• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Multiple Settings Providence Academy AU IC Thread



Little Lady
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

  • the artist
    No one
    Hazel Varo
    Hazel signed as she backed into a close parking spot and put her truck into park. A gift from her parents a few months before she left was the truck she was looking at buying. It was 8 years old, but the owner also never drove it, so she was happy to work for it and very surprised when her parents handed her the keys one day. She hopped out and grabbed a couple bags, probably too many, as she walked to the woman at the front of her dorm. "Hi! I'm Brittney! The leader for this dorm, what's your name?" she asked. "Hi! I'm Hazel, oh, Hazel Varo," she smiled. She was so excited to start school and possibly meet her soulmate. She almost started zoning out before realizing that she had said which room she was in. "Oh, I'm sorry. What room again? I'm just really excited," she laughed softly. The girl repeated and gave her everything she needed before letting Hazel go up to her room. She went up the stairs, wanting to avoid as much people as possible with all of her bags. She stumbled on up the stairs and turned the corner, where she then ran into another girl, causing them both to tumble to the ground. "Oh goodness I'm so sorry! I should've been paying attention!" Hazel quickly said and helped the other girl up. They both talked and apologized as Hazel quickly picked up her things again, so much for going quicker, she thought and laughed lightly. She got into the apartment style room, looked into the room that had her name on the door. She was very excited, as the room had a big ass window right where her art desks were. She was the first one in right now, and there was no thread on her finger, but she was ok with that. She didn’t want to start worrying about having a soulmate or not, as she knows some people don’t meet theirs until much later in life. She went back to her truck to grab some more things, almost running into someone else on the way again. She should probably start paying more attention, but she just was too excited and nervous about meeting her possible soulmate and roommates!
    coded by natasha.

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  • Tulio Eris

    Tulio sighed as he zoomed down the highway tailing behind his sister. What was she in such a damn hurry for, the campus wasn't going anywhere and both of their cars stood out like sore thumbs on the highway. Between his obsidian Pagani Zonda HP Barchetta and her sapphire Lamborghini Diablo the two of them looked like a pair of wild children having a street race. Although, if the cops really did try to catch them it would amount to nothing than a slap on the wrist with the weight Tulio could throw around. As the pair exited the highway into the town they'd be spending the next four years of their life Tulio could only wonder what on Earth he'd done to deserve being dragged to his soulmate college against his will. I'll have to get back at Rosa for pulling such a stupid stunt, though it is nice to see her actually applying herself for once. Tulio's thoughts slowly came back to the present as they both pulled into the parking lot, parking on either side of someone who seemed to also have fine taste. "A Bugati Chiron." Tulio spoke as he stepped out of his vehicle and admired the other's. "Not a bad choice, but I think." He smirked as some people walked over towards his car and started mentioning that it was something that cost eight digits worth of price and that he just brought it to campus. "Ah, the recognition of being superior."

    "Or just being an idiot. We both brought cars worth more than some people will see in their lives, let's just hope they aren't dumb enough to try and steal them." Rosalia's voice chimed in as she climbed out of her car. Several 'oohs' and 'ahhs' as people recognized the model walking over toward him. "So brother, what do you think of the town?" She asked as Tulio pulled out his PDA.

    "It'll do for now. There's a shop that sells vintage wines nearby that I can have delivered, so at least I won't have to go without for any length of time." Tulio adjusted his suit while turning his attention to Rosalia. "So do you think...." His words were cut off as a truck pulled up into spaces near them. "Perfect timing boys! Alright, I suggest the lot of you get to work moving my stuff along with my sister's into our dorm room toot sweet. I'm not paying you by the hour to stand around taking your sweet ass time." His words held power as he began to give orders to the men, completely ignorant of the bright red thread dangling off his finger.

    nine lives

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  • Amara Aphitrite

    The siren knew that she liked this world the moment she stepped foot into it a few days ago, but she really like Providence. There were so many cute young men, and each time Amara was sure she’d spotted the hottest guy on campus, an even hotter one caught her eye! If she didn’t have a soulmate- though she was quite certain she did because, well, how could she not?! - then at least there wasn’t a shortage of other prospects.

    Already, she’d gathered quite an entourage of guys only too eager to help her to her room. Amara hadn’t even needed to entrance them! Okay, fine, she did entrance the first guy that she had carry her things to her room, but that was only because she hadn’t realized how willing others would be to aid her.

    While she wasn’t very familiar with the customs of this world yet, based on her interactions so far, it seemed like “Hey hot stuff” was a typically greeting, and questions like “what are you doing later?” and “can I get your number?” were polite inquiries to make during introductions. The latter question was a little confusing, and the Siren wasn’t sure what “number” she was supposed to have, so she just offered her dorm room number, hoping that would suffice. Thus far the guys appeared satisfied with her response, which pleased Amara. Perhaps this world wasn’t so hard to figure out after all.


