Project: Raven


Popcorn Connoisseur
The room is dark and quiet, filled with a cluttered desk and chairs. There are papers scattered around the desk and a manilla folder placed next to the computer monitor. The writing on the front has "Top Secret" stamped on it along with writing in the top corner: Project Raven. The folder looks worn and the papers inside are practically spewing out onto the desk.

There is a clicking sound as the door to the office is unlocked. Light from the hallway spills in, silhouetting the tall, slender man in the doorway. He reaches over, flipping the light switch, his eyes never leaving the clipboard in his hand. The man is wearing a pair of black pants, leather shoes, and a white lab coat. He steps inside, carefully closing and locking the door behind him before he makes his way to the desk. He drops the clipboard on the manilla folder. The top piece of paper is filled with notes. The man sighs, running his fingers through his mess of dark hair. He has dark circles under his brown eyes, probably due to lack of sleep. His eyes drift to the clock hanging on the wall. It reads 3:21. The darkness outside is an indicator that it's morning. He looks back to his clipboard, beginning to reread his notes as he flips open the manilla folder. A piece of paper falls to the floor:

Test subjects underwent DNA augmentation. The purpose of this experiment is to see whether or not this augmentation will produce super-humans that can be trained for government use. The DNA augmentation is intended to produce abilities in the test subjects that are otherwise not possible for a normal human. There are some known side-effects but most disappeared within hours after the augmentation procedure. Known side-effects are as follows:

Intense headaches




Blurry vision

After the augmentation procedure was finished, the subjects were moved to a testing facility intended to examine the extent of their abilities in a variety of situations….

The man leans over, retrieving the paper and setting it back in the folder. He chuckles at the last line. He knows what the examination entails: men armed with guns, natural disasters, genetically mutated animals. He shakes his head. The Raven project was the first round of subjects to survive the augmentation. He had wanted to study the effects more extensively but his subjects were air-lifted to another site for testing, leaving him with only his notes. He flips through the biographies and backgrounds of the round of test subjects, guilt growing inside him. He hadn't been the one to fake the deaths of these people and kidnap them but he was in charge of the DNA augmentation procedure. He was the one who officially made it impossible for those subjects to return to their lives.

He pushed the thought to the back of his mind, sinking lower in his office chair. What was different about this round of subjects? Well, they began showing signs of their transformation early. Some developed a resistance to the anesthesia that was used. Some, while sleeping, caused things to fly about the room. Others had shown increased brain activity and none had died. The changes to the serum that jumpstarted the augmentation must have been correct, seeing as how none had died and they were the first full group to go to the fabled testing site.

All he knew about the site was that it was set up like an abandoned town, surrounded by a thick forest. The employees at this site were charged with testing the strength of the subjects. He shuddered, thinking of the horrors that awaited them.

Hearing the ring of his phone, he righted himself in his chair, pulled the phone from his pocket, and answered. "Hello?" he answered, his voice low with exhaustion. A voice sounded on the other line. "Yes, I'm coming home now, dear," he replied, standing and gathering his personal belongings before making his way to the door. "No, you don't have to wait up," he continued, flipping the switch off and closing the door behind him, the lock clicking into place and his voice fading down the hallway. The room was lifeless once more.

Information: You were a normal person, just going on with your life, until one night when you were adducted by your own government. Your death was faked in a way that left no trace of you. Your family and friends believe you're dead. You have no ties to your old life any longer. You wake up in an abandoned town with no knowledge of how you got there or of what has been done to you. All you know is that you now have powers that you didn't before, powers that no normal human should have. There are others, though, who are there with you. You have to find a way to protect yourselves, not only from the dangers of starvation and dehydration but the threat of the men dressed in all black who attack without warning and move silently through the town. There is unusually harsh weather in this town along with unusual beasts that are unlike anything you've ever encountered. You don't know it, but if you survive this test, you will be the first of an elite squad of super-human soldiers.

Map: here

In case you can't read it:

  1. Houses
  2. Restaurant
  3. Pharmacy
  4. Grocery Store
  5. Furniture Store
  6. Clothing Store
  7. Farm Supply Store
  8. Tool Shed
  9. Plantation
  10. ???
The town is abandoned so the shops have only some remnants of what they once held. It's surrounded by a thick forest that's almost impossible to travel through. It looks just like a normal town in the middle of nowhere. There is no hint of anything that would suggest that the town is part of a testing facility.


No godmodding or bunnying. Seriously, I won't have it.

Please use proper spelling and grammar.

Write at least one paragraph. That's four sentences.

You can have up to three characters.

