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Multiple Settings Pseudo-Hunger Games


New Member
Hello! I'm new to this site, but have been roleplaying in general for a long time (on various sites, most of which are unfortunately totally inactive). I prefer writing anywhere between a paragraph to three, but it honestly depends on the content of the response. I definitely don't expect my rp partner to turn what could be a couple sentences into a couple paragraphs lol (but at the same time, I would love someone who has a lot of content to go off of in replies!).

The other thing that I ask is that you're lgbt friendly! Pretty much all my characters are some shade of bisexual, so I'm comfortable with any pairing really but would prefer that you are as well. I would love a m/m pairing for this particular rp, just because of the character I'll be using, but I'm pretty open!

The roleplay itself is something I recently came up with. Essentially it's the Hunger Games but with a few tweaks. To start, the characters aren't teenagers, but young adults anywhere between the ages of 21 and thirty five or so. (Please be 18+ yourself). The characters were also not chosen in a random draw, but rather are forced to participate in the games as punishment after getting arrested (Gov't is still totalitarian, with harsh rules/consequences for breaking those rules, just no factions), and they aren't trained for the games, but instead are pretty much just thrown in without much support.

Like the hunger games, it's still televised, there's access to weapons (in an armory that's probably dangerous to access), and the last one standing is essentially "forgiven" for their "crimes" against the state. Aka, they get to live.

The arena is also much bigger than in the hunger games', with a large forest, a mountain, and an abandoned town. There's also a lot more contestants- maybe 50? Just so we have a good amount of throw-away characters lol.

Anyway hit me up if you're interested at all! Sorry for the word vomit, I'm pretty excited about this premise so I kinda just wanted to throw it out there and see if anyone wants to give it a try with me :)

(not technically a fandom rp btw since it is only loosely based on the concept of the games, but doesnt share any other elements).

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