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Realistic or Modern Proteus Effect (Superpowers)


Roleplay Availability
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Link to Full Overview and RP

At 0235 am Thursday, June 27, 2019 something unexplained happened in New York City. The elliptical epicenter was somewhere in the water offshore between Downtown Brooklyn and Lower Manhattan, but felt as far away as 20 miles west to 60 miles east.. That same night there had been unexpected meteor showers and an aurora borealis seen in regions all over the globe. (There were other meteor strikes, but this RP will center on NYC.) The meteors that struck in NYC looked more like a strangely multicolored comets that lit up the night sky. The swarm wreaked havoc on the power grid, plunging the city into darkness. Several buildings exploded as gas mains ruptured. An earthquake of about 6.1 on the Richter scale was felt.

By 0300 the federal government had declared the region a disaster area and established a quarantine zone. And they had begun a massive effort to search the area for a possible alien contamination, warning of both biological and radiological effects. (The radiation CAN be detected, but it has a fairly unpredictable half life.) Decontamination units began to swarm the area by early morning.

By mid morning the less pleasant effects of radiation will begin. (RP Characters will NOT suffer symptoms. They are the lucky ones who metabolized the radiation effects. In fact, they will show lower readings than others who were in the same area - though even these are typically enough to result in getting that nuclear generated decontamination scrub down, and confiscation of their personal effects.)


It will not be long before those barely afflicted by the radiation begin to exhibit abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Will these people chose a life of obscurity? Will they use their powers to make the world a better place? Or will power corrupt absolutely?

Powers in this RP will be assigned by the storyteller. Characters must be very well written to be accepted. (This means no WIP's.)


A couple things are not yet fully decided. The story has been written with NYC / northern New Jersey as the start up region (specifically the Vince Lombardi Plaza on the NJ Turnpike for my character). The whole group can start there. If we start up in various cities each member will have to handle their own story. We won't be able to interact until we meet one another. Of course as powers develop we may hear about one another as we create news.

We could also go with the option of being taken into government hands for study. I honest hate that option. I find it forced. And to really develop we'd have to escape.​
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Definitely interested this looks awesome!!
That's 4. I am going to wait for at least 2 more before opening Sign Ups. Nothing like opening up Sign Ups, getting three to actually make characters, and only one actually posts.

While we wait: What sort of start do you guys prefer? Taken by the government? Loose and Footloose? The options chosen here need to pull us together as a group if we are to interact at all. Being taken by the government does bring us together. But then we need a way out. I find constant lab rat status boring. On the other hand, at first we have no real powers. Then we get weak powers. Makes us easy targets.

Note that this is NOT a superhero RP. That doesn't mean some of out characters might not think along those lines. But the simple fact is, there is nothing for us to fight - no supervillains ... yet.
I'm fine with us all starting in New York, but I'd have to play a tourist or something, with me being unfamiliar with the layout of the city.
My character is a trucker from Atlanta area. He actually starts at the largest travel plaza on the NJ Turnpike near the north end of the turnpike. That same turnpike sees a lot of cars come through. Look at the time the meteors hit ... wee hours of the morning - 0235 am. A tourist? One good suggestion might be travelling in an RV .. or staying in a motel in the area - though that is mainly an industrial area .. or just driving at very weird hours hoping to avoid traffic. Or you might even be on a bus (Greyhound, charter, etc)

Travel Plaza

Note: I am limiting the RP to US citizens. I tried the foreigner thing before and it was more trouble than it was worth.
@StoneWolf18 I agree with starting in New York. I personally don't like the idea as starting as lab rats either, mainly because in my past experience starting there, the rp never really takes off.
Oh I do have a plan in mind to deal with being lab rats. I had us bouncing all over the map - Miami, the Keys, Utah, Alaska, Australia.
Maybe lab rats would be a better way to go, otherwise what's the struggle?
oh sorry, I naturally tag people that I'm involved in discussion with. cx probably because my alerts sometimes only like to work when I'm tagged as well. Sorry about that.
Pawz said:
oh sorry, I naturally tag people that I'm involved in discussion with. cx probably because my alerts sometimes only like to work when I'm tagged as well. Sorry about that.
I've never posted in this thread...?
Oh gosh! So sorry my mind was on a different thing apparently. So sorry about that! I feel so bad now, ah sorry about that again!
I now have Power Frameworks written up for at least half a dozen characters or so. Just need to work on them a little so the powers are explained better with timelines as to how fast they develop. As to speed of development, I am looking more at posting quality and frequency being a factor as well as time. While I don't want walls of posts by one or two members making it hard for others to follow a story who can't post as fast, I do look for steady posting by all members.

I also have a first post ready for once we get enough members with CS's completed and posted. Remember, all you guys need to do is create the mundane character (ie before the powers). I DO plan to start myself out in a decontamination station set up at the travel plaza I mentioned. I even had a character who was in a passenger liner that crashed. (FAA diverted all air traffic - or tried. That doesn't mean they were completely successful. That is a LOT of air traffic.)

And yes, there is room for more characters. I want at least 6 characters posted and approved besides my own before starting the RP.
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Is there character sheet or form that we should fill out?

*Gah, never mind, I figured it out. Sorry, new.
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Folks, please note the link in 18 pt boldface at the start of this thread. Can't start without characters. In a few days I'll close this if not enough serious interest.

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