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Princess(or Prince) X Servant


Sariyis walked down the long, elegant cream colored hallway. Her eyes flitted from one side of the hallway to the other. She never really enjoyed being inside. She always felt uneasy. Her slippers tapped quietly against the black and white veined marble floor.

She didn't know exactly what to think at the moment. She was tempted run outside, but refrained from doing so. It would be considered unladylike to run. She sighed as she kept walking.
Autumn sighed lightly as she began to clean Sariyis's room. There was barely any mess and there was only a few dusts spots. The young servant had been working for the royal family for a good eighteen years. At first she was a play mate and then turned into a maid and lady-in-waiting.

Eventually the girl finished her duties and went to go find Sariyis. Autumn eventually found Sariyis and then smiled,"Your highness? My chores are done for the day so that means its time for a bath before supper," she spoke.
Sariyis looked at Autumn. She nodded slightly. She knelt down and took off her slippers. She picked her slippers up and stood. She turned to a window. Sometimes she would wish that she had not been born as a princess, but there were other times that she enjoyed it.

She once again turned to Autumn. "I am ready, " she said. She seemed distracted however and her gaze flitted back to the window. How she wished that she could go outside and run. How she wished to splash in the nearby creek as she had seen the villagers do. How she wanted to smell the flowers and feel the grass. She sighed and shook her head. She knew her father would never allow it after the last time. Had she not have had a guard with her at the time of the event, the burglar would have killed her and took the crown jewels. She had a guard with her and everything was safe. She had never been allowed to go outside from then on lest another attempt was made on her life.
Autumn nods before taking Sariyis's slippers before walking with Sariyis to the bathroom. With a smile Autumn then leaned over the tub edge once inside the bathroom and began to draw the bath. Then the servant stood up and began to unlace Sariyis's dress. This action brought a bright red color to Autumn's normal pale cheek.

For the longest time Autumn has felt something for the Princess. Alas Autumn knew it would never be allowed or even thought of. So the girl just continued to unlace the dress.
Sariyis blushed softly as Autumn unlaced her dress. She quickly hid the blush though, for she knew that her deepest desires were impossible. She refused to look at the servant in fear that, her blush would only darken in color.

Sariyis had two powerful desires. The first was to be loved for who she was, not what she was. She was hopeful that the person who would do that would be the servant. Sariyis, not having met many other people, considered Autumn her closest friend. However, she started to wish that Autumn would be more than that. She knew that it wouldn't work out. Her second desire, which was lesser than the first, was to be able to run. She wanted to be able to go outside.
Autumn looked up and grinned lightly feeling slightly flirty again,"You know the color red is such a beautiful color on you," she said. She smiled and then began to slide down Sariyis's dress with a smirk,"Don't be shy on me now Princess," she whispered before lightly taking the dress off the rest of the way. The next thing off was the panties and bra. For a few moments Autumn watched Sariyis before holding out a hand to the princess,"Into the tub we go," she said. Then the servant paused,"Would you like me to join you this time or no?" she asked. On some occasions Autumn too would join Sariyis in the tub to kill two birds with one stone and save water. Autumn's reason was much more then that.
Sariyis blushed even more. She shyly stepped into the tub. She gripped one of her wrists tightly with her other hand. She didn't know how to respond so she nodded. She felt somewhat awkward. She looked down and closed her eyes.
Autumn quickly undressed and got into the tub and reached a bit for the wash cloth and soap. Autumn started off with Sariyis's hair. It was quite beautiful to the young woman and she smiled as she washed it clean. After Sariyis's hair was her body, and Autumn handled her body well.
Sariyis's blush only darkened as the bath took place. She had to do everything in her power not to pull the servant to her and kiss her. Her hands were clinched into fists and heart pounded hard against her ribcage. She refused to look at Autumn, instead preferring to stare at the wall as if it was interesting.
Autumn raised a brow,"Is something wrong princess? Usually you are talking my ear off. If I have offended you please take my apologies," She said softly. Autumn was used to attention from Sariyis and not having it made the servant a bit sad and upset.
Sariyis looked down. She hadn't meant to upset the servant. "Nothing is wrong, I'm just confused," She said. She wanted things to go back to normal, but she felt that they wouldn't.
Autumn nods quietly before speaking again,"If you don't mind me asking, why are you confused?" I asked before gently washing your body free of all the suds the soap had caused. Autumn smiled lightly before gently beginning to do her own long brunette hair.
Sariyis sighed. She didn't exactly know how to explain it. She shut her eyes tightly and shook her head. She opened her eyes and looked down. " I don't know why I'm confused. I just don't understand anything at the moment. It's like my mind is telling me one thing and everything else is telling me something different. Everything is a hurricane right know and I'm tossed along with the winds." she said. Her heart and mind raced as she thought.
Autumn nods and wrung out her hair so it was free from access water and shampoo. She leaned forward placing her knees on either side of Sariyis's legs before cupping her cheek,"Take a breath, you can do this, I know you can. I can tell it's a person making you this way."
Sariyis blushed darkly. She felt her heart start to race. She looked at the servant. " I...I," she started to say.
Sariyis closed her eyes as she thought of the right words to say how she was feeling, but none came. She subconsciously leaned towards the servant. She kept her eyes closed.
Autumn paused when she realized what Sariyis was doing. A soft smile made its way onto her face before she leaned in and pushed her lips to Sariyis's. An amazing vibration went through the servant as she got closer to the princess.
Sariyis stood still, almost completely in shock. She had felt a vibration, or a spark, something. Whatever it was she wanted more of it.
(I feel so bad about not replying, stuff came up.)

Autumn smiled and then gently ran a hand slowly through the princess's hair. It was so silky smooth just the hair itself made Autumn want to run her hands through it all day.

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