    Campus Courtyard


    nine lives


  • 38aba2396399058ba5c9e98c0b3df2c9.jpg
    Name: Parsnip
    Location: Her Dorm
    Mentions: N/A
    Lined DividerAdmist the array of very colorful and in many cases fantastical people from other worlds, a small unassuming portal opened. From said dull and unimpressive portal emerged a rather short figure dwarfed by the massive wooden cabinet she had strapped to her as if she was wearing it as a backpack. Carrying the large furniture on her back with ease, the figure weaved her way around any obstacle Infront of her giving a polite "Excuse me!" or a not so polite "Coming through!" depending on if the obstacle she was moving around gave her any fuss or not. While most people decided to start there first day looking there best, one could be forgiven if they thought Parsnip hadn't put much effort into her appearance. Her upper body was covered in a jacket that looked at least one size to big on her, The hood of her jacket while up looked offset and misshapen due to the fact it couldn't fully cover her, the two horns that sprouted from her forhead acted as a stopping point for the fabric. The rest of the outfit followed suit, seeming to not quite fit right.

    Use to the judgmental or confused glances of others, Parsnip continued on her way towards the dorm. This was inevitably interrupted as she passed by a large stretch of grass serving as one of the many lawns between buildings. While most people would have kept walking, a gleam sparkled to life in her eyes as she crouched down by the walkway. A serries of dull and boring looking rocks lay loosely discarded in the dirt, most likely kicked off the walk way by passerby. She studied each one for a moment before carefully selecting a stone. Brushing off as much dirt as she could a big smile crossed her face. "Score!!!!!" It was a small chunk of limestone, potentially that had clung to one of these various otherworlders and had been brushed away when discovered. Her head darted back and forth and she gave any passerbyers an angry glare as she slipped the stone into her pocket. It was her find, they would need to get there own.

    Continuing her journey she arrived at the dorms with no other distractions. Waiving at some lady who tried to greet her, Parsnip moved past up the stairs, crouching low to make sure her cabinet had enough clearance. Upon reaching the door into her specific dorm, she unhooked the straps around her arms and slammed her cabinet down loudly outside the door. Swiftly she opened the entrance, peeked her head in and read the different labels on the doors to the room. "Evie, Hazel, Me, and Nina" She thought to her self. She would figure out who those other people were later. First Parsnip laid the cabinet down onto it's side so it would fit through the door pushing it across the ground until she reached her own door. Finally she opened her own door and pushed the furniture inside, making no effort to try and dampen the noise

  • Break her bed, not her heart.

    Jay had a lot of things to do today. He had keys to get, boxes to unpack, probably a roommate to work details out with--Jay arrived yesterday and finished saying his goodbyes to his family last night, and left first thing in the morning. If his roommate arrived by now, he wouldn't know.

    Now, his parents might have a few choice words about how he still hasn't gotten anything done, but in Jay's mind, he's been more than productive. All morning, he has been preparing for meeting his soulmate!

    The bouquet of red roses the size of his torso was certainly a reflection of this. He debated getting chocolates, too, but he wasn't sure if it was a little too much, and then the possibility of them being allergic crossed his mind. And, then the possibility of her being allergic to flowers did, too, but the woman at the front said that roses were hypoallergenic, so he lucked out there--he still got some chocolate just in case, though. No one is allergic to both flowers and chocolate, right?

    He was now walking around the gigantic campus in hopes of the string appearing, carrying flowers, chocolate, and a nearly empty water bottle he bought not too long ago. It was hot, and he had been searching for a while. His huffed breathing might be indication that he should finish the bottle, but he kind of gave up on refreshment. Water could only do so much when you're both exhausted and restless.

    Fortunately, the flashing of a red string on his pointer finger definitely gave him a new burst of energy! He laughed out loud to himself upon his appearance, back immediately straightening. He got a couple of odd looks, but he couldn't care, nor could he even really see them. He was already starting to run in the direction of his soulmate.

    nine lives

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  • the baby daddy of Bob
    No one
    Vihn Castan
    Vihn sighed as his mom stood there giving him a multitude of kisses. He was also much taller than her, so he was crouched down with a straight faced while a middle aged woman with grey streaks in her hair held his face and continuously kissed him. He didn't have it in him to tell her to stop though, he knew it would be a bit before he'd be able to travel home, and also knew asking her to stop would only make her go on for longer. So he stood there...crouched...waiting...ignoring the giggles and chuckles of random people as they walked by. A few gave him a knowing look; they too, had guardians that gave lots and lots of affection. Eventually, she pulled away, and Vihn quickly stood up and stretched out his back. "Just promise me you'll call me if you need food. I seriously doubt this place will give you enough nutrition," she said with a sigh. "Well, I can afford my own food, but I've heard that their food is pretty good here."

