• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

"You know, I told you to wake me up if you had trouble sleep..." Olive heard Ana but pretended not to. She didn't like the idea of worrying her in the middle of the night.

“Nah. He doesn’t have enough strength for that. It’s another one of the rewards the Coats give him.”

Olive propped her elbow onto the table before resting her face into her palm. “Lucky. I wish they gave me stuff. Have you ever gotten anything?” Her gaze didn’t move from the camera. It never occurred to her until now, but she didn’t actually know how one of those things worked. She would ask later. If she remembered, at least.

Speaking of remembering… “Where’s Boris?” It was a bit odd for him to sleep in this late. He usually wasn’t punctual, but this had to be a new record. The doors opened, and, instead of Ana’s brother coming through, an unwelcomed guest appeared. She shifted in her seat.

Subject #00001. The one they were all told to stay away from. She never really understood why. Maybe it was because she looked scary. The girl’s dull eyes reminded her of the illusions.

“Should we move tables?” Olive whispered, suddenly feeling the need to speak in a low voice.

The next time she looked over to Kasai, two figures sat in front of her: Lola and a man that looked oddly familiar, but didn’t think she’d ever met. A few shadowy illusions crept by the table, seeming to have a strange fascination with the group. One brought their face inches away from the new man’s as if observing him.

She stood up, arms crossed, and eyes narrowed, “Hey! Stop that. It’s rude, y’know?” Olive shouted, seemingly at nothing.

"Subject #00058. Lower your voice and sit down." A guard droned. Reluctantly, Olive listened.

mentions: Juju Juju Cosmos Cosmos Siren77 Siren77 Xcelgamer Xcelgamer & Boris (dontknowtheirusername)
Archie Moll
Interacting with: Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
Mentioned: Cosmos Cosmos

The boy had to think about the question, though he always seemed to. His head lowered, staring straight ahead at nothingness for several moments before looking up again. "Yes. I think so." His answers to that particular question were always framed that way; to most, hunger was no doubt an intrinsic feeling, yet Eighty-Four always seemed detached from such a feeling, as if he were several deductive steps removed and had to figure it out.

He was able, however, to tell that such was a prompt to begin moving towards the serving station, lowering his camera and turning carefully toward the cafeteria proper. His small frame and the lack of shoes encasing his suited feet made for a rather quiet step, though nowhere near as silent as those of his senior, were he to truly try for silence. Aileel bounded over in the middle of their walk, and Archie did his best to swerve away from the strange-looking girl, holding his camera as far away from her as he could. Though she did not stay long--a brief investigation of the camera, as well as repeated sniffing at the surrounding air seemed to satisfy her--Archie nonetheless remained visibly unnerved, his new, more inward posture denoting a sense of disturbance. The more inhuman subjects had always been something of a bother for him, and lack of contact with them certainly failed to help those matters. Once the girl had eased away, bounding elsewhere for entertainment, Archie quickly eased, readjusting his path toward the serving stations to avoid the incoming Kasai as well. The scientists advised non-contact, and Archie was almost always quick to follow what they said.

Every once in a while, after clearing the respective vicinities of the seemingly-feared figures, Archie glanced back at the wider groups, watching them carefully from a growing distance as he continued to make his way toward the serving counters. It was only once he had reached the edge of the room that he finally stopped, raising his camera and taking an image of the entire room, along with the sparse experiments within it. Perhaps some were looking his way. Perhaps not. In that moment, it didn't really matter.

Archie turned back to the serving counters expectantly, offering little more than a quick, quiet "hello" to those on the other end of the glass. Whereas the other experiments would be given trays of food and sent on their way, Archie had to wait, one of the serving staff disappearing momentarily into the back room. When they emerged, they carried a metal canister roughly the size of a water bottle, a tube protruding from the top and wrapping around the vessel's main body. The server circled around to the end of the counter as Archie followed, the boy slowly letting go of his camera, as if unsure whether or not the strap truly would catch it. Once the two had met on opposite sides of the serving station, Archie reached out for the odd item with both hands, handling it as gingerly as he did his camera. "Thank you," he offered, to no response from the server.

To Waclaw, it was a familiar item, Archie's only allowed, tasteless, passive way of eating, a container filled with a substance of unknown composition fed directly into one of the plugs in his suit. And yet, Archie seemed just as pleased to receive it as he did most other things; perhaps didn't even know what he was missing. "Okay. I am ready to sit."
Subject 00103; Julia Vasquez
Interactions: None
Mentions: Chimney Swift Chimney Swift

Waking up was always a strange thing for Julia- although, that's not how she referred to herself. She only knew of her own last name, Vasquez, and her number, 00103. The former was thanks to some well timed eavesdropping, and the latter was how she was commonly referred to. Back to waking up, though, it was strange because opening her eyes resulted in no change in her lack of sight. Everything always looked the same. Nothingness- not quite what she remembers as "black," but that's about the only word she could use to describe it. Throwing off the thin blanket that was supposed to be wrapped around her bedding, and stepping onto the actual blanket, there was at least one thing 00103 was thankful for. And that was the fact that the alarms used for most other subjects would cause quite a considerable amount of pain for herself, thus not having them activated for her own cell. Waking up was a matter of hearing the alarm that was sounding a few doors down, muffled by the walls, and probably silent to those without her enhancements.

Considering the many attempts to force 00103 to wear all of the clothing she was provided on a daily basis, her guard had long since stopped trying to convince her to wear anything beyond the shirt and pants. After all, her arms and legs didn't get cold, so what was the point? Today, however, was different. She could smell that her usual guard was not the one standing outside her door, waiting for 00103 to leave the room. This one, a man probably a good foot and a half taller than herself, was not in the mood for simply giving 00103 what she wanted. This was evident when he came into the room himself, demanding "Subject 00103; Subject 00093; You have both been in here awake for long enough, and you're still not dressed. I suggest you get the rest of your clothes on and come with me, or there will be consequences.

