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interaction: SomeGuyThatsBored SomeGuyThatsBored Superfly47 Superfly47
Brackman turned back around to the two subjects looking, it appeared they had begun to get restless no matter his device was ready signalling to the computer systems the back wall opened up and a robot twice the sized of Brackman emerged from the compartment "subjects you will both attempt to cause critical damage to this unit while it will attempt to cause minimal damage to you" he stated simply stepping back out of the testing chamber and watching through the optics of the machine "you will commence testing now" he said over the speakers, the robot shifting into an aggressive stance before slowly but surely walking toward both of the kids.

Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy
As Aurora entered the room she spotted Val hugging Sebastian. She stopped dead in her tracks as frown formed. She watched as Sebastian moved toward her, obviously having not invited the hug. "Valery. what have I told you about hugging people with out permission." She said sternly. She didn't want to be so stern, but with anyone else around she had to maintain her reputation. Why did this world curse her to have the sweetest and cutest child. A child that she ruined.
With a sigh she handed the children their bowls of cereal. As they ate she moved to the cabinets and began pulling out a few generic items. A book, a unlabeled can, and a can opener.
'When can I take these off?' Aurora turned to face Sebastian. "I can remove it now if you two are ready." She replied. Walking over she released the lock and it fell from his head. She quickly scooped it up before it hit the ground. After setting it down on the table she picked his file.
"Since you're so eager we'll have you start. you've shown some improvement in your telekinetic abilities. This is more advanced than just crushing or lifting something; right now I want you to try to open that can with the can opener over there." She instructed him.

interactions: Phantom9786 Phantom9786 Mechking Mechking
"Yes Doctor," Ryliegh responded to his instructions. She listened in slightly to the phone call picking up something about Milo. They didn't expect the boy to fight her did they. She'd probably end up killing him. Then again weaklings deserved to die. Did she really believe that? She thought she did. Then again, her brother is still alive and she could never bring herself to kill him.
She shot one last glare at her brother, Titus, before turning to walk to the testing room. She didn't bother waiting for her brother since she knew he'd probably follow close behind. He was weak but not dumb. At least not dumb enough to disobey. Waiting at the door of the room she leaned against the wall. "Titus, you know you can't beat me, right?" She said as he approached but didn't look up at him.

interactions: nlinx nlinx Bugsss Bugsss
"I hope they say I can play," Milo responded, a bit of hope in his voice behind the fear. As Dr Cross pulled out his phone Milo sat cross legged on his cot waiting for Cross to finish the phone call. He tried to listen but couldn't really understand what was being asked. His mind began to wander to what sort of games he'd get to play. Back in the orphanage he remembered playing a game he called 'tag'. The kids would take turns chasing each other and whoever got touched had to do the chasing. That was always fun. His day dreams were interrupted as the phone call ended.
"I get to play?" Milo asked. He was excited but still a bit intimidated. As Dr Cross reached a hand out to him he studied it for a second. Tentatively he reached up and took the doctor's hand, following him to Eden's cell.
"Hi," he said quietly as they reached the cell. His free hand waved at the older boy for a moment as he forced a small smile. He liked Eden since he was always nice to him.​
( - Raien Bekket - )
Interactions: that big robot

"Woah, you're a big one" Rye says getting into a stance with his left hand in front of his right. Rye does a motion that imitates cracking his knuckles and the converters activate and yellow bolts occasionally shoot out from his limbs as he charges the robot and strikes the large robot about four times leaving four dents that are a bit bigger than rye's hands. "Z! uhh do your thing!" Rye exclaims in a bit of a distressed tone. "Jeeze this thing's big".
interactions ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy
Valery, though she was doing a good thing by giving Sebastian a hug looking up at him with a smile when he tapped her head, thanking her for the hug as well as saying Seb saying he felt better slowly letting go of him once Aurora returned "your welcome Seb happy to help" she said cheerfully that was till Aurora reprimanded her for the hugging Valery frowning looking up at Aurora with her huge green eyes frown still on her face "I'm sorry Aurora I didn't mean to... but Seb was sad and I wanted to make him feel better" she said with her voice no longer cheerful and peppy but this one had a childish sadness in it. but quickly return to her usually happiness when she got handed the bowl of cereal. due to her odd body structure, the first thing Valery did with the cereal was sticking one of her tendrils into the bowl since it functioned as sensory organs, Valery preferred to use it over her mouth because she got to taste food longer the tendril slurping down the cereal quickly, flowing down through her tendril disappearing into her body quickly finish off her food "yeah Aurora I'm ready to get started" to be fair Valery actually liked testing well at least the shapeshifting it was fun.
Interactions: ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

