits will typically stick to a neutral color palette with a few bright pops of color. Should he speak, his accent is difficult to place because it is an amalgamation of all the different places he's traveled to and cultures he's interacted with. His speech is typically quiet and gentle; shouting? He knows no such word.​



  • Marquis 2.png
    Marquis 2.png
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Many would call me a coward for my silence

Clarisse Lowell​

^ Moon - Best Friend​


star sign


Lesbian Asexual​

camp occupation
Substitute / Sports (Basketball)​



152 lbs​


eye color
Blue (appears green under the light)​

face claim
Amelia Zadro​

body mods
Though it’s barely visible now, she has a faded scar on her right cheek from a particularly nasty fight.​

But if you were in my position


There is no one more loyal than one Clarisse Lowell— it didn't matter to her if what she was doing became morally incorrect or if deep down she didn't agree with it, she would do her best to follow those she befriended until her last breath. The problem had always lied in how it was Renee who had first gotten to her, that it was Renee who molded her into some sort of guard dog. It doesn't mean she doesn't understand just how cruel her friend could be, it simply is because she doesn't care. There are times when Clarisse attempts to be the moral compass but the idea of being abandoned is just as terrifying as being seen as an accomplice and this usually drives her to give up faster in the face of Renee's scrutiny.

On her own, Clarisse mostly keeps to herself but isn't opposed to being approached and interacting with others. She leans more to the belief that actions speak louder than words, which carries over to her helpfulness. While it wouldn’t necessarily count as being thoughtful in any way, she values efficiency and speed above all which leads her to work well with others and aid them in any way to help them complete their jobs a little bit faster. She’s often amicable enough— just make sure to catch her alone and that you don’t badmouth either of the sisters. She isn’t one to be pushed around either; she won’t start a fight but she certainly would end it.

Responsible, Loyal, Protective

Stubborn, Vindictive, Reckless

→ Sports: Clarisse is an active person and likes working with other people; what better way to achieve that other than being in a sports team?
→ Listening: She isn’t much of a talker really but she does like hearing people talk. She’s astoundingly good at recalling details.
→ Music: She isn’t musically talented but she would never fail to listen in during music activities. She never really liked the silence and music tends to help her drown them out.
→ Coffee: This woman runs on a minimum of two cups of coffee a day. Interestingly enough, she seems more sleepy than anything when she consumes more.

→ Fighting: Despite very popular belief, Clarisse doesn’t like getting into any physical altercations. That doesn’t mean she wouldn’t get involved if need be of course.
→ Being alone: Clarisse doesn’t do well when she’s completely alone.
→ Wild animals: Fun to look at them behind a cage, not very fun when in the wilderness.
→ Silence: It comes with the territory of her loneliness; when she’s in complete silence, her mind tends to wander.

you'd be blinded by her too

Clarisse was born into the world and promptly forgotten the moment she could be pawned off to a daycare service and a nanny.

Many consider a child to be a gift of life; unfortunately, the Lowells did not consider it to be. Born to two people actively working their way through the corporate ladder, Clarisse never really saw much of her parents aside from the occasional dinner every month or so when they came home earlier than usual. To them, Clarisse was nothing more than a frisky mistake. To say that Clarisse was neglected wasn’t the entire truth— they provided her with every luxury she wanted. What they lacked was the emotional guidance the child needed that the nanny wasn’t able to provide.

Enter: the Evergreen sisters.

Clarisse entered school with a notable lack of social skills. A misfit in every sense of the word ever since she was a child. However, one Renee Evergreen found her and practically adopted the young introvert into her little social circle. They were children at the time, the little pranks were mostly harmless even if they were a little mean-spirited. Clarisse wouldn't understand until much later just how bad Renee could be when given the chance. For now, all she understood was that, for the first time, someone paid attention to her and helped her with no charge at all. Renee was protected by her family name, her practically golden child reputation and her ability to manipulate. Clarisse was protected by mere association with the girl.

Years passed by and Clarisse had offhandedly mentioned the camp Renee's family had to her parents one tense dinner and the next thing she knew, as soon as she was eligible, she had been sent off. Without her friend, she had to navigate the camp all on her own and this was when she truly started breaking out of her own shell and finding things that she was good at. Despite her relative quietness as a person, she had been active in every activity and found some form of passion in playing basketball. Clarisse could confidently say that the camp had taught her to grow and gain confidence alongside it. When she went back to school after the first summer camp, she immediately booked to join their school's small basketball team despite Renee's initial reluctance to let her.

Clarisse would then grow in popularity separate from Renee but still always somehow tied to her. She would gain very few friends over the course of her highschool years and plenty of enemies or tense acquaintances merely due to the fact that she kept her mouth shut and eyes closed to Renee's increasingly cruel nature. Still, it was not lost to some people that when you separate Clarisse from the bully, she is typically a relatively good person. It was even showcased when they became counsellors that even when in each other's general vicinity, as long as Renee didn't outright prevent Clarisse from doing something to help another person, she would sometimes do it.

The disappearance had hit Clarisse hard. She had joined the search parties for her and barely rested to try and look for any sign of either of the sisters. Alas, there was no trace at all. Feeling sick, confused and lost, Clarisse almost failed out on her third year of Financial Management but pulled through after diving into her studies instead to cope with the grief. She would often swing by the Evergreen house to visit their father to check up on him. They had always been close as Clarisse practically saw Jonathan as her dad but the disappearance had brought them closer. As such, she had been one of the first to hear about the camp opening back up and she protested against it— it was far too soon and Clarisse knew that something had been amiss. The notes, the threats, something unsolved was still out there. But Jonathan didn't budge and so Clarisse signed back up as a substitute as well as her old job in sports should they lack the manpower.

Now that she was returning to the scene of the crime, Clarisse held out hope for answers. And she was going to make sure it didn't happen again.

Famous with the more extroverted and active campers, Clarisse seems to specialize in making the unruly kids fall into line by putting their energy into specific activities that cater to their interests and energy.

To other counsellors, she would often appear as someone you tether to Renee Evergreen— though, some might know of her more kindhearted and helpful interior. Interestingly enough, she doesn’t partake in using her closeness with Renee as leverage for anything.

The sisters see her as a loyal friend; if not a guard dog.

→ Clarisse has gotten into violent fights with students in their school but that was somehow swept under the rug.
→ Before the sister’s disappearance, Clarisse and Paige had allegedly been in a heated discussion before Renee stepped in.
→ Allegedly attempted suicide after a few months of the Evergreen sisters’ disappearance but was never confirmed.

the sisters
Clarisse is a childhood best friend of both Renee and Paige Evergreen. However, she’s noticeably closer to Renee. The two are as thick as thieves and are rarely seen apart from each other when it’s free time. There are very few secrets, if any, that aren’t shared between the two of them. With Paige, Clarisse appears to act more like an older sibling than even Renee does, making sure Paige is safe and never does anything that is too out of line should it ever happen.

BRAVE: 82%
code by fudgecakez

FULL NAME: Clarisse Lowell
TAROT CARD & ROLE: The Moon - Best Friend
AGE: 21
CAMP OCCUPATION: Substitute / Sports

FACIAL FEATURES: Clarisse has dark brown, wavy hair that she often ties up into a bun or a ponytail when going into physical activities. Her eyes are of a bright blue color that appears to be green under the sunlight.
FACE-CLAIM: Amelia Zadro
BODY MODS: Though it’s barely visible now, she has a faded scar on her right cheek from a particularly nasty fight.

PERSONA: There is no one more loyal than one Clarisse Lowell— it didn't matter to her if what she was doing became morally incorrect or if deep down she didn't agree with it, she would do her best to follow those she befriended until her last breath. The problem had always lied in how it was Renee who had first gotten to her, that it was Renee who molded her into some sort of guard dog. It doesn't mean she doesn't understand just how cruel her friend could be, it simply is because she doesn't care. There are times when Clarisse attempts to be the moral compass but the idea of being abandoned is just as terrifying as being seen as an accomplice and this usually drives her to give up faster in the face of Renee's scrutiny.

On her own, Clarisse mostly keeps to herself but isn't opposed to being approached and interacting with others. She leans more to the belief that actions speak louder than words, which carries over to her helpfulness. While it wouldn’t necessarily count as being thoughtful in any way, she values efficiency and speed above all which leads her to work well with others and aid them in any way to help them complete their jobs a little bit faster. She’s often amicable enough— just make sure to catch her alone and that you don’t badmouth either of the sisters. She isn’t one to be pushed around either; she won’t start a fight but she certainly would end it.

VIRTUES: Responsible, Loyal, Protective
VICES: Stubborn, Vindictive, Reckless
→ Sports: Clarisse is an active person and likes working with other people; what better way to achieve that other than being in a sports team?
→ Listening: She isn’t much of a talker really but she does like hearing people talk. She’s astoundingly good at recalling details.
→ Music: She isn’t musically talented but she would never fail to listen in during music activities. She never really liked the silence and music tends to help her drown them out.
→ Coffee: This woman runs on a minimum of two cups of coffee a day. Interestingly enough, she seems more sleepy than anything when she consumes more.

→ Fighting: Despite very popular belief, Clarisse doesn’t like getting into any physical altercations. That doesn’t mean she wouldn’t get involved if need be of course.
→ Being alone: Clarisse doesn’t do well when she’s completely alone.
→ Wild animals: Fun to look at them behind a cage, not very fun when in the wilderness.
→ Silence: It comes with the territory of her loneliness; when she’s in complete silence, her mind tends to wander.

BACKGROUND: Clarisse was born into the world and promptly forgotten the moment she could be pawned off to a daycare service and a nanny.

Many consider a child to be a gift of life; unfortunately, the Lowells did not consider it to be. Born to two people actively working their way through the corporate ladder, Clarisse never really saw much of her parents aside from the occasional dinner every month or so when they came home earlier than usual. To them, Clarisse was nothing more than a frisky mistake. To say that Clarisse was neglected wasn’t the entire truth— they provided her with every luxury she wanted. What they lacked was the emotional guidance the child needed that the nanny wasn’t able to provide.

Enter: the Evergreen sisters.

Clarisse entered school with a notable lack of social skills. A misfit in every sense of the word ever since she was a child. However, one Renee Evergreen found her and practically adopted the young introvert into her little social circle. They were children at the time, the little pranks were mostly harmless even if they were a little mean-spirited. Clarisse wouldn't understand until much later just how bad Renee could be when given the chance. For now, all she understood was that, for the first time, someone paid attention to her and helped her with no charge at all. Renee was protected by her family name, her practically golden child reputation and her ability to manipulate. Clarisse was protected by mere association with the girl.

Years passed by and Clarisse had offhandedly mentioned the camp Renee's family had to her parents one tense dinner and the next thing she knew, as soon as she was eligible, she had been sent off. Without her friend, she had to navigate the camp all on her own and this was when she truly started breaking out of her own shell and finding things that she was good at. Despite her relative quietness as a person, she had been active in every activity and found some form of passion in playing basketball. Clarisse could confidently say that the camp had taught her to grow and gained confidence alongside it. When she had gone back to school after the first summer camp, she immediately booked to join their school's small basketball team despite Renee's initial reluctance to let her.

Clarisse would then grow in popularity separate from Renee but still always somehow tied to her. She would gain very few friends over the course of her highschool years and plenty of enemies or tense acquaintances merely due to the fact that she kept her mouth shut and eyes closed to Renee's increasingly cruel nature. Still, it was not lost to some people that when you separate Clarisse from the bully, she was typically a relatively good person. It was even showcased when they became counsellors that even when in each other's general vicinity, as long as Renee didn't outright prevent Clarisse from doing something to help another person, she would sometimes do it.

The disappearance had hit Clarisse hard. She had joined the search parties for her and barely rested to try and look for any sign of either of the sisters. Alas, there was no trace at all. Feeling sick, confused and lost, Clarisse almost failed out on her third year of Financial Management but pulled through after diving into her studies instead to cope with the grief. She would often swing by the Evergreen house to visit their father to check up on him. They had always been close as Clarisse practically saw Jonathan as her dad but the disappearance had brought them closer. As such, she had been one of the first to hear about the camp opening back up and she protested against it— it was far too soon and Clarisse knew that something had been amiss. The notes, the threats, something unsolved was still out there. But Jonathan didn't budge and so Clarisse signed back up as a substitute as well as her old job in sports should they lack the manpower.