Poor guy, is all that went through 00103's mind when he was saying that. Mostly because there was no way she'd be wearing anything else, and his attempts to force her to do otherwise would clearly be futile. He would clearly too bulky to be very quick, and that was assuming the smell of coffee didn't immediately fill the room, which meant he would be extra reckless if he tried to do something. In response, 00103 simply said, "Sorry, 93 is rather deaf. You'll have to be more kind to her," she said this intentionally not looking at him, feeling the anger pulse off the guard in waves- though that had nothing to do with her "superpowers," it was a quite fun byproduct of knowing exactly how to piss off everyone you come in contact with. To poke fun at him some more, she added "Don't worry, I'm blind. And I don't feel like looking in the direction of your coffee breath."

She pushed passed him, an easy task given her strength, and made her way towards the cafeteria without checking to see if the guard would follow her or wake her roommate, but the smell of coffee was fading, after all, so she didn't have to stop and listen or feel for him after all. She'd probably be worried for the girl, but she was, after all, older than 00103, and just as much of a troublemaker.

Upon making it to the room filled with the familiar smell of people and food, there were certainly more people than she'd like to be forced to interact with. Damned guard kept 00103 in her room for far too long. She made a direct line to the food, hoping no one would want to talk to her, but that was likely a futile hope, as usual.
#00023 - Jay
Kipsy Kipsy Cosmos Cosmos Xcelgamer Xcelgamer

Jay glanced around the cafeteria as he sluggishly took a seat, watching Alieel. She was sweet, and he didn't find her so strange. They were all, after all, a little weird. A lot weird, actually. But he adored everyone else, saw them all as his family. And, if he wasn't hurting so much this morning, he probably would have been far more bouncy and checking up on everyone. Instead, he slumped into his seat, not even having the energy to go and get the food that he'd need if he didn't want to faint sometime today. He frowned slightly after a moment. Usually he was woken early, and taken to do a morning run and some tests. He couldn't remember anyone coming in though today. Couldn't even remember his roommate leaving. Of course, he wasn't aware that the guard who had come to get him that morning had reported his sluggish wakening, the way he'd collapsed as soon as he was dragged to his feet, the way his heart raced when the guard checked. He wasn't aware that he'd gone back to sleep as soon as he was placed back in his bed, or that they'd decided to allow him to rest, knowing a morning run wouldn't happen if he couldn't even walk.

He lifted his head with a soft, almost unnoticeable grimace, and smiled as he spotted Aidyn walking over. He returned the wave, straightening in his seat to try and hide his pain from the younger boy, "Aidyn! How are you? You okay?" Came the concerned ramble of the speedster, slightly softer and more careful than usual. He waved again as Lola appeared, greeting her, but ignoring her question on how they were. He wouldn't answer for himself, not wanting to lie but not wanting to tell the truth either. Either way, she had disappeared after a few moments. Even Alieel seemed to have found something more interesting than the speedster to interact with.

Whilst he usually caught her antics and avoided being jumped, today was different. He jumped out of his skin when she turned up from nowhere, grimacing as he jolted his own body. Still, he let her sniff him without a word, shoulders tense in a way they usually weren't. He watched as she disappeared to ambush someone else.​
dcevgd2-d0345098-4641-4173-bebd-249b8953c5c1.jpg"Well, I don't really have dreams anymore. Something with my brain being reconstructed so many times. But when I did... yea. There's a lot in my past that I regret, or would like to forget. And I would often be haunted by them in my sleep. Why do you ask?"

Aileen was silent for a moment then took a bite of her food. "......Just been having some strange dreams is all." Suddenly she noticed Alieel sniffing her. Aileen gave her a look that could kill. "Come any closer and I will fry you." She then looked back to her tray and started to eat again but before she did she noticed Kasai had arrived. Aileen smirked, "Well well if it isn't flame girl." Sudden her body turned into electricity. "For once I like to-" Suddenly a voice could be heard over the intercom. "Down girl, this isn't a power struggle you know better." Aileen turned off her powers the moment she was told without a struggle. "Sorry, it's just too tempting." Recently Aileen has been acting strange...whenever she sees Kasai she has this urge to want a fight her like to prove she's the strongest. Sort of like an animal wanting to prove dominance. The scientists were a little worried about that seeing as she could see them as the powerful ones and wanna fight but luckily she seemed cometely under thier control so maybe that wouldn't be a problem but thier keeping an eye on her just incase.

She looked back at the guy in front of her. "Food sucks huh?"

interacting: Probably George Probably George
Mentions: Cosmos Cosmos
As Lola was about to start writing, her white board and marker suddenly left her hands, she quickly looked around her and saw that a different boy suddenly had them which pissed her off, you just don't take other peoples stuff. She looked around checking to see if guards were looking her and then she slowly slid down underneath the table and started undoing her muzzle, managing to take it off and slid back up and stood up on the seat so that she at least the same height as the other guy and said in an angry tone "Hey you!" Her voice reverberating around the room, just loud enough to have everyone's ears to hurt so that everyone could her what she was saying "Subject #00178 has taken her muzzle off, making moves to restrain her now" One of the guards said "I don't care if your mute or something like that, you don't take other peoples stuff without asking or signing or whatever you normally use to communicate. GOT THAT?" Lola said raising her voice slightly on that last bit and grabbed her marker and board. Before she could continue laying into the older kid, she was suddenly shocked which in turn caused her to scream in pain which was heard throughout a majority of the facility while hurting most people who were in the cafeteria itself before she fell to the ground unconscious and was dragged to her experiments

