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Realistic or Modern Project: Sailor Communications Channels (OOC)(Closed)

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An rp focusing on a governmant organized squad of Magical Girls.
I was thinking of a character whose powers were themed around the Western zodiac. How it will work is that she'll have light-themed powers in a base transformation, and she can discard those to go to an advanced transformation with powers of one specific constellation (water for Aquarius, super strength for Taurus, etc.) She start the RP with only access to the base and unlock the constellations as we go. She won't have the raw power of the other characters, but make up for it with flexibility. Sound good?
I was thinking of a character whose powers were themed around the Western zodiac. How it will work is that she'll have light-themed powers in a base transformation, and she can discard those to go to an advanced transformation with powers of one specific constellation (water for Aquarius, super strength for Taurus, etc.) She start the RP with only access to the base and unlock the constellations as we go. She won't have the raw power of the other characters, but make up for it with flexibility. Sound good?

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