Progenitative Charms Of The Yozi


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Progenitative Charms Of The Yozi (version 1.0) - Yozi Souls

Progenitative Charms

Each of the Yozi possesses many souls, that embody what sort of a being they are and the ways in which they interact with the world. At its most base, this could number anywhere from nine to sixteen souls, but many (even most) of the Yozi seem to possess far more. This is because of a number of unique capabilities, learned by several of the Yozi, which grants them increased understanding and capability.

The following are examples of Charms were devised by those Primordials whose natures encompassed much more than their siblings, in order to empower and expand on their soul hierarchies. Each Primordial is only capable of learning one of these Charms, even by copying one of their brethren. Malfeas: Lord Of Conceptual Reality

When he was the Empyreal Chaos, Malfeas stretched out his nature farther than any could imagine, bringing entirely new domains and ideas within his purview. As such, he developed this Charm to embody more ideas and thoughts, and it is the Charm most possessed by his brethren.Lord of Conceptual Reality allows him to have additional souls equal to (his Backing among the Yozi + his lowest Virtue), which for him are his ratings of 2 in Compassion and Temperance. This grants him seven additional souls, bringing his total to 23. Other souls who possess this Charm include Cecelyne, Szoreny, and Isidoros, to varying degrees of effectiveness.

As a note, Malfeas is the only Yozi with Backing 5 amongst his peers. “Backing 4” is reserved for those few Yozi who have a dramatic influence on their fellows, such as Cecelyne. “Backing 3” belongs to those Yozi who are more influential than their fellows, such as She Who Lives In Her Name and Szoreny, while “Backing 2” is the standard rating for most Yozi. “Backing 1” is reserved for Yozi such as Adorjan, the Ebon Dragon, or Oramus, who are actively avoided by their peers, while only Sacheverell (and the traitors, Gaia and Autocthon) have no Primordial backing.

As a second note, She Who Lives In Her Name is technically capable of manifesting up to 24 souls through the use of this Charm. However, doing so would assert that her capabilities are broader than those of Malfeas, and so she has intentionally restricted her own transcendent understanding to remain below his. Cytherea: Broad Understanding Of Domains

Cytherea can generate new souls, but does so in a particularly odd way. Her unique Charm allows her to generate souls within the soul structures of other Primordials, creating up to (lowest Virtue) souls in this manner. Each is considered to be a soul of both Cytherea and the Primordial in question, and shares in the nature of the two. In this way, Cytherea helps others to understand her and understands them better. Oramus and Mardukth both once learned the use of this Charm; Oramus still uses it, to reach beyond his prison, but Mardukth’s mastery of it was lost with his identity.Gaia: Embodiment of Unified Domain

Instead of drafting new souls, Gaia learned the art of empowering the concepts of the souls that she already had. The Embodiment of Unified Domain allows her to transform (her highest Virtue) souls into beings on par with her fetich, and is the means by which she took on increasing elemental traits through her Elemental Dragons. Doing so, however, removes the beings’ Second Circle souls, tying them within themselves. She shared it with only a few other Primordials, including Qaf. Autocthon once attempted to improve on this Charm when crafting his Divine Ministers to allow all of them to benefit from its powers. Doing so had fairly severe side-effects.

(Note: As of Exalted 3rd Edition, the Elemental Dragons are no longer souls of Gaia. As such, this Charm may no longer be appropriate to her nature.)Adorjan: Transitory Understanding Of Cosmic Truths

Adorjan has developed a much more notable Charm, and one which is copied by none of her fellow Yozi. It creates two transitory demons, beings whose natures are less firmly attached to her than the rest. She can, with a modicum of effort, switch which of her souls are transitory and which are permanent, and her transitory souls do not possess any kind of ability to reform themselves if destroyed, nor does their destruction cause pain or harm to Adorjan – and Adorjan herself has been known to destroy them if she wishes to examine a new facet of her being. She does not do this frequently, but observers note that only a handful of the souls she possessed at the dawn of the First Age still exist, and her Third Circles generally try not to think about the fact that they could essentially vanish at any time for any reason – as though they were mortals.
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I really liked this concept. If the Ebon Dragon has one, it's probably stealing souls from other Primordials... there's a hint that he did so once in Under The Rose.

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