"...go to the hospital, sir and maybe this will teach you NOT too shock the girl with a very loud voice, Ja?" A voice said as Lola stirred "Oh, great it's Richard" Lola thought to herself as she stood up "Ah, the Fraulein is awake at last. Now why were you shocked miss?" Dr Richard asked through a speaker and Lola crossed her arms and pouted "The guy took my stuff without asking but mainly cause I took off the muzzle." Lola said moodily "Ah the Fraulein is correct. Tell her what's she has won. She has won more tests, huzzah." Richard said in a hammy voice "Yeah, yeah let's just get them over with. So what are they today? Destroying more stuff or is it just to improve my yelling" Lola said as she continued to pout "Haha, actually no, over the next days to weeks, you will be learning how to control your voice so that rather than having you muzzled at all times you can be much more stealthy and blend in much more easier when you need too and we'll begin with this." Richard said as a door opened and woman walked in calmly and over to Lola. "Hello, I am Dr Trisha and it looks like we'll be working together for the next few weeks, please have a seat." Trisha said in a sweet tone and sat down with Lola following close behind her "Now, I have been told your voice is very loud and I've been brought in to help control it, can you try a whisper." Trisha asked "Yes, of course and yes this is me whispering" Lola said in a whisper although it sounded more like she was talking normally "Oh, wow that is a VERY loud voice, hmmm, well I would ask for a yell, although that would probably give me hearing damage. Ok well, give me a few moments and I will set up a learning system for you ok?" Trisha said and Lla just nodded calmly
Boris awoke with a jolt as a loud band sounded to his left. A guard fuming with rage stared back at him, "Get up #00075 now! This isn't a hotel, you can't sleep whenever you want." Boris rolled his eyes as shifted his body up, "Come on Mathew, you can just call me Boris, we are all friends here~" he purred at him before yawning. Said man merely rolled his eyes before turning and walking away. Boris chuckled lightly at the males reaction before moving to get out of bed, picking up his right leg and carefully placing his foot on the floor.

He reached to grab his crutch before swearing as he noticed it had fallen onto the ground some time during the night. Letting out a loud breath he tried to reach the crutch, careful to not fall onto the floor. His hand slipped and he almost fell onto the floor if it were not for him quickly steadying himself with his other hand. This caused his right leg to jolt violently sending pain shooting up his leg. Boris winced letting out another shaky breath before once again trying to get his crutch, this time managing to grab it.

Boris sat still for a bit, waiting for the pain to dull as he held the cold metal in his hands. His gaze focused on the plain white bed on the other side of the room. He had heard the guards talking the other day about him potentially getting a roommate. It felt weird, that bed had been empty for so long he had gotten used to the only breathing he was able to hear at night being his, but now there might be anothers. It felt strange.

"Get up now #00075 or I will come in there and drag you out myself!" Boris snapped to attention as he heard the guard's angry voice. He had more than once been dragged out of his sell, and with his whole leg problems it wasn't pleasant at all. Rolling his eyes Boris rose from his spot on his bed and hobbled over to the door of his cell. The guard roughly threw open the door and glared at Boris as he waited for him to start walking.

As Boris walked past him he turned to him, "You skip your anger management classes again Mathew? What will the Mrs think?" He was shoved forward aggressively as the guard slammed his room closed and began leading Boris to the cafeteria. Boris clenched his teeth as his leg was shot with another jolt of pain before continuing walking, feeling the glare of the guard on the back of his neck like hot coals.

Yawning Boris entered the cafeteria, quickly spotting his sister sitting next to Olivia. Right as he was about to move to go sit next to sister an ear spitting noise hit him. "Good lord!' he yelled out in surprise as he held his hands over his ears. "That isn't my favorite thing to wake up to in the morning, but I guess it's better than sitting in a dark cell all day." he clucked as his ears still hurt. He didn't pay much attention to the girl getting dragged away as it wasn't new here and hobbled over to sit next to Ana.

"Hey there my Sista. Liv, you looking dashing as always~"
Juju Juju User User
// Subject - 00145 //
Location: Cafeteria
Interactions: animegirl20 animegirl20
Cosmos Cosmos
What kind of dreams was this girl talking about? Probably had something to do with her ability. Suddenly, Alieel came by and sniffed the two of them. It brought a smile to his face. Holden let her do her thing and lightly rubbed her head. "Hey sweetie. Do I smell bad? Probably like sweat." After she had her due, she was off as fast as she arrived. With the arrival Kasai came aggression from Alieen. Holden wasn't sure what he could do to stop her, but he knew no one wins from fights in here.

"I don't know you too well, but I know there's not enough of a reason to get into fights around here. It'll just be the hard cell for both of you. Listen, if somethings up, you can always come to me. I'm Holden, but the staff calls me 145. And if you need to let off some steam, I can take a hit. Not a literal one preferably, but I can take as many of those as you can throw." Holden laughed a bit at the end. "I'm sort of... big brother around here. That also means I'm gonna get in between any fights I see." His tone went more serious. "But I mean it. I'm not afraid of dying anymore." Holden realized that, out of context of his ability, this sounded really edgy. It probably would help to explain his situation. "Oh yea, I forgot to mention, but I'm immortal."
interaction: Cosmos Cosmos
and usually vleer avoided using the door it couldn't be bothered to open it instead just sliding under the door, upon entering it was greeted with the rest of the experiments already present, it took most note of Alieel, while vleer thought itself the friend of everyone, it felt it had most in common with the odd lizard like creature after all if normal was considered mostly human looking then neither of them really fit the bill, regardless she after a little while Alieel came towards vleer sniffing, it and of course vleer tendrils wrapped around her lightly sniffing her as well " hio how you doing?" Alieel soon bounded off vleer decided to follow its form collapsing into a sludge pile following along behind her, before wrapping its tendrils around her before its body structure reformed locking her into a hug as was typical of vleer.