    His mom didn't look convinced, but she dropped it and hugged her son tightly one more time before heading back to her car. Vihn held the door open and made sure she had everything she needed before giving his mom a kiss on the cheek, "Miss you mom," he mumbled, but she heard him. He gave a wave as she pulled away, and then headed up towards his room. There were multiple people coming in and out of the dorm room, so he wasn't sure which was his roommate, and he also didn't feel like standing around to find out. So he instead went into his room to start organizing his things.
    coded by natasha.


nina rivera

Homesickness wasn’t a feeling Nina was accustomed to. She usually didn’t stray far from her home for extended periods of time. Especially to a place that was so unfamiliar. Hell, everything about this place was different from her world. Even the trees sounded different, quieter and a little less wise. Younger, most likely. They wore much different clothing too. Nina had packed a ridiculous amount of clothing, hoping that at least one of the numerous articles of clothing she owned could vaguely resemble the fashion here. Nina didn’t want to stand out and she didn’t want anyone to think her clothing was odd looking. So she picked the most casual outfit she owned! It would do.

The piece of paper that directed her to her dorm was held deftly in her hand. Nina had no luggage with her, all of her suitcases and junk had been delivered to her dorm ahead of time and placed in her room. She followed the steady stream of people who were entering the main gates, the map of the campus was not of much help to Nina so she was just going to follow where everyone else was going.

Nina was anxious to get to her dorm. Her friend, Evie would be there and Nina was eager to see a familiar face. New environments were overwhelming, familiarity would help her settle in. Especially since she was already on edge, being separated from her brother. He wasn’t going to be able to attend for a few weeks, recovering from surgery and all. Nina wished she could be there to cheer him up, but she left him cookies and Markus Lee enjoyed being alone anyways. Poor guy.

Within like— half an hour, Nina found her dorm (which honestly took much longer than necessary). Nina heard a mini commotion coming from one of the dorms, she paused to check what it was along with a few other onlookers. A shorter girl with horns was pushing a cabinet into her dorm. Nina shrugged it off, oh okay, that made sense. Man, if that was her dorm she would really be worried about leaving any streak marks on the flooring. Those were so hard to get rid of. Anyways— back to trying to find her dorm!

Nina didn’t check the dorm number for that room and began to search for her dorm elsewhere.


Mildly anxious




Dorm hall


None yet

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  • Ruby Leroux

    Ruby grimmaced as she bit into her thumb yet again. "So gorgeous, how about..." Ruby felt the magic course through her as the blood pooled into her palm. Her crimson eyes shimmering with magic as she held up her hand watching as the male that had approached her went stiff as a board. Holding up two fingers while turning her hand the male began to spin around, clearly a great deal of tension in his body as he fought against the blood magic controlling him. "Go the fuck away." Ruby stated as she pointed forward with her two fingers and the male began to walk away, clearly still trying to fight the magics controlling his body. This was the sixth guy to approach her like this. What in the hell with these guys wanting, what was it called again? A goth gf? What the hell was a goth gf? Ruby was absolutely lost as she made her way towards the dorms. I wonder if Opal is dealing with this much crap.

    "Are you okay? You look a little pale." A soft, clearly feminine, voice called out from beside her and found a small girl with black hair wearing most notably a green and black scarf around her neck. The small girl reached up and put her hand on Ruby's forehead and Ruby nearly pulled back. "Don't worry, you feel fine. But just in case, let me help you to your room. I would hate to leave you alone with all these guys trying to harass you while you seem unwell." Ruby looked surprised before finally drawing a response from her lips.

    "Are you always so into someone else's business?"

    "Maybe. I just worry about people and your shadow showed signs of stress, irritation and anxiety." The small girl once again threw Ruby for a loop with her comments. "My name's Ophelia. I'm from another world and have a gift that allows me to read people's shadows." The girl took Ruby's hand. "Now please, let me help you."

    "You won't let this go, will you?" Ruby glared at her and prepared to use her magic before relaxing. You're not here to cause trouble and she's clearly not aiming to harm me. And she doesn't seem to know about my magic from the way she talks, but we'll see whether that holds true. Her thoughts raged before Ruby finally heaved a sigh. "Whatever, you beat all the guys commenting on my looks. My name's Ruby and this," she held out a sheet of paper to Ophelia, "is my room."

    "Oh my gosh! We're in the same room!" Ophelia smiled and hugged the albino woman. Ruby felt incredibly confused by this display of affection as she put her hand on Ophelia's head. "Okay, we're going to the same place anyway. We should probably hurry, my soulmate is probably there and causing problems along with Zenaye. She's a lively fairy and is part of the alt club like myself. You'd totally fit in with the rest of us." Ophelia's smile nearly caught Ruby in it and she had to shake herself.

    "Alright, but once my stuff is put up, there's someone I'm looking for that I haven't seen in a while. I want to talk to her about something."

