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Fantasy Prophecy of Hades (Saracen_Rue & Partially-Stars)

sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

Sylvie just raised an eyebrow as Viridian sat down directly across from her, and remarked upon how anxious she looked. Of course Viridian’s first comment would have to be something snarky and unpleasant, right before she stole one of Sylvie’s drinks. She would have been tempted to make a snarky comment right back, had the fact that Grey didn’t appear to be wearing gloves not caught her eye. Her attention was drawn right back to the woman across from her when she made a comment about Sylvie being killed by a monster. She apparently hadn’t been listening at all when Sylvie had explained her curse to her. Typical. Wonderful. Somebody who wouldn’t even listen to the few sincere things Sylvie had said to her. What a wonderful quest companion. At least she was safe from her curse on this quest.

It was that that hung over her as Grey continued talking and made reference to her not being able to kill Sylvie accidentally, only deliberately. She either hadn’t listened or had already forgotten. Sylvie was so used to people hearing about her curse from rumours that she hadn’t told anyone about it in years. Why would she? There was no point. Nobody stuck around long enough for them to potentially be impacted by it. She’d found solace in telling Grey, especially because their curses cancelled each other out. And then Grey just… forgot it. Grey may as well have slapped her in the face. Sylvie didn’t expect them to be friends. But knowing each other’s curses, talking about them… Sylvie had dared to hope things might be less unbearable as a result. And Grey had just dashed those hopes.

Muted by her anger and her frustration, Sylvie just shrugged and got to her feet, abandoning the rest of her iced coffee and digging her mother’s cloak out of her bag. As she pulled it on, she caught that familiar, achingly beautiful smell once again, just for a second, before it disappeared. “Let’s just get this over with,” she sighed, striding down the street towards the old abandoned library.

The Mist was a powerful thing. Sylvie could feel her eyes trying to scan right over it, forgetting its existence almost immediately. But with a snap of her fingers, the Mist cleared, and the building’s true appearance was revealed. An imposing, intact building stood where the crumbling library had stood seconds before. The dark stone almost reminded her of the marble of the underworld, and she had to stop herself from gritting her teeth. Instead, she turned her attention to the runes on the door, hovering her hand a few centimetres over it. There was that familiar hum of magic, the one her body seemed to crave so much. She scanned the runes for a few seconds, before her hand moved almost by itself, tracing the design of one of them in the air. The runes glowed for a second, before the door silently swung inwards. She wasn’t sure if it was enchanted to only recognise magic users or if her mother’s cloak had helped her, but either way, she wasn’t going to question it.

Her footsteps echoed on the parquet floor as she looked around. The room itself was large and imposing, every wall lined with artifacts and treasures from eras gone by. Out of place amongst them was a blue hairbrush, distinctively modern. Sylvie frowned and went over to take a look at it.

“We do not usually receive demigods here,” A voice said. Sylvie jumped and whirled around to face an old woman who had appeared apparently from nowhere. “Then again, you two are not normal demigods. Chosen by Hecate and chosen by Hades. An… odd pairing to say the least,” the old lady mused. Sylvie looked at Grey and raised her eyebrows. The old lady wasn’t wrong.

“We’re looking for something to help us on our quest, ma’am,” Sylvie said. “Something of… great power in both the mortal realm and the underworld. But we haven’t been given much information, and we were hoping there might be something here to help.” The woman nodded and looked thoughtful for a second. Then she appeared in front of Grey and jabbed a finger towards her.

“You! What’s your first thought when you think of something with power over both the overworld and the underworld! Quickly! Your first thought!”

Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit

Viridian couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as her companion just as quickly rose to her feet, as Viridian sat down. It seemed just as instantly as she got there, they were already on the move. But even more surprising, was how Sylvie seemed to entirely ignore all the snark that was thrown her way. Usually Viridian would have continued to poke and prod, it wasn't any fun if she didn't get at least a reaction out of it all, of course. But something was different this time. She couldn't place a finger on exactly what it was, but there was still something evidently wrong. And she didn't like it, not at all. But that wasn't to say she was feeling entirely charitable enough to ask what was bothering the demigod. That wasn't any of her concern anyway, right? Right. Instead, she chose to silently tag along behind Sylvie, keeping a steady walking pace but keeping her eyes and ears open to their surroundings. Just because they were in the mortal world, didn't mean danger couldn't be around the corner. Not if past experiences said anything about it.

As the two arrived, at what only could be surmised as an abandoned building, she couldn't help but be curious. Just how many places of old were there hidden in plain sight? Not only here, but all around the world? How many places that seemed ordinary, or even less than that, laid right before humans and even demigods, and they could have been none the wiser if they didn't pay enough attention to notice? Granted, Viridian had spent so many years among the gods and demigods. that the ordinary to her could have meant the exact opposite to someone else, and visa versa. How much of the mundane had she truly missed out on? Blinking back to the present, Viridian took in the appearence of the building that stood before them now. Taking a few moments, she examined it closely. The structure itself caused a shiver to roll down her spine and into her toes. She didn't exactly like it, per say. But who could have exactly blamed her? Stepping inside, her eyes examined the interior of the building, the artifacts that laid within. Viridian had found herself attracted to a small, leather bound book with a brass clamp lying on a pedastel, her hand out stretched until a voice suddenly broke the silence. Viridian instinctively went for one of the daggers on her belt, hidden beneath her jacket, but stopped. But kept her eyes focused on the strange old woman, she didn't like any of this. Where did she even come from, anyway? How did she know who they were? Grey managed to catch the look thrown her way by Sylvie, and silently returned a look of her own that easily read what the fuck is up with her, before returning to a more neutral expression.

Viridian's eyes trailed back over to the book that lied in front of her, as Sylvie spoke up, explaining their cause of being here. Whatever it was truly for was anyone's guess at this point, seeing as neither of them entirely knew for sure. That was until the same old woman appeared to manifest right before Viridian this time, a proper finger waggle this time. A bit too awkwardly close, she thought. Viridian glanced between the old woman and Syvlie, before looking back at the old woman, "Well my first thought would how awkwardly close you are-" she started, "-But also totally not a giant, arrogant prick that calls himself a father." she concluded. Letting out a sight, Viridian crossed her arms, "No..." she mumbled, "Death." her eyes hovered back over to the woman, "It doesn't matter if you're mortal human or of godhood...It's death, isn't it?"
sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

Viridian's reaction made Sylvie smirk to herself, but also roll her eyes. Of course Grey would bring that huge ass chip on her shoulder into this whole ordeal. The old woman scoffed. "Well, it's clear which one of you is the child of Hades. Always thinks of death first." She said, before turning her piercing gaze back to Sylvie. "You. Child of magic. What is your first thought?" She asked. Sylvie paused, scanning the objects around her. At first, her mind had gone blank, but now, there were so many thoughts rushing through her head that it was hard to pick out what was first. She turned to face the woman, and felt the movement of her cloak behind her, no longer disguised by the Mist to look like a coat.

"Magic. It's more abundant in the Underworld but it's present here. But it's not that, is it?" She said. She turned back to look at the objects in front of her, having gotten an opportunity to look at some of the descriptors.
"It's... hope. Hope that your beloved will join you in Elysium, hope that you may one day escape Asphodel, hope that the next life will bring you something kinder. Hope that you'll buy your friends some time by throwing your... hairbrush at Kronos? I think that's a mistranslation." She looked back at Viridian.
"I think I know what we might be looking for."

