

One Time Luck
Hi I'm Amaryn / Ryn,

I was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia, until the age of 4, (That's where I got my name).

Moved to Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia in 1998, weird age to move but I adapted pretty quickly.

Kamchatka Peninsula is a beautiful area in the north-eastern part of Russia, where my dad would take me scouting, where we would both find and observe animals like bears <3 and wolves.

Unfortunately I moved again but to Moscow, where I study now for my masters in power engineering. But I'd love to go back one day to KP to scout and take pictures for my dad. R.I.P daddy xoxo

I used to keep to myself a lot especially after... well yeah... and one day when talking to one of my friends, he introduced me to role-playing and I loved it, so now I'm here to share and learn from you guys who I hope can teach me lot's of stuff on it.

According to my friends I have quite a lot of interests but I'm not sure, but here are the one's I think I have:

  1. Reading (From novels to comic books),
  2. Watching stuff (From films to PewDiePie -brofist-)
  3. Writing (From RP's to short amateur novels),
  4. Playing games (From consoles to board games),
  5. Listening to music (From Beethoven to Parkway Drive),
  6. Perambulating (walking around for pleasure),
  7. Scouting (as explained earlier :P )

... okay maybe I have a few hehe!

Hopefully I didn't drag this on longer than it needed to be,

but if you want to know more come and talk to me whenever you like.

Bye for now!


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