Now that she was returning to the scene of the crime, Clarisse held out hope for answers. And she was going to make sure it didn't happen again.

REPUTATION: Famous with the more extroverted and active campers, Clarisse seems to specialize in making the unruly kids fall into line by putting their energy into specific activities that cater to their interests and energy.

To other counsellors, she would often appear as someone you tether to Renee Evergreen— though, some might know of her more kindhearted and helpful interior. Interestingly enough, she doesn’t partake in using her closeness with Renee as leverage for anything.

The sisters see her as a loyal friend; if not a guard dog.

→ Clarisse has gotten into violent fights with students in their school but that was somehow swept under the rug.
→ Before the sister’s disappearance, Clarisse and Paige had allegedly been in a heated discussion before Renee stepped in.
→ Allegedly attempted suicide after a few months of the Evergreen sisters’ disappearance but was never confirmed.

THE SISTERS: Clarisse is a childhood best friend of both Renee and Paige Evergreen. However, she’s noticeably closer to Renee. The two are as thick as thieves and are rarely seen apart from each other when it’s free time. There are very few secrets, if any, that aren’t shared between the two of them. With Paige, Clarisse appears to act more like an older sibling than even Renee does, making sure Paige is safe and never does anything that is too out of line should it ever happen.

BRAVE: 82%
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Morgan Delaney.
The Star - The Believer.
Twenty-three years old.


Naturally on the pale side - and he doesn't tan easily. His eyes are grey... As is his hair, actually, though of course that is not his original colour. Taking after his late mother, he technically has very light, pale blond hair, and so it took him a while to realise it was going grey-white this early... At which point he just embraced that. Either way, it's more or less straight - just slightly wavy - and goes down a little past his shoulders. He has rather sharp features, with high cheekbones and a straight, relatively narrow nose.
Not claiming anyone, just going with the description above - though I do have a painted picture for his general facial features and hair that I will provide in the discord server, if I may.
No tattoos, but his ears are pierced - each of them multiple times - and he does tend to wear other pieces of jewellery, too. As for scars, he only really has one: vertical, about three inches long, on the inner side of his right calf.


Ever since he was a child, Morgan has always been seen as very mature and responsible for his age. He generally knows how to stay calm and think reasonably in difficult situations, even if it gets so bad that the stress is devouring him on the inside. He doesn't easily show when something affects him - and, just in general, he is very capable of controlling himself, including through significant amounts of pain.
He is rather pragmatic and considers himself to be a realist... Which might not be the case. He is always able to come up with so many things that can happen, with everything that can go wrong - but at the same time he generally remains surprisingly positive... Hopeful. He just has this deep sense that everything has to end well, and his belief in that is quite unshakable most of the time - to the point that his own conviction might become contagious. He knows that there are always signs, that things just have to happen for a reason... That there is more than it seems. A strong sense of purpose makes him want to have a meaning - to leave a mark on the world - and it also helps him understand that sometimes there are just things that need to be done - and someone has to do them.
While a lot of that is positive traits, it does also mean that he might have a tendency to see himself as above his peers. It's not conscious, he doesn't actively think he's better than anyone else, but... Well, he is so above the usual drama, after all, isn't he? He is genuinely good at reading people and noticing all the little things, but that leads him to overanalysing at times... And then it's easy to forget that others are looking at him, too.
Smart and curious by nature, with great memory, he can get a little obsessive at times, but his survival instincts are usually stronger than that. Does he want to know what hides in the dark woods at night? Of course, desperately so. Is he crazy enough to just go investigate if he doesn't need to? No way.
Most of the time - unless the question is something personal - Morgan is honest, often to the point of being blunt when he thinks that's necessary. That can be seen as mean... And since his sense of humour relies on teasing a lot, which might also sound mean, it's easy to get the wrong idea there.
Honest, level-headed, creative, hopeful, intuitive.
Distant, stubborn, proud, blunt, perfectionist.
The supernatural as a whole, of course - though he is less interested in the idea of aliens and cosmic horrors, preferring spirits and creatures instead. That includes both legends, folklore, myths, historical accounts - as well as more recent stories. He's fascinated by the occult, by spiritualism, by the idea of death and what comes next - which stems in part from the fact that he lost his mother at a young age and has never truly come to terms with that. His interest spreads into other areas as well; for example, he knows how to do Tarot readings, but he understands that they are more of a psychological thing, something else that he is curious of.
Similarly, there is also a relation between his main hobby - and his love for nature. He doesn't believe that crystals can heal, no, but they are very lovely and their symbolism is simply interesting. Plants, on the other hand, do have healing and perhaps even magical properties. Animals can be signs of something greater... But he just also enjoys watching and interacting with them.
Less related to that - he is a fan of the theatre and especially musicals. He did have music lessons when he was younger, but he's not great with any instruments and doesn't even sing much anymore - mostly just in private. He paints a bit, but his preferred form of art is writing; he hopes to publish books one day, but for now he focuses on running a blog that deals with, of course, the supernatural... From short fictional stories to articles about old beliefs.
When it comes to physical activities, he has two favourites: swimming and horse riding... And at least one of them he can practise at camp, which is good enough for him. He has both a pool and horses back home, but only really the former where he lives most of the year.
Meat. He doesn't blame people that do eat it, he understands that it's just nature's design - animals eat other animals - but he, personally, can't bring himself to do that if he can avoid it. That extends to his dislike for hunting, especially when it's not out of necessity...
He's not a fan of firearms and violence as a whole, either. He's fine with it, for example, in video games - and he had some self-defence and gun-handling lessons because of who his father is... But those were just the basics and they only convinced him that he hated it all.
Team sports are another problem - he's just... Not very good at them. He has the stamina for them - mostly from swimming - but he just can't bring himself to be interested in performing or even watching them.
He's more of a night owl, and so mornings can be hard. He can do them, but he's definitely not happy about it... And since he despises even the scent of coffee, he can't rely on that to help.
He doesn't like alcohol, either - he doesn't want anything affecting the way he thinks, even a little bit. Cigarettes are out because of the scent, but also because he would never risk cancer like that.
Other than that, Morgan is an introvert, which means that - while he doesn't hate spending time with people - he gets tired of it relatively easily, especially if he's the centre of attention for too long. He needs to remove that mental/emotional exhaustion by just being on his own for a while afterwards.


Born to a pretty wealthy family, Morgan has never really needed for anything material. During his early childhood, he was much closer to his mother, a Czech artist, but she died of cancer back when he was still young. That left him with his father, and he... Wasn't very emotionally available. Not a bad person - not at all! Just... Distant. Not someone meant to have a child, perhaps.
During those years Morgan did his best to keep his father pleased and proud, including caring for his education a lot, but... His fascination with the occult, with the strange and the supernatural, developed very early - together with his special sensitivity towards spirits and energies, and a tendency to experience premonitions and prophetic dreams. His father didn't like it too much, but more or less accepted it - as long as it didn't create any problems for either of them. In fact, he even made an effort - trying to listen to some of those darker bands his son liked and all.
Morgan's time was split between school, additional activities, his main hobby... And exploring the area, often on horseback. Their home was situated near a forest and some meadows, and he learnt a lot just from those trips alone... And so, when he graduated and agreed to study medicine abroad - in Prague, living with his mother's side of the family there - it was quite a change. He still returns home whenever he has a break, though.
Morgan has been a camper exactly once before - at Evergreen Camp, of course. He first became a counsellor two years ago, returned a year ago... And now again, all because that is his father's idea of making sure he acts social and abandons his usual interests for a while each summer. Besides... As far as his father is concerned, it's also simply a good look, something that he will be able to mention later - so, really, a win-win situation all around. His father is a politician, one that is pretty close with Jonathan Evergreen... So is this really a surprise?
Because of the above, while Morgan doesn't exactly need the money from a summer job, he still cares about it enough to put in the effort... Both to keep peace and play nice with his father - and because he actually does get to do some of the things he enjoys during those weeks of camp.
As for his opinion on the sisters' disappearance... See, Morgan is not unreasonable. He's not blind or stupid or naive. But he is also very open to all sorts of explanations - and, based on the information he has, it simply makes the most sense to him that either something supernatural happened to the girls... Or that at the very least one of them thought that was the case. Psychological issues are an option, perhaps even ones caused by drugs or other substances, and yet... Surely something of theirs would have been found - with how large the search efforts were. If not the bodies, then maybe a piece of clothing - just anything at all. Realistically, they couldn't have gone that far... And when all the natural possibilities are eliminated, you need to look further, right?
Morgan treats children and teens as, well, humans - which means that, above all, he respects them and doesn't baby them. By the campers, he's mostly seen as someone that can be approached for help - and someone that will not be too harsh on them. Maybe they do something wrong, intentionally - for a prank? - or not; perhaps there is an accident of some sort... As long as it's something harmless, he most likely won't tell on them or punish them, or at least not in some terrible way. If it's something more serious, he has to - for their own good and safety... But even then, he stays calm with the children, even if - to some of them - he might seem distant. The new ones probably feel either confused or even shy or intimidated by him, but that usually passes relatively fast as they interact with him. He also has a lot to tell them about - and the stories of the supernatural are usually the most popular ones in his repertoire.
That same sense of distance can be felt by other counsellors as well, though - obviously - Morgan does act different around them in general. He is friendly, just... Introverted. His jokes are either something dry or teasing, which can sometimes be interpreted as mean, but that's rarely his actual intention. If he wants to be mean, he usually turns very direct instead... And, in fact, he is known to be rather open and honest in his answers and opinions. Sure, there's being playful, but he can be trusted to say what he thinks when it matters. Of course that also means that he doesn't hide his belief in the supernatural or his experiences with it; he doesn't really care if people agree with him about that or not... But those that don't probably think he's either naive, crazy, or just making things up.
When it comes to the sisters, Morgan was mostly left alone by Renee. They didn't get in each other's way - simply because their fathers knew each other. As far as she was concerned, Morgan probably wouldn't have had any interesting reactions to her pranks anyway, he was no threat, and he didn't get involved with the drama most of the time, so she had no reason to target him. His interests became useful at one point last year, though - and that was when she started noticing him.
Paige, on the other hand, was probably rather... Understanding of Morgan's hobbies and beliefs. Whether or not she agreed with him, she at least didn't seem to judge out loud. To her, he was just... Someone nice enough to spend time with, occasionally, though they weren't exactly friends.
Morgan doesn't really intentionally start rumours himself - he's more likely to pass an existing one to the next person, usually just out of curiosity for what they think. He does, however, openly believe that something supernatural is hiding in the woods - and though he's not convinced that it's something strictly bad, he does speak of it when the topic comes up. That could be considered a rumour.
As for the rumours about him... There are the usual ones: maybe he's mentally ill, schizophrenic or something, and that's why he believes the things he does? Maybe that's even the reason why he spends most of the year away from home, studying abroad - without the risk of hurting his father's reputation? Or... On the other hand, perhaps he's just making all of this up for attention - or to get people on edge? And then there are those that do think he actually experiences the supernatural - that he knows what he's talking about when it comes to the herbs, and signs, and energies... And everything else.
Morgan certainly liked Paige more than Renee. In general, he also had more to do with Paige; they weren't friends, they didn't actively seek each other out for company, nothing of that sort, but they were okay with spending time together if it happened. Polite and friendly - and very aware that their fathers knew each other, of course. Morgan didn't - still doesn't - really judge her for the way she was about her sister; after all, it's normal to want to protect family, even if that family isn't... Great. It's only human. And if he was perhaps a little bit jealous of her - about a thing or two... Well, that's human, too.
Renee, on the other hand... He didn't want to deal with her, to be honest, and so he was happy that she didn't, either. On some level he assumed that she was possibly like many others that behaved like her - insecure deep down, lashing out, and so on... And she was still young, so he didn't want to judge her too harshly, either. On the other hand, he certainly didn't like the way she treated others... And he did - still does - feel rather guilty for never interfering with it.
The situation did change when she came to him for - well, not help, she didn't call it that; she just had... Questions. About the things that he knew quite a lot about. It would have been easy to deny her, of course, in one way or another, but... He was curious, he couldn't help it. And besides - even if she wasn't a great person, Renee was still a person, so Morgan cared about her potentially being in trouble. In the end, safety and peace of mind are more important to him than whether someone is nice or not.