"Mmmm, that's an interesting theory. Care to share with us?" The old woman asked. Sylvie frowned.
"Surely someone like you would know? Given you... work here..." Sylvie put the pieces together as the words came out of her mouth, but it was too late. The woman was shifting, growing into something much larger than them. Feathers sprouted from her arms and her face morphed into something grotesque. A harpy.
"Smart daughter of Hecate. But not smart enough." The harpy leapt into the air, talons out to maul Sylvie. Sylvie reached for her hairpins, but she was too slow. By the time she had them drawn and they'd morphed into her twin daggers, the monster had collided with her and sent her crashing into the display case behind her. She felt the glass break and felt the telltale sting of cuts, but broken glass was the least of her problems given the monster had managed to get its claws into her shirt, and possibly tear the skin below it. Too dazed to aim properly, she blindly slashed with her dagger, causing the harpy to momentarily pull back, but it just clawed at her again, claws raking deep into one arm as she instinctively held it up to defend herself. She cried out in pain, dropping one of her draggers, but still tried to swing with the other. Her swing was far too wide and missed the monster entirely. With a better grip on her now, the Harpy took off into the air, soaring up as high as it could, and letting out a cackle.

"Well, daughter of Hades, what will you do? Trust in your power over death? Try to help your... ally? Or flee for your life?" The harpy mocked as Sylvie dangled helplessly from its claws, the arm that was holding her dagger caught in its claws, and the other pumping blood from the wounds. She looked down at Grey, her mind already foggy with pain and blood loss, and just shook her head, praying that Grey would remember she'd be fine one way or another, and would just trust Sylvie to be able to find her way out. In attempt to further communicate that, she let go of the knife she was holding and let it clatter to the ground. Grey would take them and bring them back to her, right?

Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit
Viridian couldn't help but slightly frown at the old woman's comment about her answer, already able to feel somewhat of a brewing grudge begin. But it was short lived as she began to scan the various objects in the apparent store. Even if that word was slowly begining to not exactly feel right to her. It wasn't exactly that, per say, but something kept prodding from the back of her mind that something wasn't right about this place, that they should leave while they still could. But they couldn't, at least not until they found what they were looking for, and this strange old woman seemed to be part of this quest. Begrudgingly so. Instead she chose to continue browsing through the various shelves and podiums, scanning over the objects that lied around. Keeping her ears open to the conversation that was happening between the two others that were in the room with her. At Slyvie's next answer, Viridian couldn't help but stop and listen, an eyebrow raised as she listened intently, her hand just hovering over one of the many ancient artifacts, what seemed to be an old leather bound tome, one that had a strangely intricate lock. It didn't seem like any normal lock though, at least not one that would be opened with any old average key. Viridian managed to catch the look that was thrown her way as Sylvie corrected the mistranslation, only giving a small shrug as a response. Why should I know, the look said.

Her attention was brought back to the old tome in front of her, something about it seemed to be pulling her attention back to it no matter how many times she tried to ignore it. That was until Viridian snapped out of it, looking over at the other two just as the old woman, no, at this point Viridian's first thought was indeed correct. Woman wasn't the right word, especially not anymore. Old Crone seemed to be more appropriate now, as she began to shift and turn into a Harpy. Viridian's jaw clenched, Why's it always gotta be Harpies, she cursed to herself.

Normally Viridian would have been faster to react to situations like this, but something was impacting her and she didn't like not knowing what it was. By the time she had managed to pull herself together it was already too late, the Harpy already had Sylvie hoisted into the air, leaving Viridan helpless to provide any proper aid until it was already too late. She despised this, she truly did. But not for the reasons one would think. Her jaw clenched once again momentarily before she managed to collect herself. Her eyes trailing away from the now bloodied and rather badly injured Sylvie, to the Harpy. Her eyes locking on the creature's as it spoke.

"That's the thing, though. Isn't it?" she started, "Children of Hades aren't exactly cowards. At least not most of us." she continued. The expression the Harpy had remained unreadable as ever. Except for the hate filled eyes like before. "Unlike the children of Hecate, then they're fair game." she momentarily gestured to Sylvie before continuing. "They're the real cowards." she said with a scoff.

"Is that so?" the Harpy scoffed, the voice as shrill and unpleasant as Viridian remembered.

"Yup!" she replied rather coldly. "You know this one is more of an escort around the camp than anything else? And even then she's a terrible guide, really. Why else do you think she made the mistake of coming here out of all places, huh?" her eyebrows raised. Hands anchored behind her back, out of sight out of mind. The Harpy cocked its head to the side, clearly indicating Viridian to further clarify. "I mean, if she was really all that, don't you think she would have at least had a clue that something wasn't right? Just blindly wandering in and answering questions from someone she doesn't know? You had her fooled until it was too late. I had my suspicions though. I'll give you that much." she gave a small nod, her eyes flickering around the room as she continued walking, making sure her back was always just out of eyesight of the creature above. Just a little bit longer...

"But there is one thing about us Children of Hades that you forgot though, you know?" she asked cooly. The Harpy tilting her head to the side once again, this time accompanied with what could only be described as more of a questionable squawk than anything else. "We don't exactly play fair either if our enemies don't-" without much hesitation, Viridian snapped her fingers, which were now visible. Darkness quickly enveloped the Harpy from above, it was only then that the Harpy looked at its surroundings, inky black tendrils stretched out from the ceiling and corner above, enveloping the creature like a caccoon of darkness itself. A feeling of endless cold and nothingness was the best way to describe the sensation that now shrouded the creature, rendering it helpless as its claws released Slyvie from its grasp.

Now though, before Syvlie could hit the floor, Viridian slid forward, catching her with one of her arms. The two crumbling to the floor momentarily, before Viridian pushed Sylvie up against one of the walls, a somewhat regretfull expression overcame her features for but a moment until Viridian managed to steel herself once again before she turned around. Her attention going back to the Harpy that was rendered imobile, Viridian moved her hand and the Harpy was brought down with it. "Cooperate and I may let you live somewhat unharmed, but refuse-" Viridian removed one of her gloves, the same ink like tendrils appeared to cover her own hands as well, "and I can make it so much worse for you." her eyes flickered between the normal blue, and that of a golden amber tone as dark tendrils spread out from underneath her eyes. "So what will it be? Tell us what we want to know, no tricks, no bullshit, or you die right here where you stand." to help further prove her point, Viridian held one of the blades that Sylvie had dropped to the floor, to the Harpy's throat. "Get the point?"

sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

Through the cloud of pain, Sylvie found just enough energy to shoot Grey a dirty look. Taking this opportunity to get a dig in at Sylvie seemed like a low blow. But it also didn’t seem… right. Grey could be a dick, but she didn’t seem the type to go shit talking her fellow demigods to monsters. And then she spotted Grey’s hands, uncharacteristically held behind her back, and her back always directed towards the wall. She was up to something. And apparently taking the opportunity to drag Sylvie while she was at it. Typical, but Sylvie would reserve full judgement until she saw if it worked or not. And with the harpy distracted and not causing any new wounds, it gave Sylvie a chance to think as best she could.

