Promise Me This


New Member
You were born with a gift.

You weren't sure how or why, but ever since you could walk and talk, you can also do one amazing thing. You have a psychic power. But this gift, this damned ability, was not something your family desired. Either they didn't want a "freak" as a child or they did not think you could handle it on your own.

That is where Barrowing's Boarding House came in. An older woman and a younger gentleman came to your house just as these powers starting to show. They said that they could take the child/children off the parents hands. They would be loved and nurtured there and they would also have a safe place to develop their powers.

The parents said yes. Of course they said yes.

So you lived in this boarding school, learning all you could. Interacting with others sort of like yourself. It was a relatively peaceful existence It was better than you could have hoped for. The boarding house was a few miles away from a small town which gave you privacy but did not seclude you from the world either. The very purpose was to make it so you could live a normal life with your gift.

But things weren't peaceful for long.

One day, almost out of nowhere, the boarding house was sent on fire. In this fire the owner and her assistant were killed same with a few of the residents. Those who remained were forced back out into the world, some back to their families, others to orphanages and some to start living in the world. They all made a pact before leaving that they'd never forget each other or their time there. And that someday they would find out what happened. If it was a nature fire or if it was something else.

Cue thirteen years later. Life for the ex-BBH residents have been vastly different. Some excelled in life whiles others didn't. But it seemed that all had moved on from their time at the house. That is until they all get a phone call. The voice on the other end won't say who they are, but they do give you a message. The house is going to be rebuilt and re-opened but something is wrong. The new owner doesn't seem to be quite what he says. Not only that but evident from the fire has recently been discovered and it seemed that something sinister might have been going on.

It's been thirteen years, but no one has truly forgotten what was once considered their home. But will they be able to learn what really happened? And is this new owner up to something evil?

There is only one way to find out.


  • Please abide by the rules of the site. No sex (make it fade to black), no bunnying/god modding, please have correct grammar and be at least semi-literate. I don't want any one-liners.
  • Your character may have only one psychic ability. No more than that. A list of what it could be (if you do not understand one then tell me or look it up):

    Clairvoyance (1)
  • Kything (1)
  • Precognition
  • Remote viewing (1)
  • Telekinesis (2)
  • Pyrokinesis
  • Telepathy
  • Retrocognition
  • Mediumship
  • Levitation (1)
  • Mind-reading
  • Bloodstopping (Only external blood)

Note: I'd prefer if everyone had a different ability but I don't mind if people double up. Those bold are ones that are being used. Also if you have one that is not on the list, feel free to include it and I'll see if it will work.

  • For the characters I want at least five and no more than twelve characters. I want a good group but I don't want the RP cluttered with characters.
  • The youngest before the fire was about 3 years of age and the oldest seventeen. Add thirteen to those ages and you got your character's current age.
  • Feel free to talk with other people about the relationship your characters might have had. They did grow up together. Only those too young or relatively new before the fire would not have built a relationship with others.
  • Put "My gift is a curse" in your post to show you read the rules.
  • The RP shall begin with everyone meeting up at the inn in the town near to where the BBH was.
  • The new owner is currently an NPC but this may change later.
  • You may have up to two characters but no more than that.
  • Your character may be married now (maybe even to another BBH resident) and have children, but only they are going to be characters. This may change later.

Character Sheet





History: (Include everything from when your power was first discovered, to going to BBH, living there, the fire and your life after the fire leading up to the phone call)


Name: Aria "Ard" Blackwell

Age: 26


Ability: Remote Viewing

History: Aria was born at the only child to the Blackwell family. Her family was relatively wealthy as well and they thought they'd be able to raise a nice size family in comfort. This all changed when Aria, at the age of four, reported that she saw a "bad man" taking things from their neighbors house. At first her parents didn't believe her, but soon news reached them of a break-in and robbery of the Delantes'. Her parents were freaked out about Aria knowing this and scrambled to find "reasonable" explanations. A couple months later Madame Ginger Barrowing came to their house and said that Aria had the gift of remote viewing which allowed her to see things far away with her mind. She said that she could take Aria with her so that she could develop her power safely. After a debate they agreed. Aria left with Barrowing. She never knew that her parents were expecting another child though and has never tried to contact her sister, although she does wonder about her.

Aria had a somewhat tough time at first. As she got older her powers grew and allowed her to see things farther away as they did. But she couldn't always control it and sometimes she would view things without wanting to, which lead to several embarrassment situations and a few fights as well. Under the guidance of Barrowing and one of the other residents with the same power, she started to be able to do it whenever she wanted. She gained a small crush on the boy, Thomas who was a few years older than herself. She had thought that maybe she'd get a chance someday but then tragedy struck.