Ana Vasiliev (#00076)Ana face.jpg
: n/a
: Olive ( User User ) + Boris ( seasonedcat seasonedcat )
: Cafeteria
"Let's see, pain, scars, the ability to become a literal doppleganger..." Ana said sarcastically before holding up a shaky hand, "and this." She gave a dry chuckle, shaking her head. "Nah, I haven't received any rewards from my 'trainers'. A couple years ago I asked about getting a reward and you know what the scientist said to me? They told me about a famous test with rats, a box and lights that meant food."

Ana furrowed her brow and gave a thoughtful sigh, looking into the distance. "They asked me if I was the rat...and from then on I was determined not to be it" Besides, there were things much more valuable than childish baubles. Information was the only reward she craved in this prison.

At the mention of Boris she gave a shrug. "Knowing him he's probably testing how long it takes for the guards to get impatient with him."

She went back to her quiet observation of Kasai and the Lola girl, only pausing to respond to Olive's concerns about their choice of seating. It was natural to be weary of the Kasai girl, everyone knew of her explosive power and equally brutal temper, but Ana always knew there was more to her. Just looking at how she tolerated the muzzled girl was evidence enough.

Even Olive became nervous being this close, which she made clear in words."Hmm? Oh, no I think we're fine where we are. I doubt the infamous Kasai has any issues with two illusionists." Ana reassured her friend.

As she turned back to her people-watching she was met with a rare sight. There was a newcomer standing in the doorway to the cafeteria, a fresh face she had never seen before. A new experiment? Though he didn't seem to have that shell-shocked look. Strange. He did look nervous, but he was only looking at none other than the local red-headed wonder. How could he know about her so soon? It became clear as he wandered over to sit across from her and waved. They knew each other? A new face but an old experiment?

Her attention captured, Ana observed the interaction closely. So caught up in her little game was she that she hardly even heard Olive shout, and when she did it almost seemed to surprise her. It made her look away for a moment and in that time everything went south. Somehow someone had gotten the muzzle off of Lola and now her words boomed off the walls. Ana tried her best to cover her ears but it hardly made a difference. She screwed her eyes shut and hissed in pain.

In the chaos Boris had finally showed up, sauntering over to sit beside her at the table. Fitting, he always did have a talent for being fashionably late.

Ana gave a short sigh at his greeting. "It's about time, I was beginning to worry you had gotten lost...not that you missed anything big of course...just your new roommate." she smirked slyly, waiting to see Boris's reaction before continuing in a hushed tone so only Boris and Olive could hear. "Look over there, beside 01. There's no coincidence that the day you're assigned a cellmate is the same day they release a new labrat. But that's the thing, he's not new. Look at the way he interacts with her. They knew each other. I'm certain. Which means... he must have been in block F. But why put him in a cell designed for someone of your danger ranking -- heh, no offense Borya."

She lightly drummed her fingers on the table, looking between Ollive and Boris. "It just doesnt make sense... F's are supposed to be out of control by nature, but this one is unusually well mannered. I don't like it..."
// #00230 - Alieel //

Alieel was part way through her continued sniffing, along with her tongue mere inches from touching the metal surface of Archie's strange object when the noise caught the creature off guard, tensing into a more human like straight position and flipping upside down with the use of her tail. What could be considered her hair falling down straight as arms held close and legs together, almost like a metal position in fear as she looked around quickly wide eyed.

This was a common position for the girl when startled, something the scientists held heat interest in for a matter of a fact, as simply turning upside down with the use of her incredibly weight bearing tail seemed to give no real benefit in camouflage or escape, in fact it almost made her more susceptible to attacks like a sort of human shaped piñata. Either way Alieel continued to growl, going so far as to bare just a little bit of her large, and generally hidden razor like teeth, pupils retracting to thin lines on high alert.

At least until Vleer appeared that way, the slimy girl suddenly entangling and shifting into a hug seemed to cause the tensed muscles of the assumed female to relax, pupils re dilating into circular and puppy like masses, blinking a few times as her tongue reached out of the small mouth gap and licked Vleers skin like substance once eagerly as she let out her usual 'happy' expression. Well- it was presumed to be happy, in fact most of her facial movements were rather blank, her communications made primarily through body language and interaction with others.

Letting out a slow gurgle she slouched down a little more closer to the ground, tail bending to accommodate so she could nuzzle into the hug with a loud and rumbling gurgle, almost like a purr,
"V-…. Vweeeeeeergh" she let out, making strained mouth moments trying hard to pronounce her fellow inhuman looking subjects name, "F-…. Fweeeernd!" she continued in a louder voice, trying hard to say friend, wrapping own arms around the other.

"Subject 230 please stop hugging- Subject 'vleer'." the ladies voice called out in an even more exhausted tone than before, it was easy to tell that Alieel was told off rather- often, for her sorts of behaviours. Not that they were ever intentionally bad that is, just- inappropriate given the conditions of the other subjects.

Mentioned/Interacting: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Xcelgamer Xcelgamer _Line 213 _Line 213 Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian
// #00001 - Kasai //

Kasai watched Blaise steal the board and begin sketching words away on it, about to stubbornly admit she couldn't actually read most of that apart from awkwardly the swear word, when a ear ringing yell came out from the midget now screaming at the concerned looking male, concern- she didn't see that a lot these days, not towards her anyway. heh. she saw it a hecka lot about her though. She was interrupted from what she thought was a temporary argument however as one of the electrically armed guards from before stormed over and zapped the kid, just about to yell at the idiot for shocking the girl the sudden level of sound that left the child's mouth left her wide eyed and pain shooting through her face.