She glanced upwards and saw the darkness curling above the harpy seconds before the monster herself did, enough time for her to manage a wry smile and brace herself for what was to come. But with the pain still throbbing through her head, she couldn’t quite get the words together to prepare the spell in time, and the harpy dropped her before she could cushion her own fall. She expected more pain. What she didn’t expect was to be caught, landing on a soft body instead of the cold floor. Grey had caught her. She couldn’t do anything to remove the bewildered expression from her face before Grey gently put her down on the ground and went to deal with the Harpy.

It was at least slightly easier to think on the ground. Her first instinct was to check the cloak, to make sure it hadn’t been damaged when the harpy attacked her. It now appeared to look like the cloak her mother had worn in the underworld, not a mortal coat, so it had survived the worst of the damage. But it gave her an idea. Closing her eyes and focusing as best she could, she pulled the cloak around herself and muttered a healing spell. The aching in her head eased, but the pain in her arms merely dulled, didn’t fade. A clearer head was enough, though. She opened her eyes just in time to see the harpy stuttering out an answer.

“We don’t know!” She shrieked. “Only that the item has been missing for many years!” Sylvie snickered, getting to her feet.
“C’mon, any idiot could tell us that. I’m not sure that’s worth keeping it alive for, Grey,” she mused as she bent down to retrieve the other knife she’d dropped. Now with two dangerous demigods to keep an eye on, the harpy was becoming panicked.
“Not lost! Not lost! It’s not lost!” She squawked. “All we know!”

The pieces were fitting together in Sylvie’s head now as she recalled the brainwave she’d had seconds before the creature attacked. But she needed to know she was thinking along the right lines.
“It’s missing, but it’s not lost,” she clarified, and the harpy squawked in agreement.
“I think I know what it is, Grey,” she said quietly, before turning back to look at the harpy. “So what should we do with… this?” She asked.

Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit

Grey kept her eyes locked on the Harpy that lied before the two of them, but she could hear the all too familiar sound of rustling, someone getting to their feet. Good, took her long enough, she mentally noted. However, with every passing moment she could feel the anger and annoyance build within as the Harpy demanded it didn't know where the artifact the two were sent to go retrieve was. Missing? Lost? Of course it would be. Her grip on the hilt of the knife only tightened as her patience was severely waining already. If this Harpy didn't fess up all that it knew sooner, rather than later...
"I've had my considerations already, Woods." she retorted on whether they should keep the Harpy alive or not. If they did, it only increased their chances of being followed and attacked later down the line, but they also needed answers. But keeping one Harpy alive only meant there would indeed be further trouble down the line anyway. It's not like she was entirely against murder anyway, in a way. Was it really murder? Or in this case would it technically be mercy? If Harpies were in line with whatever or whoever was behind this, only meant that this creature would meet an even worse fate than what these two could possibly give them. In a way, Viridian felt bad for it, but it wasn't enough to completely rule out killing it.

At the declaration that it was only missing and not lost, Viridian's eyebrow twitched. What kind of messed up game were they playing? Raising an eyebrow in Sylvie's direction. "What? Do you mean someone might haven stolen it?" she mused, a mixed laugh or amusement but also annoyance accompanied it. The Harpy squaked again, as if to signal they were possibly on the right path. "Why can't anything be original anymore." she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. Looking back at the Harpy, "Well...Looks like you've served your purpose after all-" she started, handing the knife in her hand back to Sylvie.

Raising her ungloved hand in front of the Harpy, "It'll be quick-" Grey reached out, placing her hand on the Harpy's head, a seemingly pain filled squak was all that sounded, before mere moments the creature now was nothing more than smoldering ash and cinders on the floor. "Said it was going to be quick, not painless.." she muttered. Grey put the glove back on, ensuring no one else would be unceremoniously turned into ash, "Well that was fun." she sighed, "One Harpy down...and who knows what else down the road."
sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

Seeing Grey take out the Harpy probably would have terrified some people, but Sylvie had become so numb to potentially deadly things that she just watched as the monster turned to Ash. It wasn’t like she had anything to fear from it, as much as Grey probably would have liked otherwise. She took a moment to survey her wounds. It’d take her a while, probably a few days, to patch herself up fully, but she wasn’t in immediate danger any more at least. And given they weren’t in immediate danger, Sylvie decided she wanted to spend as little time as possible around Grey.

“Well, the good news is that the thing we’re looking for is almost definitely not here. The harpy was looking for it too, she would have found it if it was here. The bad news is, the last time I heard about it was at the Battle of Manhattan, and gods only know where it’s gone since,” she said as her daggers morphed back into hair pins, and she tucked them back into her hair. She knew that she probably should have just told Grey her theory, but she was annoyed at her and sore, so she didn’t want to. Grey would have to ask, and nicely, before Sylvie would tell her anything.

“And on that note, I’m going home. My head is starting to hurt again, and I really don’t want these cuts to start bleeding on the subway,” she declared, pulling the cloak around her and starting to head out. But something in her hesitated as she got to the door, and she sighed. “My apartment is nearer here than camp is. If you want to like… recharge or whatever before you head onwards,” she said. Grey had saved her life, even if it had taken an unnecessary amount of shit talking to do so. She owed her at least an offer to recharge somewhere that wasn’t camp.

Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit

If Viridian was to be honest, which she tried not to dwell on for too long, was the fact of the small amount of surprise she felt at the response she had gotten out of Sylvie from the rather grim action taken. Or well, more so appropriately a lack there of, of a reaction. Instead it was a rather casual response and quickly shaken off, as if a creature hadn't been turned into ash right before them. Normally people would have looked at Viridian in disgust and disapointment in the casual use of her darker powers, but apparently Sylvie didn't seem to share those same emotions or morals that others had. Which, honestly Viridian didn't know if that ever so slightly impressed her, or worried her. It definately wasn't the response she had expected, but what she could appreciate, was for once not being looked at as a monster, for something she could never control, not to the degree she had otherwise wished, anyway. It was something new, and unexpected, and Grey didn't know how to feel about it. So she chose to do what she always did, ignore it and move on. So she did.

Viridian had gone back to looking through the various artifacts that littered the apparently not to innocent shop they had stumbled into, after all. If there was no one to tend to it, then maybe a few things going missing wouldn't be noticed to be gone from the inventory, and if they ever did, they'd hopefully be long gone from here. She was too busy shoveling a few different objects into the backpack she had, that Grey had nearly missed what Sylvie had said. Taking a moment to take it in before giving an answer. "Good, gives us a reason to get out of dodge before more show up." she said coldly, her hand still grasped on an old grimoire before continuing, "Or worse. Knowing our luck it will be worse, it always is." she finished, before turning over her shoulder to look at Sylvie, eyebrows furrowing at the offer being given to her. Her jaw clenched for a moment before going back to neutral. There were a few moments of pause before she spoke once more, "Well, much to both of our chagrin, I don't have a place outside of CampHalfblood-" she started, before pausing, shoving the old tome she had been holding into the backpack, "And if I have any family, they're mortal...and far, far from here. So unless you want me walking the streets in the open to be attacked by another monster-" she walked up to the other demigod, seeming to consider something before pushing something into Slyvie's hands. "Staying at yours seems like the only option we have, other than returning to camp empty handed." turning to face the door, "Those might help though." she stated, tilting her head to what she had given Sylvie, small objects in various forms, a minotaur, fury, saytr, and a few others. "Shall we go?"
sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

The thought of Grey staying anything longer than just a few hours wasn't exactly a particularly pleasant one, but Sylvie did owe that much to her. As annoying as she was, she didn't deserve to be jumped by monsters on the streets. So she nodded, glancing down at what Grey had pushed into her hand. There was something vaguely familiar about them besides their shapes, but she didn't dwell too much on it, instead tucking them into her pockets. "Yeah. Let's get moving."