Only at thirteen when it happened, Aria hated herself for not being able to see who it was who did it. Her power could only see the present and only the places and people she had seen before. She learned Thomas was one of the ones who died in the fire along with two small children, one a telepathic, the other a bloodstopper. Aria was taken away but did not return home. Instead she was placed into an orphanage with one of the other resident. She lived there, trying hard to get past what had happened. She made a promise to Thomas' grave that she would live a full life for him.

Other the years Aria worked hard and used her power to her advantage. She became a news reporter and is just starting to grow in popularity. She has all but let go of her past in the BBH. Aria has had a string of boyfriends and even one girlfriend, but found she is not able to settle down. She just recently broke up with her boyfriend before she got the strange phone call. Aria does not wish to return really, but she does not want to abandoned her old friends.

Other: She nickname Ard is not used anymore. It was started by Lucifer and is her nickname among the residents.

Name: Lucifer Harkbringer

Age: 29


Ability: Levitation

History: Lucifer did not know his actual dad. His mother told him that he left shortly after Lucifer was born and that he was the one to give him such a horrible name. Lucifer has never hated his name though. He spent his first five years with his mother, step-dad and two older step-siblings. It was around this time that he began to develop his ability. His step-sister came home one day to find him floating near the ceiling, laughing and having a blast. It took two hours to get him down. After a long family discussion they decided to wait to see what happened. But after an incident at his school, they decided they had to do something.

William, Madame Barrowing's assistance came for Lucifer at this time. He said that they could raise him to control his power so that he could be as normal as possible. His mother didn't want to let him go at first and it wasn't until he was six, near seven that he was finally able to leave. Lucifer didn't want to leave either and he sent out letters to his mother to ensure her that he was fine.

Lucifer was a known troublemaker at BBH, always partnering up with some of the others to cause trouble. He liked having fun. He also teased the other resident incessantly and gave them all nicknames. He rather liked watching the younger ones as well and trying to help out as best as he could. He got in trouble an often lot, and it was usually with the girls. But Lucifer liked all the other residents as they made him feel like he belonged. He didn't like his power for a span of time, thinking it wasn't as useful or cool as some of the others, but he grew to appreciate it as well.

He was fifteen when the fire struck and it hit him hard. He became withdrawn. He returned home to his family but he felt like he didn't fit in anymore. He got kicked out of school and left his home when he was seventeen. He worked various jobs moving quite a lot until he finally settled down in a small town in Kansas. He started to work as a librarian and still sends a letter to his mother every so often. He desperately wanted to solve the mystery of the fire, but he felt it was better left unsolved.

He is ecstatic to return back to what he considered his true home and see the others.

Name: Michael Sulivain

Age: 20

Appearance: I'll post it ASAP (developing character first than deciding on appearance)

Ability: Telekinesis

History: Michael was practically abandoned as a child, forcing him to develop his telekinesis if he wanted to survive. This is not to say he was living on the streets, but rather his Mother, Father, and his two siblings all pretended as if he didn't exist, chanting the mantra "If we don't believe it, it's not there" whenever his abilities were used. As such, Michael is heavily extroverted, always trying to make a "show" of something or another to ensure that he never "disappears" to anyone else ever again.

A neighbor witnessing some of their family's social interactions took it upon themselves to make a call to a child services company, which was how he eventually came in contact with Barrowing's Boarding House. Even when a representative of the house came to offer shelter to Michael, his parents continued to utter their mantra at ever mention of him or his abilities. Needless to say, it was not a difficult sell for the BBH in their efforts to secure Michael and his new life began shortly after.

At the boarding house, he met another Telekenetic named Lillian who eventually became something of a rival and best friend for him. Her with Telekinesis was initially much higher than his own, prompting him at every turn to improve so that she could not steal the spot light away from him.

It was during their many childhood spar's that the BBH caught fire. They gasped for air as they escaped out of the back, meeting up with the other residents shortly after and watching their only real home up to that point go up in embers.

Thirteen year's later, Michael owns a construction company that has become the rival of Lillian's own construction company, despite the fact that the two had originally began as the same company before their fueding split it apart. Michael was under the persuasion that a building needed three things to be great. It had to bigger than all the others around it, It had to be flashier than all the others around it, and it had to have more "cool" features than the others around it.

Late one night, he answered his phone thinking it had to be 'Lilly' wanting another round with him, but instead received the notice that the BBH was to be reconstituted. His elation at the news was only matched by his feelings of protectiveness when the caller followed up with "...but something is wrong".