Keep the romance and violence at a PG-13 level.

I will be in charge of the attacks on the subjects as well as the environment. It is my job to make this role play enjoyable but challenging. If you have a request for some sort of attack or change in environment, please PM me and I will try and fit it into the role play.

Also, it is very important that you read everything I wrote. I understand that it's long but it includes some important information.

Character Sheet:


Age: 18 and up

Powers: Maximum of two. Be creative! Yes, characters can have the same power.



Name: Hunter Grey

Age: 22

Powers: Psychometry (the ability to learn the past or future of an object by touching it) and telekinesis.

Background/Personality: Hunter is the daughter of a well-to-do family. Her father is a successful lawyer for a large firm and her mother is the editor of a fashion magazine. The two of them seemed like the perfect couple and when Hunter came along, they were the perfect family. Hunter is the only child that they had, mostly because they began to drift apart once their daughter was born, each getting more and more wrapped up in their careers.

Hunter was raised on a large estate by the help that her parents had around the house. Hunter took a particular liking to Grace, their cook, who would let her sit on the kitchen counter and watch as she prepared meals. Hunter was raised by the employees around the estate who saw her as their daughter. Hunter was quiet, keeping to herself most of the time. She would often sit in the library, reading from her father's extensive collection. Just because her parents didn't give her much affection didn't mean they expected less of her. Hunter, from the day she started school, had multiple tutors. She learned multiple languages, danced, sang, played piano and violin, swam, and rode horses. Hunter rarely had much down time, truthfully, but she enjoyed all the things that she was taught. Her favorite activity was the horse riding. She and her horse, Emiline, earned quite a few blue ribbons.

However, none of that mattered very much to Hunter, who only wanted to get to know her parents. Once she turned eighteen, she moved out, went to college, and graduated with a masters in English, planning on becoming a high school teacher. She never talked to her parents and they never made an effort to contact her. Hunter was just planning on creating her own life when she was taken for the experiment.

Hunter is a shy, quiet, good-natured girl. She doesn't like violence and she shuts down in arguments. She can be hard to get to know but she's a good person, though she may seem cold at first. She gets more outgoing and talkative as you get to know her and her closest friends would say she's eccentric.

Appearance: here

Name: Cole Martin

Age: 28

Powers: Intangibility and memory manipulation (only with eye contact)

Background/Personality: Cole is the oldest son of a family of six. He's always been close with his family, offering help whenever they needed it. His father is a mechanic and his mother is a waitress. Cole was always in charge of taking care of his younger siblings since his parents were often busy working to support their family to be home. Cole never minded, though. He was thankful to have the family that he did.

He was never worried too much about his education, tending to get into trouble more. He got a job at sixteen to help support his family. He didn't get the opportunity to go to college and he's had a construction job since he graduated high school. He still sends money to his parents. He has a big personality and isn't scared to tell anyone what he thinks. No one would ever accuse him of being shy, though some would say he could be a bit obnoxious. Cole has a tendency not to care what people think of him.

Truthfully, he's a great person but he isn't trusting of other people. He just keeps to himself, working as hard as he can to support himself. He hopes one day to have a family of his own and give his kids a better life than he had for himself. Cole is very protective of those he cares about and tends to play the hero which gets him into trouble a lot.

Appearance: here
Name: Aurora Starrlette

Age: 26

Powers: Aurora has the (painful and tearful) power of being able to sprout wings. The bad side, the wings tear through her skin, forcing the process to be quick, painful, yet for an odd reason never messy. She also has the (also very painful) power of being able to read the thoughts of others. She can only do it for a brief process and it gives her migraines for hours afterwards. Because of this, she mainly uses her wings because even though it's painful, it is also quick and easy.

Background/Personality: Aurora lived a quiet life out in South Jersey, choosing to live in subtle apartment close to a train station. She took the train to and from work in Pennsylvania, and it was the melancholy lifestyle she couldn't have possibly loved anymore. She worked at a quaint vet hospital that never got much business at all, so it was basically getting paid very good money to drink coffee and talk to your co-workers about the newest season of American Idol. She visited her mom, dad, and younger sister every Sunday in New York, and found it rather pleasing. She lived this same repetitive life style for around 3 years until Project:Raven.

Aurora was a bright, happy go-lucky gal until the capturing, after this she changed slightly. She kept her old personality plastic, and secretly kept a small, dark underside. She would be as happy as a witch in a broom factory if the capturing had not toyed with her trustworthiness.