After the Doctor took off his power suppressor, he felt relaxed and free. He slicked his ebony black hair back and waited for the doctor's next orders with his calculative silver eyes. He acted as if the scene with Valery didn't happen. Once Sebastian feels like he's in danger, he turns into a very serious and obedient person.
"Since you're so eager we'll have you start. You've shown some improvement in your telekinetic abilities. This is more advanced than just crushing or lifting something; right now I want you to try to open that can with the can opener over there." Once Aurora gave him the order, Sebastian obeyed and took a breath.
Sebastian's hands were shaking as he stared at the can opener. Sebastian lifted his arms in front of him then opened his palms. The moment his fingers were free, a shimmer of light illuminated his palms. The moment his eyes went over at the can opener, it started levitating to the can. The moment they both made contact with each other, Sebastian tried his best to visualize the can opener doing its natural function. As soon as he opened his eyes, he watched as the can opener open the can. Afterwards, he made the two objects levitate towards him. Once he grasped the two items, he turned to his Doctor.
"Here you go, Dr Aurora." He told the woman in front of him.

Interactions: SomeGuyThatsBored SomeGuyThatsBored Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Z was stunned at the size of the robot and the complexity. It really was a beautiful creation. When Rye started calling out for help, Z got focused again. She grew fond of Rye since he was nice and she didn’t want him to get hurt. Z focused intently and fired her laser at the robot’s left arm, the damage was minimal since the robot was metal. Her laser is good at carving up human flesh, not metal. “This is gonna be hard” Z said in frustration.
( - Raien Bekket - )
Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Superfly47 Superfly47

"Good try!" Rye exclaims dodging a swing from the robot but getting hit by a second strike hitting him in the face sending him around five feet back. "Ow, gah that hurt" Rye gets back up and attacks the left arm of the robot. Striking it twice before narrowly dodging another hit. Rye backs off and gets a safe distance from the robot. "Hey Z! Try and attack the left arm preferably the elbow" Rye yells to Z more confidently than his last request. Keeping his stance and focuses more on dodging thought the robot hasn't reached him yet.

Interactions: SomeGuyThatsBored SomeGuyThatsBored Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

Z is scared, this machine is so tough. She feels grateful that Rye is there to fight it since she doubts she could endure a single strike from it. "Good job hanging in there Rye." Z then zeroes in on the elbow. At fist it doesn't look to be doing much while hitting the metal on the outside, but then it gets past the metal and hits a wire inside that causes its arm below the elbow to stop working. Unfortunately, all this laser fire zaps her energy and she gets a bloody nose and becomes disoriented, almost falling over.
( - Raien Bekket - )
Interactions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Superfly47 Superfly47

Rye noticing that Z past out panics a tiny bit 'i hope she is okay' he franticly thought. Rye also notices his breathing is getting more labored, he's running out of time. As a last hurrah Rye throws a wild haymaker at the robot's torso making a decent sized hole, exposing the wires. Rye gets hit again for his movement are getting sloppier and slower. Rye, knocked to the ground gets up and sees a chance and takes it. Rye reaches inside of the robot in a attempt to disable it by ripping out the wiring. Rye's vision is getting a bit blurry and his breath more labored.
Interactions: nlinx nlinx , ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi

Eden’s gaze travelled up quickly when he again noticed the familiar spaced steps of his handler approaching, though now accompanied by a set of smaller, quicker paced steps.
The brunet found himself confused for a moment as he listened, a hand coming up to tap at the little device he still held close to him, putting the current tune playing quietly from it to an end.
The youth shifted where he sat, running a free hand through too-long, already tousled curls, watching the bars carefully as two familiar figures appeared.
At the sight of the young boy, Eden blinked, a sort of surprised expression crossing his visage briefly, and he scooted forward just slightly.
He returned the offered smile with a small, lopsided one of his own after Milo had greeted him, the gesture subtle, yet noticeable.
“Hey there. Nice to see you.” Eden responded with a little nod, mocha coloured hues shifting upwards just slightly, and his smile dropped into something wary for a brief moment as he spotted the towering shape of Dr. Cross.
“..What’s up doc?”
Interactions: SomeGuyThatsBored SomeGuyThatsBored Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

Z is really impressed by Rye's ability to take out the robot. She felt bad that she wasn't able to help more. Since Rye looked like he might fall over, Z went over to help him sit down. "Great job, you really saved me. I'm glad that I have a friend like you who can protect me from robots." Z said as she hugged Rye.
Interactions: Bugsss Bugsss ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi
"Today you and Milo are going to be spending some time together." Cross answered bluntly.
"Norman Triplett was a researcher that found or theorised something called Social Facilitation, which refers to peoples general nature to perform better in social situations (within reason). So just as with the music you've been given, I want to see if social interaction improves your abilities somewhat."
Cross looked down at the young boy beside him.
"And I just want Milo to play with someone else. He's been having a rough time recently. More so then usual."
interactions: ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi , nlinx nlinx

