[Profile] The Bitter Knife of Shadowed Days [Walking with the Darkness]


New Member
Title: The Bitter Knife of Shadowed Days

Alias: Knife

Concept: Vigilante betrayed by lover

Motivation: Kill all traitors, prove that love is weakness and lies

Caste: Day


Only a year ago, the deathknight known as The Bitter Knife of Shadowed Days was a rather different person. For starters, he was still mortal, alive, and made his home in the city of Nexus. He was youthful, energetic, and intelligent. His prospects weren't bad, all things considered. As all bad things in his life, however, it started with the death of a woman.

The first time the killer struck, the Nighthammer district was abuzz with the news the next day. The local watch had discovered a mostly skinned woman, missing parts both inside and out, on the edge of the docks. She'd gone missing two days earlier, but no one had paid it much mind until now. A gruesome death, but it wasn't the worst thing to have happened in town. Still, things perked up around town. The young man did as well. He was interested, in a morbid sort of way. He wanted to know what had happened, how she'd died, and who had done it.

As the next couple of weeks passed, and three more young ladies went missing, then turned up dead in various places, his curiosity became an obsession. He felt that since he was smart, since he was good at finding things, he should be able to discover the killer. Make him pay for his murders. He was spending hours out scouring for clues, talking to people, learning anything he could about the killings. He got a lot of strange looks. He also bumped into another young woman who was doing the same. At first, it was just seeing each other in similar places, talking to the same people. As time passed, they began to work togther, pooling resources and knowledge.

The young lady, her name was Samantha, he remembers, was brilliant. She picked up on clues as quickly as he did. She was able to intuit the killers thoughts clearly when they looked at the places bodies had been found. They grew close over the next couple weeks, as they searched.

Finally, they narrowed down the possible murderers to a single home, located at the end of a narrow alley in the district. The young man wanted to get one of the local mercenary police groups, but Samantha spoke of how the killer was obviously weak, picking on smaller women, working in secret. He would be no match for the two of them, prepared and in good shape, armed with daggers. The fame and reward would be theirs to claim.

As they stepped into the house quietly, the young man leading, peering around the room, he felt seized by tension. Suddenly pain spears through his right side, cold steel driving itself between ribs. Gasping in shock and agony, he twists around to see the girl, malicious smile on her lips, holding her dagger in hand. "You found me," she said, raising the blade and watching the blood drop from it. She kicked his knee, knocking him down, and then kicked the knife from his hand.

Gasping, he struggled to push himself up, but she simply slashed a leg, grabbed him by his right arm, and dragged him into the basement. Skin covered the walls, blood caked the floor, pooling in half-dried, rotting pools. Bones and dried-out organs were scattered around the floor and on tables. She cut across his forehead, blood blinding him before she struck him violently in the temple, knocking him out.

He came to later, roughly tied to a table. The girl was clad in a bloodstained loincloth and torn shirt. The torture began then, skin peeled away, fingers and toes severed. She would leave him, bleeding, for hours, and return. After two days, she finally tired of toying with him. She stabbed him again in the same place she had started, wrenching the blade around, cutting lung and blood vessels. Then she cut the ropes binding him, and left the room.

Tumbling from the table, unable to even scream from the pain at this point, the young man lay on the floor in agony. He tried to drag himself towards the stairs, but was hardly able to breath through the blood in his chest, muscles too severed to work any longer. He simply lay, dying, until a dark voice spoke to him. It wasn't something you heard, or even felt. It simply was, and you understood that it was dark, powerful, and alien. It told him that he would live anew. He would have power, real power; revenge; a purpose. A dark purpose.

He accepted. As he did, the dark powers erupted into him, just as the sun set on Nexus. This final death and corruption pushed the basement torture room into becoming a shadowlands. The newfound Abyssal gathered his strength and smashed through the door upstairs, prepared to kill the woman, only to find himself in a strange land. His journey to the Walker's domain began even as thoughts of vengeance cooled in his blood, becoming a part of it as much as his soul.

Young man, about 20, living in Nexus in the Nighthammer district. A killer had recently started kidnapping people off the streets, mostly younger women. They would turn up dead, flayed and missing various parts, several days later. The local watch, after several weeks, had nothing to go on. The abyssal-to-be starts looking for the person responsible. In his searching, he begins stumbling across a young woman who is also digging for clues. Cue a week or two of searching, cooperation, and so forth that leads them to the killers' small home.