Unable to cover her ears with the chained hands all she could do was wince and wait it out as the voice echoed through the metal chambers walls. "ARGH you freaking idiot that hurt!?" she yelled, watching as they dragged her away she felt herself stand suddenly teeth grit in anger, but the sight of guards arming themselves in the corner of her vision caused her body language to relax….. Fighting now would only get everyone else hurt.

Sitting back down slowly she went back to her previous annoyed expression before letting a smirk creep to her lips, "Tch. Welp, guess that teaches ya' a lesson on nabbing other peoples stuff, huuh?~" she mused to Blaise with a small shrug, chest heaving a little as she hid her pain from the yell as best she could. Looking over the cafeteria she spotted the small group whispering and raised a brow with an unimpressed expression, some weirdos she'd seen together often, they always chatted away like that.

"Ay you lot why don't ya come an talk to my face!" she yelled out kicking the table with one of her mostly restrained legs trying to prove the point as it let out a small shudder. Mostly just to unsettle the guards as they took a step forwards, glancing backwards she chuckled, "Calm down boys I ain't doing nothing, just some good ol' banter, ya brought me out here to talk after all isn't that right? Ha. Ya getting what ya bloody want, so relax." she teased, looking back at her friend across the table with a softer expression, more playful. Seeming rather smug about herself, and oddly relaxed about this whole situation.

That was till she was caught off guard spotting the two oddballs of the whole facility, and that was saying something when you included herself, hugging each other upside down in a corner, expression turning confused and awkward as she watched with one brow twitching, "What the bloody heck is going on there-.." she muttered under her breath, shoulders slouched as though completely absorbed in the scene.

Mentioned/interacting: Siren77 Siren77 Xcelgamer Xcelgamer Juju Juju User User seasonedcat seasonedcat Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 animegirl20 animegirl20
interaction: Alieel Cosmos Cosmos
while Alieel, reaction was humours Vleer had not expected to surprise her, regardless, Vleers tendrils happy wrapped themselves around Alieel sniff and licking her, while most human or well "human like" if concerning the experiments often tasted and smelled delicious, Alieel had a diffrent, flavor so to speak not that vleer minded much it enjoyed the taste, Alieel was licking it back, her tongue digging in slightly to the slimy substance that made up vleers body, it wonder how it tasted if people tasted good would that mean it tasted good to them? Alieel nuzzling was nice as well, Vleer actually enjoyed the feeling agents its body, her attempts to speak where a little rusty but vleer understood well enough "good try, but my names not vweeeeeergh, its Vleer" Alieel calling vleer a friend made the ooze ever more excited, while it considered itself everyone's friend, no one had actually said they were friends. "yeah we're friends definitely one hundred percent" vleer had a hug grin across its face, it hadn't noticed the fact that its tendrils continued to pull the pale lizard closer in, slowly engulfing her in Vleers slimy body the most blue mass slowly creeping around her body in a surprising comfortable full body hug.

Blaise was waiting intently for a reply from Kasai, when the young girl whom he’d borrowed the board from had stop up, removed her mask, and began shouting at a very intense volume. Clamping his hands over his ears, it wasn’t hard for him to figure out what it was that the girl could do with her abilities. She was stunned to the point of unconsciousness, and drug off, leaving him to sit there stunned holding the whiteboard. A pit of guilt hit him in the stomach, and knew that this was his fault. Granted the girl did act rather rashly, Blaise himself shouldn’t have taken her items without consent. Kasai’s comment didn’t make him feel any better, and he looked at her with shame in his eyes.

He continued to wait... and wait.... and wait for some sort of reply to what he had written down. But nothing came. Could she not read? Or was she simply ignoring what he’d written? Either way he could feel a pain in his chest, complimented with usual frustration of being inept at communicating with others. How maddening it was, to be surrounded by others but have no means of communications save for this board that he now held in his hands.

Looking back up at Kasai, he tried thinking of something to do to get his point across, but found nothing. His emerald eyes shifted down to his hands which were nervously rubbing their thumbs together. With a sad smile, he did a simply gesture of putting a hand on his chest before pointing at Kasai. The intent of the message was to let her know he still cared, no matter what kind of a monster these people had turned her into.

“That’s enough interaction with Zero One, five-four. She needs to be returned to quarantine after her meal is finished, so shove off.”

Blaise felt like exploding. All these years of being alone, separated from the one person he’d gotten to know. Not to finally see her, but never to actually communicate. A massive invisible barrier seemed to stand between them, and he didn’t have a chance in hell of shattering it.

“I’ll not repeat myself again, SHOVE OFF.”

Annunciating those last two words harshly, the guard standing by Kasai pushed Blaise hard and sent him crashing to the ground below. With a whimper, Blaise’s head bounced off the ground. This was the second time today he’d have to pick himself up off the ground! Tears stung his eyes, due not from the pain, but to the still prominent loss of control in his emotions. He hated it but he could never prevent it. It always just sort of happened. Pathetic, childish, weak. How pitiful was it that a grown boy couldn’t even prevent tears from being shed. Preemptively he ran his arm across his eyes, wiping away the minimal moisture present before standing up and leaving the table.

