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Fantasy Project Regalia | Rules



ash and flame


(1.) All of RPNation's rules apply, of course. If you do not know RPNation's rules then please see RpNation: Community Guidelines
(2.) This a mature RP and will have mature elements, i.e. violence, drugs, alcohol, profanity, etc. If you are uncomfortable with any of these things then I recommend staying away from this RP
(3.) While this is a mature RP, any violence that is deemed too extreme is prohibited, as is any sexual content. This is both in accordance with RPNation's rules and my own.
(4.) This is meant to be a casual RP, so I don't expect daily posts, but I will be requiring at least one post per week. If for some reason you cannot post one week, make sure to reach out to me and let me know what's going on.
(5.) I would like this to be an at least semi-advanced RP, so while I won't be requiring 5 paragraphs per post, I will not be accepting any one liners, as they do nothing to move the RP forward.
(6.) Be respectful to one another, there should be no OOC drama, and if there is, please bring it to my attention and if needed, I will bring it to staff's attention.
(7.) I will be doing my best to maintain an OOC discussion thread on RPNation, however it is highly recommended that you join the Discord as I am much more likely to see and promptly answer any questions you have there. I will still answer questions sent to me here, however they will not be answered as quickly as they might be on Discord.
(8.) Characters will be accepted on an application basis and I ask that you do not start to roleplay until your character has been accepted, this allows me to control and monitor character power levels so that nobody is overpowered.


(1.) What I would consider one of the golden rules of Character Creation: No Mary Sues or in other words, no perfect characters. Roleplays, literature, film, and almost all things creative thrive off of imperfection and faults, they are often the very things that drive plots and stories.
(2.) Another one I would consider a golden rule of Character Creation: Do not force a relationship on another character/roleplayer. This is not a roleplay centered around romance, however that doesn't mean that it isn't allowed, so long as all roleplayers involved are okay with it. If another roleplayer is fine with your character being in love with or dating their character then by all means go nuts.
(3.) Please adhere to the species I've provided for you. If you have an idea for a new species, I would ask that you don't just assume it's okay to make it, DM me first and we will talk about it, if it fits the lore of Project Regalia then chances are I will try to fit it in so that I can accommodate you, but if you just go willy nilly and don't ask permission then there's a good chance that the entire character will be flat-out denied.
(4.) I would ask also that you adhere to the stat system I have implemented, this allows for every character to be balanced based off of the same system.
(5.) Unless otherwise discussed all PCs will start at level 1 and will be allotted 50 points to spread across the stat system, explained further on the Character Creation page.
(6.) When assigning your characters abilities you may use the list of premade abilities or create your own, although original abilities will need to be cleared by me first. I would ask that you keep in mind your character's level and expertise when assigning abilities.
(7.) You do not have to use the provided class structures if you don't want to. You can create your own class with its own abilities and concept, however you must still use the stat system provided.
(8.) When creating your character you may use a photo reference if you desire, simply replace the written descriptors in your application with the reference photo you wish to use. Photos of real people are not allowed as this is a high fantasy roleplay and I do not believe they would fit the theme. You may use anime-style or realistic drawings however. Note that you do not have to find a picture that matches the exact description of whichever species you intend to play, you can find a picture to use as a base reference and further describe the character as you see them.
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General Rules

(1.) This should go without saying, but no god-moding, it isn't fun for anybody.
(2.) While this a fantasy roleplay, some realism applies, especially in terms of combat. Should your character enter combat with another roleplayers character, be realistic during the fight. Characters won't be able to dodge every single attack, some will land, some won't, it's a good idea to confer with the roleplayer you're fighting with to set some grounds rules that you're both okay with.
(3.) By all means, your character can break laws, they can pilfer, thieve, pickpocket, murder, and pretty much any other evil deed you could think of, but keep in mind that should they get caught, in-character consequences will apply. This could include your character being jailed, harmed, or even killed, depending on the severity of their crime.
(4.) As mentioned above in the character creation rules, this roleplay is not meant to be centered around romance, but it is allowed should you decide to partake in it. There will be no explicit content roleplayed, if I see it it will be reported.
(5.) No actions should be performed on another player's character without their permission.

The Laws of Atheer

(1.) Murder is punishable by death.
(2.) Theft and robbery are illegal and those caught will serve time in prison as determined by The King or any of his agents.
(3.) Landowners have the right to dole out their own punishment to those they catch trespassing on their personal property.
(4.) Sexual offenses are punishable by death.
(5.) Desecration of temples, shrines, and graves is illegal and those caught will serve time in prison as determined by The King or any of his agents.
(6.) Treason is punishable by death.
(7.) Any other crimes will be analyzed and judged by agents of The King.

The Laws of Gurash

(1.) Desecration and disruption of natural resources is illegal and those caught will serve time in prison as determined by The Council or its agents.
(2.) Murder is punishable by death.
(3.) Results of a hunt must be reported to local government agents.
(4.) Theft and robbery are illegal and those caught will serve time in prison as determined by The Council or any of its agents.
(5.) Sexual offenses are punishable by death.
(6.) All other crimes will be brought before a judge and punishment will be doled out as seen fit.

The Laws of Marsun

(1.) Murder is punishable by death.
(2.) Theft and robbery are illegal and those caught will serve time in prsion as determined by The Emperor or any of his agents.
(3.) Sexual offenses are punishable by death.
(4.) The results of a duel, no matter the outcome, are to be respected.
(5.) Every able-bodied citizen is required by law to serve military time once they reach age 18.
(6.) Incomplete service or deserting is punishable by death.
(7.) Any other crimes will be brought before an agent of The Emperor who will judge the severity and dole out punishment.

The Laws of Bruhn

(1.) Murder is punishable by death.
(2.) Theft and robbery are illegal and those caught will serve time in prsion as determined by The College
(3.) Sexual offenses are punishable by death.
(4.) Men may hold no position of power within The College
(5.) Men are to defer to their female counterparts under threat of punishment of law.
(6.) Any other crimes will be presented to The College who will judge the severity and dole out punishment accordingly.

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