BRAVE: 60%
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  • riley kelson

    22 years old

    the realist

    october 31st




    5'1ft (154.9cm)
    110lbs (49kg)

    camp job
    star sign



    riley’s hair falls right in the middle of her back in a soft wavy pattern with curtain bangs to frame her face. she typically can be found with her hair hanging freely, only being pulled back into a low pony when she’s hiking through the forest or teaching her archery classes.


    dark brown eyes that appear to be black in some lighting. riley's eyes always seem to be focused, as if she's constantly analyzing the things, or the people, she's looking at which can often cause the people on the other end of her stare to feel weary.


    riley has a multitude of small, barely noticeable scars from being out in the woods a lot as a child. the largest scar she has is on her left forearm from when she was a teen attending camp and while hiking riley slipped and cut herself on a sharp rock.

    body mod(s)

    riley has a multitude of piercings on each of her ears, not enough to seem overcrowded but enough so that her ear looks decked out. she plans on getting at least one tattoo someday but hasn't decided on what yet or where she would place her first one.

    notable features

    the most notable feature about riley has to be the freckles that dot her face and shoulders.

    face claim

    jenna ortega

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */
© weldherwings.
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  • VI.
    the hot head

    wrecking ball
    mother, mother


    FULL NAME: Rowan Murphy Bishop
    TAROT CARD & ROLE: The Lovers | The Hot Head
    AGE: 23
    STAR SIGN: Aries
    PRONOUNS: he/him
    SEXUALITY: bisexual
    CAMP OCCUPATION: sports | baseball & volleyball

    FACIAL FEATURES: Straight fluffy light brown hair that kind of has a mind of its own that he sometimes lets grow a little longer. He has piercing blue eyes and light freckles along his nose.
    FACE-CLAIM: Froy Gutierrez
    BODY MODS: He has a scar down his left leg starting at the knee from a bike accident when he was younger, as well as various scars along his arms from scrapping a lot when he was younger. His earlobes are pierced… he’s always wanted more he’s worried about them getting infected – they seem harder to take care of than tattoos. He’s got various tattoos on his arms, including a barbed wire around his upper arm, a little tree on his wrist like the kind around the camp. His legs have these tattoos minus the cross.


    PERSONALITY: While he’s very reactionary and stubborn, rigidly sticking to his beliefs and thoughts, he tries to be genuine with those around him. When he’s not in some kind of bad mood, he tries to be welcoming and include people, and doesn’t have ill will towards others generally. However, when people speak out against him or contest him, he’s very reactive and is often getting into fights with people. When he was going to camp, he was always in some kind of fight. Often, he’d fight just to blow off steam, which he had a lot of due to having anger issues and pent up emotions. He was pretty well known for getting into fights when he was a camper there, and has tried to cool off more in the recent years, but has some conflicts now and again, though he tries to keep his fists out of them now when he can. He’s just passionate – he feels all of his emotions very strongly, anger just seems to rule him more than the others. He’d rather be a peaceable person who helped everyone get along, but he is often the source of the conflict due to being explosive when things don’t go his way.


    outgoing, charismatic, focused, genuine, resourceful


    reactionary, abrasive, possessive, moody, obsessive


    sour candy, playing sports as a better way to blow off steam (the obvious baseball and volleyball but also boxing because it’s easier to do when not at camp), metal music (good to rage out to), adrenaline inducing activities like bungee jumping or riding extreme rollercoasters, going to the movies (fond memories of going with his moms)


    losing control because of his anger, french fries (never crunchy enough), swimming because he doesn’t know how and has almost drowned before when his dad tried to teach him in various traumatic ways, chocolate candy, reading (too boring and slow), the heat – he doesn't swim so its hard to cool down, people flaunting their wealth/status unnecessarily (growing up with some highs and lows in his financial situation, he's seen it rough sometimes)


    Rowan’s parents got divorced when he was 5, and his mom (Kiara Bishop) quickly got remarried, to a coworker named Lynette Foster. The two women showered Rowan with all the attention and love a kid could want, but there was always the looming cloud of his father. Michael Thorne wasn’t an uncaring man, but he wasn’t always the most tender with his son. At first, Michael had primary care of his son, with Kiara only getting him occasional weekends, leaving Rowan to his father’s whims. He wanted to make sure Rowan was tough. As a bigot, he thought that his mom being a lesbian would give his psyche some kind of damage and was trying to overcompensate. He would roughhouse with Rowan more than he was ready for and often picked on him, not giving room to his more gentle side and pushing him to be hyper-masculine and sporty. While Rowan liked it for a while, he often felt stifled in some regards, enjoying music and art a little more than his father would like. He was sent to Evergreen Camp in hopes that being around nature would keep him toughened up. Eventually, Kiara got year-round custody with his father only getting Rowan during the summer, which meant that even if he initially resented going to camp, it didn’t last long because the camp became a welcome reprieve from living with his father, though the damage was done and the rage had already burrowed itself deep within Rowan.

    At camp, he struggled with making friends, often getting into fights over petty things and often making stuff up just to fight the toughest guys at camp, whether he got his ass kicked or not. When Paige and Renee were going to camp, Rowan didn’t always get along with them or their friend groups due to not being as super well off as they were, but just tried to steer clear. He didn’t always avoid Renee’s bullying, but often got along with Paige. As an adult, he’s struggled with what to do with himself, but the only constant is the summer camp every year. Even after the incident, he finds himself drawn to it.

    He was extremely distraught by at least Paige’s disappearance and intends to figure out what happened, or at least who did it.

    REPUTATION: Many campers actually like him, he’s really engaging in the sports he teaches and he’s typically friendly (not usually having beef with people so much younger than him). Sometimes campers get on his nerves but he tries to tell them off jokingly so they get the message and he doesn’t seem mean. The counselors that went to camp with him just see him kind of as a ticking time bomb, knowing/thinking that his explosion is just an inevitable that can be put off but never diffused. Renee never really liked him, but Paige always had a soft spot for him.

    RUMOURS: Returning -
    1. That he and Paige were fighting and broke up the night that she was murdered and he was responsible for whatever happened.
    2. That he’s gotten into rough fist fights with campers before.
    3. One of the dorms had to be rebuilt while he was going to camp because it burned down and it’s said that he burned it down.

    He and Paige were complex, an on-and-off again relationship for the past two years. When things were good, they were really good. Rowan had difficulties with how his rage manifested, not wanting to be this angry person but when he blew up it was big – Paige often helped calm him down and made him feel like he was actually human. However, her constant defending of Renee would get under his skin since Renee was rarely justified in her actions, and it got under his skin. This, coupled with Paige’s drug use and her occasional Evergreen side showing, lead to them breaking up… but something always brought him back to her. Without her, he feels like there’s something missing from him, and he wants the person who did this to her to give him answers, face justice, or maybe even feel like he does.


    HONEST: 64%
    BRAVE: 76%
    ROMANTIC: 82%
    CURIOUS: 53%
    SURVIVAL: 62%


    rowan bishop.

    designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.ღ

    FULL NAME: Rowan Murphy Bishop
    DATE OF BIRTH: April 12, 1979
    JOB(S) YOU ARE INTERESTED IN: sport instructor for baseball and/or volleyball, a substitute
    RELEVANT SKILLS: played aforementioned sports throughout high school, was captain on his baseball team and helped coach other players, worked in supervising children in previous camp role | has worked in multiple roles at this camp before, including a sports instructor as well as a survivalist, easily adaptable, quick on my feet
    PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: worked for the past 4 years here at camp

  • 26176243ab34f686c45789cbab004b27.gif

    FULL NAME: Rowan Murphy Bishop
    TAROT CARD & ROLE: The Lovers | The Hot Head
    AGE: 23
    STAR SIGN: Aries
    PRONOUNS: he/him
    SEXUALITY: bisexual
    CAMP OCCUPATION: sports | baseball & volleyball

    FACIAL FEATURES: Straight fluffy light brown hair that kind of has a mind of its own that he sometimes lets grow a little longer. He has piercing blue eyes and light freckles along his nose.
    FACE-CLAIM: Froy Gutierrez
    BODY MODS: He has a scar down his left leg starting at the knee from a bike accident when he was younger, as well as various scars along his arms from scrapping a lot when he was younger. His earlobes are pierced… he’s always wanted more he’s worried about them getting infected – they seem harder to take care of than tattoos. He’s got various tattoos on his arms, including a barbed wire around his upper arm, a little tree on his wrist like the kind around the camp. His legs have these tattoos minus the cross.

    PERSONA: While he’s very reactionary and stubborn, rigidly sticking to his beliefs and thoughts, he tries to be genuine with those around him. When he’s not in some kind of bad mood, he tries to be welcoming and include people, and doesn’t have ill will towards others generally. However, when people speak out against him or contest him, he’s very reactive and is often getting into fights with people. When he was going to camp, he was always in some kind of fight. Often, he’d fight just to blow off steam, which he had a lot of due to having anger issues and pent up emotions. He was pretty well known for getting into fights when he was a camper there, and has tried to cool off more in the recent years, but has some conflicts now and again, though he tries to keep his fists out of them now when he can. He’s just passionate – he feels all of his emotions very strongly, anger just seems to rule him more than the others. He’d rather be a peaceable person who helped everyone get along, but he is often the source of the conflict due to being explosive when things don’t go his way.
    VIRTUES: outgoing, charismatic, focused, genuine, resourceful
    VICES: reactionary, abrasive, possessive, moody, irritable
    LIKES: sour candy, playing sports as a better way to blow off steam (the obvious baseball and volleyball but also boxing because it’s easier to do when not at camp), metal music (good to rage out to), adrenaline inducing activities like bungee jumping or riding extreme rollercoasters, going to the movies (fond memories of going with his moms)
    DISLIKES: losing control because of his anger, french fries (never crunchy enough), swimming because he doesn’t know how and has almost drowned before when his dad tried to teach him in various traumatic ways, chocolate candy, reading (too boring and slow), the heat – he doesn't swim so its hard to cool down, people flaunting their wealth/status unnecessarily

    Rowan’s parents got divorced when he was 5, and his mom (Kiara Bishop) quickly got remarried, to a coworker named Lynette Foster. The two women showered Rowan with all the attention and love a kid could want, but there was always the looming cloud of his father. Michael Thorne wasn’t an uncaring man, but he wasn’t always the most tender with his son. At first, Michael had primary care of his son, with Kiara only getting him occasional weekends, leaving Rowan to his father’s whims. He wanted to make sure Rowan was tough, a bit homophobically thinking that his mom being a lesbian would give his psyche some kind of damage and trying to overcompensate. He would roughhouse with Rowan more than he was ready for and often picked on him, not giving room to his more gentle side and pushing him to be hyper-masculine and sporty. While Rowan liked it for a while, he often felt stifled in some regards, enjoying music and art a little more than his father would like. He was sent to Evergreen Camp in hopes that being around nature would keep him toughened up. Eventually, Kiara got year-round custody with his father only getting Rowan during the summer, which meant that even if he initially resented going to camp, it didn’t last long because the camp became a welcome reprieve from living with his father, though the damage was done and the rage had already burrowed itself deep within Rowan.
    At camp, he struggled with making friends, often getting into fights over petty things and often making stuff up just to fight the toughest guys at camp, whether he got his ass kicked or not. When Paige and Renee were going to camp, Rowan didn’t always get along with them or their friend groups due to not being as super well off as they were, but just tried to steer clear. He didn’t always avoid Renee’s bullying, but often got along with Paige. As an adult, he’s struggled with what to do with himself, but the only constant is the summer camp every year. Even after the incident, he finds himself drawn to it.

