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Realistic or Modern Professor Oak's School for Gifted Youngsters.


New Member
Characters Introduced so far:


Professor Oak: (Alakazam)

One of the top geneticists in the entire world, Professor Oak is most known for his work in pinpointing and explaining where the abilities of the gifted come from. This tends to annoy him, as he's also led the field in curing several genetic conditions, something he feels is more important.

Due to the rather positive outlook the world has on his accomplishments, and the respect for his intelligence, his decision to open a school was met with a modest amount of praise. This also allowed him to recruit some of his colleagues and several top-of-their-field professors to work alongside him.

Professor Sycamore: (Meowstic)

The professor of political science, sociology and economics, Professor Sycamore is quite known both among the students and the world at large as 'the man with his ear to the ground'. He's also, somewhat regrettably, known as a major heart-throb among the female population.

Madame Hale: (Blissey)

A rotund and jolly woman, Madame Hale works as the school's nurse. Though she has quite the favorable bedside manner, her instructions are usually quite strict when it comes to the health and safety of her students, and enforces absolute rulership over her work area.


Name: Jeanne Clair

Year: Sophomore,

Power: Sneasel

Jeanne's powers almost entirely relate to combat, working towards a particularly deadly efficiency. Aside from the usual manifestation of Dark and Ice energy, as is common among her power types, she has developed a few special uses for her powers. The most notable is her 'shadow', a projection of herself made out of either Ice or Dark energy that moves independently within a few meters of her body. She can swap the type of energy the 'shadow' is made from at will, as well as swapping positions with it, the latter requiring a large chunk of energy to accomplish.

Jeanne is very guarded and abrasive, keeping her past as much of a secret as possible. She's very cynical as well, often having a pessimistic outlook on things, and having a very difficult time trusting others.

History: A new student. Rumor has it Professor Oak had to pull quite a few strings to have her brought to the school, and she doesn't seem all that pleased to be there. She usually keeps to herself, and hasn't been seen outside of the nurse's office yet. For the most part, her history is a rather large unknown to the student body at large.

Appearance: Jeanne is 5'4, with darkly tanned skin and a wiry, muscular build. She appears to be thinner than is strictly healthy, and often moves in a guarded manner, as if trying not to draw attention to herself. Her eyes are ice blue, but often hidden under a mane of shoulder-length dark hair, her most attractive feature. A single strand of hair is dyed bright red, and hangs over the right side of her face.
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Name: Krystal Lindley

Year: Sophmore

Power: Froslass- in addition to general manifestations of ghost and ice energies, she can create illusions

History: Hailing from a northern portion of Maine, Krystal came into her powers during the midst of a blizzard. Her family had gone to a ski resort for a weekend family trip. She had wiped out while boarding (she preferred boards to skis) down a trail. A freak blizzard came in and she took shelter among the nearby trees. There she stayed for the next twelve hours as the storm raged on. As she felt herself getting colder and colder Krystal was sure she was going to die up there on the mountain. It was then, halfway through the storm, that her powers triggered for the first time. She saw someone come up and start a fire in order to warm her up. What she didn’t realize at the time was that the man was an illusion she herself created to explain her ice manifestation negating the cold. As her coldness slipped away, her hair turned white but she didn’t notice at the time. All she knew was that she no longer believed she was going to die of hypothermia. When her family saw what had happened they weren’t scared. They were just happy their daughter was alive and well. When they arrived home there was a letter telling her parents about a school for people like her. She was more than happy to go if it meant she could learn to control her powers.

The gems are actually hair clips height: 4’10

Personality: Rather quiet but supportive of her friends. Her nerves usually get the best of her when meeting new people. On the timid side and honest. Leaves a trail of ice behind her as she walks/skates everywhere. It has caused problems on more than one occasion since it takes a couple minutes for it to melt.


Name: Lucas Harrington

Year: Junior

Power: Lucario- can channel energy into himself and nonliving things by focusing, producing a variety of effects (from strengthening them, to walking on water, etc) as well as sensing the life energy in other living creatures up to a half mile with focus

Personality: If he’s being antagonized to a point where ignoring it doesn’t make it stop, he generally lives by the motto “punch first, ask questions while punching”. Incredibly stubborn, but can be made to see reason if approached calmly. Loyal to those he deems worthy of it.

History: How Oak found him, he has no idea. When Lucas learned what he could do, he kept it to himself. He never even told his family (mother and a younger brother). Originally from Boston, he’d often get in trouble with police for getting in to street fights. Once he learned of his “gift” and started using it in fights, people stopped getting on his case.



Name: Skye Charleston

Year: Freshman

Power: Slurpuff

Candy creation and enchantment. he can make variety of small (fits in pocket) sweets at will that can produce effects varying to waking someone up to removing hunger even to making someone temporarily fall in love with the next person of their preferred gender that they see. All effects last for 24 hours. Can also apply these effects when actually cooking/baking something. Skye is unaffected by his own powers

Personality: Bubbly, eccentric and always hungry are probably the three words that describe Skye best.

History: His parents owned a small bakery and sweets shop in California. When he turned 13 his parents let him start working and baking in the store with them. His sweets were a huge success. Everyone loved them, saying things like they never felt more energized than when they had some of his espresso chip muffins. They didn’t realize, at the time, it was because his powers had started and they were affecting his baking. It wasn’t until a representative from Oak’s school came and explained what was happening to Skye that he learned he even had powers. It certainly explained why he always found candy in his pockets whenever he wanted a snack.


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