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Fandom Pyrrhic Ascension: Characters


words are hard
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Off-site

Name: (4 letter first name, 6/7 letter last name. Longer first names with 4 letter nicknames also work)
Gender+Pronouns: (Self-explanatory)
Chumhandle: (two words abbreviated to a pair of letters. No gcat rule necessary)
Symbol: (An icon your character wears somewhere on them. Should connect to an element of their character)
Associated Color: (Provide a specific hexcode, and make sure it’s readable on a white background.)

Personality: (What is your character like?)
Hobbies: (What does your character like to do?)
Interests: (What things does your character like?)
Major Dislikes: (What don’t they like?)

Kind Abstratus: (Weapon type— feel free to be silly, but it should be something your character reasonably has)
Sylladex: (Inventory system! Mostly for flavor)

Guardian: (The person who takes care of your character + their relationship with them)
House: (The place your character lives)
Appearance: (Description or image. Homestuck style strongly preferred. AI not allowed.)
Name: Richard "Dick" Richard

Gender+Pronouns: Male, He/Him

Chumhandle: americanCaesar (AC)

Symbol: Little pixel American Bald Eagle


Associated Color: #7DDA58 (Green)

Personality: Dick is a bombastic, outgoing and honest individual who believes the best action is the most immediate one. Brave and boisterous to a fault, Dick believes that he is the Hero of his own story, and he's been trained his whole life to do battle with the greatest evil humanity has ever faced... not that the Sir ever told him what that evil was. He is trusting, kind to his friends and vengeful to his enemies, with a habit of punching first and thinking later. Despite his seemingly, ahem, blunt personality Dick has a deep instinctual cunning that can be easily underestimated since rarely uses it. He also favors doing the honorable and just thing even when it may seem stupid and put him at a disadvantage, which he considers the more fun position to be in.

Hobbies: Shooting guns, wrestling dangerous wildlife, reading history and saluting the flag, physically challenging himself, punching dangerous wildlife, extreme camping, being trained by the Sir, fighting in general

Interests: Anything and everything American related, physical challenges, comic books, super heros, fighting dangerous opponents, protecting their friends and being a good guy, anime

Major Dislikes: Communism, anything un-american, people disrespecting the Sir/his friends, bullies, highly complex philosophical paradox'

Kind Abstratus:
- Gunkind (Like any good American, Dick has enough guns to arm a small country and enough ammo to fire said guns for days on end.)

- Fistkind (Dick likes to use guns instead of his fists because 'a gun makes every fight a fair fight'. That is to say, he thinks using his fists makes the fight unsporting... for the enemy.)

Sylladex: Check - In order to withdraw an item from his Sylladex, Dick has to complete a skill check in order to successfully retrieve it. However he just rolls STR since his STR stat is so busted he never has issues getting what he wants.

Guardian: The Sir: The Sir is Dick's father/uncle/paternal male role model of dubious relation. Dick always refers to him as 'The Sir', and when speaking to him calls him 'Sir' as a sign of respect. The Sir took Dick in at a young age and trained him all his life, throwing the most difficult obstacles at the young man and helping him overcome them. The Sir is generally distant and absent from Dick's life, but Dick doesn't mind because the Sir is often out and about doing super cool spy shit and saving the world. Dick deeply admires and respects the Sir, and hopes to one day be just like him despite woefully misunderstanding what makes the Sir the Sir.

The Sir appears as a tall figure in an unbuttoned duster with an eyepatch over one eye and short hair. A few scars are visible on his face. Occupation: International Badass.

House: Dick lives in a bunker complex located somewhere deep in the Rocky Mountains surrounded by miles of dense forest filled with dangerous wild life. Despite this, he either enjoys hanging out inside the lived in fallout shelter or sneaking past the electric fence, minefield, and auto-turrets to explore the surroundings and harassing the wildlife.

