The Pun Tyrant
Are you a passionate worldbuilder?
Do you want to share your worlds but feel like they won't last in any RP/story you make? (either for lack of attention or lack of lifespan)
Are you just someone who would like to learn/improve their worldbuilding?
Well, this may be the group for you! If it ever comes to exist...
In this "pure worldbuilding" group (name subject to change) I would like to make a space specifically for share and get feedback on our worldbuilding, independently from any specific story or Rp where they are found- or if you prefer in tandem. I would like people to gather to form wonderful creative worlds, share them, get feedback, get tips and help in improving their worldbuilding skills and in making those more appealing to readers or other roleplayers, and even perhaps small writing challenges to help you psuh your worldbuilding! ... I don't have that many details yet, mainly because I don't know how ambitious I can be yet, not knowing how many people would be interested in such a project or are truly passionate about worldbuilding.
If you're interested, leave a comment below! Any ideas for things we could do as group? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Disclaimer: While not exclusively, the group is supposed to focus mainly on the construction not reveal aspect of worldbuilding- this is, not the worldbuilding of revealing the world during the story or roleplay, but the crafting of those worlds and places. In addition the group is about worldbuilding specifically- other aspects of writing would of course be allowed to be discussed but would not be a major aspect of the group's interaction.
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