Private Messages and Archives


New Member
Hi there. The site has undergone some changes since I last logged in. Wondering how to Private Message.

Also, could someone let me know where to find old games that have been archived? Specifically, I am looking for The End is Nigh Alchemical and Sidereal Threads to show a few friends of mine the level of detail the administrators and characters put into the story. It was one of the coolest play by posts I was ever involved in.
tr4nsience said:
Hi there. The site has undergone some changes since I last logged in. Wondering how to Private Message.
Also, could someone let me know where to find old games that have been archived? Specifically, I am looking for The End is Nigh Alchemical and Sidereal Threads to show a few friends of mine the level of detail the administrators and characters put into the story. It was one of the coolest play by posts I was ever involved in.
To PM someone, click their name and press "Start a Conversation"

To see archived shit, go to the main page and scroll down to almost the bottom, you'll find the archives. I'll put a link, though.

Site Archive

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