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Futuristic Psychosphere (WIP)


Hero of Rhymes
Welcome to the Psychosphere character sheet! I know it's a lot. It'll be worth it. Credit to @Carter Jake Mason for the template this sheet is based off. Extra points for prettiness!

Character Name:





Place of Birth:

Current Residence:

Written Extras:
(Any additional details that don't fit elsewhere in the bio)


(insert character here. Drawings are preferred, pictures are fine and animus are tolerated. Try to avoid well known characters, I don't want to imagine Zac Efron whenever I read one of your posts.)




Distinguishing Marks:

General Appearance:



(Any body stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere in the bio.)


Current Goal/Purpose:




(what your character is good at)

Inabilities: (what they're bad at)

General Personality: (social)

Inner Personality: (mental)

Fondest Memory:.



General History: (2+ paragraphs)

Present Life: (1+ paragraph((s)).)

Special Historic Notes:


(insert picture. Use whatever you can find or create, I know pictures are sparse. Just do not use any EVA units and i'll be happy.)

Original Purpose: (Mechs fulfilled many purposes before the Reckoning.)


Special Abilities:


Personality: (Mecha AI was often so advanced, the simulated consciousness developed a personality of its own.)
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"Let's kick this off with some music, aight?"





Character Name: Rebeccah "Becky" Graves

Alias: Twigs

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Birthday: 31st of October

Place of Birth: Zagreb, Croatia

Current Residence: New York City

Written Extras: Officially, her occupation is being a broadly knowledgable mechanic.


Height: 5'4"

Hair: Black, one side's shaven.

Eyes: Very dark brown, appears redish in certain lights.

Distinguishing Marks: Small scar on her left calf, which is easily seen as she often wears shorts. Tattoos of various symbols on her neck, side and lower left arm.

General Appearance: Becky often wears loose tank tops or thin sweaters. Usually wears practical bottoms, like shorts or tights as they have little resistance. Boots are almost always present, even at home. She has a variety of little piercings, ranging from the lip and ears to her brows. Does own mechanics goggles and normal glasses.

Strengths: Very quick and very flexible. Has a high alcohol tolerance.

Weaknesses: Physically weak, can't fight whatsoever. Can be very clumsy sometimes, which greatly interferes with her primary tasks.

More: Her humorous and generally light-hearted side lead her to dub 'her' Mecha Blueberry.

Current Goal/Purpose: Despite the rather hostile world she lives in, Becky just tries to have as much fun as possible, seeing things in a positive light and make cool experiences. Her primary day-to-day goal is simple - Survive and ensure she's well.

Aspirations: Rebeccah dreams of eventually being able to relocate her dad and afford him to come and live with her. Feeling genuine regret over her short-tempered decisions a few years ago, she often feels a void in her mind. She just recently matured enough to fully understand that her father most likely felt this extreme loss himself, making her feel even more guilty. Masking these feelings, she wants to experience as much excitement as she can.


+ Chocolate

+ Pranks

+ Tools and machines

+ Knifes

+ Sand

+ Orphans

+ Punk rock music


- Loneliness

- Commitment, especially marriage

- Unnecessarily selfish people

- Authority

- Glasses

- Obsessively clean people

Talents: Rebeccah is very gifted at making people intruiged in her words. Her upbeat persona and playful attitude can captivate the average Joe quite easily. This, in turn, plays into her hands very well - literally. If you get caught up in her words or antics, you might find your watch missing as soon as she gets on her way. Becky is a truely skilled mechanic, being able to recognize problems and even fix them with a minimal amount of time or tools. Becky is very good at being quiet and remaining out of sight if necessary.

Inabilities: The number one reason for a failed attempt at stealing something is her clumsiness. Becky is the type of person who, IF she happens to have a clumsy moment, it is REALLY bad. The kind of bad that makes her trip over her shoelaces despite being barefoot. Managing to escape most situations in which this has interfered with her pickpocketing, it's been less forgiving when she's on the job. Becky has been thrown out by a solid amount of customers, as she started to fidget around too much and royally f-up whatever she had worked on. The girl's an extremely poor chef, often burning her food or seasoning it until it's not even identifyable anymore. Luckily for her, she's a very... forgiving eater, so it rarely bothers her. Be on the lookout if she invites you over for dinner though. The girl is a bit shortsighted, which means she'll need to wear glasses for some jobs or when she's trying to read small print.

General Personality: Rebeccah is a prankster, goofball and a bit of a sadist. While she is not a murderer, she has a bit of an extreme sense of "Schadenfreude", finding great delight in letting others run into disaster. Usually (actually, pretty much every time, but... Okay, listen! I didn't tell you this or she might change this policy and I'm not too keen on that.) she'll intervene before anything serious happens. But if you're making a funny face as you encounter seemingly inevitable death, then hey - She just HAS to see that.

A hobby of hers is to disassemble things and putting them back together. She simply has a faible for disecting even the most basic things, learning how they function and how to get them back up running. This inherent curiousity is a trait that spreads throughout her life. Whether it's finding out how it is to sleep in a hollow palm tree or what crocodiles taste like - If an idea sparked in her head, she'll follow through. And mind you, Becky never regrets these experiences, no matter how messed up or unpleasant they might end up.