The journey back to her apartment was quiet. She stared out the window of the subway, mulling over her hypothesis as to what they were looking for. She couldn't be sure that she was right. But, well, whoever had it in their hands had the potential to use it to win battles, turn people to their side, and even change the course of history. In every other battle, its potential had been overlooked. But it seemed, finally, that wasn't the case. And that made it more dangerous than ever. If Sylvie was right, and she almost hoped she wasn't, then they needed to find it, and sooner rather than later.

She let them both into her apartment. For the first time, she felt vaguely self conscious about it. It was the first time she'd had somebody who wasn't Ty over, and he didn't count given he'd helped her pick it out and then decorate it. It was small, just big enough for one person, and decorated in a way that made it clear that the one person didn't expect many visitors. Runes were painted in silver paint on every wall, and as she closed the door behind them, she traced a few of them by the door frame. They glowed for a few seconds, before fading away softly. "Make yourself comfortable," she said. "You'll be sleeping on that couch for the foreseeable, after all," she added with a smirk.

She filled her small kettle with water, and set it on the stove to boil. "If you want coffee, you're gonna have to go get it yourself, this is a tea house. Bathroom is through there. You eat my food, you replace it. Don't mess with any of my runes, they're designed to cloak this place from monsters and other unwanted visitors. Any questions?" She asked, folding her arms and leaning against the counter.

Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit
The ride towards their next destination couldn't have been any less awkward, if Viridian had tried. Having to be as close in proximity, and as surrounded by people like this, had made her increasingly anxious the entire leg of their journey. As much as she would have liked to have just walked and avoided people, she understood why that wasn't an option. Too out in the open, too easy of targets to be seen by monsters, or worse. All Viridian could have thought about was staying as far away from others as she physically could, keeping herself alone on one of the seats in the back, her eyes anchored mainly out of the window she was sitting next to, but would occasionally find her attention slipping across the subway cars. Scanning over the people that were there, ensuring they weren't being followed and stalked by unwanted people, let alone creatures following them from outside of the subway system. Granted, she hadn't been on many railway systems anyway, having spent so much time in CampHalfblood for half of her life, and they didn't exactly have the same kinds of travel systems back home in New Orleans, either. Small tourist tram cars, yes, but nothing like this. And that was where Viridian had found her mind going to. Home. Her actual home outside of Camp, anyway.

But could it really be considered home by now? All these years later, and no one from her mortal mother's side had come to claim here, even after everything that had caused her to be found as a Demi-god. It wasn't even Hades that came to retrieve her either. It was Hermes. He had somehow been more of a father to Viridian than Hades had been, and even then it was questionable. It seemed to be the way that the Gods were. All the same. Completely estranged from their own children, until they had wanted something from them, that was anyway. She had heard stories of the Gods having their children go on quests in the past, and it was still common place enough now, but not of the big three, anyway. Outside of all of this, all of the magic and wonder than the world had to offer, and all she wanted was to go back home. The familiar streets of New Orleans, the people there felt more like familiarity than any of the halfbloods at camp. Even if she was as enstranged to her mortal aunt and that side of the family, Viridian would have been lying if she ever tried to say she never thought back on them from time to time. Were they still alive? If they were, were they still back there? If they were, why did they leave her alone for so long? Why never even try to contact her? They knew about everything. They had known what Viridian did. Why didn't they try harder? Why didn't they fight for her? Did they not care enough to try and help her back then? Was she not worth it? Was she ever? It was thoughts like those that plagued her for so long. They didn't make her sad like people would have expected. It made her angry. So very damn angry. And now she was here...All alone. Again.

It had only been the physical lurch forward of the subway car coming to a hault that made Viridian snap out of her thoughts, and come back to earth. It's where she was needed, after all. Maybe. Not like the company she had really wanted her around, anyway, that much was obvious. But they both had a damn mission to accomplish, and that was the only thing keeping them together right now. And after it was said and done, they would part ways again. The way it was supposed to be. Alone.

Viridian had followed Sylvie all the way home, studying her surroundings all the way there. Could never been too careful, after all. It was only once the two were inside the small apartment, that Viridian felt like she could properly breathe since leaving camphalfblood, even though she would never admit it aloud. And to be honest, it was more or less what she had been expecting to see. Sylvie seemed to be just as alone and off to herself as she had suspected. The two seemed to be having more and more in common than Viridian would have liked to admit. Great. Viridian had taken note of the runes almost immediately, no matter how well they may have been hidden, or attempted to be, she could sense their magic with every ounce of her being. It all vibrated around her, she could feel the slight pulsations of the very magic itself around her. It was comforting, oddly enough. At the sound of Sylvie speaking, she found herself snapping to attention.

Viridian couldn't help but smirk slightly after she took her shoes off and placed them to the side, more out of habit and instinct than anything else, a habit she had formed early on in chidhood, "Oh I wouldn't have it any other way. Not exactly the cuddling type, sorry to say." sarcasm ever evident in her voice. Nodding alone at apparently all these house rules, she finally raised a hand when asked, "Yeah, just one." she started, "Do you always have such a major stick up your ass? Or is that just part of your ever present, godly-parent given charm?" she snarked back, rolling her eyes. Viridian sat back on the couch, tucking her feet under her body as she sat, "But don't worry, I won't take up any space, hells, you'd barely notice I was even here. Cabin 13 isn't exactly the most lively of cabins, after all. Pretty dead in there, actually.." she finished, giving a small sigh, "Tea is fine though." she added softly, before looking down, "Anywhoo, You clearly have some ideas of what we're looking for, I can tell cuz that look on your face that you get whenever you start thinking a little too hard on something. It makes you look more constipated and annoyed with everything, more so than usual, actually. Rather impressive, all things considered."
sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

Sylvie was getting used to Grey’s sarcasm, so at the comment about not being a cuddler, she just rolled her eyes. And then Grey crossed a line that even Sylvie hadn’t realised was there. Was it the actual insult, or the insinuation that it was something she got from her mother? Was it the fact that Grey, just like everybody else, seemed to be completely overlooking everything Sylvie had been through, was going through, had to face? Grey was still talking, But Sylvie was done listening. Slowly, too calmly, she turned around, folding her arms.