Appearance: Dick's sprite has a t-shirt with his symbol emblazoned on the front. He wears an unzipped cargo vest over it. His shirt is tucked into his pants, a pair of camo cargo pants that are themselves bloused into his combat boots. He has a wide grin at nearly all times, and his hair is trimmed short, close to his scalp. His talk-sprite is tall and bulky, and he stands like a superhero with his feet apart and fists pressed against his hips like superman.

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Name: Yuki Suzuki

Gender + Pronouns Cis-Female, She/Her

Chumhandle: sereneFrostfall (SF)

Symbol: Yuki's symbol is a snowflake.

Associated Color: Malibu #7DC8F7

Personality:Yuki isthe type of person who is gone to for advice and who always strives to be able to help others. She is a mediator, help to calm people down and make everyone get along. She cares greatly about other people, going as far as to research the interests of her friends and people she wants to be friends with in order to connect with them. She is kind and courteous, a good listener, and can be seen as wise. However, when she gets mad, her anger burns white hot yet subtle, and her words will hurt, all while being said with her usually soft smile and calm demeanor.

Her biggest flaws are her selflessness and fragile heart - she prioritizes others over herself and tries to shoulder her own burdens alone, all while carrying others' too. She's sensitive as well - her anger comes out to defend others, but when she herself is targeted, her calm exterior does break to show hurt and sadness. She also gets sad on other's behalf, something she doesn't control as well as getting angry for others' sakes. Despite all the thinking she does to prepare, and all the reflections done after something finishes up, Yuki has no idea how to go about tackling her sensitivity, which has sown seeds of self doubt.

Hobbies: Yuki enjoys cooking and baking, drawing, painting, writing, pottery, photography, collecting figurines, customizing figurines and dolls, watching anime, and reading manga and novels. She also plays video games on occasion, although mostly cozy ones like Animal Crossing or Story of Seasons. She will sew and knit on occasion, especially to make clothes for Nendoroid Dolls, or just dolls in general.

Interests: Yuki is a creative person and enjoys various forms of art. Her favorite genres of media are slice of life and romance, and enjoys researching things, especially the interests of people she cares about. She likes sweet foods, fluffy things, calm environments, animals, and cold weather.

Major Dislikes: Yuki dislikes loud noises and crowded, chaotic environments, spicy foods, her own sensitivity, her friends being hurt or insulted, or troubled in general, and hot weather. She also hates when there are a lot of arguments, and major change tends to freak her out a bit.

Kind Abstratus Yuki fights using 2xneedlekind at first, but who is to say she will keep that forever? She isn't quite confident with strifing, but maybe once she gains more she will find something more suitable for a weapon than her needles.

Guardian: Yuki lives with her sister, Sis. Sis works at a hospital and is often busy, but she tries to spend time with Yuki whenever she can. Sis is always very adamant about Yuki learning first aid, just in case anything happens to her. She's very cautious and a bit of a worrywart. Yuki looks up to her and wants to be like her, as she thinks Sis is strong for being able to keep going despite all the tragic things she's seen at work. Sis is kind but blunt and loves to help people like Yuki, albeit in a different way - physically. She is blonde / has white hair and wears it in a ponytail and when not in work clothes, will wear comfy clothes such as sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

House: Yuki lives in a home in northern Minnesota. It has two bedrooms, each with their own bathrooms, right next to each other. They have a living room, a dining room, and a kitchen, as well as a few spare rooms. Yuki also has a studio for her art, where she keeps dolls and figures she's customized - her main collection is in her room.

Appearance Yuki has blonde / white hair in a ponytail with a sparkly blue scrunchy. She wears a long sleeved shirt with her snowflake symbol on top and a long skirt. On her feet are long stockings and dress shoes. Top top it all off, she had a big, fluffy coat.

Other: Yuki lived in Japan for a few years when she was younger - Sis was studying abroad.

