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Multiple Settings Project Guf extra lore

true force

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Premise Thread Multiple Settings - Project Guf: An urban sci fantasy rp (18+)



-The setting takes place on the fictional artificial continent of Rodinia
- The world has the appearance of a lite sci fi setting. There are things such as monorails in the sky, teleportation devices, advanced medicine and so forth.
- The sci fi in the setting is actually magic. Magic has been in use for thousands of years, but it has been hidden.
- Magic has been introduced by a company called Tecnet, which was founded by an ancient magus family known as the Voldori family. They’re an ancient group of sorcerers with Romanian origins.
-The Voldori family presented their magic as technological breakthroughs with multiple government patents. They essentially jump started the “technology” of the world and have a new global hold
- This global hold has went against the Treaty of Two Worlds, an agreement between the human mages of the world and the Realm of Shadows
- Mythical creatures as well as biblical and various other religious lore exists in this world. It isn’t known who is in the right when it comes to the aspects of spirituality.
-Magic and what not is tied to the Realm of Shadows . In a calamitous event known as the War in Heaven, the two realms slammed together, resulting in the creatures that would come to inhabit the worlds various mythologies and folklores being transported to our world
-Its from these creatures that magic was taught to humans
-Following a raging war led by a Solomon, an agreement was reached between both species that would limit the magic given to humanity and hide the creatures from the world
- Solomon named any creature from the realm a “Nephil” a catch all term.
- From this, magic was relegated to a select few thousand families across the globe. And they’re society was established.


-Magic is as varied as can be and is typically taught within the family. Most big mage families tend to be aristocrats that can’t be found in a list of wealthy by the general public. Part of the Treaty was that mages cannot be within high positions of political power. The total population of mages is around 100-250 thousand

-Mages are typically born into families. Not all mages are born however, and any person may become a mage. Mage families tend to produce better sorcerers due to the latent Tenebris Energy flowing inside them.

-Most mages can sense Tenebris energy flowing off people. Everyone is constantly pulled on by this energy, and it’s easy to sense powerful mages given by how much either runs through their blood from birth or how much they affect the area around them

- Magic is not a weave or a force that can be called upon. It is a supernatural way of tapping into Tenebris Energy, a spiritual energy that wraps around the world. Tenebris Energy is extremely odd in how it behaves. Most mages have the ability to cast a Tier 1 or 2 Spell where they go. A skilled mage can cast a Tier 3, and a world class can cast a Tier 4.
-Tenebris energy has various places that it more strongly gathers allowing stronger spells. Graveyards, battlefields, holy sites and ancient ruins are some examples of places that it gathers stronger.
-Magic is divided into 6 tiers.
Tier 1:​
Tier 1 spells are small minor spells. These are spells that could heal small cuts or break a table for example. Most mages have access to tier 1 spells, and they aren’t very hidden.
Tier 2:​
Tier 2 spells are spells that start to be defined by the family that practices their area of magic. These spells might create water out of thin air, destroy a small room or heal internal damage. These spells are common, and this is where the bottom quarter of mages stop. These spells might be learned but typically come at a cost
Tier 3:​
Tier 3 spells are where the defining magics of a mage come into play. A mage who specializes in blood magic for instance might have the majority of their spells in here. These spells are enough to destroy a house, regenerate a limb, or teleport across global distances. This is the area where spells become closely associated with a family or a particular mage and aren’t readily available for sale.
Tier 4:​
Tier 4 spells are where magic starts to become more esoteric. These are spells where good mages will need at least 3 or more to cast a spell, or an extremely strong area of Tenebris Energy. Spells in this level might level skyscrapers, completely reshape the land in a small area, or heal complex mental disorders. The vast majority of mages would only be able to be here a couple times in their life. Spells of this nature might sap an average mages life span by a few years. This is the area where spells start to be created rather than taught. Any spells in this area and up in a family are closely guarded secrets.
Tier 5:​
Tier 5 spells are spells that start to enter into light reality warping levels of power. Spells in this area might mass warp the memories of hundreds to thousands of people or explosions big enough to level a small town. These spells require at least 7 elite mages to cast in a strong area of Tenebris energy. Spells of this level are only obtained by the very elite of magus world, and many of these mages have multiple magic locks in their memory so as to not be stolen. If any mage of lower skill or a smaller group tried to cast this, they might lose limbs from the sheer overflow of power.
Tier 6:​
Tier 6 is a theoretical area. Only 1 spell has been cast in this setting and it was to construct the artificial continent of Rodinia. This tier was previously thought impossible. It required the use of hundreds of unwilling mages drawing power from the tree of Guf. Previously thought of spells for this tier might include causing earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear level explosions, or even calling a comet down. No known spells of this level exist, and the single spell that has been casted has been a source of controversy and shock across the entire magic world

