Back from the Dead?
The Tale Begins...
In the distant future, the God of Annihilation—Nhlvta, the Breather of Death—is brought into this reality by his loyal followers: the mages of great power known as the Harbingers. His being brought into reality was too much for our universe to bear, and so it tore itself to shreds. There was a silver lining, however. The breaking universe splintered through time itself, and in doing so caused cracks in the fabric of matter itself. From these cracks were spawned horrific amalgamations who were each a small part of the God of Annihilation himself.
Back in the past, there were few who were, by some mysterious hand of fate, able to hear the roar of the beast god and the tumult of a dying universe. These few knew they had no choice. Good or evil, they must stop the Harbingers from summoning forth the beast!
And you, friend, are one of these heroes! As the people aware of the dying universe came to the attention of the ruling kingdom—one of democracy in which an elected council of elders stood in charge—sent letters out to the many societies in the land in hopes of bringing all those who were sensitive to their dying reality to the Capitol so their quest can begin.
So yeah. Just a thing I randomly thought up. Anybody interested? I was thinking it to be a good old fantasy roleplay.
In the distant future, the God of Annihilation—Nhlvta, the Breather of Death—is brought into this reality by his loyal followers: the mages of great power known as the Harbingers. His being brought into reality was too much for our universe to bear, and so it tore itself to shreds. There was a silver lining, however. The breaking universe splintered through time itself, and in doing so caused cracks in the fabric of matter itself. From these cracks were spawned horrific amalgamations who were each a small part of the God of Annihilation himself.
Back in the past, there were few who were, by some mysterious hand of fate, able to hear the roar of the beast god and the tumult of a dying universe. These few knew they had no choice. Good or evil, they must stop the Harbingers from summoning forth the beast!
And you, friend, are one of these heroes! As the people aware of the dying universe came to the attention of the ruling kingdom—one of democracy in which an elected council of elders stood in charge—sent letters out to the many societies in the land in hopes of bringing all those who were sensitive to their dying reality to the Capitol so their quest can begin.
So yeah. Just a thing I randomly thought up. Anybody interested? I was thinking it to be a good old fantasy roleplay.