Eden found his head tilting just slightly to the side as he listened to his handlers explanatio
n and reasoning, the blunt tone he used something he’d come to be familiar with over the years, and so he wasn’t really fazed.
“That makes sense, I guess.” Eden had murmered quietly, punctuated with a small huff, moving so he could pull himself to stand. He took just a couple steeps towards the bars, though not much further than this, keeping a small distance.
Hues once again flickered down to the small boy standing with Dr. Cross, and he nodded, fiddling again with the player.
“Okay. Looks like we get to hang out then, hm?” Eden addressed Milo, giving a little wave.
Interactions: Bugsss Bugsss ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi
Dr. Cross raised his wrist to the cells bars, unlocking it and letting it slowly swing open.
He looked down at the timid boy beside him and gently pat his head.
"Go on Milo. Head on in. I promise I'll be back when it's lunch time."
He then squinted in Eden's direction, Cross' concern for Milo obvious in his eyes. As much as the doctor tried to detach himself from his experiments emotionally, it's hard not to worry about someone as young as Milo.
Quickly he let his face fall back to a neutral sullen expression and watched Milo huddle into the cell.
"Have fun you too."
And then locked the door and strode away, the familiar sound of long legged footfalls echoing through the hall.
( - Raien Bekket - )
Interactions: Superfly47 Superfly47

Rye Is breathing hard almost passing out with each step, rye sits down with Z "no... No problem Z" rye hugs her back then lets go and he gets up "thanks for your help too" he walks to the wall that has the door out of the room using a wall to balance on and slouches against barely fighting off going unconscious. he sniffs and is still breathing hard but not as hard as before. Rye looks at his arm and sees that his right wrist is bending the wrong way. "Oh, that's fun" as rye goes unconscious.​
Interactions: SomeGuyThatsBored SomeGuyThatsBored

Z liked the fact that Rye wanted to hug her. She liked the connection that physical contact between people creates. To be clear, this is friendly contact like touching shoulder, hugs, nothing sexual as she doesn’t know what that is and if she did she would find it ichy.

Z was surprised that Rye was thanking her for help, “You’re thanking me, you did all the hard work, I was just off to the side and I became out of it when you killed the robot.” She looked over at the robot, she needed to be completely sure it was dead. As Rye was struggling to walk, Z was getting concerned. “Are you okay walking?” Z got up and helped him. “Our next meal isn’t for a while, so we don’t actually have anything else to do, no reason to rush out of here.” Rye was falling unconscious so Z helped him lie down.
Titus looks at his sister with no emotion. "Its not about winning Ryliegh, when will you learn that the more we fight, the more they win, they are the enemy and you play soldier with no remorse" his expression turned from nuetral to anger and disappointment. " You think that if you eliminate the others theyll let you walk?" "No that's not it,not at all, your just a frightened little girl behind a suit of armor" "and you already lost".... Turning his back on Ryliegh Titus comments with a saddened expression " i would never kill my own sister". But ill destroy what she has become"
Last edited:
SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
Aurora retrieved a clipboard off the counter and prepared to start writing her notes. "You'll be next Valery," She replied with a gentle smile. Turning back to Sebastian she watched him intently. She was a bit surprised she had got it on his first try. "Very good Sebastian." As she spoke she jotted down some notes on her clipboard.
She reached over to him and took the can opener from him but left him with the can. Inside the can were diced mangoes. "That's for you," she told him, pointing to the can in his hands. "Well that went a lot faster than I planned. Lets do a more experiment together." She smiled at the two children and picked up the book. it was obviously worn from time but obviously appeared to be a picture book. The title of it was 'Green Eggs and Ham'. Turning the book toward the she began reading the pages, allowing them ample time to observe the images. After reading it she set it down. "Valery you're task is to mimic one of the character's form," She instructed her with an encouraging smile.