    He was extremely distraught by at least Paige’s disappearance and intends to figure out what happened, or at least who did it.

    REPUTATION: Many campers actually like him, he’s really engaging in the sports he teaches and he’s typically friendly (not usually having beef with people so much younger than him). Sometimes campers get on his nerves but he tries to tell them off jokingly so they get the message and he doesn’t seem mean. The counselors that went to camp with him just see him kind of as a ticking time bomb, knowing/thinking that his explosion is just an inevitable that can be put off but never diffused. Renee never really liked him, but Paige always had a soft spot for him.
    RUMOURS: Returning -
    1. That he and Paige were fighting and broke up the night that she was murdered and he was responsible for whatever happened.
    2. That he’s gotten into rough fist fights with campers before.
    3. One of the dorms had to be rebuilt while he was going to camp because it burned down and it’s said that he burned it down.
    He and Paige were complex, an on-and-off again relationship for the past two years. When things were good, they were really good. Rowan had difficulties with how his rage manifested, not wanting to be this angry person but when he blew up it was big – Paige often helped calm him down and made him feel like he was actually human. However, her constant defending of Renee would get under his skin since Renee was rarely justified in her actions, and it got under his skin. This, coupled with Paige’s drug use and her occasional Evergreen side showing, lead to them breaking up… but something always brought him back to her. Without her, he feels like there’s something missing from him, and he wants the person who did this to her to give him answers, face justice, or maybe even feel like he does.

    HONEST: 64%
    BRAVE: 76%
    ROMANTIC: 82%
    CURIOUS: 53%
    SURVIVAL: 62%

    FULL NAME: Rowan Murphy Bishop
    DATE OF BIRTH: April 12, 1979
    JOB(S) YOU ARE INTERESTED IN: sport instructor for baseball and/or volleyball, a substitute
    RELEVANT SKILLS: played aforementioned sports throughout high school, was captain on his baseball team and helped coach other players, worked in supervising children in previous camp role | has worked in multiple roles at this camp before, including a sports instructor as well as a survivalist, easily adaptable, quick on my feet
    PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: worked for the past 4 years here at camp
Last edited:
Thomas Mode

  • Thomas.jpg

    Full Name: Thomas Mode

    Nicknames: Mode (don't call him Tom, Tommy, Tommy Boy or Tommy Buddy)

    Tarot Card & Role: The Fool - Entertainer

    Age: 22

    Star Sign: Aquarius

    Pronouns: He/him

    Sex: Heterosexual

    Camp Occupation: Music & Drama / Arts & Crafts


    Thomas 2.jpeg

    Height: 5' 10"

    Hair: Black, long, wavy

    Eyes: Brown

    Body Mods: None

    Face Claim: Avan Jogia

    Detailed Description:
    Thomas is average height with a sleeper build, tight and well-defined muscles hiding under baggy clothing. He has a lean frame but is also able to pack a pretty nasty punch without much effort.

    He enjoys having his hair tied back into a man-bun, however, it doesn't last long as he doesn't do a particularly good bun and it ends up more wild and loosely framing his face. His eyes, and all of his features for that matter, are soft and approachable.

    He smile 20 hours of the day and laughs the other four, catching him with a frown or even a hint of a negative expression is rare and unheard of. He carries himself with a countenance that makes people feel comfortable in his presence.​

SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles your characters "Holly Brookes" and "Jaemin 'Jay' Yun" are PENDING.

Coyote Coyote your character "Jason 'JC' Carver" is ACCEPTED. since you've been in contact with me behind the scenes about his relationship with the sisters and history, I am happy to accept you now despite that and the rumours missing on your form as of right now! once you have all of those added you are good to go 🤗 we think he'll be a fun addition as the delinquent and a survivalist.

Wyll Wyll your characters "Marquis 'Quis' Solis" and "Thomas Mode" have been ACCEPTED. marquis will be the perfect nurse and additional person to tag along on the survivalist outings with his knowledge as we have discussed! thomas has been granted the job music & drama, though given his likes I'm sure he'll be able to moonlight into the arts & crafts activities every now and then to assist. the rumours you chose fit the brief description we gave so well and absolutely Obsessed with how you tied the reaction (laughing) into his grief over renee!

AI10100 AI10100 your character "Clarisse Lowell" has been ACCEPTED. and are we surprised? NO! our dm's over her history with the sisters and jonathan evergreen are going to be the perfect touch for the guard dog best friend role. given how long they have been at the camp, it makes perfect sense for her to be a substitute as they most likely understand how each activity works and what is required/expected! you can absolutely have her hang around the sports activities however if no other job needs her more.

Limeaid Limeaid your character "Danielle Carter" is ACCEPTED. we are completely absolutely obsessed with the direction you've gone with the artist and it's because of that we know her history, reputation, rumours, and relationship with the sisters are going to live up to expectations and you're accepted ahead of time (but we can't wait to read the rest). your other characters "Eric Fisher" and "Brandi Evergreen" are PENDING. again, we love what we've heard about them and cannot wait to see more!

Letho Letho your character "Morgan Delaney" is ACCEPTED. we could not have imagined a better suited character for the role of the believer. his reputation is so interesting and will be a very fun aspect to see play out in the RP with how other campers might see him as 'mentally ill' from his steadfast belief in the supernatural and we all know how important that will be going forward 🤗 the nature position is yours!

mi casa mi casa your character "Riley 'Riles' Kelson" is PENDING. again, we love everything we have discussed outside in discord and DMS so you have more than enough time to flesh her out, but rest assured ♥️

irregular-neptune irregular-neptune your characters "Rowan Bishop" and "Zarina Korrapati" have been ACCEPTED. we love the direction you went with the hot head being tied to paige evergreen over renee, it's juicy and cause for more drama 👀 the complex relationship between them and renee being the wedge between them is so *chefs kiss* his rumours are fantastic and you fleshed him out perfectly! sports will suit him well to get out that excess rage of his ♥️ as for the exchange student, she is PERFECT - her rumour surrounding her visa being sorted out is Elite and her interest in journalism will no doubt make her perceptive to the nonsense that will happen in camp, and how to figure out the clues that are found. the lifeguard position is yours!

monkeydoll555 monkeydoll555 your character "Josephine 'Josie' Li" is ACCEPTED. we are looking Directly at those rumours! we believe the adverse opinions that josie has towards the sisters, especially paige 👀 we are so so curious about the history between your character and the sisters are just SO looking forward to that being unravelled into the RP ♥️ the swimming position is yours!

Jupiter_South Jupiter_South your character "Juno Engstrom" is ACCEPTED. every single touch you've included into juno such as her albinism, her thick glasses, and especially her goofiness will be such a needed energy for a horror RP. an incredible persona of the city native role and she seems best suited as the music teacher! we can't wait to see if juno had run in the same circles as one of the sisters down the line 👀

Solaris_ Solaris_ your character "Alexander 'Alex' Stoll" is ACCEPTED. a skeptic finally! from our conversation on discord, we love that you introduced a new job to the camp that truly makes sense with jonathan evergreen's insistence on making the camp more mental health friendly for the campers and counsellors that are still here despite the tragedy. his strengths and weaknesses are the perfect embodiment of a skeptic and we can't wait to see that play out ♥️



tonight there's gonna be trouble, some of us won't survive.

thin lizzy

hiero phant

the rebel.

full name

kayden 'kayde' wade


cis male [he/him]




august 2nd



camp job



thin lizzy






lean, thin muscle

hair c.


eye c.



jake falahee



kayde is the kind of person your grandmother would say 'marches to the beat of his own drum'; and the kind of person your mother would have told you to stay away from. kayde isn't necessarily the first person your parents might want you to hang out with-- he's loud and brash and never backs down from his own opinions. if kayde thinks you're wrong, he'll say it straight to your face, and he won't back down from any fight this might start. he won't throw the first punch, but he's more than willing to sling the mud that makes you do it.
despite the harsh introduction he's being given, however, kayde isn't a bad guy-- he's just strong-willed. this comes with positives. kayden never hesitates to speak his mind or put himself out there. he can be a bit judgmental, but he'll stand up and defend what he thinks is right, even if this means he has to (begrudingly) agree with someone he doesn't like. he also tends to be understanding of other people and their circumstances, so long as those people haven't gone out of their way to get on kayden's bad side. and, maybe most importantly for a camp setting, his bold nature means he often does not care about embarrassing himself. because of this, he isn't afraid to seem goofy or stupid, and is willing to do almost anything for the entertainment of the campers.
on the other hand, kayde tends to be reckless, and will often act or speak without thinking. this is compounded upon by the fact that he lacks patience-- kayden can't wait for shit. and, as kind as he can be when he wants to, kayde is rather emotionally detached from the world around him. those who do not find themselves in kayde's inner circle often have a very incomplete idea of who he is.
unfortunately for kayde, his reputation as a rebel often precedes him, creating the image people have of him before they actually meet him. rumors that he can't behave in any proper sort of manner for society have followed him since he started at evergreen as a thirteen year-old kid.


bold, honest, understanding, quick-witted


reckless, impatient, stubborn


kayden's first love is archery. as a very young teenager, a lot of people treated kayden like he couldn't do anything right. it turned out, there are several things he is good at-- and archery being the first of those won it a special place in his heart.
kayde loves exploring. he's exactly the kind of person you expect to go wandering through an old, abandoned house. he likes the idea of being the first person who has laid eyes on something in who knows long.
he also enjoys video games, mostly for it's social uses rather than the actual video games themselves.
his second love is mechanics-- it's not the most glamorous of future careers, but fixing cars makes sense to him, and above all, kayden likes to be good at things.


kayden actually hates motorcycles. cars make sense to him, motorcycles don't. that really pisses him off.
while he's big on exploring, he hates the feeling of being trapped. nothing will freak him out like the door to a room he's in getting stuck in the frame, or somebody boxing him into a room.
he's annoyed by riddles, and he thinks they're pointless and frustrating.
kayde also does not enjoy the feeling of being watched.


losing the things he's good at, suffocating.



tkayde's spent his life in a flux state between poor and wealthy. while he was raised by his parents, scraping by paycheck to paycheck, kayden often got a taste of the finer things in life from his maternal grandparents. the dynamics in his family were strange-- while his grandparents had originally cut off his mother due to their disapproval of her husband, they'd softened their stance when kayden was born. not enough to welcome their daughter back into the fold of wealth, but enough so that they were willing to put their money down on kayden's behalf. while he grew up in a two bedroom townhouse and ate spaghetti twice a week, he went to private school for most of his life and tried any extracurricular he asked to, no matter the price tag attached.
evergreen summer camp was another one of these funded projects, although that hadn't been of kayden's accord. his grandparents had decided he would attend when he was thirteen, after he got suspended at the end of eighth grade when he was caught skipping school. their idea was that evergreen would straighten kayden out before he went too far down what they called 'the wrong path.'
being shipped off into the woods wasn't what kayden had envisioned, nor was it what he wanted. in fact, his first week or two, he was determined not to enjoy it. but as the time passed, he found it growing on him. it was refreshing to spend so much time in nature, getting to enjoy the beauty of something outside his normal life. and once he put his hands on a bow, well... he was hooked.
kayde would get himself into plenty of trouble in high school, with or without camp, but evergreen became a fixture of his summers nonetheless. and it did accomplish some of what his grandparents had wanted it to, in the end; if there was one thing his family could count on, it was that he'd clean up his act for camp every year. at the very least, he had enough respect for the place not to get caught with whatever he was doing there.
in terms of reputation, kayden is fairly well-liked among several of the kids, especially the returners. for one, kayden has little regard for whether other people at camp think he's embarrassed himself. because of this, he's willing to engage with whatever energy they're giving him, even if the result is looking like an absolute fool. kayde's found himself on the receiving end of giant water balloons, 'pies' made of whipped cream, and anything in between. he's crawled under cabins for pranks and, on one notable occasion that did get him in some trouble, crab walked across a roof to cheer up a first-year camper who was homesick.
while he gets on well with the kids, however, there's more of a barrier between him and the other counselors. he has decent cordial relationships with many of them, but he doesn't show much of an interest in engaging with them. this is largely a result of his emotional detachment. he's someone that most people can have a casual conversation with, and someone that many of them share a certain level of familiarity with, but someone most of them are not awfully close with. notably, his willingness to call out things he didn't agree with often put him at odds with renee. while he had no beef with paige, and could actually get along quite well with her outside of renee's influence, his less-than-friendly relationship with renee often got in the way of this.





character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.

character name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse finibus erat mi, vel consectetur neque ultrices a. Nulla facilisi. Fusce at quam ut sem pharetra posuere nec nec enim. Mauris rhoncus fermentum sapien, ac finibus mi tempus sed.



the rumors

there are several rumors about kayde. the largest go as follows:
kayden went to juvie before he came to evergreen. alternatively, some say that the years kayde missed as a teenager were because he was in juvie then.
there is a rumor that kayde does drugs on camp, and that he also deals drugs on camp.
two years ago, there was a rumor that kayde was trying to seduce the new female staff members.

character stats

honest: 92%
charitable: 53%
brave: 66%
romantic: 23%
curious: 87%
survival: 54%

♡coded by uxie♡



tba one day.

tba one day.

the green thumb.

full name

connie levine.

card / role

temperance, the green thumb.


twenty-three years old.


cisgender female, she/her pronouns.


closeted bisexual.


november 6th., a scorpio.


jefferson, louisiana.

camp occupation

boating instructor.







