Puppet strings 1x1 partner needed

Deadly Hugs

New Member
Okay, well I was in the mood for a more dark Rp, and two pairings pop into my slightly twisted mind.

  • Bully/Victim
  • Psycho stalker/Victim

I am okay with either I just wanted to do an Rp where it was a little twisted and dark.I don't really got the whole story plotted out, but I think we can do that together It will help us get a better relationship and make the Rp better.


  • No god modding
  • No mary/gary sues and stus
  • I want at least a paragraph a post.
  • Be creative
  • Need to be active I am not asking spend every minute of every hour post with me just you know post once a day.
  • If you are going to leave please tell me.
  • If you are interested Pm me

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