Phantom9786 Phantom9786
Ryliegh was fuming at this point. Her brother had the nerve to say such things to her? His attitude drove her insane. There was no way she was gonna go easy on him now. Even if he was her brother she wouldn't let him speak to her like that. He had to learn his lesson. Her face twisted in anger at his comment. Like hell he could kill me. I'll shut him up as soon as we step into that room. Scared? Pshh... I'm the strongest one here. I have nothing to be scared of. I'll start finish this war all on my own if I have.

nlinx nlinx Bugsss Bugsss
Milo listened to Dr Cross despite not understanding a thing he said. I wonder who this Norman person is. Milo tried to process the bigger words but cam up short of any idea what the meant. His thoughts were cut short by Dr Cross opening the cell.
"Oh okay," Milo responded meekly as he stepped into the cell. Turning around as the cell closed he watched Dr. Cross disappear down the hall. It sucked to just be in another cell but at least he got to play for now. Smiling a little bit he turned back to Eden. "Any games you like to play?" He asked hoping Eden had an idea of what to do in the little cell.
interaction: SomeGuyThatsBored SomeGuyThatsBored Superfly47 Superfly47
Brackman watched on quietly recording the data of the ongoing experiment once it was concluded subject A607 had fallen unconscious... failure.... subject Z152 hardly attempted to engage... failure, test overall failure. he entered the test room once again looking down at the two subjects " Z152 remove yourself form A607..." he stated bluntly before one of his robotic limbs rose up a needle-like an injector tipping the device, jabbing into A607's chest the chemical in the needle forcing A607 awake again "you have both failed the test I will have to improve upon both of you...this.....disappoints me" this would likely come as a shock as this statement was the most emotive Brackman had ever been. he turned around leaving them in the room for a moment before coming back once again standing at the doorway "follow now I will be modifying both of you"


interactions ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy
"wow sed you did super well that's soo cool too," Valery said excitedly as she watched him levitate the can opener and opening the can in mid-air "I wish I could do that too that would be soo cool" Valery hopped up and down happily as she would normally do. when Valery heard Aroura say they would be doing more testing together she sat down happily as the scientist picked up the book "yay storytime" she exclaimed clapping although it had an odd squishy sound to it. Valery happily listened to the story looking at the colourful pictures intently. upon hearing what aroura wanted her to do she smiled happily "ok miss aroura ill try my best" Valery hoped up trying her best to copy one of the characters her body stretching out morphing and shifting into something vaguely looked like one of them however it seemed her body couldn't get the texture right, after a couple of minutes of trying she eventually gave up sinking into the ground in a somewhat less humanoid form the before "aww.... sorry miss aroura... I couldn't get it right" she whimpered sadly her huge eyes looking up at both aurora and sed sadly.

Interactions: ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi

Eden watched with wary gaze as Cross retreated down the hallway, paisong to wait a quiet moment until the spaced steps faded further into the background, before his dark eyes flickered down towards Milo, shifting closer to the small child as the other had spoke.
The brunet would hum to show he’d registered the inquiry, nodding once, then moved to bring back out the music player he’d been holding onto since he stood.
“It’s not a game, but it’s pretty interesting.”
Eden spoke, switching on the device so it continued the song it had left off on- something from their handlers playlist no doubt.
“You wanna try?” He tilted his head just slightly, offering it out to Milo.
“Or maybe we could do something you’d like to.” He shrugged, eyes moving just briefly to check the bars of the cage, watching the hallway out of habit.
Interactions: ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi Phantom9786 Phantom9786

Upon reaching the combat testing chamber after finishing his phonecall, Weir immediately noticed the animosity between the twins.
As he lets them inside he gives them one last instruction:
"I will remove your power limiters once you are inside. Everything is allowed, but please don't kill each other."
With his smile slightly dropping, he heads to a wall where he can see through, but they can't see him and brandishes his notebook and a pen.

"Please begin testing in 3...2...1...now!"
With that, he hits a button on a remote and the power limiters built inside the two cyborgs were released.

Interactions: SomeGuyThatsBored SomeGuyThatsBored Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

Z expected that Dr. Brackman would be happy that they were able to defeat the machine. She was shocked that he was upset. Z was wondering to herself, were we supposed to not fight back and let the machine attack us? Was this really a test of discipline to see if we could exercise self-restraint? Z was convinced that this must be the case.

When Dr. Brackman left, Z turned to Rye. “We shouldn’t have fought the machine. If defeating the machine led to failure, then being defeated by the machine must have been the desired result.” Dr. Brackman returned, “I am sorry Dr. Brackman, it was my idea to fight the machine, I don’t want Rye to get into trouble.” Z had no idea whose idea it was to fight, but she didn’t want Rye to get into trouble. Z followed Dr. Brackman, feeling terrible that she let both him and Rye down.
1578351168707.png..::: Sebastian :::..
Interactions: ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3