View attachment 10031

Name: Neo Vector

Age: 20

Powers: Control over the flow energy and can multiply energy within anything he is touching.(including himself)

Background/Personality: Neo lived a normal life with his mother, father and brother till the age of seven when his brother and father were killed in a car jacking. His mother fell into depression and heavy drinking just barely making a living for them both to survive. Since then he had a dead hatred for all criminals and had a desire to help others so they wouldn't have to go through the pain he felt. In school he was popular and great at sports being on both the basketball, and football team and always in great shape but always was a bit distant from everyone. He was afraid that if he let people get close to him he would lose them too.

Through hard work in school and several jobs he was able to get into a good college and was studying to be come a criminal prosecutor when he was kidnapped. He has a deep hatred for criminals and really just wants to help people in need so they don't have to suffer. He can come off as cold at times and only caring about justice but deep down he cares for just about everyone and would risk his life for probably a complete stranger.


[MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] [MENTION=3746]ForgeKeeper[/MENTION]

Both accepted!
Name: Chrome Crimson

Age: 18

Powers: Six Paths of Reincarnation,The Six Paths of Reincarnation (六道輪廻, Rokudō-rinne) are a Buddhist concept of the cycle of death and rebirth stemming from Hindu philosophies. In Japan, this is most commonly referred to as the "Six Paths". Each of these paths represent one of the realms a being is reborn into after death, determined by the accumulated karma of their past life. It can also be referred to as:

The Realm of Hell (地獄道, Jigokudō), also known as the Naraka Path, is represented by the kanji numeral "一" (one) and grants Mukuro the power to create real illusions capable of manifesting in the physical/real world.

The Realm of Hungry Ghosts (餓鬼道, Gakidō), also known as the Preta Path, is represented by the kanji numeral "二" (two), and grants Mukuro the power to use the skills of others

The Realm of Beasts (畜生道, Chikushōdō), represented by the kanji numeral "三" (three), grants Mukuro the power to summon and control deadly animals such as poisonous snakes or wild dogs

The Realm of Demons (修羅道, Ashuradō), represented by the kanji numeral "四" (four), grants Mukuro an increase in combat capabilities. When using this path, Mist Flames surround her eye

The Realm of Humans (人間道, Ningendō), represented by the kanji numeral "五" (five), increases Mukuro's battle aura, thus strengthening him

The Realm of Heavens (天道, Tendō), otherwise known as the Deva Path, is represented by the kanji numeral "六" (six). This grants Mukuro the power to possess and control others, , Genju Mugaia

Background/Personality: After trying to rescue a cat, she was badly injured in a car accident, which led to the loss of her right eye and some of her internal organs. The only way to save her life would be to have someone with the same blood type transfer their organs to her. She did not care whether she lived or not, and her mother refused to sacrifice her own organs. The government took the opurtuninty to take her away and telling her parents that she no longer was alive. She always knew she was going to die so she welcomed it till teh day of the capturing when she was in the back of a van. Soon she began to hear voices inside her head.she had organs which was werid. She heard a mans voice. Thanks to the government half her body belongs to someone else. Despite that she grew to like him. She only talked to him but around others she was distant and cold.

Appearence:View attachment 10034


( the six path reincarnation is one whole thing its not seperate so she still has two powers.)

[MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION] Accepted but the links/spoiler don't work, just letting you know :P Or maybe it's just my computer haha.
[MENTION=3723]Autumn[/MENTION] Doesn't work for me either. Well, I'm not too outgoing to make a first post, so someone tag me when the roleplay gets started, it's 11:30 PM where I am, and I have school tomorrow xP So, I shall go to bed. Goodnight!
[MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION] If you just edit it that would be fine (:

[MENTION=2525]NebulaSkies[/MENTION] We won't start before tomorrow but I'll be sure to tag everyone when I put the RP up (:
Name: Christal Earnshaw

Age: 21

Powers: Prehensile Nail / Astral Projection (note: Her astral self is like a ghost. She cannot be seen nor heard nor can she affect anything around her)

Background/Personality: Christal was born the fourth child in her family and was also born the only girl of her siblings. Because of his their mother doted on her the most, sometimes neglecting her brothers. She had trouble getting along with most of them, especially the third youngest as he use to be the favorite child until she came along. This brother, Matthew, caused trouble for her in revenge, from picking on her, to getting her in trouble when she had done nothing wrong. He would steal her homework or drop her things in the mud. Whatever to make her miserable. Her two other brothers tried to help her sometimes, but they mostly kept out of it. She did not tell her mother either because she didn't want to be a tattle-tale.