    "I'm sure you'll be able to find her. Come on." Ophelia led the white-haired Ruby by the hand as they made there way to the room and as they entered, she felt the warmth of Ophelia's hand leave as she ran over to some guy and hugged him. It must've been her soulmate. However Ruby couldn't help but notice the woman standing in one of the rooms.

    "Opal? Is that you?" Ruby's eyes shone for a moment as she let her magic course over the other girl, recognizing the signature of the woman from years ago. "It is you!" The words were like a hushed whisper, but for the first time in years, Ruby felt something stir within herself. It was some kind of feeling she didn't know what it was.

    Moderately Irritated and surprised

    Dorm Room

    Ophelia, Opal, Tai, Wes and Zenaye

    nine lives

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  • Rosalyn Wilder

    Rosalyn's departure from the towncar that dropped her off in front of Providence Academy was unceremonious. While other students were bidding farewell to their families and loved ones, the pinkette had only her driver to see her off. For better or worse, this didn't particularly bother Miss Wilder though. It meant that she didn't have to worry about keeping her emotions in check while parting ways with her mother and father or older brothers.

    It had been her parents' idea for her to attend Providence to find her soulmate, and she hadn't exactly been thrilled at the prospect. As soon as her letter arrived in the mail, her mother had been openly relieved to know her daughter wouldn't end up a spinster (even though she was only 18 and had a long time before that would be an actual threat) and had drilled it into Rose how important it was to make a good impression and get along with her soulmate. To the Wilders, soulmates were nonnegotiable- whoever you shared a thread with was who you were going to spend your life with. No questions asked. To Rose, however, her soulmate was just another person to potentially control her life that she’d have to wear a mask for.

    And so, while some students were departing with tear-filled goodbyes to their families, Rose just offered her driver Winston a simple, "Thank you. Goodbye for now," to hide her misplaced anger at the driver at him for delivering her here. Her belongings had been sent ahead of her, and would be waiting for the pinkette in her dorm room. For now, all Rose had was a small rolling suitcase that she’d packed 24 hours ago, not for her first day at Providence, but rather in the hopes of running away. What a childish notion though, Rose conceded ruefully. A childish, and unsuccessful notion. For as much as Rosalyn wanted nothing more than to break out of the gilded cage she was raised in, she wasn’t brave enough. And so here she was. At Providence University, with her ire simmering under her perfectly primped and manicured surface.

    Setting her sights on the school buildings ahead, Rosalyn left the drop off area and began to walk into the fray of excited and nervous students. Her expression was passive, hiding her feelings, and her blue eyes scanned the crowds to make sure she wasn’t run into or trodded over. Despite being surrounded by a sea of people, she felt so very alone and already could feel the threat of hot, angry tears. Her fingers habitually found their way to the satin ribbon tied around her neck, which served as a constant, and necessary, reminder to not lose her head. She could get through this. Would get through this. Because she had no other choice. Of course her resolve would be tested as soon as she noticed the red thread now tied around her hand. Rosalyn Wilder was officially a ticking time bomb.




    nine lives


  • 38aba2396399058ba5c9e98c0b3df2c9.jpg

    Name: Parsnip
    Location: Her Dorm
    Mentions: Hazel and Evie ( Like-A-Moss Like-A-Moss )

    Lined Divider
    At the sound of the voice behind her Parsnip almost jumped out of her skin. She had been here for less than an hour and had gotten so caught up in moving her stuff she had lowered her guard, allowing herself to be snuck up on. In a fury she spun around, raising her arms above her head and her fingers spread out to look like claws. I scared most people and most bears, so why not this bunch.

    As she opened her mouth to bare her fangs and let out a truly ferocious growl, she froze. The memory of signing the contract with the headmaster suddenly flashed in her mind leaving her to look probably quite goofy in a half puffed up pose with a rather thoughtful look on her face. Suddenly she let her left arm drop to her side and moved her right arm so she covered her mouth with her right hand. “Ahem.” Her eyes scanned the pink haired girl wondering which one of her roommates this one was. “Gehehe, your concern is appreciated” she replied with what she believed was her best fake chuckle that could confuse any living being. “I the great and powerful Parsnip can easily move something of this size into my infernal domain. See!” With another sharp turn she placed her foot on the rear of the cabinet, and with a shove sent the cabinet sliding a few feet into her room.

    A second voice from behind her startled her, and she went through the exact same motions she had done mere seconds ago. Try to intimidate, remember she wasn’t supposed to, and utter another “Ahem”. Looking at the new girl she scanned her the same she had done to the first, however a look of confusion quickly crossed her face. She hadn't had someone compliment her tattoo’s before. That was a weird feeling. “Umm thank you, most of them are tattoos but my hands are just my skin…” she said a lot more quietly and with absolutely zero of the fire she had a moment ago.