“Are you done?” She asked, her voice level. She let the question hang for a second or two. “Because I sure as fuck am. Believe it or not, Grey, you’re not the only person in this world with problems. You’re not the only person in the world who’s been fucked over by the gods. I’m not here to be your doormat. And I know what you’re going to say. I owe my life to you after the harpy attacked me, I’d be dead if it wasn’t for you. Well, because you’ve so clearly forgotten, I wouldn’t be. Because of this goddamn fucking prophecy.” If there was one thing she’d actually gotten from her mother, it was an ice cold fury. Her hands were curled into fists to try and stop them from shaking, but her voice was level, yet burning with years of anger and hurt.

“Do you know the reason I was sent? Why this prophecy involves me? Because you can’t kill me. I could give you a fucking high five, and it wouldn’t do a thing. Because I can’t die unless it’s the person I love on the other end of the knife. It’s not because I’m a child of the big three, or because I’m exceptionally talented. I’m not powerful, or unique, I'm the child of somebody considered a minor goddess. It's not because I'm special. It’s because Charon and Mr D found a loophole in my prophecy that made me useful. And apparently the fates thought that made me the perfect accompaniment to your quest.” She prided herself on her control over the magic that ran through her veins, but she could feel it hissing, feel it threatening to burst out and make itself known.

“So if I have a stick up my ass? It’s because every single person I have ever known is using me. Charon, Mr D, the gods, and now you. You’re going to use me as a human shield, a bodyguard, a babysitter, and I don’t get a choice in the matter. I never get a choice in the matter.” Her voice was the first thing to crack. Again, she felt her resolve strengthening that she would not cry in front of Viridian Grey of all people. “So you can make your own fucking tea,” she snapped, before turning and storming into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. She was still wearing Hecate’s cloak. The only thing she had that was a sign of love, of companionship. And even that was an apology, an apology for a quest Sylvie hadn’t wanted, one that she had no idea how she would continue. But like she said, she didn’t have a choice. She was just a toy to the fates, somebody to play with when they got bored. It was how she got her prophecy, how she ended up on a quest with Viridian Grey, how she'd ended up with Grey here in her apartment. And she had no idea how to escape it.

Viridian Grey - #575772 - Outfit

Truth be told, Viridian had been expecting a lot of things to happen, but what did play out, was none of those things. For all the time the two had known each other, which admittedly wasn't very long all things considered, but there was something there, even though it was just some stupid and damned old rivalry from when they had first met as campers at Camp Half Blood, it still lingered all these years later, a damned decade. Who would have thought, huh? What she did know though, was that no one else seemed capable enough to push each other's buttons like the other could, it was just too easy, it seemed. And even to a degree, Viridian had found some form of enjoyment out of it, knowing that no one else seemed to be able to shit talk the other, like Sylvie Woods did. And as much as that fact existed, Viridian hated it, all the same. She never liked being able to be close to someone else, even if it was only in how similar she was to someone else. And yet, here they were. Ever the same. Gross.

However, what happened wasn't what Viridian could have predicted at all. Instead of how things usually went between the two, of where even more shit talking would be thrown, things instead snow balled so far out of her control, and out of her hands before Viridian could try and do anything to stop it. In fact, there were multiple times that she had wanted to speak up and say something, try to not only deescalate things, but maybe even retract some of the things she had said, even if it was her usual bullshit, Viridian never meant anything she said. But even she had to admit that something Grey had gone too far, and this was one of those times. Even if it was by accident. So, all Viridian did was stand there, her jaw clenched and one of her hands haphazardly twitched by her side all the while Sylvie spoke, before disappearing in her room. Leaving Viridian alone. Wonderful. It was only a few moments later when it had become clear that Sylvie wasn't going to be returning anytime soon, Viridian sat down on the couch with a heavy sigh, dropping her head in her hands as she looked down at the floor. Nice going, dumbass. Viridian sat back up, and leaned against the couch as her eyes scanned over the room she found herself in, alone to her thoughts.

As much as Viridian wanted to deny it all, and say how none of that was true, she knew that wasn't completely honest. Viridian knew how the Gods were, anyone that was a demigod did. They all knew how distant the Gods were from their own children, how barely any of them had any sort of attachment to the children they created in the mortal world, let alone when they arrived at Camp. Hell, at times Viridian knew how true it was to wish that one never found out about their true heritage. How maybe sometimes wishing to be completely blind to the truth of the matter would have been better than knowing the truth of it all. Ignorance was bliss after all, or however that old saying went. And just as true as that all was, she knew it was just the same as to what Sylvie had said, which she didn't know what was worse. That the two were sworn to working together, or how they were apparently intertwined in said prophecy. She didn't know what was more ironic, two being bound in one equal prophecy, or it having been two that despised the other so much at times, where they may have actually wanted to kill the other at times, but in accordance with their respective prophecies, it wasn't to be. The Gods really did have a sick sense of humor after all, didn't they? All of it felt like such a slap in the face, as it did to not make any sense. Why them? Why two of the people in that whole Camp that hated each other so earnestly? If anything, all that seemed to do was spell doom and failure, than actually succeeding in this quest for the Gods.

But here they were, bound by not only the Gods and Fates, but also each other. Viridian didn't know what one she despised more, honestly. After all, it seemed like every person she ever got close to in life ended up dead, by her own hands, no less. How morbid and twisted could anything be? How was she supposed to be some hero to help the Gods? Her magic and overall self didn't say hero, hells, no one would have considered her to be a hero. And considering her newfound companion had basically said exactly what everyone said, how could it not be true? Viridian had a knack for using people and then hurting them in the end, even if it wasn't on purpose, so why wouldn't this be any different? Hells, she had practically just done it less than five minutes ago, and she wasn't even trying. It was just in her nature, apparently. Only to hurt and maim, never help...

Looking back across the small apartment, Viridian got back to her feet, and listened. She listened for any sign of movement from the other room. There was nothing. Even with the small tug at her stomach, Viridian had managed to push away the small nagging feeling of going and apologizing. Knowing her, she would have only fucked up even more, even if what Sylvie had said wasn't completely true. Viridian was a lot of things, yes, but she wasn't like the others where she would use someone for her own gain, and discard them later. That wasn't her, at the very least. If anything, that seemed how others treated her, than the other way around. And knowing that someone else thought the same of her? It honestly just made her not want to do much of anything, nevertheless apologize. But yet something in her made Viridian want to do something, as a sign of good faith, instead of using words.

After a few moments of consideration, Viridian looked once more back at the bedroom door, before making her way to the small window of the apartment. Without much more thought, Viridian opened it and disapeared out of the window and apartment, gently closing it behind her.

She couldn't have been gone for longer than maybe thirty minutes, by the time that Viridian had found herself climbing back up onto the small terrace, and back into the window of the apartment, carefully opening and closing it behind her as she ever so gracefully fumbled her way back through the window. Still no sign of Sylvie emerging from the bedroom, good. Carefully making her way into the small kitchen, Viridian gently laid down a small bag on the counter, splaying out the contents. Small jars, various vegetables, and many other things. Scurrying around the kitchen in search of the things she was in need of to ensure she had everything she needed. It had to be perfect.