5'4" ft. ( or 162.5cm )


120 lbs. ( or 54.4kg )


connie has always sported a healthy mane of voluminous, black curls that freely bounce past shoulder length. very often are her ringlets left on display, but if the occasion calls for it ( and since she works under scorching heat ), it can be tied up with satin scrunchies or fully pushed out of her face with headscarves. she's even been known to straighten them sometimes, but for convenience's sake, not often.


despite them being an unsettling dark brown that mirrors black in most settings, there is a kindness and a softness to her eyes, especially when her smile causes the skin to wrinkle up at the corners. but she is nothing if not observant, and the same pair of eyes that are inviting most of the time are the same pair always watching.


surprisingly, none─connie isn't unfamiliar with having her fair share, but none were too deep or scarring enough to make a permanent home on her skin. she went all of camp session 2001 without getting a single scar and she hopes to continue her lucky streak.

body mod(s)

both of her earlobes were pierced as a baby, so they're fully healed and always sporting some dainty earrings or diamond studs. her go-to jewelry is, usually, small silver hoops, however.

notable features

born with a plump and pouty lip shape, they're often the focal point of her soft expression whenever she has a resting face on display. and lying just below her bottom lip, she has a singular beauty mark.


whitney peak in various roles.




independent —
rather than depend on someone else to pull through with their end of favors or responsibilities, connie was raised to be a "do it yourself if you want it done right" kind of woman. she doesn't like to count on anybody for anything she can have done by herself, mostly because she doesn't trust anyone to help her without some sort of string attached. plus, she finds satisfaction in being able to say it was done without help in the first place.

honest —
while there are moments where her honesty can become insensitive or cause some discomfort, her unfiltered tongue can be quite refreshing to those who appreciate the authenticity. connie doesn't find it useful nor necessary to sugarcoat or beat around the bush, therefore she operates under her strong sense of integrity and truthfulness, even if some may get caught on the receiving end of her occasional unempathetic nature.

courageous —
her courage emanates from her spirit, lunging her into territories even when she doesn't know what lies ahead of the path. whether it's her impulsivity or her insatiable thirst for an adventure, connie remains undeterred by any "what if's", fueled by the belief that life's greatest journeys lie beyond her comfort zone. and part of her believes that some of this seemingly neverending courage is directly influenced by her own upbringing, but one could say that there was never a cowardly bone in her body from the start.

observant —
stemming from primary education days, connie has always been quite the observer & it has fiercely grown since the disappearance of the evergreen sisters. minor details aren't considered minor to her as she takes mental note of everything she's seen and heard throughout her life. it's a state of mind that she never turns off, even when she's in a relaxed environment.


unforgiving —
with how distrusting connie is initially towards other people, it's a wonder to many who reside around her if breaking down the barriers that guard her affectionate side is even possible. it is. which is why she takes it extremely personally when someone manages to get her to ease up just for them to prove that handing out trust should've been done with more caution. in other words, connie hopes that her former familiars have the sense to make sure they never need her again before they decide to betray her. this unforgiving side is extremely new, seemingly kicking into high gear after losing her friend, paige evergreen. seeing everyone stab each other in the back with a bunch of senseless rumors has caused her to be more on guard.

suspicious —
connie has always had a reclusive streak, mainly preferring her own company after the campers are fast asleep rather than join in with the other counselors and their festivies. but healthy caution has danced a fine line towards borderline suspicion and slight paranoia as she taps back into the mindset that one can't get hurt if they hide themselves behind emotional barriers. paige's disappearance as well as circulating rumors have only backed her into a corner.

impatient —
paige was always the better part of their duo, fully responsible for whatever social progress connie has ever made back in early camp session 2001. and one of the more redeeming qualities that connie soaked in was learning how to be patient with others. but after paige's disappearance, connie seemingly reverted back to her old ways fairly quickly—ever the shadow that seems to disappear out of the corner of one's eye before they can notice it was there to begin with. if anything, connie deemed paige being the only one worth learning patience for.. with her gone, why does she still need to be?

naive —
while her awareness that not everyone will have her best interest at heart exists within her mind, connie can still exhibit a touch of naivety. on certain occasions, and as well as taking account of the person involved, she can sometimes find herself in denial that someone could harm her in any aspect, particularly when she has done nothing to earn the negativity. it's only after the naivety dissolves that her unforgiving nature takes its place.


nature —
connie always feels more at peace surrounded by flora and fauna, even if it means sharing it with other people. socializing becomes slightly more tolerable when she knows that she has places to escape.

quality relationships —
not to say that it's easy to befriend her ( she certainly doesn't act like she likes socializing ), she still appreciates finding the small amount of friends or familiar faces she finds comfort around, especially when they've proven to be trustworthy enough.

sunrises —
any time that she can have by herself, connie partakes in, which just means that she's a natural early bird. whether she's on the docks or watching the sun stretch toward the sky from inside the water, she finds it to be a peaceful reset. sharing a sunrise was also how she came to meet paige, frequently sharing them with her friend up until their argument and her eventual disappearance. no one will ever know it either, but connie tends to shed a few tears in remembrance of their friendship.

journaling —
the only thing that knows a more vulnerable version of herself is the brown journal she keeps tucked near her at all times. it's filled to the brim of all things imaginable: lengthy and emotional entries, flower pressing, shabby doodles, and scribbles depicting feelings she couldn't properly express.


socializing —
never was equipped with a social battery that lasted nor does she find peace in a crowd. if she ever was out of her shell, paige was behind it all. but now that she's gone, connie is only ever seen with a smile when she's keeping the campers occupied and away from counselor drama.

drama —
she doesn't want to hear about it and she doesn't want to be involved in anything either. connie is quick to shut up gossip-mongers that try to get her to supply.

betrayal —
connie doesn't take kindly to anyone who does something to betray her trust or her friendship, especially when she prides herself on being cautious in the first place. it makes her feel stupid.

enclosed spaces —
connie despises feeling boxed in or trapped in any way, especially when it causes her claustrophobia to get the best of her.




90%. something that she's very often learned is that not everyone appreciates her honesty enough to hear it, having been snapped at for it once or twice. she tries to hold her tongue now but that still doesn't stop the occasional slip up.


100%. if not her stature, her kindness and willingness to help others ( even those who probably don't deserve it ) will be the thing that kills her.


60%. someone as adventurous as she is needs to hold some amount of bravery in order to venture into the unknown.


45%. being romantic or trying to carry out romantic gestures was never connie's strong suit but that doesn't stop her from showing signs of affection. she's awkward but she's aware of her feelings and knows when she's infatuated.


95%. ever the curious type, we can only hope that curiosity doesn't kill this cat.


85%. she will fight tooth and nail to survive any threatening situation she finds herself trapped in, with or without the adrenaline to aid her. her athleticism and stealth will keep her fighting longer but she doesn't exactly have the build to keep her from eventually being overpowered.



despite her familial ties to easthallow town, connie levine didn't come to appreciate the quaint city for what it had to offer until her late teens. because before there was easthallow, there was jefferson, louisiana.

her home sweet home was a withered structure, surrounded by overgrown weeds and the everlasting humidity that left her skin sticky with sweat during the hot summers. furniture donned broken leather and creaking wooden chairs groaned out from under her whenever she sat upon them. no doubt was her house outdated, along with the things inside it, but that's what connie loved most about it—it was lived in from corner to corner and it was the best place to rest her head after long days at school.

she shared its comfort and familiarity with her father, her mother, and her older brother for as long as she could remember, financed with stable living with the help of their cherished family business. connie’s parents owned an airboat touring company, offering tourists a chance to explore the mysterious swamps that louisiana had to offer. the business was a staple of their family, a promised job meant to be shared with her older brother. but when he left for college, the responsibilities that were meant for two fell onto her shoulders. she didn’t mind it; in fact, she took pride in helping her parents run the tours, guiding wide-eyed visitors through the maze of waterways.

but, she was the only one who felt that way.

behind her back, her parents whispered their concerns. they worried that their daughter was becoming too involved in the family business, neglecting her own life, especially socially. they saw how she poured herself into the work, how she sacrificed the carefree days of her youth to keep the business running smoothly. they appreciated connie's work ethic, but couldn't enable her reclusive habits when it bordered total isolation.

nine months after she turned seventeen, just when summer vacation was bound to start, her parents made the difficult decision to send her to live with her uncle in easthallow, hoping the change would offer her a broader perspective and a chance to focus on her own life. connie hated the idea of moving, especially to a town she had only visited once a year. it was a world apart from the humid, swampy bayous of jefferson. it was a mountainous town, engulfed in towering trees and snowy winters—a complete culture shock for someone used to the sticky heat and the sound of cicadas.

but it was a pointless argument to start with how insistent her parents were.

packing up her life and leaving the only home she had ever known was a daunting task. the winding roads leading to easthallow felt sorrowful to her knowing that it wasn't a visit but a new (and unwanted) beginning. it took time, but eventually, connie began to see the beauty in easthallow, starting with session 2001 in camp evergreen.

in an effort to offer good news back to her parents in louisiana, connie took a leap of faith and applied as a lifeguard at camp evergreen three years after high school graduation, where she would spend her summers. while she still found herself being reclusive at times, the job required a level of social effort that she wasn't used to, and she managed to maintain a balance between her reserved nature and the demands of her new role. and much to her surprise, she found herself loving the job.

it was here that she met, and took a liking to, paige evergreen, one of the camp owner's daughters. paige seemed to prefer connie's friendly face and ability to treat her as an equal, and they quickly formed a bond. their friendship became a bright spot in connie's summers spent there, making her transition to easthallow a little easier and adding a new light to her life that she hadn't anticipated.

when paige and her sister renee disappear towards the end of camp session 2001, however, so did the light that connie came to be comfortable basking in. suddenly, camp evergreen didn't feel like her second home anymore, and the empty feeling in her chest didn't go away no matter what (or who) she tried to fill it with during the time it stayed closed.

once camp evergreen reopened its doors to the public, connie was hesitant to return. her mind screamed no, especially when news reports of the sisters' disappearance aired every day and missing posters were stapled to wooden electric poles around her uncle's home—her home. but when a brochure arrived in her mailbox, promising a rebranding of the camp, she found herself signing her time away to the camp she once loved. whether it was the denial of her best friend's disappearance or the need to see what had changed, camp session 2002 would see her once more.




camp history


the best way to describe connie is multifaceted in personality. before there was paige evergreen, connie was a counselor with a comforting smile to offer... to the campers only. there was no doubt in anyone's mind that she was the right person for the job, but once she was given free reign to do as she so pleased, no one would see of her until it was time to show face again. connie preferred solitude over anything. that is until paige wormed her way right into connie's life, changing her perspective of how to approach socializing. the results of befriending paige kicked her into high gear, seemingly swapping reclusive connie for a more social one. if there was a party, connie somehow showed up. push a beer in her hand and she drank it without a question or care in the world. the counselors gravitated to this new version of her, finally getting to know the one person who was seemingly hellbent on avoiding them otherwise. but after paige's disappearance, everything started spiraling, and they would see and hear less of connie as she reverted to her old self. but this time, with a biting edge to keep people out.