    Parsnip quickly looked down at her hands, and immediately realized something was wrong. A weird blue thread had wrapped itself around her finger. The fire in her eyes returned as she glared at the thread and violently shook her hand, trying to get the string off. “Why won’t this come off? Do either of you keep spiders, and do their webs happen to be blue?” She growled in annoyance
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  • Break her bed, not her heart.

    There was a burst of adrenaline somewhere in his rush to see his soulmate. Jay had been tired and hot from his eventful morning, but the more it hit him that he was moments away from seeing the love of his life, the more it felt like he was ready to run a marathon.

    There had been a couple times when his thread accidentally went through someone, even near their hand, just because they were in the way of where his string was leading. Jay almost thought that same thing had happened, but then he realized that the string was moving as she was. He lifted his eyes to look at her face, something foreign bubbling up his throat.

    The moment he laid eyes on her, his heart stopped.

    His steps faltered the closer he got, especially as she started moving towards him. For once in his life, Jay was at a loss on what to do. He didn't know how to hold himself, what to do, what to say, everything was just escaping him. His mind was just on how ethereal she looked--until he saw some dude looking her up and down licking his lips. Suddenly, the confusion immediately cleared up and he was there in a few moments.

    "That's your dorm number? So, you're saying I can drop by your room-"

    "Drop by where?"

    Jay came up behind the guy like a damn ghost. His hand slide over his back and around the stranger's shoulders, interrupting his questions. He was digging pretty roughly into his skin.

    He tilted his chin up, looking at him through the bottoms of his heart sunglasses. It might have been hard to take him seriously with those things, but the look in his beady red eyes reached the guy well. They locked eyes for a moment. Jay suddenly flashed a toothy grin, but it was anything but sweet.

    "Why do you need to go to her room? You should come to mine. I'll show you a real good time," he said, voice lowering on the last part of his offer. His hands squeezed even tighter when his voice dropped low, and he leaned in, not letting the guy shake him off.

    His eyes flickered from this piece of shit to his soulmate. He almost faltered--almost--when his eyes laid on hers. Her beauty was distracting, but there were important things here.

    Jay never figured he'd be the jealous type, but--maybe it's because she technically wasn't his yet, and he had been so excited to meet her, that he lost his cool so easily. He really wasn't one to grt mad, either, but here he is, fuming at the look this dude had in his eyes.

    More than he was jealous or pissed, though, he was nervous. He never expected him to be so anxious over a girl, either, but again, this is clearly a day of firsts. He was nervous that maybe she had been happily flirting with him and would want to continue even after be showed up, and also nervous about the worst case scenario: she had a second soulmate, and that's why she allegedly was telling him to stop by her room, later. Allegedly.

    This was a list of questions in his eyes when he gazed at her, until Jay ultimately decided he couldn't give a fuck, and decided to ask her directly.

    "Do you want to keep talking to him, or would you rather spend some time with me, instead?" he said, a smirk still gracing his features even as he felt his hands get a little clamy. He's never been so scared of rejection than he has in this moment.

    Also, she's so gorgeous. How can someone be so pretty?

    jealous; nervous; anticipation; love-struck; angry

    campus courtyard

    Amara; NPC

    nine lives

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  • Amara Aphitrite

    While most of the guys Amara had encountered today were satisfied once she’d given them her [room] number, and had ended the conversation with a grin and vague “cool, I’ll see you later then”, the most recent fellow, Kyle, seemed to believe Amara was inviting him over. The siren wasn’t against company, and sure he was a cute enough guy, but he was the one that had asked for her number so she didn’t appreciate that he was questioning her about it now. Green eyes darkened with annoyance and Amara opened her mouth to reply…

    When another man suddenly swooped in and threw an arm around Kyle. For a moment the siren just stood there confused, unsure whether she should be upset that the new guy was now offering to show Kyle a good time right in front of her or not! But then the handsome man with the heart sunglasses glanced at her and she decided she definitely wasn’t upset by his sudden appearance. Far from it. Forget all the men she’d met before, THIS guy was most certainly the most attractive on campus.

    Usually it was Amara who left others entranced, but in this moment it was her turn and she could do nothing but just watch the rest of the interaction before her unfold. Her lips were still parted silently… until a question was directed at her and she fluttered her dark lashes to regain her wits. For a moment the pinkette almost felt flustered as she tried to find her voice, but the smirk tugging at heart guy’s mouth lit a fire in her.

    “Hmm, now let me think…” Amara mused playfully, tapping a finger against her lips thoughtfully. “I thiiink I’mmmm gonnaaa gooo wiiith…” She continued, drawing out her decision with sing-songy syllables as she slowly moved closer to the guys. She stopped in front of Kyle, flirtatiously walking her fingers up his shirt until she rested her palm against his chest. “It’s been a wave, but… Bye Kyle!” She grinned wickedly, her hand pushing him firmly away, freeing him from Jay’s embrace and making room for herself underneath his arm instead. Leaning into Jay’s side as if she was made to fit there, Amara glanced up at her chosen beau with a dazzling smile. “I do believe I’d much prefer to spend some time with you Darling,” She finally replied, reaching up and flirtatiously stealing his sunglasses before slipping them smoothly on her own face. Only then as she withdrew her hand did she notice the red thread tied around her finger… that lead deliciously straight to his. Ugh, she was in love!