He couldn’t approach anyone else, not like this. He was unstable, and already in a wreck of a mood. It was probably best just to sit alone and wait for the guards to finally take him to his room. So that’s what he did, finding an empty table and sitting down. Ironically, now he was missing the solitude of his cell. Atleast there he never had the chance to embarrass himself like this...
Mentions/Interactions: Xcelgamer Xcelgamer Cosmos Cosmos
// Subject - 00145 //
Location: Cafeteria
Interactions: Cosmos Cosmos
Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
While Holden was monologuing to Aileen, Alieel and Vleer had started getting a bit too close for everyone else's comfort. "Sorry, I gotta go do something about that before they take it too far." He got up and made his way to the two. At this point, they were completely enthralled with each other. Of course, they probably didn't realize how inappropriate they were being. "Hey you guys. Think you can come down? I-... wanna talk with you guys." No response. They were really enthralled with each other.

Holden was getting a bit impatient. "I'll give you the rest of my food if you two come down. We can go play afterwards if you want!" He was taking a gamble. He knew that Alieel didn't get too crazy, but Holden wasn't too informed on Vleer. Hopefully she didn't try to eat him,
or worse. But she seemed mostly calm. And since Alieel seemed to love her, so she couldn't be too bad. Holden held his arms up for the two of them. "Come on down." Holden said in a soft voice.
Wacław Nowak #00024
Interactions: Archie Moll( _Line 213 _Line 213 ) Mentions: Juju Juju (Ana Vasiliev), Probably George Probably George (Holden Cage), seasonedcat seasonedcat (Boris Vasiliev), Siren77 Siren77 (Blaise Ignium), Cosmos Cosmos (Kasai, Aileen) and Xcelgamer Xcelgamer (Lola Rose)
Waclaw followed Archie in the cafeteria, taking note of the others present within it, the imitator Ana, the immortal Holden, the shocking Boris and others. He also spotted a new face with Kasai, he hadn't seen that one before; Waclaw's theory was that he was from cell block F. Aileen, the one who stood out whilst the others accept her, Waclaw isn't truly sure she is or was human. Nowak walked behind Archie and moved to the side when he snapped the picture of the cafeteria. He turned to the cafeteria worker and sternly replied "Subject Frosty." The worker nodded, like before with Archie they disappeared and reemerged with a red canister this time, Nowak smirked beneath his helmet and grabbed it without hesitation. He turned around about to answer Archie's question when he had heard that ear bleeding sound that reverberated around the room, thankfully Waclaw's suit was designed to withstand extreme conditions but that sound still pained his ears."Charming" was the only word that left Waclaw's mouth, he hated loud noises, it was the antithesis to everything he was but he had to live with it as he couldn't leave this god-forsaken institute and it reminded him of his wheezing that was going on the entire time."Right there, quiet and far enough." Nowak pointed to a table that was a bit far from everyone's else table and gave a good view of them all. He walked over to the table, red canister in head and sat down. The red canister had a tubular apparatus that linked with Waclaw's mask on his helmet, the taste of the contents mattered not as Nowak mentioned many a time before that the metallic taste he experienced when he ate anything would ruin almost any food they could serve.

Ana Vasiliev (#00076)Ana face.jpg
: n/a
: Olive ( User User ) + Boris ( seasonedcat seasonedcat ) + Kasai ( Cosmos Cosmos )
: Cafeteria
When the table was kicked Ana hardly flinched. Ah, there's that fiery temper. She never had any real ill-will for the pyro, in fact she considered her one of the more interesting subjects here. So long as she didn't try to harm either Boris and Olive, it would stay that way.

Head tilted, eyebrows raised in a surprised yet confused expression, Ana responded to her outburst. "You'll have to forgive us Kasai, we meant no offense... though there seems to be a misunderstanding. We weren't talking about you, if that's the problem here. Oh, uh, but you're welcome to join in the conversation if you wish. I'm afraid it may not interest you, however. Just..." she gave a half-glance at a guard, as if wondering if her next words should be said. "talk about cell conditions in our ward...roommates, beds, and such..." she finished in a lesser tone, appearing reluctant.

Her voice was calm, though she was sure to add in underlying tones of nervousness. Everyone knew that Ana was terrified of fire. Everyone except Boris and Olive, that is. But was she really afraid? No, she didn't feel it in her core. There was so much disconnect between herself and her masks that sometimes even she had to question what was underneath. Intimidation was Kasai's goal, so giving her a little would only help calm her down quicker.

Her eyes shifted between Kasai and the blonde, waiting to gauge both of their reactions. When the guards got involved 01 stood her ground, as always, while the other remained passive. Still, the guards took it a step further. Ana watched as one of the guards shoved the new rat to the ground and from this very brief interaction she learned two things; the boy's ID was 00054 and he didn't fight back. Wait, was he crying? Was he really from F block? It would usually be a relief to see someone so soft being put with Boris, but she still felt uneasy about it. People didn't just come back from block F, they usually were dragged to F and never seen again. Who knows how long this kid was there. Was he broken? At the thought a chill, a real chill, nipped up her spine. Was he meant to be an example for Boris? No, a subtle threat?

Regardless, he was sitting alone now... leaving him open for any introductions should she or Boris want one. He didn't look great, even if he did his best to hide it. Ana felt a pang of sympathy for the boy, but there was nothing she could do for him with Kasai breathing down her neck.
dcevgd2-d0345098-4641-4173-bebd-249b8953c5c1.jpg"I Know who you are. I know whoever one is. I kind of have to so I know what I'm up against in case I have to take you guys out. Which I won't hesitate to. I'm Aileen, by the way, think of me as a guard who's also a test subject." Aileen pushed the tray to the side not able to eat any more of the bland food. "....Come to you huh?.... Why do you care? I certainly don't give a shit about you or any of these other people/things for that matter." Before any more could be said the two noticed Alieel and Vleer getting a bit to close for comfort.

"Sorry, I gotta go do something about that before they take it too far."

