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Realistic or Modern Prom Night and . . . Zombies?


Junior Mint

Eighteen, what a time to be alive. Graduation is in the midst, just a few months away. College applications are returning, preparation for a fun summer before the start of university begins. It's prom night, and everyone is dressed their best and ready to party. Music, secret alcohol, prom king and queen; it's the prom of the century and everything a senior could ever ask for. At least until destruction hits. They always say the end of the world could come fast, an earthquake, an asteroid, but not like this. A student, dressed in a glittery blush dress, a crown atop her head, on stage and devouring the prom king. Not the dream prom expected from the typical senior. A practical joke? A bad reel from Carrie? No, this was real. A gut wrenching, close your eyes and hide under the covers kind of real. And it wasn't going to end any time soon.

A Partner Search
Hey everyone! I'm Zenna (they/them), and am looking for another roleplay to fill some of my spare time. This thread in particular is for an apocalypse (zombies) plot I've conjured up as seen above. Prom night will just be the beginning, and we can see where it leads from there. I would love to discuss and develop it more if anyone has a particular interest. Character will be 18+ despite this being the end of a high school setting. I think this could do well with any pairing, including mxm, fxf, or mxf, but in mxf I am currently only looking to take on the female role. As this is a darker setting, I am expecting some darker moments to come with it. That said, an apocalypse on prom night is bound to have comedy, romance, and anything of the sort. Basically, I want this to be a well rounded roleplay with a variety of themes! Feel free to shoot me a dm if interested in chatting about it.

i. Information
18+ Preferred. I myself am 20, and just feel more comfortable roleplaying with other adults.

⇾ Replies between 200 - 1000 words. My personal average is 300 - 600. Never any less than 200, and rarely more than 1000. I prefer to keep roleplay in pm's, but may be persuaded otherwise.

Active communication. I enjoy chatting and plotting with my partners, whether it's about characters, plot, or just about how your day was! I do have discord for ooc.

Regular Replies. I'm looking for a roleplay to invest some time into. I can reply once per day at minimum, but do enjoy rapid fire postings as well. That said, in any long term roleplay pauses can be expected! Every couple days is also fine, so long as we have some consistency.

Hey there, I think this plot sounds super fun! I’m new to the sight so it’ll be a sec before it will allow me to PM, but It’s on the way soon.
I personally haven’t don’t a zombie themed rp, but I think this is the perfect one to get into the swing! :0

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