Viridian had found herself humming all the while she worked, various smells of fresh and cooking food now filled the small apartment as she was hard at work. It was a meal she hadn't made in years, but it was something she remembered from years ago, and had hoped to one day be able to prepare it for someone else, even if it felt odd to her to think like that. But she just hoped that this would be good enough of an apology, than actual words. Viridian also hoped that Sylvie wouldn't ask where she had gotten any of these items, considering none of these ingredients were in the apartment to begin with, well, that'd be a concern for later to worry about, eh?
And speaking of the devil, Viridian thought as she could hear the sound of a door opening down the short hallway. Without even looking over her shoulder Viridian spoke up, "Just in time, actually," she started, as she grabbed down two plates and began to lay down some rice and covered it in what could only be assumed to be some sort of thick stew-like substance, if not a form of curry. Finally looking in Sylvie's direction with two plates in hand, "Craw-fish étouffée, the Beignets will actually be ready by the time we're done, c'mon." she finished as she handed one of the plates to Sylvie, before taking a seat by the window, pushing an unopened bottle in the unoccupied chair across from her. A slight palpable positive energy seemed to be radiating off of her as she spoke, "After you, old family tradition and all that." she encouraged Sylvie to take a bite, even if she tried to hide it, she did seem a bit nervous for whatever kind of response this was going to receive.
sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

At some point, Sylvie drifted off into a light, restless sleep. She dreamed of the underworld, of her mother’s eyes, of a fury crumbling to dust, of the expression Hades had worn at times when he looked at her, which she now realised was pity. He knew of her fate. Somehow, she’d expected him to be angry or annoyed that she’d dodged his grasp so many times before, and yet bounced back every single time. But death was inevitable for everyone, and as much as Charon and Mr. D loved to exploit her temporary invincibility, she would be no different. She couldn’t outrun the fates. Her destiny was to wither in Tartarus. None of them could change it.

It was the sound of humming of all things that made Sylvie stir back into wakefulness. Even though all she’d dreamt of had been things she’d seen that day, it still took her a moment to place where she was and what was happening. Part of that was because she did not associate Grey with humming, of all things. But then she caught the smell of food, and her stomach grumbled loudly. Their argument forgotten, Sylvie opened the door and inhaled deeply. Her feet carried her out to the kitchen of their own accord.

She didn’t say anything as Grey handed her her plate, her stomach just grumbling again loudly. She sat down across from the other woman, and took a forkful of food. She’d never heard of the dish, but gods above, it tasted incredible. She had to stop herself from immediately inhaling half of the plate. She also knew what this was. A silent apology. You didn’t cook something this amazing for somebody you hated.

“Holy shit, this is… incredible,” she said. “Yeah, I’m going to have to keep you around if you cook like this.” Apology accepted and returned in kind. She fell silent as she ate, before taking in her surroundings and a penny dropped. “Wait a second… how did you get in and out of the apartment?” She squinted at one of the runes by the window as she chewed another forkful of stew. “You… shouldn’t have been able to get in the window, but I’m guessing that’s how you did it given you also don’t have a key? Hm. The runes are still intact… wait. You’re still wearing the gloves my mom gave you, right? Shit. Not gonna be able to keep you out now if they let you bypass my runes,” she realised, but she said it with a grin as she looked at Grey. “Kinda impressed you managed that climb with all those groceries.” She knew for a fact all of that food had not been in her apartment earlier, but she decided there and then she wasn’t going to ask any more questions. She also found herself wondering if the fact the gloves were somehow... compatible with Sylvie's magic was a coincidence or not. They could have been tuned to work with her magic to allow them to work together better in a fight... or else her mother wanted to make sure she didn't lock Grey out of the apartment. Honestly, either was a possibility.

“The food is absolutely amazing, seriously. Gods I wish I could cook like that.”


Viridian Grey - #575772 - x - Child of Hades - Location: Sylvie's Apartment

If she had to be honest with herself, Viridian hadn't expected herself to be as nervous as she actually was for whatever feedback that was going to come her way, whether it was because of some personal insecurity she herself had about things, or it was the possibility of having actually messed up something of such a personal level to her, and she didn't like either way of looking at it. So when Sylvie finally spoke up, breaking the silence with nothing but praise, there was a small spark that cause a small smile to form in the corner of her mouth, before just as quickly disapearing moments later. "Well good," she started, "-cuz otherwise we would have an issue on our hands." Grey chided back about as playfully as she could ever muster, to anyone else it was the same deadpan, monotone way she always talked, but it was just the case of knowing how Viridian was that would clear up any possible confusion. Or people could always do what they did, take her dry snark at face value and assume she's just always such a grouchy bitch, which couldn't have been further from the truth, but still.

Finally taking a few bites, Grey was able to enjoy the food herself, seeing as it truly was up to standards, and not just kind words thrown by someone who was so very clearly hungry, could have heard the stomach growling a mile away. It was only when Sylvie spoke up again, breaking the new found peace with nothing but usual questions, it seemed. Why does it always have to be questions? with a small sigh she began, "Well, that's actually between me and whatever god-" she couldn't help but shake her head at the stupid attempt of a joke this time, "I mean I know you're only one person, but c'mon, there wasn't anything to work with in that fridge, I had to uh...Improvise?" she gave a small shrug and raise of an eyebrow, before putting down the plate on the small table and walked into the kitchen, managing to stop the last remaining pan on the stove from entirely burning the whole apartment down. "I don't know how these gloves work exactly, but seeing as how your precious runes stayed intact, I'd take it as a good thing. No way for me to inadvertently fuck up any of your damned magic. Besides, a damn window isn't going to stop the ability of localized teleportation, nor the fact I'm actually stronger than I look, give me some credit here, god damn." Grey turned back around with a new plate of something and walked back into the small living room, placing down a small plate with a handful of small square, freshly made pastries that were lightly covered in a layer of white powdered sugar. Sitting back down in the chair, she propped herself up and swung her legs over one of the arm rests as she took a bite of the pastry, a content sigh, "Gods I missed these..." she mumbled before taking a few more bites. "As for the food though? Southern French folk had some rights ideas, anyway. Old family recipe that started on my mom's side, apparently. That's the one thing I miss about back home, the people were okay but, don't get me started on the food." Grey could practically feel her mouth watering at all of the memories she had growing up back in New Orleans and how long it had been since..."And there's a pretty decent amount of none human things there too, now that I think about it."
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sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

The flicker of a smile had been brief, but it was there just long enough for Sylvie to notice it. Grey could actually smile then, she just chose not to. If Sylvie was being honest with herself though, she couldn't really blame the other woman. She got the impression that Grey had been through shit just as bad as Sylvie had been. But, still, she didn't need to be such a grouch all the time. She let out a slight laugh at Grey's attempt at a joke. "Shame, we probably could have done with Hermes on our side,"[/b] she quipped with a grin. "And hey, don't talk shit about my runes. They're the reason we can safely sit here and eat this delicious food without every monster in a ten mile radius realising I have a child of Hades just chilling in my kitchen,"[/b] she added teasingly.

There was no hesitation this time when it came to the food, Sylvie immediately reaching over to take one. She let Grey talk as she devoured it in a few bites, the pastry still warm and crispy, and just perfectly sweet. The mention of family recipes made something in Sylvie twang with pain. She had no family to inherit recipes from. Nobody had ever wanted her long enough to share anything as mundane as recipes with her. They often made her feel like an imposition just for sharing their homes with her.