As they step inside, prepared to kill whomever they find, the young man is stabbed in the side. Turning, he sees the girl he had been working with, who he had been falling for, knife in hand. She kicks him in the knee, knocking him down, and kicks away his sword before he can act. Dragging him downstairs, into a meager basement-turned-torture room, she turns him into her first male victim. Tortured, skin torn away, she leaves him bleeding on a table. As his life ends, the Walker speaks to him, offering him revenge upon the murderess, revenge on her betrayal and her killings, and shows that he was foolish to ever believe in something as weak and manipulable as love.
Theme Songs:

1) Ironic/comical, but appropriate:

2) The actual vid has about a $3 budget, so here's just the music: Winter's Wolves, by The Sword

More to come as I get inspired! In the meantime, some characterful artwork.

Pretty much what I see him looking like:


Here's a couple that give a good impression of him:



Liked the fading away here, nice abyssal dodge:


A manse he's attuned to in the Underworld:


And the heart of that manse:

Current Character Sheet. Waiting to see if I get any bonus BP from stuff.

Title: The Bitter Knife of Shadowed Days

Alias: Knife

Concept: Vigilante betrayed by lover

Motivation: Kill all traitors, prove that love is weakness and lies

Caste: Day

Anima: A shadowy cloud that sharpens into knives and fades back into obscurity, black, with purple-grey highlighting.

Anima Power: Spend Extra essence to prevent Anima display, can also add Essence to avoid detection.


Strength 3 // Dexterity 5 // Stamina 3

Charisma 2 // Manipulation 2 // Appearance 3

Perception 4 // Intelligence 3 // Wits 4

Caste Abilities

Athletics 2 // Awareness 5 // Dodge 2 // Larceny 0 // Stealth 1

Favored Abilities

Melee 5 // Integrity 3 // Resistance 5 // Investigation 4 // Occult 4

Other Abilities

Presence 3 // Lore 1 // Linguistics 1


Melee (Grand Daiklave) 2 // Investigation (Conducting Interviews) 1 // Dodge (Ranged) 1

Willpower: 7

Compassion 1

Conviction 3

Temperance 2

Valor 4

Essence: 4




Anima Banner Level: 0 motes

Resonance: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Intimacies: Hates the woman who killed him.


Liege 3

The Bitter Knife is a loyal agent of the Walker.

Whispers 3

Touched by the Neverborn in a horrible moment, Knife has forged a strong connection to them, for bad or worse.

Artifact 3: Swift Edge of the Void

Soulmetal Reaper Daiklave; Speed 4, +3 Acc, +9L/3 Damage, +0 Defense, Rate 2, Piercing; 8m commitment

Artifact 2: Black Carapace of Night

Soulsteel Lamellar Armor; 10L/11B, 6L/6B Hardness, -1 Mobility, 0 Fatigue; 3m commitment



Second Resistance Excellency

Injury Absorbing Discipline

Spirit-Hardening Technique

Wounds Mean Nothing


Spirit-Sensing Meditation

Corpus-Rending Blow

God-Slaying Torment


Second Investigation Excellency

Deception-Piercing Stare

Spider in Society's Web

Unholy Unwitting Pact


First Melee Excellency

Infinite Melee Mastery

Ravening Mouth of Melee

Savage Shade Style

Blade-Summoning Gesture

Resplendent Shadow Blade

Elegant Flowing Deflection

Five Shadow Feint

Unfurling Iron Lotus

Thieving Raiton Claws

Ebon Lightning Prana

Merits/Flaws: +2 BP

Unbidden Oracle - Being touched by the Neverborn has it's side effects.

Amnesia - Memories of his past life are supressed completely.
Experience Used: 120

Strength 2 > 3: 8 xp

Stamina 2 > 3: 8 xp

8 extra Charms: 64 xp

Essence 2 > 3: 16 xp

Essence 3 > 4: 24 xp

BP Used: 16

Awareness 3 > 4: 1

Awareness 4 > 5: 1

Melee 3 > 4: 1

Melee 4 > 5: 1

Resistance 3 > 4: 1

Resistance 4 > 5: 1

Investigation 3 > 4: 1

Occult 3 > 4: 1

4 dots Specialties: 2

Valor 3 > 4: 3

Artifact 1: 1

Artifact 1 > 2: 1

Artifact 2 > 3: 1

Extra BP for:

1st Post in Image Thread


FanFic (coming soon)

2 Flaws
You might wanna change a few things:

- spe melee (grand daiklave)

- Corpus-Rending Blow (unless you absolutely want to have God-Slaying Torment , your Swift Edge does that).

- Amnesia: excuse me ???