That being said, Rebeccah is more of a stubborn, principal-obsessed person, rather than very sturdy or stoic. In fact, she's quite the whiner.
How dare you for not talking her out of trying to brush a tiger's teeth! How dare you for not talking her out of tickling an irascible boxing champion!!! Those were stupid ideas and you'll hear her cry about it for weeks. And that's if you're particularly lucky.

The girl's a bit of an ambigious person when it comes to relationships. While she is estatic to have company and loves to make new friends, she struggles with letting people get close to her. It's almost impulsive for her to set boundaries and never let anyone truely get to know her. Despite her awareness of this behavior and the intent to keep things this way, she's open to the idea of eventually having really close friends or a significant others. Be warned: This will require effort and patience.

Disclaimer: You are 100% certain to never even be a distant acquaintance if you eat
chocolate in front of her without offering her a piece. Becky's the biggest sweet tooth you will ever meet.

Inner Personality: As mentioned already, Becky suffers from an extreme case of inability to deeply connect with people. Actually, this isn't entirely true. She often feels great empathy for her friends and even people she just met. However, letting anyone get to know her on a very personal level is something she just can't bring herself to. There was never a real trigger for this behavior in her mind, so she just accepts it as a part of who she is. Nevertheless, she can't deny the side effects of this lifestyle, as she feels very lonely sometimes, when she's all by herself. Rebeccah often feels inedequate or uneducated around people smarter than her, which she tries to hide in a loud attitude when questioned.

Fondest Memory: When she was 12, her father allowed her to help him work on a car. The two managed to rebuild it almost from the ground up, allowing the two to bond greatly over the two years it took them to scrap all the parts together. Once they finished it, this was the very car the family drove in to their first vacation together. The image of her parents and her driving through the country together, happily, is one of her biggest sources of drive in meeting up with her dad again.

More: She has a habit of playing around with her piercings, especially on the lip, which she is trying to drop entirely to avoid hurting or infections. Nevertheless, it can be observed quite regularly, especially when she's nervous.

General History: Rebeccah 'Becky' Graves - also called Twigs, due to her small frame - was born in Croatia to middleclass parents. Her father being English, and stationed in Eastern-Europe, her mother being American. She grew up in a solid environment, experiencing a variety of cultures and people. Her dad being a military mechanic, she showed interest in the work of her father at a young age and got an early introduction to the technical aspects of vehicles, various tools and later, as she got a little older, weapons and complicated items of all kind.

Life had been normal and nice for the family for over a decade. However, as her mother had become sick, eventually falling victim to her illness, Becky's relationship to her remaining parent got steadily worse. The void her mom had created, somehow ticked of the internal balance between the two. As tensions increased over the years, the girl rebelled more and more against her father, eventually resulting in a complete fallout. Enraged, the girl left her home as soon as she turned 18 and made her way across the pond, ending up in what used to be one of the world's most notorious cities, New York.

Present Life: In her youthful recklessness, she had severly misjudged the hardship off supplying herself completely on her own. Working as a mechanic to afford food and shelter in whichever sparse opportunity she could find, Becky started to utlize her contagiously cheery personality and her naturally quick reflexes to steal everything of worth she could, leading to a somewhat stable life as a pick-pocket artist. The girl now lives a bit of an unorganized existence, thinking day-to-day instead of following a bigger plan. Well, except one thing: She wants to eventually make ammends with her father, which is why she often tries to put a tiny bit of income or other items of worth on the side.

Special Historic Notes: Came to America at age 18. Lost her mother when she was 15

The Mecha Profile:


Blueberry's Guard form:






Original Purpose: The sturdy build of the Base-Form was designed to properly use weight and momentum to defend against attackers. The turret and machine gun attached to it were rather weak in comparison to dedicated weaponry, but functioned well enough to present a threat with pressure and were certainly still of deadly nature when part of a larger group. It's main purpose, however, was emergency transport of various items.



- Mediocre Machine Gun; does hold an impressive amount of ammuntition.

- Medium-sized rocketlauncher


- Primary functions shift, allowing to support the skeleton with more priority. Extremely high shielding capacity.

- Powered up 'horn', allowing to mow down most obstacles.

- Titanium covered feet, protecting the base from burning, electrecuted or otherwise hostile environment.

Special Abilities: To aid it's main purpose, the transportation/evacuation of whatever may be stored within the Mech, this model has a rather impressive transforming feature, shifting the large frame into a Rhyno-like state. Whether the actual sturdiness and physical dominance of real rhynos have influences this design-choice or if it was a mere coincidence is unknown.

Appearance: Bulky in any case. The base form has a somewhat cocoon or water-drop like shape and stands at an impressive 9ft. when fully upright. The Rhyno form loses a bit of height, but remains equally bulky. The plates of the armor shift around, revealing a white color, presumably to avoid making the emgergency models recognizable on first instant.


Stoic and duty-driven, this mecha was very dependable, never abandoning its position or task. The very nature of the second form, possibly unique to this model, shaped it to develop a somewhat protective personality. Unusually for a mecha, this model may be provoked by certain antics. It seems likely that this is another facet of the 'animal aspect' of this model.

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