Name: Lillian Gardener

Age: 21

Appearance: again....get to that ASAP

Ability: Telekinesis

History: Lillian was born to the wealthy Gardener line and as such most of her childhood she wanted for nothing, that was until she decided to show her somewhat evasive parents a "neat trick" she had discovered. She was immediately locked away into seclusion inside her own room, constantly reported as ill to those who would inquire about it.

Her parents hired 'all the best people' to try and relieve her of her 'condition', all of which of course failing to remove from her her innate talent. Finally, there were only two options left upon what had been their quite extensive list, some shanty establishment calling themselves the Barrowing's Boarding House, or the modern day equivalent of a lobotomy.

Despite their cruelty, her family did actually care for her and decided it best to give the BBH a shot, not wanting their only daughter to experience the kind of life that operation promised her. It was shortly after her arrival that she met Michael Sulivain, a boy that seemed to be able to do the same trick as her that was only a few months younger than herself. It's a shame he didn't seem to be quite as good at it....

From there she found herself constantly sequestered for sparing matches, which had proven to be the first time, aside from her isolation, that she could freely use her abilities. She found that she reveled in her time with Michael and they quickly became what she calls 'frienemies'.

During one of their practically hourly spar's, while gasping up air after her exertion, she detected a hint of smoke. It was shortly after that the entire BBH seemed to be engulfed in flames. Michael grabbed at her hand with his Telekinesis and pulled her exhausted form to safety where they watched their happiness turn to cinders.

Thirteen year's later, Lillian owns a construction company that began it's life with her and Michael working as co-owners. Her parents had graciously alloted her a small stipend which gave them the funds they needed to start up, figuring that moving all those heavy pieces of equipment with their Telekinesis when no one was around would be great practice.

She regretted her companies separation from Michael's, but felt she had very little choice. After all, three things were required to make a house great. It had to be cozy, It had to have a somewhat refined appearance, and above all else it had to be simple.

Late one night she awoke to her phone beeping lightly next to her. She figured it HAD to be Michael looking for another sparing match and instantly jumped energetically to her feet. Proclaiming almost immediately as she answered the phone "I guess my gift is a curse, but the score's 7128 to 7124 and I don't mind pulling further ahead, bring it!"...
My gift is a curse

Name: Demetri Wolff

Age: 19

Appearance: View attachment 9603

Ability: Clairvoyance

History: He grew up in a rich household, where he was loved for years, pampered, spoiled. At the time, he hadn't known about his own abilities. He was naturally gifted, and grew up under great gifts, but greater expectations. Once his brother was born, when he was five, he noticed that he saw a blue veil surrounding him. His brother took all the attention. He was enraged. Constantly, Demetri shouted that his brother had blue around him, that he must be possessed. His parents grew to fear Demetri, and therefore love Ceil more. However, when his brother was two, and he seven, he heard his brother's voice in his mind. Speaking to him. And Ceil spoke to his parents too. They were terrified, and immediately gave away their children when they had the chance. But the travel was long, nearly a year long, and through that time, Demetri began to feel guilty for hating his brother. He instead tried to learn everything about him, to make up the two years of ignoring them. He became overprotective. Once at the school, Demetri was overwhelmed by all the colors of all the people, how each had a different combination. He learned which color meant which trait over the course of many years. He didn't have close friends, as he was far too busy protecting his brother.

Other: He and his brother are known as the "Spirit Brothers" due to their combined abilities. They work as a team in a sense, and have grown to be very close. Demetri still retains all of his training to be the heir, as he has often awkward amounts of formality and knowledge.

Name: Ceil Wolff

Age: 15

Appearance: View attachment 9604

Ability: Kything

History: When he was born, his brother became very jealous. He watched for his first two years as his parents shunned his brother, and despite his brother's loathing for him, Ceil felt genuinely sorry for Demetri. His parents spoiled him like his brother, but bore no expectations. Once he could understand human language, he did not speak with his mouth, but rather his mind. He apologized to his brother, and asked his parents to forgive Demetri. Soon after, he was carted away with his brother. He and Demetri grew close, and Ceil gained plenty of friends at the school. His brother was always watching him closely... and when the fire happened, the friends he had gained were lost within it.

Other: NA
Pristine Dark you are accepted.

Vibora you are accepted as well. My only question is if you want to age up Ciel. He would have been two when the BBH was burned down. It's fine, I was just curious.
Btw Consort, you original post states thirteen years the majority of the time, but there is one entry that says fifteen. I'm guessing that was unintentional?
I originally had it as fifteen but then I decided to make it thirteen and forgot I wrote fifteen twice. I fixed it.
I think one of us is misunderstanding the other. If they were 19 and 15 when it burned down they'd be 32 and 28 now.


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