"One of my foster moms growing up made this incredible lasagna every Friday night. I swear to god I still dream of it sometimes. But it was an old family recipe and I wasn't there long enough for her to share the recipe. It's nice to have those memories and those connections to family," she said, growing quiet at the final sentence. She reached over for another beignet, picking apart the pastry. "You're from New Orleans, right? What's it like? I've been a lot of places on missions, but I don't think I've ever been that far south."


Viridian Grey - #575772 - x - Child of Hades - Location: Sylvie's Apartment

Viridian couldn't help sigh when Hermes out of all the Gods was brought up, why and how does he always managed to find a way to be relevant, when he's not even here? She couldn't help but roll her eyes, she had her own opinions about him, and absolutely none of them were positive, not that she'd ever dare test the fates and call on him, she wasn't that dumb, but that didn't stop her from thinking them, at the very least. He wasn't the worst of all the parents, don't get her wrong, but he was still up there on the 'absolutely awful parent' list. Hell, even at times Viridian truly did wonder if her own father was truly that awful, or was it only because of her? A part of her knew it wasn't true, how could anything a mere child do be deemed worthy of being hated and ignored? She could remember back when she was younger, how so many times she'd ask her mother about her father, and the topic would always be avoided. Sure, now she knew exactly why that was, the moment she was first brought to Camp Half Blood after...After the incident all those years ago, she had been told the truth of who her father was, and why everything happened the way it did. A part of her was a part of him, and that was what the origin of everything that came after. All that confusion and sadness, all that pain and resentment, that later built up to even more confusion, but middled with anger. All of those emotions bottled up for so long, and now...Well, now she found herself doing the very thing she had promised herself she wouldn't ever be doing, all alongside some stranger. Ironic, wasn't it? The children of gods always do continue to repeat history no matter how badly they may try to stop it, and there's nothing they can ever do to stop it. What an absolute joke...

"Oh, so now it's my fault, huh?" she quipped back at the mention of monsters attacking, "I'd say I did just fine not being seen, thank you very much." Viridian said with a partial mouth full of the Beignet, only stopping for but a moment when Sylvie began to speak once more. Even she wasn't so incredibly heartless to not feel the least bit guilty. Even while her own family wasn't perfect, and she hasn't even talked to her uncle and aunt in almost a decade at this point, she at least was never forced from family to family, from the sounds of it like Sylvie had. Instead she had just been made to pack everything up and left all she knew behind, for camp, and that was that. She didn't have to ever experience the constant uprooting and being handed off to someone new when they got sick of her or didn't even want her around anymore, in the worst case. She had just been merely left to her own devices, but at least she made it work. made the lonliness work, or at least tried to anyway.

Looking down, Viridian awkwardly fidgeted with her hands all the while Sylvie continued to explain things, and even when she didn't want to admit it, Grey could start to feel the least bit amount of understanding, and maybe even sympathy? All of those she didn't like. But deep down, she knew it explained some things, well, maybe a lot of things, actually. And then family was brought back up again, and Viridian couldn't help but sigh and sling her head back as she momentarily sighed again, "Yeah well...That connection rather literally died eight years ago and then I got shipped off to Camp Half Blood and...Neither my aunt nor uncle have tried to reach out so...I can't really speak much on connection to family, so I guess we're in the same boat there, and it's shitty." looking around for a moment, she paused before continuing, her eyes glanced around the apartment as she spoke "Gods it's been so long since I was there but...It was something else, ya know? The energy there was just it's own environment, in a way. People are still people, sure but...They just would use any excuse to throw a party and they'd go on for days. And when I say party, I mean like...The whole block and street would just be an opened air event with music and food and-" once again, a small smile formed on her lips, "-It was home, and as much as I miss it....I doubt I'll ever be back there. Last I knew my uncle and aunt still lived there, and going back would put them in danger." she let out a small sigh, "Okay, that's enough sentimental grossness about me. It's your turn, and not the sad shit again." Viridian leaned down and grabbed a large bottle, "Can't do this sober-" she quipped dryly, before pouring the two of them half filled glasses of a dark red liquid, "Hope you like wine, sweetheart, that was all I got."
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sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

There was something comforting in the knowledge that her loneliness and lack of connection wasn’t unique to her. Which was more painful; a family that had no idea of your existence, or a family that did but made no attempt at connection? Sylvie wasn’t sure she could decide, but was pretty sure that neither of them deserved either of their situations.

The talk of New Orleans made Sylvie smile, despite it all. She could picture it, oh so clearly, and it made her ache for a place she’d never been. Maybe there, the loneliness wouldn’t be so strong. In New York, she was just another face, another shadow on the streets. And that, unfortunately, was the point of her staying here. More bodies, more scents to cover hers, easier targets to prey on, as well as being near to camp. But she could shadow travel in seconds to camp, no matter where she was, so she found herself wondering about and longing for a life where she could still be invisible in the midst of hundreds of people, but where at least somebody might know her name and her face.

And then, Grey mentioned family and them being the reason she couldn’t go back, and Sylvie’s dreams came crashing back to reality. Being a part of something outside of camp was impossible for someone like her. For someone like them. Being close to people, having friends and family? Every day, they’d be gambling with the risk of potentially losing those people. Their very presence would wreak danger on the people they just wanted to call theirs.

“Hey, you never know. Maybe this quest bullshit will bring us down there. Nothing’s impossible, right?” She replied. She laughed as Grey said she was done talking about herself, and she was done with the sad shit. Honestly, she couldn’t blame her for needing the wine, because Sylvie was starting to need it too. She took a large mouthful in preparation for talking about herself.

“Well, unfortunately, there’s not a whole lot to me beyond the sad shit. Dad dumped me, lived in foster homes for years, ended up running away and going to camp. Discovered I was the subject of a prophecy, discovered that the only way I was going to die was as a result of said prophecy, meaning I’m effectively immortal until then, and Mr. D and Chiron decided that that made me the perfect person to deal with all the quest bullshit. Made exactly one friend, who said, and I quote, “well, good thing I’m as gay as Christmas so am never going to fall in love with you, and therefore can be your friend.” And that’s… kinda it. Sylvie Woods, in a nutshell. If there’s anything else you wanna know about me, go ahead and ask, but that’s usually all the information anyone cares to hear about me.”


Viridian Grey - #575772 - x - Child of Hades - Location: Sylvie's Apartment

Grey took another sip of the wine as Sylvie began to speak, attempting to give some sense of reassurance that maybe they could go back home some time and explore it once again. It was a nice thought, consideration, even if it was a fleeting one, that is. It was a hope she always had, but was always so far out of reach. Would it even be the same anymore? Or more so, would it feel the same? After not only all these years but, after what she did and the people she had hurt in the process well, it was honestly the guilt keeping her from going back, than anything else. At least that was what she kept telling herself. Holding onto that feeling of shame and guilt felt more like home and more familiar than anything else had in a long time, she knew it was toxic, not even close to being healthy by any means, but it was all she had known for so long. Not that anyone at camp had really tried to help her think otherwise, not of the situation, nevermind not about herself. And the fact that Hades had never once truly claimed her as his own, like so many of the other Gods and Goddesses did with their own children, well...Maybe that feeling of endless isolation was deserved..?