Yuki has a pure white cat with green eyes named Snowball and a chocolate lab / husky mix named Cocoa. Both are girls and tend to sleep in Yuki's room.
Name: Lark Morrow.

Gender+Pronouns: Male + They/He, used interchangeably.

Chumhandle: earthlyParadise [EP]

Symbol: A butterfly located on their apron.

Associated Color: Primary (#DB5346), secondary (#EF7E6F).

Personality: Lark is a very organized and routine-oriented person. He likes having a schedule; something predictable and reliable, with little deviation or confusion, and is rather reliable and predictable himself. Most days, Lark’s very candid and straightforward and tries very hard to be logical, even if they’re a more emotionally charged person by nature. They're also embarrassingly easy to lie to. Like yeah, they'll use their common sense to realize that duh, your liver is not in your leg, but it sounded really convincing for a second!! You gotta believe them!!

Having grown up around a lot of older folk, Lark’s what one may call mature— which is to say that they’re less likely to start stuff for no good reason and aren’t as socialized as they should be. He lacks experience interacting with people his own age, getting all awkward and unsure of himself around them. Lark isn’t exactly shy. Dude’s just, an introvert who needs to get out of the house more and argue with internet strangers about the best way to plant seeds less!

Hobbies: Gardening and documenting said gardening; likes to keep track of what’s been planted, when it was planted and when it was harvested, etc. Likes to draw traditionally, usually using pencils and pens, and occasionally dabbles in watercolour. Cooking is fun but Lark cannot function without a recipe, thanks.

Interests: Entomology, herbalism, horticulture, floriography. Really likes beetles and millipedes, and even though the latter aren’t bugs, they’re still cute. Big into fantasy games, especially those “cozy games” that let you farm, mine, and fight stuff. Graphic novels.

Major Dislikes: Fishing and swimming and just most things that tie back to water. Hates being cold. Being indebted to people, feeling reliant on other people, and lacking the independence to do what they’d like to.

Kind Abstratus:
  • Hoekind. A sharpened and well loved gardening hoe. The preferred weapon.
  • Shearkind. A pair of pruning shears, usually kept inside their apron’s pouch.

Sylladex: Countdown. Once an item is put into Lark’s sylladex, it’s put on an 24hr timer. There’s not much else to it. Other than that once the timer is up, the item will eject out of their sylladex at alarming speed, shooting out of Lark’s inventory in a randomized direction. The timer doesn’t reset if the item is taken out prematurely; there’s no “resetting” until the timer’s countdown finishes and it restarts naturally. Premature removal just results in a paused timer.

Guardian: Dad. Lark’s father, a fisherman who spends most of his days out on the lake, waiting under the boiling sun for something to bite. Visually, I imagine he looks similar to Kenny McCormick in Post-Covid; longer beard, messed hair, some sort of tropical shirt and shorts combo. Wears socks and sandals, sunglasses, the works. He’s a very laidback man, someone who prefers to lounge around doing nothing all day, enjoying his time out boating and fishing and getting his tan on. Tends to treat Lark less like his kid and more like his friend nowadays, encourages bad behaviours/habits in hopes of looking like a “cool parent”. Has been in shambles since the separation and is doing a poor job of hiding it.

House: The Lakehouse. Built on the outskirts of the nearest small town, Lark’s generally pretty isolated from people, unless he decides to make the hour trek into town. The time’s halved if he drove, but Lark can’t drive, and would rather die than be talked into fishing whilst sitting in a truck without AC. The house is two floors, built in a cabin-style with logs and a deck and the like, and has a rather big yard; one with lots of forest and tall grass. There’s a little fenced off area beside the house full of crops that belongs to Lark.

Appearance: Their hair’s cut short and is coloured a dark brown, almost black colour. Lark’s got a bit of a “farmer’s tan” from all their work outdoors with there being notable tan lines from their gardening gloves, shorts, etc., though is naturally pretty tanned even without their work outdoors. They wear a short sleeved button-up, jean shorts, rubber boots, and an apron tied around their waist. Lark often wears a ribbon around their shirt collar, one that’s tied into a neat bow to match their apron.