- Spells might be upcast in a certain way without requiring more energy or power. For instance, a blood magic user might make an explosion from blood as a tier 3, while if they had access to enough blood the spell might become a tier 4 with significantly more power.
- Magic is viewed in the same way as an energy transfer. The Tenebris energy is converted into spells. If the rules are broken there could be dire consequences for said mage.
-Spells can be stored into a spell scroll, which allows a onetime use by anyone, even lower skilled mages.
- There is another, more spiritual way of supernatural acts. Divine magic works more elusively. Specially trained clerics in the world are able to use the aid of their specific religion. A priest in a secret order of the Vatican for example might pray a rosary, and heal the sick, or be able to contend with a mage for a short while. This “magic” is not thought of as magic and is hard to predict what it will do. It can’t be accessed by anyone and takes many years of spiritual dedication to achieve. It requires no Tenebris energy.
- These acts are hard to Tier, as they aren’t things that be classified and more accurately described as Divine acts of God.
- There are various views regarding this, and it can either be highly praised or looked down on. It simply depends on the mage or family.
- When talking about the two, normal magic is referred to as arcane magic while divine magic is simply called divine

The Tree of Guf
-The Tree of Guf is a mythical artifact that Tecnet have erected in the middle of Rodinia. To the public it appears as a technological marvel of genetic and civil engineering. Taking the form of a of luminescent, midnight blue tree, it stands thousands of meters tall and can be see even at the ends of Rodinia. It is an extremely powerful source of Tenebris Energy, and Tecnet has moved their headquarters to it. Powering the whole of Rodinia, cities on the continent have turned into “technological” marvels and look nothing short of science fiction concepts. Mages know the truth about this though and are extremely hesitant of it.
-Any attempt to inspect what has been going on with the tree has been barred. Tecnet keeps tier 5 runes across their headquarters at all times, rendering spells like teleporting and scrying useless. Any legal or illegal attempt has failed.

Mage Society
-Most mages come from wealthy families. This doesn’t mean however that they are high in the world of mage society.
-The socially lowest on the totem pole are mages who weren’t born into but self-taught. These mates tend to be less powerful and are looked down upon. A good chunk doesn’t even integrate into mage society, and are just people who secretly practice magic

-Mage society is run by the Council of Solomon. A mysterious figure of 7 who make the laws and what not on magic and the society. They have been recently clashing with Tecnet, and are on the verge of sending assassins after them. There is also the Lower Council, with several hundred members who are easier to contact

-The pope is another player; he wields extreme sway in this world though he is not publicly allowed to speak about this. One might think of him has a shield to make sure the sorcerers are remembering their treaty and not exploiting the general public. Even the majority of his church has no idea, with only the highest cardinals and secret sects of priests and deacons being allowed to act as his sword.

- Rodinia was hailed as the ultimate technology of the ongoing age. Due to it being a magical construct, the biomes are all over the place, with the north being high forked and grassy planes, while the south is humid deserts and mountains. It is roughly the size of Australia
-It was erected and constructed in 2026

—The continent is between North America and Asia in the northern hemisphere

-No single has claim to the continent, it’s owned solely by Tecnet. Land and cities have been rented to various nations at ludicrous prices, and it’s quickly propelled tecnet into the most ludicrous country on earth.

-Currently there are 5 cities in Rodinia.

- Drezzen in the northeast is owned by the US, and is where the RP will start

- China owns the city of Lóng in the east

- The European Union owns New Versailles in the southeast

-Russia owns the city of Yug Gorod in the south on the left peninsula

- Gran Columbia currently owns the southern city on the right peninsula

Drezzen is the current hub of activity. Current CEO of Tecnet, Alexia Voldori recently gave a speech as well as a grand opening of the city. The city is a thriving mega city around the size of New York with plenty of space to breathe. People from all around the world have gathered to take part in this new oppurtunity. It currently boasts a population of around 1.7 million, with around 5-7000 mages currently active, and a dozen or so clerics running around. The city is described as clean, futuristic and a shining example of the future.

- The US has around 5-8000 troops stationed here equipped with high “tech” arms bought from tecnet

-There is a dark under current to the city in the southeastern part. Here there are various black markets both mage and non-mage

-The city is divided into east and west borough with little distinction
Mage Laws
The Council of Solomon has dictated various rules that all mages globally are required to follow

-No mage shall hold political power to anything more than a mayor. Business and corporations are a fuzzy topic, with many accusing the Voldori of using their wealth to lobby for certain policies, circumventing this rule

- Unless without strong reason or in self-defense, no mage shall harm or kill a Nephil.

-No mage is allowed to expose the secrets of the arcane world. This was attempted once before, and result in said mages name, identity, descendants and ancestors being wiped from history.

-Any magic of 5th tier and above must be openly stated and accounted to the Council. Creation of such spells must be delivered, sealed and approved by the council.