    Campus Courtyard

    Jay; NPC

    nine lives

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  • the secret princess
    No one
    Anaeliese Jones
    Anna had had her things moved in the night before, but out of nerves she had stayed at home, no matter how much she had been convinced otherwise. She'd be lying if she said that she wasn't expecting a thread...and would be disappointed if she didn't have one. I mean, after 3 years it does become a bit of a bummer. She was waiting outside of campus, surprisingly nervous about the idea of not having a thread. I mean, if she stayed out here the whole time, she'd never know. But she quickly shoot her head and took few steps onto campus, avoiding looking at her hand as she tried to give herself a bit of a peptalk. She doesn't need a soulmate! She's been here 5 years without one, how would that suddenly change now?! There's plenty of people here and of course the people in her own world...if she could ever get back.

    Stealing a quick glance at her hand, she had to do a double take when she actually saw a bright blue thread. Blue was...slightly disappointing but she also wasn't complaining!!! She quickly followed the thread, seeing that it went up into the dorms and excitedly walked up them. She knew blue meant future, but it could still be this lifetime too, maybe 3 days from now?! She could only hope...even if it was a bit of a ridiculous hope. She stopped at the door that it seemed to go into, knocked a couple of times, and took a breath to calm her nerves as she waited for the door to open.
    coded by natasha.


  • Sylva Crimsonlight

    "Dude, take a deep breath. It'll be fine. You've spent a whole year getting used to being as normal as possible. What could possibly go wrong?" Sylva hadn't even realized his breathing had grown so shallow the closer they'd gotten to campus. He took in a massive breath like when he'd trained with his father or mother back in his world. Back when I was expected to play the hero. His thoughts twisted towards how lonely it felt a the top and how so many people expected certain things of him. The words began to pour out onto his friend.

    "I mean, what if I have a soulmate this year? And what if she's got some level of expectations of me and I don't meet them? You know I want to live a quiet life Akeem." Sylva watched Akeem roll his eyes and Sylva gave him a cold glare in response. His easy going nature made him a good friend, but a horrible confidant.

    "Buddy, that's not how the whole 'soulmate' thing works. If the thread is red, you're all set. If it's blue, there's some things to do. Remember? So chill. Once you know the color, feel free to panic a LITTLE bit. But not too much, maybe you both aren't ready for it yet? Or maybe your nerves are preventing the connection from blossoming. Nobody fully understands what decides the color of the thread, you just roll with it."

    "You're right." Sylva nodded as he finally started to relax, just a little bit.

    "Of course I am. When haven't I?"

    "Should I count them all off or is that rhetorical?" It was sylva's turn to roll his eyes at his friend. Akeem had gotten them both in SO much trouble last year for ditching classes.


    "I learned from the best." Sylva nudged his friend while continuing their trek from Akeem's home in the city to campus.

    "That you did Sylva, that you did." Sylva watched his hand as they both stepped onto campus. For Sylva, he could feel the magic all throughout the campus, but stepping onto campus was like jumping into a pool. He felt the energies surge and then saw the mystical red thread as it formed on his finger and danced off into the distance. "So, do you have a thread?"

    "Mhmm." Sylva nodded as he continued to stare at the red string before him.

    "And the color?"

    "It's red."

    "So that means things are good. You'll be fine and she'll want to be around the Sylva that you are. No changes necessary." Sylva felt the smack on his back and started mindlessly walking forward. "You probably should go say hi to her at least though. Wouldn't want to keep a lady waiting."

    "You're right." Sylva mumbled as he didn't really listen to Akeem's words. His feet were carrying him now as if guided by magic. However, those feet came to a complete stop when he looked up and saw what looked like a witch. Instinctively, Sylva conjured a flame into his right hand a spear of ice in the left. Then he remembered where he was and felt ashamed as he dispersed the magic while receiving strange looks. Great work Sylva. You already had a reputation as a weirdo here. Turning his attention back to the witch in question, Sylva realized that the thread led straight to her. "Oh, that's my soulmate. A hero and a witch huh? How ironic." He muttered to himself while still standing there like an idiot trying to figure out what to say.

    nine lives


  • 38aba2396399058ba5c9e98c0b3df2c9.jpg

    Name: Parsnip
    Location: Her Dorm
    Mentions: Hazel and Evie ( Like-A-Moss Like-A-Moss )

    Lined DividerLooking away from the weird thread on her finger she tilted her head as she stared directly ahead at the woman explaining the whole soulmate thing, a blank expression on her face. When the lady finished Parsnip nodded slowly. “Well I don’t have a soul so that means one thing…. I GOT IT!!!” She declared excitedly. She would have jumped up into the air with excitement if it hadn’t been for a weird shaking that rocked the floor beneath her. To balance herself Parsnips arms shot out sideways as she assumed a T pose of sorts, similar to the one athletes use when crossing thin bars and walk one foot in front of the other. “Woah, someone must be moving a big cabinet,” she said.