ARGUED WITH PAIGE — not exactly a lie, technically speaking, but it is a very exaggerated rumor that's spiraling out of control since connie does nothing to defend herself. their last conversation was a heated one once connie found out that she was doing drugs, pinning blame on renee for stressing paige out so much that she felt she had to turn to using. paige, understandably, defended her sister and made sure that connie knew that she would never be as important as renee was to her.

CONNIE KILLED PAIGE — directly tied to their argument, connie has heard that people think she might have killed paige, especially with how quickly she reverted back to her secluded ways. it's bullshit. no matter how angry connie might have been, she would never lay a finger on paige, let alone kill her. she loved her.

the sisters

PAIGE EVERGREEN — her one true friend that she ever made at camp evergreen, seemingly sparking a connection from the beginning. connie wasn't oblivious to the circulating gossip about the evergreen sisters, so she knew to be wary, but connie was the type to find things out for herself. and she liked the person that she met in paige, maybe even a little more than she would realize. it wasn't until connie started to see the darker side, the true evergreen in her that mirrored renee. maybe it was love that had her in denial of how paige was capable of behaving or perhaps she didn't want to cut her off right away, but connie had a soft spot for her. and said soft spot had grown more apparent when connie lost her for good, it seemed.

RENEE EVERGREEN — bitch incarnate. connie didn't have a personal reason to hate renee, but she knew that renee was someone to stay away from since the beginning of her experience at camp evergreen. it wasn't until her argument with paige that she grew to hate renee even more. why was her bestfriend so hellbent on supporting a person so vile, even if it was her sister? why couldn't renee just leave paige alone and find someone else to manipulate? "paige, why did you choose her and not me?"


job application / returning.

full name

connie levine.

date of birth

november 6th, 1980.

jobs you're interested in

nature position or lifeguard. hired to be a boating instructor.

relevant skills

botanist aid in greenhouse work. certified in CPR. swimming instructing experience. physical exertion.

previous experience

part time lifeguard throughout high school and hosted kayaking clubs with the local community center. had the lifeguard position the previous year. volunteered at the community garden.

do you agree to the contract below?


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FULL NAME: William "Billy" Sheridan
TAROT CARD & ROLE: Strength - The Basketcase
AGE: 21

Angular features, relatively unblemished skin, and dark hair would make him seem the gold standard for what is considered attractive in the modern day, Billy's eyes don't cleave to the rest of his facial features however, possessing a piercing and harsh gaze that make him appear to stare through rather than at someone.
FACE-CLAIM: Kyle Gallner
Placeholder text - Imgur(6).jpgPlaceholder text - Imgur(1).jpgPlaceholder text - Imgur.jpgPlaceholder text - Imgur(4).jpgPlaceholder text - Imgur(3).jpg
BODY MODS: Puncture scar on his left trapezius as a result of being stabbed

A bundle of paranoia and furtive tendencies, Billy keeps out of the way and out of sight, easier that way to avoid scrutiny and the rumors that follow him like a shadow and haunt his waking nightmares. If there was a definition of "Defined by Trauma" in the dictionary, Billy would be featured as the picture next to the definition, he's terrified of losing control of himself and emotion's and in an attempt to avoid such an event he keeps himself compartmentalized and restrained, never allowing himself to show much of anything besides a neutral expression and even tone. Despite his facade of impassive apathy, he is falling apart at the seams internally, plagued by thoughts and feelings he cannot bring himself to voice lead Billy to spiral into deeper and more drastic levels of avoidance until the lines between reality and delusion blur.
VIRTUES: Observant, Iron willed, Unorthodox, Resourceful
VICES: Unreliable, Paranoid, Obsessive, Temperamental
- Nature (Being out in the woods gives him a sense of freedom from the crowds and bustle of society.)
- BBQ Sauce (Seriously, you could give Billy boiled shoe leather and if it was slathered in BBQ sauce he would eat it.)
- Music (A surefire way to get him out of a shitty mood, Major metal and grunge head.)
- Rain (Listening to and watching rain is a good way to unwind for Billy.)
- Large Groups (An introvert, large groups are a no no for Billy.)
- Gossip (Being pinned as a psychopath and serial killer has left a significant disdain for rumors in Billy.)
- Confrontation (One of the quickest ways he loses his cool is being confronted, especially if its in an aggressive way.)
- Talking in circles (People who aren't upfront and direct are probably lying to you or omitting the truth in some way shape or form.)

Billy's story is pretty normal all things considered; good home life, middle class family, promising future. His biggest role model was his older brother Nate though, someone who he looked up to and emulated all throughout childhood, when Billy took up boxing and martial arts it was Nate who encouraged him to start, and to train seriously. A combination of natural talent and an abundance of skill saw Billy eventually surpass the local competition and begin competing regionally. Despite his doubts and pressure from his parents to apply himself academically to something more stable outside of a career as an athlete, Billy had the support of his older brother. When Nate enlisted and was deployed in the gulf war Billy was even more determined to make something of himself than just being some no name fighter, Billy worked himself to the bone to rise into state level amateur boxing championship contention. Riding high after a fight against the number 1 contender for the state championship and subsequently taking his defeated opponents place, Billy was favored to win his fight against the reigning champion.

The night before his fight for the championship, his opponent that Billy had previously defeated ambushed him on the streets, after a the fight began to get ugly his attacker pulled a knife and Billy was stabbed after the two had ended up on the ground. Fearing for his life and operating off of pure instinct Billy grabbed whatever happened to be closest to him on the ground and swung as hard as he could at his attacker. Billy only processed what had happened after the police arrived, and his eyes lingered at the blood on the brick in his hand and the glassy, empty eyes of the boy on the ground as they stared upward into nothing while the blood pooled around his head from the gash in the side of his attacker's skull. After a lengthy court battle, Billy was acquitted of murder charges after witness testimony, but the fact remained that he killed someone. His behavior slipping into the opposite of his usual self into the extreme marked by anger, irritability and hopelessness, eventually culminating in a diagnosis of generalized anxiety, post traumatic stress, and clinical depression.

unsure if what to do and fearing for their son, Billy's parents had him committed to a psychiatric hospital, spending 2 months in treatment before being released, despite his seeming improvement and return to a semblance of normalcy Billy still struggled mentally and emotionally, cycling in and out of care for his persistent issues. His current doctor recommended he take a job at an old summer camp he used go to with his brother as a way to help deal with trauma by reconnecting with a place that were the source of happier memories and to perhaps reconnect with old friends as well. Nate now in his 30's got an apartment in Easthallow in order to keep an eye on Billy should anything happen, much to Billy's own chagrin.
REPUTATION: Despite Billy's reclusive nature, he does his work quickly and efficiently, whether that be planning a hike and what route to take or showing campers the basics of building a fire. His knowledge of the surrounding area and tendency to explore has led Billy to find some out of the way spots and hidey holes that most would ignore, Billy is the person counselors who are looking for seclusion or area's where they wouldn't be found easily come to in order to find them consequently, and he is all to happy to tell them as long as the person in question leaves him alone afterwards. His observant nature has also seen him noticing campers and counselors who may not fit in with any of the groups or cliques formed in the camp itself, his own status as an "outcast" leaning him towards treating those in a similar situation a little more favorably than others.
THE SISTERS: Renee was a stuck up bitch and Paige enabled her sister, but neither deserved what they got in the end just because they had shitty personalities.

BRAVE: 74%


code by birth of venus.
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𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 - the suspect







Alton 'Alt' Chambers






nonbinary (he/they)





star sign



camp job

nurse - medic

  • Immolation.

    "When there is nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire."

♡coded by uxie♡

the tower — fanatic

brain stew
green day

FULL NAME: Reese Hendricks
TAROT CARD & ROLE: The Tower - The Fanatic
AGE: 22
STAR SIGN: Scorpio

HAIR: Dark, curly, and generally tangled. His current dye color of choice is green, which fades with every wash as the roots grow out. He cuts and colors it himself, so the ends tend to be split and uneven.

EYES: Brown eyes which turn black in the shade and amber in the sun, usually seen rolling or squinting in a display of judgement.

SKIN: Sandy-colored, his face prone to oiliness, as he's only recently grown out of his teenage acne. He has a mole above his lip, and scars from childhood scrapes and memories of rowdy basement punk shows.

HEIGHT: 5'11"

BUILD: Reese has a slim build, with thin legs and narrow shoulders. He has a hard time building and maintaining muscle mass, not that he's ever put much effort into doing so. Instead, his body is mostly made up of bony limbs and a soft stomach.

BODY MODS: He has a tiny hole just below his mouth from where his lip ring used to be. He also has a hole in each of his earlobes. They are slightly larger than what might be standard for a normal piercing, as they are the remnants of a failed attempt to stretch his lobes in middle school. The left side of his torso, over his ribs, is dedicated to stanzas of tattooed song lyrics from bands he still swears he’ll never grow out of.

FACE-CLAIM: Alex Wolff

PERSONA: Reese rarely lowers his voice when he speaks, nor does he wait his turn. He’s an expert at wasting time, and his lack of motivation means that most issues should be able to roll right off his shoulders—unless he’s bored enough to decide to pick a fight. And he is, unfortunately, very bored these days.

He’s become rather bitter, with his more gentle half no longer around to ground him. Reese is made up of a conflicting combination of self-pity and a superiority complex. Though most might pick up on Reese’s proneness to brutal honesty and impulsive recklessness, he’s quick to lie if it means that he gets to keep his hard truths to himself. Although his jabs generally amount to nothing more than a sarcastic remark tossed over his shoulder, he is more than capable than being cruel, especially since he’s never cared to hold his tongue.

There is however, a nature of understanding present within him. He’s more apt to welcome the outcast than one might think. He’s also not without humor. For those who get to know him, his eye-rolls will hold more endearment than annoyance, and he’ll trade his smirk for a grin. For someone who failed every academic challenge thrown at him, he can be a logical thinker, perhaps more due to stubbornness than anything else. He’ll always hold his ground, and whether someone finds that trait stupid or noble is up to their personal interpretation.



Film - His defining passion. Reese was always a kid with a camera, and some believe that there's no horror movie that he hasn't seen at least twice.
Punk Shows - The rowdier, the better. He and his friends break each others noses not for violence, but as a sort of musical bonding ritual.
Sour Candy - Especially when he finds it in places where it's not supposed to be. Forgotten candy is a little surprise treat from a pocket to him.

Study - Reese isn't one for books or numbers, neither have clicked with him the way they did for his sister.
Cold Weather - For someone who appreciates layers, he starts shivering at anything other than warm weather. Cloud cover could end him some days.
Change - Maybe he holds on tighter than he'd care to admit. That kind of thing happens when someone doesn't feel like they have much left to keep a grip on.

BRAVE: 30%

Though Reese and Rachel Hendricks were born side-by-side, upon first impressions, one would more likely assume that they had come from different worlds. Rachel was welcomed first, quickly and quietly, her voice barely raised past a whimper, as though she was too shy to want to disturb anyone in the hospital. Her twin brother, Reese, however, came out screaming. As it turns out, their first few moments alive would set the scene for what the dynamic of the Hendricks twins would look like.

If Reese was the moon, Rachel was the sun. Whereas his eyes were dark, her’s were nearly gold, and she had long, straight hair that grew in contrast to Reese’s tangled curls. Reese grew to develop a quick tongue and even quicker feet, and he treated the local streets like a racetrack. The adults knew to keep an eye out for the boy without a helmet who never seemed to slow down until he ran into something. While Rachel was filling her time in the company of countless books, Reese discovered movies as a medium, and the pair set off to pursue their different passions, though always sitting side-by-side.