  • They have a mom! She just lives a good distance away. About a 4hr drive away, actually. She and Lark’s dad split about six months ago, which ended in her moving out of the lakehouse, leaving Lark and their dad alone. Whoops.
  • He lives in BC, Canada.
  • Lark is much more confident online/over text than he is in-person/on call.
Name: Link Patrick
Gender+Pronouns: Trans Male, He/Him
Chumhandle: autumnalEquinox [AE]
Symbol: Symbol of the Phoenix, representing change and transition.
Associated Color: Orange, #ff6f00

Personality: With a hard exterior and a soft interior, it's not hard to see why people who first meet Link might be put off... or why those who stick around to get past his spiny shell would choose to stay. Quick with a quip and rather confrontational, Link is a textbook example of what one would call abrasive. He has an unfortunate habit of pushing away the people he cares about, mostly for fear of being hated or abandoned by those who he cares about. If he doesn't care about you, tough luck getting him to do something for you, or even giving you the time of day beyond what's necessary. Despite crippling social anxiety in person, Link is quite the character online. Frequenting forums and other social medias, Link spends most of his time online, avoiding his reality and trying his hardest to forget the fact that he's more of a guardian to his guardian than they are to him. He hates to talk about his living situation and his family, believing everyone else in the family abandoned him and Cuz. Despite this, those who have proven themselves, who have stuck through his nasty and snarky attitude, are shown the utmost warmth and kindness. For those he deems worthy, Link will go to the ends of the Earth for, will die for, will kill for, will do anything in his power to keep them safe and happy. Of course, he'll still bite, he'll still shoot insults and jab at his friends, but what's a little nibble between friends every here and there, right?
Hobbies: Hacking (it's his only source of income), playing games, drawing, writing
Interests: Cyber security, furry culture, art, anime and Japanese culture
Major Dislikes: Alcohol, gambling, the institutions that saddled Cuz with debt and addictions

Kind Abstratus: Swordkind - Link has a collection of display swords he buys when he has leftover money. There's a few that display on the walls of his room.
Sylladex: Matrix - Hack into your own sylladex, as each item, once entered, will require a code separate from the captcha in order to access again.

Guardian: Cuz - Link's cousin, Cuz, is his "guardian", or the closest one resembles. They're old enough to claim legal rights, and no one's cared enough to call CPS, so the two remain in an uneasy stalemate. Cuz has a job, but spends all their money on their crippling gambling addiction, and if the night really isn't going their way, on cheap liquor as well. Many times Cuz came home in a drunken stupor, sobbing about this or that, and Link has had to pick them up off the floor and drag them to their bed. Sometimes he's had to babysit them, depending on how drunk they got. Their relationship is strained - Link resents them for spending all of the money on their addictions, but understands that it's not entirely their fault that they are this way. He knows it's his fault Cuz was saddled with debt, which led him to gambling, but he likes to blame "the institution" anyways.
House: The Dump - Link and Cuz live in a tiny apartment in a large metropolitan city. They're near the ground floor, the front door leads to a dingy back alleyway, and the place smells of garbage and booze. The only thing that reliably works in the house is the internet and the electricity. There's a small living room, a guest bedroom that's become Link's sanctuary, a single bathroom, and a master bedroom that Link only goes into if he's putting Cuz to bed.
Appearance: Link is on the shorter end, has fluffy black hair, and frequently wears oversized clothing to hide his body shape. He has a pair of fake fangs he likes to put in sometimes. He's got green eyes and glasses, and prefers the color orange, as well as monochrome shades of grey and black.

Other: Link has bad eyesight in his right eye, from when he got really sick with a sinus infection when we was younger. This illness created many bills for Cuz, which led to Cuz taking out a loan to pay it all off... which led to where we are today.

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