    Once the shaking stopped she let her arms lower and nodded to herself. Looking back at her brightly colored haired roomates she gave them a big grin. “The great and powerful Parsnip does not forget her compatriots. As you shall be living next to my infernal domain I shall bestow upon you welcome gifts! Wait right there!!!” She declared before spinning around on one foot, and moving over to the cabinet she had kicked further into the room. Carefully she picked it up and placed it right side up. Opening the doors she carefully grabbed the first thing she saw, her guitar and laid it gently on the ground next to her bed. Turning back to the cabinet she opened several of the smaller drawers, revealing they were full of not clothes, but neatly organized rocks. She began to painstakingly look through the, mumbling to herself as she did before she found the two she wanted.

    Gently she closed the drawers, then the cabinet and turned out. Slowly she approached her two roommates. “Now I don’t give these to just anyone, but as you have been rather helpful and welcoming I bestow upon both of you one of my treasures.” She held out her hands one to each of the girls. To the brown haired helpful girl she held out a shining orange fluorite that seemed to almost glimmer in the light, and to the quiet girl who had offered her assistance Parsnip offered a bright pink Alkai Feldspar that matched the color of her hair. “Now accept my gifts… and please tell me your names. After that I have an opponent to track down and dual for a Soul! I think!!!!” She declared

nina rivera

No, nope, no, not that one, not that one either— Where is this dorm room? Nina looked a bit baffled as she double checked her paper, the amount of people in the hall was distracting her. It was hard to focus on finding her room when she had to politely file through people. Some of which were abnormally tall or short. Nina wore a mildly concerned expression and she shifted through the crowd and pressed her back against the hallway. Willing to wait until the area cleared out a little bit before she started looking again.

Nina knew when she was beginning to stress herself out, and she knew when she needed a little reprieve so she leaned against one of the walls and watched the crowds of the people pass by. Perhaps she could take this time to look over this campus map, see what’s around in the area? Nina stared at the paper in her hands before hearing the sound of someone clearing their throat nearby. Nina didn’t know if she was being spoken to, but she was a little bit nosy so she looked up anyways. She met the nervous gaze of a girl who was complimenting her outfit. Nina’s lips pursed in mild surprise. She took a quick glance around to make sure she was being spoken to, it was pretty obvious she was.

“Oh! Thank you,” Nina spoke, a friendly smile spreading on her face. Nina held back a sigh of relief. How nice, she was glad to get some good feedback on her choice. Nina was worried she was sticking out in a bad way.

“I love your skirt! It’s so cute.” Nina commented with a sincere tone. Judging by the floral-ness of her own clothing, it made sense that Nina was complimenting that part of Julia’s outfit. Nina goes crazy for florals.






Dorm hall


Julia MasterJuann MasterJuann


  • Break her bed, not her heart.

    As his soulmate walked closer to his current mortal enemy, Jay's stomach churned from the nerves. He could feel his heart almost stopping when she put her hand on his chest--was she going to pull him towards her? Wrap her arms around him and tell Jay to fuck off? Why can't he get her slender fingers on his shirt...

    Then, with one single word, she managed to wash all of that away. The second Jay heard the word, "but", his blood was bumping and he was already pushing the guy off, almost at the same time as his soulmate.

    A wicked grin appeared as Jay happily wrapped his arm around her waist when she attached herself to him--at the same time, his face was on fire and his heart was beating so roughly he heard it in his damn eardrums.

    His tongue felt very, very heavy. He's mot used to knowing what to say, but he was a little speechless at her boldless. His eyes were glued to her. He didn't even realize he was leaning down for her when she reached a hand towards his face. He stayed there as she stole his glasses--actually, no, stole isn't the right word. Everything that belongs to him is now hers, after all. She's his soulmate.

    Her pet name managed to shake him enough to regain movement his tongue. He tilted his head, eyes peering into hers as he let out an airy laugh.

    "Darling?" he repeated. He bit his lower lip. "I like the sound of that--oh!"

    Suddenly, he remembered the flowers and chocolate he was holding.

    Jay back up just enough to lift the bouqet, his other hand still on her waist. He didn't want to let go.

    "I hope you don't have any allergies, haha. These are for you."


    campus courtyard

    Amara; NPC

    nine lives

Last edited:

  • Amara Aphitrite

    The exciting tingles of a new beau tickled Amara’s senses, providing the high she was addicted to each time she fell in love. (Or thought she did.) But this time the tingles were so much stronger, the high so much, well, higher, and it was hard for the siren to keep from bubbling over with excitement and happiness over finding her soulmate. She was on cloud nine, the warmth of his arm around her waist sending those delicious little reefbumps* across her skin.