By the time they reached middle school, Reese with his acne and Rachel with her braces, it was clear that Rachel was the favorite by both their teachers and their parents. While Reese had no shortage of resentment for those adult figures in his life, he almost couldn’t blame them for that. Rachel was his favorite, too.

As the years went on, Reese and Rachel stayed close. While he tried to adapt her favorite books into homemade short films, she recited to him the history of his favorite filmmakers . She could paint his nails if she let him color her hair, and whether the conversation centered around books or music or movies, the other listened. She tried (and failed) to teach him how to use math equations, and he taught her all the curse words he knew. Rachel helped Reese pass his classes the best that she could, and in turn, he made sure that she never ate lunch alone. Their conflicting personalities and close proximity meant that fights came easily and often, but each time, they were quickly forgotten without the need for spoken apologies.

In highschool, both were far from popular, albeit for different reasons. Rachel enjoyed the book clubs while Reese tolerated detention, which kept both of them pretty far under the radar. Rachel was notoriously smarter than Reese, but that wasn’t surprising—she was notoriously smarter than a lot of people, actually.

Given his academic record at that point, Reese knew that he would have few options for a future career, but it didn’t bother him in the slightest. He knew what he wanted: he wanted to make films. Not only that—he wanted to make horror films.

It was the one thing that he was holding onto, and he’d spent countless arguments trying to get his parents to give him a chance to pursue his dream. The day Rachel got into her first choice at a prestigious university with a full scholarship was the same day that Reese had finally finished his portfolio application to the only film school he had a shot at. The two schools happened to be in the same city, far from their hometown, and the twins planned to make the move together, still joined at the hip even in their future plans.

And then Reese didn’t get in. When he received his portfolio critique, it was clear he’d bombed it.

His sample short horror film was, as the advisors said, two-dimensional. It lacked narrative depth, and the shots were boring, devoid of any symbolism or storytelling. It lacked creativity. It was bland. It was uninspired.

And worst of all, his monsters weren’t even scary.

Not only did it crush him, but it truly changed him. A blow like that had torn the rug from beneath him, revealing an already thin floor holding him aloft, and he fell straight down. His creative drive never fully recovered, and his mind seemed to have sealed itself shut.

He wouldn’t admit it, even to this day, but the worst part was that Rachel left anyway. Without him.

It was the most catastrophic fight they’d ever had. And it was the last one. Rachel screamed, suitcase in hand, and Reese screamed right back at her, caught in the doorway as though it held him fast to the ground where he stood. He blamed her for leaving, and she blamed him for failing. He felt abandoned, and she felt let down. She left, and he stayed. And they never spoke again.

Reese’s parents had no patience for him after that, and he didn’t care to keep them company, either. With no job, no higher education, and no prospects, he still lived at home in his early twenties, but he tried his best to stay out of the house.

How he ended up at a party sitting next to Paige Evergreen, he couldn’t really remember, not even now. He knew of the sisters, as both he and Riley had spent summers as young kids at the girls’ parents’ summer camp. Although he could barely recall those years, he had always remembered the sisters, had seen them around, although he’d shared no contact since then.

And yet, Reese and Paige were suddenly side by side, and upon a glance from any passers by, one would assume neither had anything in common. Paige was a pretty nice girl, and Reese was a bit of an asshole. Their dissimilarities stretched beyond that of course, but as they engaged in conversation, growing more honest as more alcohol followed them throughout the night, they found that they shared one thing in common: each lived in the shadow of their respective sister. It was enough to keep them talking with each other for the night, their thread of connection and shared insecurity pulling them together for a few hours.

During their moment of vulnerability, Reese uncharacteristically confided in her about living with his parents as a jobless adult, and Paige steered the conversation to the summer camp that he had forgotten about after he’d turned ten. She could get him a job for next summer if he wanted. And for that night, at least, he’d decided he’d wanted it.

He'd spent that summer as a counselor at Evergreen Camp, and he really wasn't great at it. And he didn't exactly have the time of his life. But, interestingly enough, it was better than nothing. Though he and Paige didn't run into each other too much after that, Reese never passed her without offering a wave at the very least.

Next summer, however, was different. Paige and her sister’s disappearance confused Reese, and although he didn’t remember much about that party where they reconnected after a night of heavy drinking, he hadn’t forgotten Paige, who had been the first person he’d seemed to feel close to even for a moment since he’d stopped talking to Rachel. If nothing else, the news bummed him out.

And yet, there he was that following summer, still at home, still jobless since the year before, and still doing nothing. He’d all but abandoned filmmaking, which left him even without a hobby. What he did have, however, was a standing job offer, left behind by an Evergreen girl, still somehow free for his taking, as though it had been penned in Paige's will.

On a whim, he’d decided that it would at least give him something to do again. Earning some money at the same time might even help him out.

Reese was kind of bad at his job, which really didn’t bother him that much. The kids and other counselors likely knew this as well, and their opinion of Reese was dependent on how much they’d be willing to tolerate this.

Blackmailing Paige - Why else would he be here anyway, and why else would she be associated with him at all? Some seem to believe that Reese used some sort of information against Paige to buy his way to Evergreen Camp somehow, and since no one is saying, it must be bad. Maybe he’s more manipulative than we think—plus, it’s not like he’s doing anything to dispel these rumors.

Dealer - It’s no secret that Reese didn’t make it to graduation without some help, though not everyone seemed to realize that his sister played a role getting him to a diploma. Most assumed he cheated, and since it was rather clear that he wouldn’t have the money to employ greater minds to help him, it was easier to assume that Reese was dealing drugs as a way to pay back students whom he used to cheat off of.

The Suspect - Reese doesn’t believe in outlandish theories about what might’ve happened to the Evergreen sisters. In fact, he’s most likely to choose the most believable option, and it looks like signs are pointed to The Suspect. He’d be one to push that rumor around. Who else would it be? It’s not like they’re living in a horror movie, and Reese doesn’t believe in monsters anymore, no matter how scary.

Reese shared little contact with Renee, though he knew of her reputation, which he never had very strong feelings about. He always knew of the girls, as he’d been a camper with them several years ago as a child. After a brief but profound reconnection with Paige, the pair remained on good if distant terms. She’d gotten him his job for the summer, so he’d at least have to thank her for that.

FULL NAME: reese hendricks
DATE OF BIRTH: nov 9, 1980
JOB(S) YOU ARE INTERESTED IN: anything is cool
RELEVANT SKILLS: yikes [Reference: Paige Evergreen]
PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: i was here last year


reese hendricks.

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.ღ
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FULL NAME: Ricky Sanford
TAROT CARD & ROLE: Strength - Jock
AGE: 24
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius
PRONOUNS: he/him
SEXUALITY: bisexual

Ricky has almond-shaped blue-green eyes with relatively thin, slightly curved eyebrows. He has naturally long eyelashes and an infectious smile and laugh. He has naturally slightly rosy cheeks and always tans during his time at summer camp. He has a straight nose and somewhat thin lips. Though he is sometimes clean-shaven, he goes between that and having a bit of stubble. Ricky has long-ish dark brown hair, having grown it out to the nap of his neck.
FACE-CLAIM: Logan Lerman
BODY MODS: He has a small tattoo of a dragon on his left forearm. He has no piercings.

Ricky is best described as himbo. He's very friendly, very upbeat, and a bit silly. He loves to tell dad jokes and acts like an older brother to all the kids at camp. He's optimistic and great at cheering people up or comforting them, depending on what he thinks they need at the time. He's very active and athletic and will try to convince you to go on a morning run at 6am in such a convincing way you almost want to. He loves the outdoors and sports and gets really into games, being secretly very competitive though he tries to hide it. While he's terrible with any sort of puzzles, brainteasers, or more intellectual endeavors, he has a high emotional intelligence and loves to help people. Ricky loves a game and is the type of person who organizes game nights or parties and is always the social butterfly host when does so. He wants everyone to feel included, and though he's more cheerful than any normal person has a right to be, he is an extremely loyal friend and will be a shoulder to lean in when someone is in need. He can't see someone having a rough time and not want to help.

Since Ricky is generally and honest and caring person, he usually assumes the best in others as well. This trait makes him a bit gullible at times, but he's mostly good at telling when people are serious or joking. He hates being the butt of jokes or having his (lack of) intelligence or devoted athleticism mocked but will shrug it off in most cases. It's difficult to truly get under his skin because he's such an easygoing guy. If he has an issue, he'll generally just laugh it off and change the subject. The exception to this rule is when one of the kids is having a tough time or is in danger. He takes their safety and happiness extremely seriously, along with his fellow counselors'. He's the type of person to go to great lengths for others, saying something like "anyone would do it," when in fact most people would not go that far to help. In doing so, he has a bad habit of neglecting himself on occasion, though he's very serious about staying hydrated, eating healthy, etc. (occasionally to the point of annoyance). When he asks people how they are doing, he genuinely wants to know. He gets attached to people very easily. Loves dad rock (his favorite band is Foo Fighters).
  • Empathy. Ricky is highly empathetic and cares about other people, whether he knows them well or not.
  • Charisma. He's easy to get along with and makes friends very quickly.
  • Loyal. Once he's friends with someone, he will do anything for them.
  • Optimistic. He sees the best in things and can almost always find the bright side.
  • Laidback. He doesn't take things too seriously and knows when to laugh at himself.
  • Selfless. His caring about others can turn into neglecting himself in the process, or he can take unnecessary risks in order to help someone.
  • Lack of book smarts. He isn't good with logical problems or difficult puzzles and sometimes is a bit of a dumbass.
  • Loyal. Even when his friends do something that is against Ricky's own moral standards, he will stick with them and help as best he can.
  • Spacy. Sometimes misses small details or gets tasks done in a rush to get to the more exciting jobs.
  • Cares what others think of him. He can be hesitant to discipline unruly kids or take the unpopular side of an argument because he really wants to be liked, and in fact will go to unnecessary lengths to get people to like him sometimes (think Terry from B99 or Leslie from Parks and Rec).
  • Dad rock. He adores dad rock, it's his favorite music genre. Though he likes several different kinds of music, that's his favorite.
  • Sweet things. Ricky has a huge sweet tooth, even though he is normally a very healthy eater.
  • Any sort of sport/outdoor activity. Swimming, hiking, basketball, you name it, Ricky has played it at least once and will be happy to do so again. He loves anything that makes exercise fun (he loves just going to the gym and lifting weights or doing cardio, though, so the bar is low).
  • Parties. Ricky loves a good party. So many new friends! (Or old friends, he's not picky).
  • Sitcoms. He loves to laugh, and sitcoms are easy to watch while multitasking, so he doesn't feel inclined to pay full attention.
  • Sunny days. He thinks it's fun to lay on a rock like a lizard and soak up the sun. All the better for sports (or if it's too hot, then water sports)!
  • Playing the drums. He's currently in a rock band during the rest of the year with some friends. He loves the physicality of the drums and has a good sense of rhythm.
  • Bitter things. He does not like black coffee. He usually avoids coffee altogether in favor of energy drinks.
  • Heavy rain. It forces him to stay inside, and he gets restless when cooped up for too long.
  • Reading. Though he enjoys reading comics (don't get him started on Detective Batman), he can't sit still long enough to digest an entire book. Why would he spend time doing that when he could be hanging out with his friends?
  • Spicy food. He has a low spice tolerance, and his face turns red when he eats anything spicy.
  • Waiting. Patience is not one of Ricky's virtues.
  • Inconsiderate people. He goes out of his way to be liked and help others, so watching people clearly not give a shit about others frustrates him.