Christal endure Matthew's abuse up until he reached high school. He was somewhat physically abusing to her at this point. The oldest brother was in med school and the other one ready to graduate with Christal in seventh grade. One day when she was walking home with Matthew, he tore off her backpack and scattered the content around. When she tried to stop him, he struck her across the face. One of her classmates came to her rescue though and this was Christal's first time that she had someone come to her defense. After that, Matthew back off some and Christal found herself falling for her new friend Luke. They remained friends and even dated in high school, but she lost him in a car accident.

Christal still lives at home but planned on moving soon. She attends college working to be a therapist for younger kids. Christal has a somewhat shy personality and has trouble talking to others and trusting them. She is inherently kind those and is drawn to those in need. She is somewhat motherly, wanting to make sure people are cared for and okay. She tends to be the shoulder people cry on. Christal has trouble expressing her own feelings though and can get severely nervous when talking about herself.



Name: Elwood Huskins

Age: 27

Powers: Can reproduce any sound he hears / Electric Manipulation

Background/Personality: Elwood had a pretty good childhood. He was born the only son to the owner of a major make-up company. His mother worked long and hard and was rarely home though and his father left them both when he was five. Despite this, Elwood didn't really care too much about his family. He became close with the nannies and babysitters he was left with.

Elwood attended private schools and showed a skill in learning. But he got bored easily and would normally run off looking for adventure. He kept on with his need for something exciting throughout his whole life, despite his mother's chastising for it. It was only in high school did he learn that she was afraid that he'd run off like his father did and abandoned her because she wasn't there enough. Because of this he tried hard to control his need. He worked hard and got into a good college, graduating and is now working as an editor in a small publishing company although his mother wanted him to go into business.

Elwood is friendly and tries to be helpful. He can be a bit haughty at times, but he tries not to be. Elwood has trouble understanding others as well. He still has a need for excitement in his life as well and can be reckless at moments. He is not afraid to experiment or try something new. He is usually the first one in, although not all the time. He has a habit of talking without thinking, but he tries to have others best interest at heart.

Name: Garneil Maurus

Age: 20

Powers: Bioarmoury, this power makes him able to warp his skin, body tissue and bone into different states and even weapons. These including swords, shields, spears, bows and even guns (however the gun uses a lot of his energy) Another perk to this power is that he can disturd his bone matter to lie almost like scales on top of his skin, making his skin solid and very useful for hand to hand combat, especially when he is low on energy or exhausted, yet this power naturally increases his physical strength above that of an average humans.

Background: Garneil has very dark brown hair that is verging on long, but is shaved down the sides which looks like a flat mohawk. He is a fairly average height, around 5ft 9 and has very broad shoulders. His eyes used to be brown but after the experiment have now changed to a very deep red, almost purple. He very rarely trusts people but Garneil can have a heart of gold shine through when pushed. He is naturally very cautious and never hesitates on his actions, being precise and fluid. Garneil was part of a very loving and expanded family. However he was never aware of this due to his paranoia caused by traumatic childhood issues. This eventually led onto him becoming very secluded and he preferred to stay in his room where he would train his Thaiboxing in the company of himself. He had landed himself a job at a museum as a security guard in the weaponry wing before the Project Raven abductions.
Name: Elisa Monroe

Age: 18

Powers: Increased senses; Being able to hear, feel, taste, smeel and see better but it also has it´s side effects. Bibliokinesis; the power to manipulate scriptures and books like changing the contents or reading it within seconds etc. Info;

Background/Personality: Elisa had a happy life during her childhood living in the country with her parents and her dog Kaleo but that soon changed when she suddenly came home one day at the age of 7 and found her parents dead. They had been murdered and Elisa was put in mental hospital since she never talked, ate or did anything at all generally but pat Kaleo once in awhile. She´d hum a silent lullaby, fall asleep, have a meaningless talk with some doctor that thought he could cure anyone. She was released at the age of 16 to live with her blind grandmother and attends group therapy with the same old doctor who thinks he can `cure` her from the depression. This made Elisa a perfect test subject so the goverment kidnapped her when she was walking home from a therapy session and faked her suicide. Her grandmother was told about how she couldn´t handle the pressure of the traumatic event. The clueless doctor agreed stating that he never saw any progress in Elisa.

Being practically raised in a mental hospital Elisa is sarcastic most of the time. She can be very innocent since in a way she is still a child mentally but can also be wise and observant at times. She knows when someone is about to lose it since she has seen it happen many times and loves animals. Under the years in the mental hospital Elisa would forget to eat but always fed Kaleo and took care of him like it was a hidden action she couldn´t control.



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