-Any attempt to travel to the Realm of Shadows is strictly forbidden and punishable by erasure.

-Crimes against mages by mages must be settled in an arcane court

- The council also has a list of criminals/Nephil who are ranked based on how big of a threat they are and how wanted
Division 1: Approach with caution, report to authority
Division 2: 3+ mages required, report immediately
Division 3: 6+ mages required, back up will be on standby as well as mavericks
Division 4: 3+ Mavericks sent in, bounty hunters and normal mages barred from any contact
Division Apex: run on sight

- The law enforcement consists of the equivalent of mage detectives. These detectives make up the Majority of the “police” force and are the ones assigned to most cases. Most divisions have anywhere between 10-20 of these officers

-Bounty hunters also exist and are their own freelance workers

- Mavericks are the special agents of the Council. They are elite warriors capable of up to tier 4 spells. Much of what is known about them is mostly rumor, however very few mages have gone up against a squad of these enforcers and lived.

-Gold is the currency of mages. It is usable both in arcane society and normal settings. Gold is an extremely valuable resource as it can be used in place of energy for spells, requiring a longer casting time but without side effects. Gold is thus seen as both a currency to buy things and a physical representation of power. The energy to hold ratio is enormous and even a second spell can cost tens of thousands of gold coins

-Many Nephil use gold as currency as well, and in exchange for knowledge gifts or servitude will take this currency
-Nephil is the catch all term for creatures from the Realm of Shadows

-Any type of creature from folklore or religious lore or mythology can be found here. Sphinx, vampires, the leviathan and the Minotaur are just a handful of examples

-Ghosts and demons are not classified under here and are their own thing

-Nephil are considered extremely dangerous even for a skilled mage, and even powerful ones would be wary to cross their path with help, let alone by themselves. Even if not powerful, they are extremely cunning, and have millennia of experience and trickery at their disposal.

-Some Nephil have been known to mentor mages from particular families, or those lucky enough to stumble across them.
The Underground Pillar is a criminal organization located within Drezzen. Founded in the year 2019 in New York City as a small underground weapon dealers, it eventually grew in size and power after robbing McGill Gold Banking in 2023, becoming a multi-million dollar organization overnight. However, with competition in the criminal underworld all throughout New York City, The Underground Pillar struggled to remain ahead of the competition, often getting bested by longer lasting criminal enterprises. That's why, when Rodinia and the City of Drezzen were constructed in 2026, The Underground Pillar decided to relocate it's operations to it, becoming the first established criminal empire in the city and thus shaping the criminal underworld to fit it's own image, turning the southeastern side of the city into a criminal hellhole.

It is ran by one Angelica Pierce, a mage who believes the law prohibiting revealing magic to the general public is one of opportunity. With normal humans defenseless and clueless against the arcane world, selling stolen and modified weapons made from the "futuristic technology" of Tecnet to criminals has proven to be very profitable. Because of this, The Underground Pillar has had a major influence on the criminal underworld, as most criminals rely on their weaponry to enforce their territory and commit their heists. The Underground Pillar has the power to decide which crime empires stay and which crime empires go, proving themselves to be the ones in charge of the city. Using a massive commercial shopping enterprise called New World Shopping as a front for their operations, The Underground Pillar makes billions of dollars every single year.

The Underground Pillar acquires it's weapons through a mole on the inside of Tecnet, providing them supplies, locations, and blueprints for weapons to be constructed and then sold to criminals. While normal Tecnet weapons follow legal rules and regulations, The Underground Pillar takes those weapons and turns them even more dangerous, injecting them with more dangerous magic (or "technology", as they put it). Because of this, The Underground Pillar is a threat to the secrecy of the arcane world, as well as dangerous to humans, mages, and anyone in between. Many groups and individuals have attempted to stop this dangerous organization but that has only led them to move headquarters and continue it's campaign against it's enemies, including it's archenemy Crimson Hand, who, on one occasion, attempted to assassinate Angelica Pierce in 2027 before a 17 year old belonging to McGill Gold Banking got in the way. With a brand new headquarters and more layers of security and secrecy, The Underground Pillar plans to continue its operations, as well as complete its new plan; destroy Crimson Hand.