Ricky has been coming to Evergreen since he was young, being a camper for several years before transitioning to be a counselor. He's been a constant at Evergreen for several years now, being generally well-liked by the kids and fellow counselors alike. He took two gap years after high school to save up for college and recently graduated with a degree in sports medicine. This is his last summer at camp before he starts a full-time position at a sports therapy clinic. Though he didn't really like Renee and his previous friendship with Paige had faded over the years, he was shocked and upset to learn about the disappearance. However, he's hoping this year can be a new start and put the past behind them.
REPUTATION: Ricky has a pretty solid reputation as a dependable and friendly guy. He's great with kids, having four younger siblings that he often took care of, and acts like an older brother to the children there. He is always a shoulder to lean on and has a dad joke lined up for even the worst of situations. He's known as a pretty chill but very energetic and kind guy. A bit of a dork, and definitely a bit of himbo, but overall, his reputation is pretty favorable.
RUMOURS: (if returning only: Ricky was the never the type to knowingly perpetuate gossip, sometimes to the point that campers and even the occasional counselor would hush up when he entered. He would sometimes repeat rumors that he'd heard, but rarely with any sort of malicious intent. If anything, he was a bit gullible and just believed someone until he realized it was a lie. There have been a few rumors about him, most notably about him being a bit of slut (untrue).
THE SISTERS: Ricky never got along with Renee. He disliked how she treated other people and would stand up to her on occasion, earning her ire. However, he valued his job and friendships too much to stand up to her too strongly, as much as he was disgusted with himself for it. A few times when he got really drunk with the other counselors after the kids went to bed, he could almost pretend he didn't hate Renee. Paige, however, was Ricky's friend. They met Ricky's first year at camp when he was in middle school and hit it off pretty quickly. As children, they were relatively close but grew apart as they got older. Especially the last few years, Ricky has started to lose trust in her. Despite his mixed feelings, he is concerned and upset about the disappearance and hopes that the girls will be found alive, though his hope has dwindled with passing day.

BRAVE: 50%

FULL NAME: Ricky Michael Sanford
DATE OF BIRTH: December 1, 1977
JOB(S) YOU ARE INTERESTED IN: counselor (sports)
RELEVANT SKILLS: friendly, first aid, good at sports
PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: you already know ;)
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  • bloodline

    • isla evergreen

      24 years


      october 31


      bi bi bi


      5'7" / 170cms.
      58kg / 130lbs.

      camp job
      star sign

      arts & craft


      isla has been blessed with silky platinum blonde hair that reaches just past her hips.


      captivating, deep brown eyes.


      large scars that look to have been made by claws can be seen on her upper back when her hair isn't covering it. similar scars can be found on her torso, arms, and legs.

      body mods

      multiple ear piercings in both ears and nipple piercings. a medusa tattoo on her lower back.

      notable features

      often described as ethereal, her appearance alone is more notable than anything.

      face claim

      anya taylor-joy

    /* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */
    © weldherwings.
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  • Leilani Iona

    #the artist

    #auli'i cravalho

    ♡coded by uxie♡

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  • mona blake

    # the skeptic

    # courtney eaton

    ♡coded by uxie♡


    full name — ramona blake
    nickname(s) — mona, mony
    card & role — the high priestess, skeptic
    age — twenty-three
    d.o.b. — september 5th, virgo
    gender — cis female, she/her
    sexuality — pansexual
    camp occupation — chicken wrangler farmer

    height — 5’9”
    weight — 133 lbs
    hair — chopped just above her shoulders, mona’s dark hair falls messily, bangs and shorter pieces at the front framing her soft face. it’s neither straight nor curly, but somewhere in between, and regardless of how often she brushes it, it seems inclined to do as it pleases, which often means looking windswept and disheveled to some degree.
    eyes — ramona’s chocolate-hued eyes are gentle, yet there’s a sadness to them. they sport the exhaustion of a girl forced into maturity before she was ready, burdened with responsibilities beyond her years.
    notable features — mona’s face sports a perpetually-worried expression—it’s as if she’s always on edge, expecting the worst around every turn.
    body modifications — both of the girl’s earlobes are pierced and usually adorned with mismatched studs—she has a tendency to lose one of nearly each pair she owns, but she makes do with what she has left.
    scar(s) — despite her somewhat rough childhood, ramona could be quite the daredevil when she wanted to be. her knees have been home, some time or other, to a variety of cuts and bruises, but very few of them resulted in permanent reminders of her careless actions. even now, she inadvertently tests how far she can go before facing permanent consequences—her job as a farmer at the camp means getting scratched-up and dirty, and it’s only a matter of time before a chicken or thorn decides to leave their mark.
    face claim — courtney eaton

    virtues — dependable: it isn’t necessarily something that she’s proud of, but mona notoriously puts others’ needs before her own, regardless of the consequences it has on herself. when those she cares about require aid—even those she doesn’t—she’s all too willing to drop everything to be at their side. it’s a habit she formed during childhood that she doesn’t plan on breaking any time soon. whether or not it’ll prove to be her downfall remains to be seen. independent: though ramona considers herself a fairly social person, she’s never really required someone else to take care of her. she’s learned that even those meant to look after you don’t always take that job as seriously as they should, and the only person you can count on at the end of the day is yourself. well-rounded and responsible, it’s no use to her to wait around for someone to swoop in and save her when she could do it herself. it’s easier not to get her hopes up with raised expectations—something she discovered the hard way early on in life. logical: always one to think with her brain rather than her heart, mona has scarcely been one to let her emotions or imagination run wild. ever curious, she’s been filling her head with facts—useless and otherwise—since she was old enough to hold a book in her hand and understand the words on the page before her. she’s quick to look for explanations in even the strangest circumstances—the older sister in her; misplaced fears have no place taking up ramona’s time. protective: with a little brother of her own, mona’s motherly instincts are consistently on high-alert, whether they’re solicited or not. she can’t help wanting to shield others from the darkness in the world, taking the brunt of it if she can. it may come across as overbearing on occasion, but she means well—she may not always be the best at verbally expressing her love, but her actions speak louder than any words she could attempt to form.

    vices — doubting: mona is hasty to trust her own intuition and reason-based beliefs, and while that could be a strength, it’s just as much a short-coming. it might even be considered a matter of pride, too content in assuming logic over contextual evidence that would perhaps suggest otherwise, but self-preservation comes in many forms. her skepticism maintains the peace of others and herself, but it wouldn’t hurt to listen to outside opinions every now and then, no matter how ridiculous they may seem at first. nosy: when it comes to finding answers, ramona has a nasty penchant for poking around in places she has no business being. her mind is relentless, however; perhaps it’s anxiety, but she can’t find herself able to be at rest until she has confirmation of what’s going on and whether or not it’s something she should be bothered with. she has trouble knowing when to let things go; she’d fit right in with those meddling kids on her tv set each saturday morning. pessimist: as much as mona values deep connections with others, she can’t help but assume the worst from those around her. rarely does she expect the love she has to give to be returned, but whenever it is, it’s a pleasant surprise that she welcomes eagerly after the fact. until then, she keeps herself relatively guarded, lest she set herself up for disappointment. stick-in-the-mud: ramona’s mature attitude has taken its toll on her once-fun streak. she has a way for finding danger in everything, typically the first to warn others of potential faults in their plan that they may have overlooked. “that limb doesn’t look very sturdy,” and “i wouldn’t touch that plant if i were you,” are staples in her vernacular, though while it may not be appreciated in the moment, she wouldn’t be able to live with herself if she sat idly by while someone put themselves uselessly at risk.

    likes — boardgames: ramona isn’t often competitive, but she’s not afraid to throw an elbow in a game of monopoly. mystery novels: really, mona just enjoys fact-driven books, but there’s something about being able to solve a crime along with the main character as evidence is presented that’s deeply satisfying to her. nature: as unpredictable as it is, she’s always found it comforting to know that there are still patterns to be found. it’s a peaceful escape from the stressors that everyday life provides.

    dislikes — artificial cherry flavoring: it reminds her too much of being sick as child and force-feeding herself cough medicine, as there was no one else to do it for her. horror movies: to mona, they’re as nonsensical as can be. while some may find them to be a source of thrilling entertainment, the characters’ bad judgment and poor choices causes her nothing but irritation. at least try to make the plot believable… spiders: ramona knows they serve a purpose in the ecosystem, but she’s never been fond of them; the webs that build up in the bathroom stalls at camp send shivers down her spine, and don’t get her started on the times she’s walked into one of the arachnids’ invisible traps strung up across the many trails winding through the woods.

    history — there were two things that ramona could always count on in her unstable life, and the first was being sent away each summer. camp was in every absent parent’s handbook, and mona couldn’t exactly complain—it was better than the other months of the year, where she found herself picking up the slack her mom left behind. cooking and cleaning were the norm of her days; it was adapt or leave her and her brother to starve in their own filth at the risk of their mother complaining at their state when she at last returned home each night, well after the sun had vanished beyond the horizon, and ramona was nothing if not a problem-solver, far too loyal to her family to complaining about the glaring shortcomings.

    mona never knew her father, nor the man responsible for her younger brother, but she didn’t exactly have any interest to. she wasn’t sure what they could offer besides the presence of a legal guardian in after-school hours, but even that, she’d convinced herself, would be nothing but another inconvenience to add to her list.

    the only thing that kept her head up was the promise of summer’s arrival.

    with the heat came a newfound freedom; for those few, short weeks she was allowed to be a kid, and that she did. ramona’s favorite place to be was nature, climbing trees until her hands were rough with calluses and traipsing through the woods with little regard to how twigs and thorn bushes scraped at her legs. the best part of all was that the only person she had to look after was herself.

    the second thing that ramona knew for certain was that there was no such thing as monsters. the closest thing the world had to offer were absent parents and people like the evergreen sisters, too rich and entitled to care about their actions and the effects they had on others.

    and mona wasn’t scared of them, just like she wasn’t scared of the creature her brother used to claim lurked under his bed.

    while stakes and holy water could keep a vampire at bay, so could her blunt words put the sisters in their place—or, attempt to, anyway. it seemed like she was the only one willing to do so, too, as others followed blindly in the evergreens’ wake, too gullible to question their authority or the web of lies they wove in their wake, spreading like poison throughout the campers.

    it was insanity.

    the target on ramona’s back was etched soon after her first interaction with the sisters, but the knives they threw at it bounced off with ease. their efforts at riling her up, ruining her reputation, were fruitless, met with nothing but an eye roll at best—if she even chose to acknowledge their madness at all—and it only egged them on more. however, there was nothing they could say to deter mona; she knew the truth, and that was all that truly mattered to her at the end of the day.

    let them talk. it made no difference to her.

    by the time they grew into the role of counselors, the evergreen sisters had bored of what they’d considered a game between them—the fun of the challenge of breaking ramona’s level-headed spirit had worn off. they’d moved on to more entertaining victims, leaving mona to her own devices at long last by the time they vanished into thin air. the only reason mona noticed their absence at all was the peace she felt in the few moments before chaos erupted across camp as the loss of its “golden girls” finally set in.

    like the calm before a storm.

    reputation — try as they might to get under her skin, the evergreen sisters never managed to crush ramona under their designer shoes as they had so many others. in the process, she’d inadvertently earned a name for herself. mona was thick-skinned and matter-of-fact. she examined all evidence before buying into petty teenage rumors, and stood up for those victimized by them. to some, she was a safe space to run to, but to others, she was a straight-laced thorn in their side.

    rumors — the evergreens tired themselves out trying to find ramona’s weak spot, any slit in her well-crafted armor for them to pierce with pointed lies. the best they managed to come up with was that her father was in prison—for all mona knew, it could’ve been true, but what her dad did or where he was had never been any concern of hers, so why begin to worry herself over something all because someone in misplaced power decided to point it out?

    the sisters — while young ramona had been somewhat of a fascination of theirs—her stubbornness was equally annoying as it was intriguing—she was easily tossed aside, like a broken toy, as they aged. the girls no longer sought to win the unspoken, twisted competition they’d created, progressing to more achievable goals. they hadn’t spoken in a while—except when absolutely necessary—in the days leading up to the evergreens’ disappearances, and frankly, mona isn’t all that bothered by the mystery of it. perhaps, if it was someone else, her interest would be piqued, but she can understand why someone would want them dead, as horrible as it may be.

    honest: 85%
    charitable: 95%
    brave: 80%
    romantic: 15%
    curious: 100%
    survival: 65%

    full name — ramona blake
    date of birth — september 5, 1980
    job(s) you are interested in— farmer
    relevant skills — knowledgeable of plants and good with animals and kids
    previous experience — was a part of her school’s ag program for three years, raised her brother used to babysit full-time
    do you agree to the contract below? — yes

    code by birth of venus.
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