Story prompt writers unite from space

Blue winter rose

wandering storyteller
Prompt: The only ones who saw it happen were the astronauts watching from space.

Words: 497

I had a little struggle with this month’s prompt. I am not sure if they be able to see the tsunami from space that clear and I think technically people on earth could also see it happened. But, the astronauts could see the large extend of the disaster better I guess. The sunrise thing is true, I found out. Learning something new 😊.
Disaster from space

Judy stared through the telescope at the big green/blue sphere she called home. She zoomed in at the coast of the USA, with the sun not lighting up that part of the earth she could only see the lights glowing up in the city. She sighed and thought about Eva, her daughter and Roger, her husband. Soon the sun would lit the spaceship in orange light and a line would be visible on the earth. Soon after the sun would burn down on the ship. Then everything will start from the beginning in an endless cycle. Repeating for 16 times a day just 28 more sunrises and she would be able to go back home. She couldn’t wait to hold her little Eva in her arms again. The little girl had turned 3 just a day ago and she worried she might not even recognize her.

She kept watching as slowly the light crept over the earth. The lights of the city faded away but, the sun took over making the lines of the continent and the ocean visible. Still, with her child in her head, she looked at the little islands in front of the coast. Then she froze up was the land always that big, as far as she could remember there weren’t that many islands before the coast either. Or would she just make things up in her mind?

“Peter,” she called through the communication system.

“What’s wrong?” the tall German man asked as walked into the room.

“Where there always that many islands in front of the coast of America?” she asked.

“Let me see,” he said as he took the telescope from her.

Judy glanced up at Peter, waiting on his opinion. The man frowned then widened his eyes. “No they weren’t there,” he said.

“That means there is going to be a tsunami, right?” Judy said, her voice shaking. She knew the answer but, it couldn’t be true. They had to be wrong. They just had to.

He stepped away from the telescope taking her in his arms, holding her tightly. “I am so sorry,” he whispered.

Judy pushed him away, glancing up to him, “We need to warn them, we have to do something,” she said.

The man shook his head softly, still resting his hands on her shoulders.

Judy grabbed the telescope staring down on earth where her daughter would just wake up. Running around in her pyjamas, chased by her father trying to get her ready for school. At least that should be happening right now. The little islands in front of the coast had disappeared. Instead of that, the water reached much further inland, progressing slowly as she looked at it.

Judy's hand shook so much she couldn’t keep the telescope straight. Carefully, Peter took the telescope out of her hands. But, she barely even noticed. It felt weird seeing the water coming in. Fake, like she was just watching a movie. But, she knew she wasn’t.

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