It was only when Sylvie continued on with her own story once again, that Viridian snapped out of her self pitty and self loathing, it was pathetic. Sad really. She'd blame it on the alcohol for the sudden sense of overwhelming sadness and nostalgia that seemed to always keep such a chokehold on her. She was a monster, she was to forever be alone, and she'd die as such. And truth be told, maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all.

Taking yet again another sip of the wine, at this point it was more so absentmindedly done than a concious effort, Grey listened as Sylvie spoke, slightly nodding along all the while. There was a brief pause of silence when Sylvie had finished speaking, the endless silence was basically palpable one could have cut into it with a knife. "So all that to say that parents suck and are overrated and that no one needs 'em, huh?" she said with a slight chuckle towards the end. Maybe the alcohol was already starting to get to her already, she really was a lightweight, huh? That's just sad..."Well, at least we can agree on that, anyway..." she mumbled before continuing, "Besides, people suck, don't they? They'd only continue to let you down more and more as time goes on, and with life already sucking as much as it does, who has the time for more heartbreak anyway, right?" she took another sip of the wine, draining the glass time, but not before refilling it halfway once more as she sat back into the chair, "Plus, in my...ever brief stint of a...relationship, I guess you could have called it, again, people will dissapoint and only hurt you in the end so...Why bother, right? Probably for the best that we're both cursed, hm? Nothing can hurt either us, compared to a few other of the demigods-" she paused for a moment, before looking back at Sylvie, having realized something that had somehow slipped her mind earlier. "Speaking of, how's your wounds from earlier? Clearly you don't seem so roughed up like you were earlier."
sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

Sylvie laughed, a little bitterly, as Grey accurately summed up her feelings about parents. Perhaps the most painful part was that Sylvie knew that there were good parents out there. She heard her peers talking about them, she saw them picking kids up from camp at the end every summer, she saw them when she was just trying to live her own miserable life. So why didn’t she get any of the good ones? Why hadn’t Grey? What was it about them that inflicted this awful, lonely existence on them? She wished she knew. Wished that this was an answer they could get if they adventured hard enough. But it was one of those mysteries they’d probably never get an answer to, and if they did, it would be in some awful, traumatising way.

She wasn’t so sure she agreed about people in general being awful. She’d seen a lot of good, too. Nothing was inherent about humanity - being good or bad was a choice that you had to make every single day, every single moment, every time the universe gave you an opportunity to show what you were made of. Good people could turn bad. Bad people could become good. Then again, judging by what Grey was saying, it was understandable she’d have a negative outlook on people. And then, as if to prove Sylvie’s point, Grey herself then showed her good side by asking about Sylvie’s wounds.

She straightened up a little to lift her shirt up to visually inspect the gashes. They were there, but they’d stopped bleeding at least, and did look like they’d healed considerably, even since she’d used the spell on them back in the archive. “Healing up nicely. Guessing that nap I took in the cloak helped heal them up even faster,” she said with a shrug. “I’ve also got healing runes up around here; nothing that’s gonna fix me instantly, but just helps me get back on my feet a little quicker.” She drained her own glass and leaned forward to refill it.

“I think you just disproved your own belief there, by the way,” she said with a smirk directed at Grey. “If people were all terrible, you wouldn’t have asked me about my wounds. You wouldn’t have cooked me dinner. People aren’t all bad. I know the fates have our lives all set out, and we don’t have complete control of our futures. But being good, or being shitty? That’s a choice we get to make. And for what it’s worth? I think you’re a good person beneath all the sarcasm and the grumpiness. I dunno if that’s what you want to hear or believe about yourself but… sure, you don’t know when you’ve crossed a line, and you definitely relish in people being afraid of you, but… I don’t think you’re a bad person, Grey.” Sylvie shrugged. “But also maybe you actually poisoned the beignets and this wine and I’m going to regret all of this in a few minutes.”


Viridian Grey - #575772 - x - Child of Hades - Location: Sylvie's Apartment


Grey sat in silence while Sylvie spoke up, giving a small nod as she explained her wounds were more or less fine. Good, less time needing to heal meant they could get this quest done faster. She was about to speak up herself, until Sylvie started speaking on another matter, this time giving her own opinions on people, something that Viridian personally disagreed with obviously, but they'd just have to agree to disagree and leave it there. At least that's what she hoped they could do. Even with the bravado she had, she didn't always like arguing, gods knew especially after a day like they had. It wasn't exactly every day that one would fight a Harpy in what was basically an artifact gallery. Well, you technically did if you were a demigod like they were, then going up against a Harpy just seemed all too natural at this point. The irony.

She could feel her eyes rolling back into her head as boredom started to creep in, that was until Sylvie said that Viridian couldn't have possibly have been as she made herself out to seem, nevermind how others viewed her. Grey couldn't help but bite the inside of her lip for a moment as she contemplated on what to say, maybe change the topic entirely and move on. That would be preferred, but she knew Sylvie well enough by this point, and that wasn't going to happen. Giving a small sigh before she shook her head, "Look." she started, taking a deep breath this time before continuing, "You can think whatever you want about me, think that I'm the devil incarnate itself like everyone does, or you can be delusional and make yourself think I'm not as awful as I am. Honestly it's your choice, but I only asked to make sure your wounds wouldn't slow us down more than it already has. The faster we finish this dam, destined quest, the sooner you can move on with your life, yeah? Which I can only assume would be for the best for the both of us." she took a moment to pause and think before speaking again, "Also, I think I'm more offended by you thinking I'd poison perfectly good beignets, that'd be an insult on my mortal family name....Besides, it's not that easy to find powerful enough poison to kill one of us. Cuz trust me, I've tried."
sylvie woods. #896f99. outfit.

Sylvie just rolled her eyes and downed her glass of wine in response to Grey’s edgy ass monologue. Honestly, Hades kids had a stereotype for good reason, and Grey was living up to it absolutely perfectly right then. By the time Grey had finished talking, Sylvie had emptied her glass and placed it back on the coffee table. The moment of warmth between them, where friendship seemed like something they might actually be able to achieve.

“Oh, good, you’re done with that edgy ass speech. You know something, Grey?” She asked, retrieving another beignet. “Not everyone is out to get you. So you’re allowed to give half a damn about somebody if you want. And I don’t give a shit whether or not you actually care about me. I also just want to get this quest over and done with. Never thought I’d find myself saying I’d rather escort a group of five twelve year olds from LAX to Long Island than work with another grown ass demigod, but honestly, it’s coming close right now. But you keep up that wall? It’s going to backfire on you, and you’re going to find yourself without any allies in a situation where you really need it.” She took a bite of the beignet. “Something for you to think about.”

In response to the comment about poison, she raised an eyebrow. “Huh. That’s why you took so long getting groceries. I might be no “child of the big three” but don’t forget, you're never going to be able to kill me. Bear that in mind if you do feel like slipping some poison into my morning tea. Don't waste your hard spent money on me.” She got to her feet, wiping the powdered sugar off her hands. “We’re probably going to have an early start in the morning. I’m going to bed.” She stopped by a closet by the front door to retrieve a blanket and a spare pillow, and set them down on the armchair where she’d been sitting.

"Get some sleep, Grey,” was all she said as she headed into her bedroom and closed the door behind her.

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