Aileen nodded agreeing that whatever was happening there needed to stop. "Gross how can anyone stand to be that close in the first place." She watched as he tried to get them down all nice like though they didn't seem to be paying attention and Aileen was starting to get irritated and electrical sparks were coming off her body. Which probably meant she was going to shock them both if they didn't split.
Probably George Probably George
Cosmos Cosmos
Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
// #00230 - Alieel //

Alieel's long tongue continued to poke out and flop down as she snuggled with a sort of low rumble closer to the slime, even as Holden approached. Once the male actually arrived the two were practically half folded together, Alieel making mouth shapes and small sounds trying to copy Vleer's words, however getting briefly distracted as her tongue licked the male's cheek innocently, small pointed tip flickering before she dropped to the ground in a semi-elegant fashion landing in her usual hunched stance and tilting her head. She almost lost balance as she tail thumbed behind her causing a quick backwards head turned inspection, puffing her feather like scale skin texture from the remnants of the slimy goop like sensation remaining.

Moving instantly into a latched on position she climbed up Holden skilfully, her body amazingly light as always as she clinged, her midsection covering most of his face as her arms clung around his head and legs just below his arms, tail trailing to the ground behind her. As she sat she looked out as though he was some fort of teddy bear lookout post, "A-Awrhg!" she let out a little opening her tooth lined jaw wide, spotting Archie's camera's flickering metal onc
e again, "W-Waaaaarnt" she let out with a stubborn expression.

Mentioned/Interacting: animegirl20 animegirl20 Probably George Probably George Worthlessplebian Worthlessplebian _Line 213 _Line 213 Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3
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// #00001 - Kasai //

Kasai's eyes widened a little at Blaise's small gesture, staring at the hand movement and guilty yet brave face she remembered him having all those years ago, letting out a chuckle she nodded in acknowledgement, that much she understood, no matter the speed, "Yeesh- ya haven't changed at all since ya' were just a little brat, have ya?~" she mused, letting out a long sigh as she raised her chained hands into the air in a stretch like motion.

As the guards began to intervene she let out a grunt in annoyance, tensing muscles as though wanting to act, but all but sitting with gritted teeth and a half snarl as they shoved Blaise, fringe covering her eyes as she looked down, hands in lap as the boy struggled to his feet tearily. "He really is just a stupid kid still…." she muttered to herself in a grimace, believe it or not even to herself those were pretty loving words.

Standing and looking to Ana she chuckled, "yeah, ya right- what would I know about any of that?…." she mused, evidently taking it out of context on purpose, as she turned, two guards holding each shoulder firmly, "after all," she continued in a lower voice.

"….. I'm just a monster."

The words seeming echo softly through the nearby space as she began to pace away, the injuries covering her body evident once again as the guards armed themselves an opened the doors to take her back down to the testing labs.


Juju Juju seasonedcat seasonedcat User User Siren77 Siren77
The next few minutes flew by Olive’s head. Lola was taken away, Boris came in, and the new guy from F was beaten. It was odd. He was supposed to be isolated. Feared. He was a monster. But this — /this/ didn’t look like a monster. He was crying. And that was probably the most human thing Olive had ever seen here.

“Hey, Fifty-four,” she called out with a gentle voice, “Sorry, I don’t know your actual name. But do you wanna join us over here?” Olive nudged Boris and joked, “The lazy guy over here is actually gonna be your new roommate.”

Fifty-four didn’t seem cruel. Besides, it’d probably be for the best to get Boris and him on good terms before they were sent off to their rooms. But that still didn’t shake the worry out of her eyes.

Olive’s attention shifted when heard Ana invite One over here. She had just planned on ignoring her. Not to be rude — just out of fear. Olive nodded in agreement to what Ana said, despite wanting to oh-so badly shake her head. “Yeah, there’s enough room at the table.” She contemplated asking Ana to switch spots with her, in case the girl actually came over, that way the threat wouldn’t be directly beside her.

But nothing bad would happen, right? The guards would make sure of it.

One replied. Olive didn’t know what kind of answer she was expecting but the way One spoke to Ana irritated her. She had no right.

Olive’s fingers twitched ever so slightly. Her eyes went blank for a moment as an illusion whispered in her ear.

“No...” she mumbled before looking back to One. “The offer will still stand for next time.”

Juju Juju Cosmos Cosmos Siren77 Siren77
(I’m on my phone— I’ll edit it later for grammar and codes)
Come man, get ahold of yourself... a few pitiful sniffles were barely audible from himself, but fortunately the tears had fully stopped right after he’d sat down. You whiny son of a bitch! You used to be brave, proud, so in control of yourself! No, none of that was true. Despite how volatile he was, he was never brave or proud. Only insane. Even he was the first to admit it, he was an insane psychopath who took pleasure in frying up guards like the one who had shoved him. Back then his anger was truly unstable, now everything but was. He may have gotten older as the years went on, but inside he was still a child. A scared, crying little boy, who just wanted to go home...

Suddenly, amongst the depressing thoughts the past and his lack of emotional control, a voice called out addressing him by his code number. For a moment he thought it was a member of the facility, only to discover another subject was calling out to him. She was pale, with a mess of brown hair atop her head. A kind and inviting smile and tone in her voice actually aided in calming Blaise’s thoughts.

The one next to her, a boy, looked exactly on the outside how Blaise felt on the inside. Broken and hurt. He carried a crutch, which was a cause for Blaise to wonder what the hell they’d done to him. They were test subjects, invaluable resources! Yet this one was damaged beyond repair. Then again, he supposed every last one of them were no different. They all carried scars and bruises, and emotional trauma from the past. All children deprived of their childhood, and damned to this hell for the rest of their days. Moving along, the young man next to her was to be his roommate. Which was more than enough to inspire Blaise to join them, seeing as this would be the one he would see the most of.