After having a peek of what's in the can, Sebastian sighed. Those mangoes sure look tasty, he said to himself as he eyed the can filled with mangoes. His powers must've left him in a hungry state. Dr Aurora must've noticed him eyeing the diced mangoes and said in a gentle voice, "That's for you."
"O-Oh! T-Thank you, doctor." He said in a timid voice and took the can with reddened cheeks. When the flavour hit his mouth, he couldn't help but smile and enjoy the flavour. It's definitely tasty! He told himself.
However, the thought quickly vanished when Valery came to his view with an excited expression, "I wish I could do that too that would be soo cool." Sebastian's cheeks were dusted pink and could only give her a timid nod.
Sebastian watched the doctor pull out a picture book as he continued chewing his mangoes. After Dr. Aurora told them the story, she tasked Valery to replicate one of the character's form. Sebastian would hate to admit it, but he was absolutely fascinated with Valery's ability to 'mimic' a person. If she could master her ability, she would definitely be an asset to a team and would make infiltrations much easier. Sebastian would also hate to admit this, but for some reason, he wanted this whole thing to be over and done with, so no children could go through what he went through. He thought of Wilo, the crying kid beside his cell.
Sebastian looked down at his palm and remembered Dr. Xander's words this morning, "... Change the world. You children are the future." Be strong, he thought as Dr. Xander's voice echoed through his head.
His thoughts were once interrupted by Valery's voice, "Ok miss Aurora, I'll try my best." Sebastian watched as Valery tried her best. Nevermind being an asset, she could just pass off as a decoy instead, Sebastian thought grimly, but quickly shook it off. After minutes of trying, Valery finally gave up and said, "Aww... sorry miss Aurora... I couldn't get it right." She looked at Sebastian and the doctor with puppy dog eyes that made Sebastian's cheeks dust with pink.
"I-I'm sure you did your best, Miss Valery." He tried to cheer her up while his eyes stuck to the nearest wall, avoiding any eye contact. At least her less humanoid (girly) looking form made it easier for him to converse with her.
Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 SleepyCreamy SleepyCreamy
Aurora began jotting down notes as Valery began the transformation. Seeing Val's sad face she paused and set the clip board down. "You did wonderful Valery. To even get close to something made up I'm proud of you," Aurora replied gently. She knelt down in front of Valery and rubbed her head; giving her a warm smile as she comforted her daughter. She peered over her shoulder at Sebastian. A frown temporarily forming on her lips, wishing she could be more affectionate to her daughter. She wished she could just hug her and tell her how amazing she was. She wished to dote upon her daughter without a care. Sadly, for now she had to work.
"How are those Mangoes? Are you ready to do another test?" She asked as Sebastian as she stood back up. She gave Valery one last pat on the head before turning around. "I'd like you to try creating an illusion based on the story I just read you."

Bugsss Bugsss
Milo tilted his head to the side as Eden offered him one of the ear buds. Looking at the small device he grew curious. After a moment of hesitation he reached out and put the bud to his ear. As he listened to it he had a confused look on his face. the young boy wasn't sure what to make of it since he had never been exposed to music before. Despite his uncertainty he was enjoying the beat of it. Unknowingly had began tapping his finger to the rhythm. "Whatcha doin'?" Milo asked as he watched Eden look into the hall.
After a couple songs he was getting bored of just sitting around and tried to think of a game to play. He looked around for some sort of inspiration for a game. Too small to play tag and not enough hiding places for hide and seek. "Hey Eden? wanna play hero and villain?" He asked meekly. He remembered watching the older kids play it at the orphanage.

Phantom9786 Phantom9786 Mechking Mechking
"Of course Doctor," Ryliegh responded to his instructions before stepping into the room. She moved to one side of the room and watched her brother as he entered. She readied herself to attack as she listened to Dr Weir count down. As soon as she felt the extra surge of power she immediately lunged into action...
Interactions: ArchAngelLexi ArchAngelLexi

The youth would tear his gaze from the hallway at the sound of the boys voice, blinking down at him as he registered the small question.
“Oh, nothing.” Eden dismissed with a small wave of his hand, turning off the music player as it seemed Milo had grown bored of it, and moved to put it down on the nearest surface so it wouldn’t take up space on his hands.
His head tilted slightly as he listened to the young child’s next request, searching his mind just briefly to see if the name of the game rung any bells. ‘Hero and Villian’ was certainly new, but it did remind him of some of the games he remembered watching other other kids his age play.
“Sure, why not. How do you play?” The brunet questioned casually, resisting the urge to reach up and pull at the restricting device clamped around his neck. His frame shifted, now facing away from the bars, the action almost hesitant, as if he expected the minute his back was turned for something bad to happen. He hoped Milo didn’t pick up on it, and as a distraction, offered up a small smile, the expression often unusual upon his visage, though pleasant.

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