    An airy laugh escaped him as she peered up at him the through his sunnies, and she lit up when he approved of her calling him Darling. She was prepared to call him it a hundred times more if he bit his lip like that every time she did, but he changed the topic abruptly, holding up a spray of flowers and box of some sorts.

    Green orbs disappeared behind dark lashes a few times as Amara blinked in confusion. He had a gift for her? Was she supposed to bring one for him? The flowers were beautiful, and different from the ones back in Atlantis, and she was about to reach out for them when he mentioned something about allergies. More confusion as Amara glanced up at her soulmate. “Allergies?” She echoed, knowing she’d heard the word before but trying to recall its meaning.

    “Oh!” She exclaimed, remembering a shipwrecked sailor who’d said he was allergic to shell fish when she’d offered him food. He said he had a bad reaction to it. Well, Amara never had a bad reaction to flowers or boxes. “No. I’m only allergic to deserts and flying. Though I’m pretty sure deserts are just made up places in scary stories.” She added thoughtfully, not wanting to seem silly for believing in such nonsense. “So thank you!”

    Amara took her gift with a smile, before pouting a little as she considered what she could give her soulmate in return. She didn’t have anything on her besides her clothes, and she was informed that they were a “requirement” on campus, so her top or skirt wouldn’t do. She chewed on her lip for a moment, before inspiration hit her!

    Turning in towards her soulmate, Amara stood on her tiptoes and closed her eyes as she began to lean in… When the ground beneath them had other ideas, shaking just enough to make her gift a chaste kiss that landed on his cheek instead of her original target.

    *reefbumps = goosebumps


    Campus Courtyard


    nine lives


  • the secret princess
    Anaeliese Jones
    Anna was about to knock again, her excitement shortening her paitence, when suddenly the entire building was shaking. She looked shocked, letting out a small yell in surprise, as she grabbed onto the door frame to try and keep balance. She looked around, seeing if anyone was else knew what caused that. When they didn't, she stood up and quickly smoothed out her clothes. Then the door opened and a very tall blonde opened the door. She saw that the thread went straight through him as she looked up at him in shock, "Oh! Yes, thanks!" she smiled and waited for him and his family to walk by before going in.

    She smiled as she saw a man with pointy ears meditating on the floor and did a small wave as a greeting. "Oh yes, I'm fine. I just wonder what could've caused that. The campus doesn't seem to be going on lockdown or something," she said glancing out the window, "I'm Anna," she smiled bright and held out her hand to shake the elf's.
    coded by natasha.


  • Sylva Crimsonlight

    The rumble and surge of magic once again put Sylva on edge as he conjured up a shield in his right hand. The shining light shield was one of the relics he'd found on his journey back home. Nigh impenetrable, the shield had never been broken in 10,000 years. Nobody knew the magic that it contained. And there I go again. Sylva grimaced as he put the shield away to see his soulmate....had fallen. Wait, what?! Once again the hero instincts took over as Sylva, with a little boost from wind magic, was over to her in a second, barely catching the witch's introduction. "Sylva." He muttered a response as he picked the girl up bridal style and carried her over to a bench and set her down on it. It wasn't unoccupied at first, but the look in his eyes made the people sitting there give him some room. "You're clutching your ankle. Is it hurt?" He slowly moved a hand down to it while trying to assess her reaction. "Seems you do have some magic." He chuckled a bit being able to tell she was healing herself. He let out a sigh of relief as he put a hand on her head. "Worried me for a second there Raven." He said before looking into her eyes with a smile.

    nine lives


  • 38aba2396399058ba5c9e98c0b3df2c9.jpg
    Name: Parsnip
    Location: Her Dorm
    Mentions: Hazel and Evie Like-A-Moss Like-A-Moss
    Lined DividerParsnip’s face lit up at the positive reception from Hazel of her gift, however that happy face quickly slipped into a panicked expression as Hazel hugged her. Her instincts screamed at her to bite the girl to get free of whatever danger she might be in, however she had promised to be good. Instead she failed around for a moment until the panic wore off and Parsnip realized that it was only just a hug. Awkwardly she stood there and listened to Hazel’s expression.

    “I have no idea what you mean when you say that I don’t dual with them but are meant to be together. Also please release me! I’m not used to prolonged contact ....” She said her face turning a shade of rosy red. When she saw Evie return with the flowers she smiled. “Oh thank you, those are very pretty flowers. Quick Hazel I think Evie needs a thank you hug as well! Plus I have to go scout out my oppon-” She stopped herself and cleared her throat “I mean find my soulmate.” She stated trying to pretend she didn’t almost say opponent.

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