But how would he talk with them? His gaze shifted to the whiteboard and marker on the floor, remembering the incident that had just transpired. He felt bad, but if she wasn’t around to use it he didn’t see any harm in holding onto it until she returned. After leaving the table, he stooped down and picked it up before sitting across from the pair with a sheepish smile on his face. An awkward wave followed, and he quickly scribbled a message on the board.

“Hey, just so you don’t have to call me by a number anymore. My names Blaise. Who might you guys be?” A cheeky smile spread across his face.
seasonedcat seasonedcat User User
Boris scoffed at his sister's words, "Me get lost, psh. It only happened like 10 times let it go." really it had been only ten times why couldn't she just let it go. At Ana's comment about who his new roommate might be he turned and looked at the man. He couldn't remember seeing him around before, but he might have. Who knows, it was better to not stress these things that require a lot of thought.

At their table being jolted suddenly Boris swore under his breath as he crutch fell to the ground with a bang. Of course, you just had to kick the table with the crippled boy's crutch lent against it. You couldn't have just talked or assumed that whispering means they're talking about you. Letting out a huff Boris once again carefully leaned down and fetched his fallen crutch, this time without almost falling however.

He watched 01 overreact again and call herself a monster with a bored face. Jeeze girl, what can you do make fire and shit, why is that such a big deal. Letting out a light chuckle as she stormed off he whispered to the other's at his table, "Dramatic exit, success~" he said this with little jazz hands of course, it is only expected with that response. Running his hand through his hair he yawned again glancing over at his new roommate again.

To his surprise Olivia called over the dude that had been sitting with 01, if he had known they would be doing interactions at breakfast he would have worn his good pants. Had to make a good impression on his attractive and mysterious new roommate. The dude walked over, picking up a discarded whiteboard as he did so. Was he a clean freak? If so Boris didn't think this was gonna work out. Wait, nope he stared writing never mind.

"Blasai! Cool name, can't say I've heard it in my many sexual interactions with the guards. I'm the one and only Boris, you probably know me, I am very famous with the ladies and males~ well, and others I don't discriminate~ This little bean over here is mah sister Ana, and yes she may be attractive but she is a mean piece of shit when she want's to. Don't try trust me, if you want to keep your balls of course. And this beauty over here is Olivia, but I just call her Liv. Still hasn't let me smash, but I still am trying. Maybe you know how, you look like a smart and attractive male."
Siren77 Siren77 Juju Juju User User

Ana Vasiliev (#00076)Ana face.jpg
: n/a
: Olive ( User User ) + Boris ( seasonedcat seasonedcat ) + Blaise ( Siren77 Siren77 )
: Cafeteria
The invitation was mostly a bluff, as Ana didn't think that the pyro would actually come over. Not to mention she would soon be dragged away. It was merely a way to intercept the growing tension between her group and Kasai. She knew it made Olive uneasy, which she regretted, but if everything went according to plan then there would be nothing to worry about. Ana kept her gaze fixed on Kasai, waiting on her response. When she did, everything fell into place swimmingly. The tension lifted as the girl was dragged away, leaving behind an eerie peace and a sad muttering for Ana to mull over.

And yet you're the lesser of two evils.

"Sorry, Ollie, I probably should have told you sooner." she said, giving Ollie a pat on her shoulder. "I just wanted to keep her calm until the guards picked her up. I didn't want to start a fight."

She was pleasantly surprised when Olive invited the new kid over. Although she didn't show it, she was rather excited to learn more about him and determine if he'd be a good cellmate for Boris or not. At the bare minimum he was at least well-behaved, which was something Boris could learn from.

Ana watched him pick up the whiteboard and scrawl a message in marker. Another mute, huh? She leaned over to read the letters as they were written, but Boris got the first word in. Of course he did. Ana let out a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"It's very nice to meet you, Blaise." She said, pointedly correcting her brother's mistake. "You're from F aren't you? Well I can imagine this is quite a change, but let me give you your first piece of advice..." Shadows collected in her eyes as she paused, as if growing serious.

Then she broke it with a short laugh.

"Don't listen to my dumbass of a twin over here, he's so full of crap it's no wonder he smells so bad. You can ignore the flirts too, there hasn't been a single person he fancies more than his own reflection." Her words seemed harsh, but the playful grin on her face said otherwise. It seemed like more of a lighthearted game between them.
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Blasai? What the f...? Blaise got a rather annoyed look on his face at the odd pronunciation of his name. He was about to write something down when his roommate’s twin interjected, subtly correcting the boy on how to say his name. With that out of the way, he couldn’t help but chuckle. He’s a rather odd fellow isn’t he? Rambunctious, flirty, and rather full of himself. But it wasn’t a bad thing, and was actually quite humorous. Blaise thought that they’d get along well. He certainly had a knack for flattering people, to the point that he himself felt a little flustered in the cheeks.

After the twins had finished their individual banter about one another, Blaise turned the board around and erased everything before scrawling once more upon its blank surface.

“Yeah, I’m from Cell Block F. Was there for about twelve years. Finally got released on terms of good behavior.”

He gave them time to read for turning, erasing, and writing once more.

“It’s so nice to meet you all, I can’t tell you how long I’ve dreamed about meeting some other people, but I’m sorry can’t quite talk with you all in a normal manner.” Blaise tapped the metal plating at the sides of his neck. “My voice was taken from me shortly after I arrived here at age five. So unless any of you know sign language, this whiteboard might me my best friend for the next little while.”
seasonedcat seasonedcat Juju Juju

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