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Quest PROJECT: ANARCHY (Not accepting)



Seared with story
Roleplay Type(s)
This is a problem. This has gone too far.
I don’t know what to do. Is there even anything I can do? Have I lost control?
Is there truly no recourse?

Maybe there is.
Maybe I can get help. I can send someone.
But they’ll have to be…
a lot different from the others.

There’s no way this is going to work, is there?

  • Our story starts with a trope that's tried and true. Conveniently, this trope can also be put to good use when the author is either too lazy to come up with something, or when those pesky backstory details might have to change at any moment.

    In this case, a bit of both. Either way, a touch of amnesia is better for everyone!

    Our protagonist awakens by the brush of a somewhat cold breeze on an otherwise temperate day, opening their eyes to the bright blue skies above. Grass pricks at their back as they lay against cool soil, just barely figuring out which way is up. Bright green leaves from above sway shade across their vision on occasion. The air is humid - the scent and chill of the wind that awakened them both foretell of a storm on its way.

    They have no injuries, no headaches, nor discomfort, but some odd reason, they don’t get up just yet. Instead, they remember something. Something important that's on the tip of their tongue. What do they remember? The fact that they remember nothing at all.

    No names. No dates. No locations. For a few minutes, they simply lie still, wracking their brain helplessly.

    What should they do?/What is their name?
    (Please read the OOC thread first! Then pick a name and action for this round!)
    (Our previous name was Sue Donim, if you would like to retain that.)

    Mechking Mechking
    Horus733 Horus733
    Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke
    Voider Voider
    -Random_Person- -Random_Person-
They remember what they are and they remember they are distinctly different from Sue Donim

And they remember that their first name is John
A name, a name... surely they had one. Was it... Johan Doe, perhaps?

Yet as they lay there, pondering over their name and their existence in the universe, they recall one with a start... no, not just any name, but a codename: Secret Agent "Mr. Random".
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