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Realistic or Modern Public Enemy


The (Not So) Evil Mastermind
One that constitutes a menace to society.

Specif : a criminal whose crimes have so aroused the police or public as to result in an intensive effort to apprehend him with the aid of wide publicity.

During the day, you are a good citizen. A honor student, maybe. Or a winner of a nationwide event. Maybe you're an infamous star. I don't know what you are doing during the day, but i know that you are a good person.

Yes, 'during the day'.

When the sun has set, under the cover of darkness, you would visit a small bar named 'Lunar'. When people ask about what are you doing there, you have plenty of excuses.

From the story that you there because you are trying to pick up a girl, or maybe because you fell in love with the bar's signature drink, or maybe because you befriended the bartender...

Well, you're not lying if you use the last excuse.

When the night comes and the bar opens, you are a member of Paranoia.

An underground terrorist organization. You are there not because of money, or revenge. There is no reason, and the answer is simple: You love it. Crime, breaking the law, destroying the system. A psycho, and you're not planning to stop.


You are a police.

A good one, a clean one, one of the best this nation ever had.

When Paranoia, that mysterious terrorist group, blew up that shopping center, you have already decided to hunt them down no matter what.

The Government is thinking the same thing and decided to create a special task force that have the task of investigating and hunt Paranoia down, and catch them dead or alive

Bump! I'm looking for 7/8 person, at least. 4 for the terrorists and 4 for the police
If you're not careful you might be killed by the terrorists~ (And so is the terrorists. You can end up dead, executed, or jailed)
On a scale of Call Of Duty-Insurgency, how realistic is the RP going to be?
Bump. If everyone is still interested let's do this

Because i'm starting to get busy with school i'm going to take the position of a third party


Stew said:
On a scale of Call Of Duty-Insurgency, how realistic is the RP going to be?
I didn't play Insurgency so i can't really make a comparison.

But it's going to be as realistic as possible (You can be a very smart honor student, but you can't create a bomb out of nowhere. You still have to visit several store to buy the material you needed)

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