- not a single charm taken in your own caste... what kind of a Day caste are you going to be ? :roll:
Ah. Specialty should be Reaver Daiklave actually, but yeah, I'll change that. And I do want God-Slaying Torment.

In the 1st Ed players' guide (which I assume we're using, never got a reply to my PM's I sent you otherwise) it says Amnesia is worth 1 point if an exalt can't remember any of their past lives. Idea here being that his touch with the Neverborn is the reason he can't remember anything now.

As for the charm thing...well. I did say that I was torn between being Day and Daybreak. Looking at it now, Midnight could probably fit okay as well. He just doesn't fit well into any single caste. I don't want him to be super-sneaky or darting all over the place, which wipes Athletics, Dodge, Stealth and Larceny off the board. Awareness has a couple neat things, but other charms were more in line with what I envisioned. Not to mention that given the way that melee/martial arts can work offensively and defensively at the same time, dodge is kinda not a great choice.
The way he's built he looks more like a Dusk to me...

50% of his charms focused on combat, all in the same ability. 25% more on Defence with Resistance... I mean... you look more like an enforcer/executionner than anything else.
Well, in a way I suppose he is. He goes to a place where there's been trouble, finds out what exactly is going on, then resolves the issue. Whether that's through violence, which is pretty common for Abyssals, or simply coercing through threat of violence, bribery, or what have you might depend on the situation. He's not a subtle sort of guy. You either tell him what's going on, or he finds out anyway. Barring other charms, obviously.

I can tone down the combat charms if you'd like. I probably went overboard on them...but it's exalted, and after I saw that crazy martial arts solar... :oops:

Edit: Actually, I may rework things to make him a bit more competent with the whole coercing aspect of things, with violence as a...second, if not last, resort.
Yeah, that may be a bit too many combat Charms. Take a look at Stiches, she's pretty evenly divided between combat and coercion. And she will kill that bastard next time they meet.

Generally speaking though, it might be a good idea to have more Charms in your Caste abilities. Ya' know, like a Stealth Excellency or one of the basic Charms. And Athletics has a pretty nice (but expensive) combat Charm. Larceny can be useful as well, and going with Dodge over Resistance would be using your Caste abilities some more. As is, you seem like more of a Dusk who favours Investigation.
I can tone down the combat charms if you'd like. I probably went overboard on them...but it's exalted, and after I saw that crazy martial arts solar...
Don't worry about him, it's not like I'm gonna make 11 clones of him pop in anytime soon. This was supposed to be an epic fight between two exalts with different strengths and weaknesses, and it went pretty well.

Round 2 sounds promising :)
My issue that I'm having with a lot of the Abyssal combat charms as is, is that a ton of them cost willpower. Spectral is a nice thematic keyword, but adding it to things like the perfect dodge/parry is just awkward. And as far as I can tell, there's not a charm that would allow Abyssals to regain Willpower. Maybe I should custom something, then I wouldn't have the same concerns with the Dodge/Parry charms.
You can also use stunts to regen willpower.

And DDT (perfect parry) does not cost willpower, neither does FWT (perfect dodge)... are you sure you have the right abyssal book ?

EDIT: Spectral keyword.
Remember that you get back Willpower for 2 and 3 dice stunts, and that with the Spectral Keyword you only have pay the wp cost once per action. I had a Dusk in an Abyssals Chat game that ran this summer, and I never once had problems with not having enough Willpower, despite making frequent use of a Combo that had, among other Charms, Death-Deflecting Technique. As long as you use your head in managing those resources (Willpower and Essence), you shouldn't ever have to worry.

EDIT: Death-Deflecting Technique and Flickering Whisp Evasion (or whatever its called) both have the Spectral keyword, so yeah, they cost WP when used in Creation. However, it's just 1wp per action, so it really isn't that bad.
Besides, when you have Ravening Mouth of Melee active, your stunts can be used to regen willpower.

And I easily award the 2 die stunt (which you can use, even when using a perfect, nullifying its willpower cost)
cyl said:
Besides, when you have Ravening Mouth of Melee active, your stunts can be used to regen willpower.
And I easily award the 2 die stunt (which you can use, even when using a perfect, nullifying its willpower cost)


Holy sith, I never noticed it was a Scene-Long. I thought it was Instant. :shock:

That makes it much more useful. Still not as good as Joy In Adversity Stance though. Come to think of it, most of VBoS is somewhat broken. Which is sorta like the rest of their Charms, but the rest of their Charms are broken the other way.
Yup it's scene long and quite useful :)

Also VBoS isn't that broken for a CMA... the first 4 charms ARE. But the rest is not as impressive, fortunately.

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