Organization Structure:
- Management: The heads of the organization that are in charge of everything, from finances, property ownership, and decision making for the lower levels of the totem pole, including approving jobs and missions, shipments for distribution, and what major parties The Underground Pillar chooses to do business with. Angelica Pierce, as the head of the organization, is located at the top of this level, with her headquarters located on the top floor of The Crystal Tower: a skyscraper owned by New World Shopping located in the Southeastern side of the city.
- Enforcers: The foot soldiers working for The Underground Pillar ensuring that both enemies and allies remain in line. They act as security for the organization's many facilities, providing protection for organization members when out on the field, and target enemies of the organization. A special group of Enforcers are known as Contractors, who are responsible for acquiring Tecnet weapons in the first place by pulling off heists and delivering them to The Underground Pillar's weapon labs without fail.
- Moles: The Underground Pillar has plenty of moles located in many different organizations deemed important to its operations, with many being located inside Tecnet themselves, as well as law enforcement for both mage and human societies. These moles provide enforcers insight on what different groups are doing in order to plan ahead, with the moles inside Tecnet providing details of weapon shipments and storage locations, weapon blueprints, and how to bypass security measures for the Contractors to follow.
- Manufacturing: The Underground Pillar has it's own private factories, workshops, and labs meant for taking already powerful Tecnet weaponry and make it stronger by enhancing their magical capabilities. Guarded by Enforcers and controlled by Management, the Manufactures consist of many talented STEM individuals, doing research on how to make weapons stronger and manufacturing those weapons using different engineering skills. Manufacturing has access to different parts that are shipped to their facilities to be added into pre-existing weapons.
- Distribution: After the weapons are manufactured, they are then distributed to dealers all across Drezzen using truck shipments, with the majority of them being located in the Southeastern side of the city. While most dealers deal with lower end criminals working alone, some dealers have the responsibility to deal to bigger criminal organizations, acting as the representative for The Underground Pillar to these empires, all the while Angelica approves the massive business transactions and the partnerships being created between the parties.

New World Shopping: New World Shopping is a company owned by Angelica Pierce, acting as a front for The Underground Pillar. Founded in 2026 when The Underground Pillar moved from New York City to Drezzen, the company specializes in creating shopping districts and malls, working with other businesses to include their stores in their shopping centers. By using New World Shopping as a front, The Underground Pillar has access to its legal distribution and construction network alongside a front to launder their money.
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The Oblates of the Five Wounds


The Oblates of the Five Wounds [In Latin, Oblationes Quinque Vulnerum (also known by the simpler title Oblates, or by their postnominals, OQV)] are a Catholic Clerical Religious Congregation of Pontifical Right established formally in 1170, by St. Thomas Becket during his controversy with King Henry II of England. It had been rumoured that King Henry and the colluding Bishops were using magic to sway the nobles into opposing Becket's return to the shores of England during his exile. To combat this, Becket collected a number of English priests who had joined him in exile, draped them in the banner of the Five Wounds of Christ, and had them make the three vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience, before going back to England before him to uproot any witchcraft being practiced by the King and his ministers, to suffer and die if need be to remit them from such vile things. However, following Becket's sudden martyrdom later that year and the King's return to Papal obedience in 1174, the Congregation found itself leaderless and mission-less, and appealed to Pope Alexander III for reform. The 13 clerics who still belonged to the Oblates then travelled to Rome in the year 1178 and petitioned to become servants directly to his Holiness' will. He consented, and the Oblates were given a new mission alongside their new superior. The Oblates of the Five Wounds were made known that magic was indeed real, and that creatures known as "nephil" spread it throughout the world, sullying God's creation and seducing men of weak mind and corrupt heart to take part in their schemes. He told them that their new objective, utilising the holy gifts of God which can exorcise nephil and purge magic from those who use it for wicked purposes, was to drive the nephil from God's people and to ensure the Church's servants would not be hindered by their seditious lies. Following this, though the Oblates were permitted to maintain a public presence, the truth of their purpose was hidden from the Church at large. The wider Catholic world believes the Oblates to have become a largely ordinary religious congregation with a simple charism of bolstering parishes which are understaffed or on the frontiers of the Catholic Church. Their true mission is kept inconspicuous, and their true work goes beyond that of even ordinary diocesan exorcists. They have maintained this work since their canonical reforms in 1178, and largely recruit from already ordained clergy as well as seminarians in their final stages of formation due to the sensitive nature of their true charism and their unique origins. The Oblates currently boast numbers of around 2500 members worldwide, with around 500 of that number being lay brothers who maintain the brief formation program and assist the Oblates in finding recruits. The 2000 or so remaining members are priests in good standing. Their motherhouse is in Rome, and their Superior General answers only to the Pope, currently Pope Paul VII. Every diocese in the world has at least one Oblate of the Five Wounds maintaining a regular presence there to combat any mages or nephil who threaten the good of the Catholic Church and her faithful. The Oblates also have their own structure of provinces (self-sustaining, self-governed prelatures), regions (self-governing, but not self-sustaining prelatures), and districts (which are indirectly or directly governed directly by the Motherhouse in Rome and lack the native clergy to run the administration) within nations and continents. Their newest province is that of Rodinia, which was just recently elevated in 2027 directly from a district due to rapid growth and heightened missionary activity. It is currently administred by Provincial Superior Fr. Flemming Hammershøi, OQV.
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