

The Phoenix Queen
I'm trying to promote a Thread Roleplay that I really thought was interesting (not mine but I'm fairly certain the author is okay with me promoting it), but hasn't gotten much attention from other people, so can't start yet. I've used the recruitment page, but there haven't been any responses. Do you think it's just a matter the topic not being as interesting to everyone else as it is for me, or am I just going about it the wrong way?
We'd get a better idea of what you're trying to achieve if we had links to the role-play and to your promotional threads.
More than likely it is just that some people aren't looking for the same type of roleplay.

I would suggest advertising it in the Shoutbox once or twice.
All I can say is try and keep your information clear, use images if you can, people like pictures :D making the overview look spiffy and neat can help too. But, sometimes people aren't just interested in some things. Sadly that's just how it goes.
Considered using shoutbox, but I've never used it before and it seems very... unstructured. *actually a little scared.

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