
Magnificent Humanicorn
@Auren , @Karma200 , @Taqhart

Character Sheet:


Description: (Include age, gender, appearance, body type)

Role: (Position in PI Office)

Current Personality (make sure they have character flaws and make room for their weaknesses.):

Previous Personality (if they've changed since ppl knew them):

Spiritual Beliefs (If any, if there are none, put 'materialist'):

Specialty: (Specifically either Ghosts, Aliens, or Demons. Should tie in with above.)

Weakness: (Give a weakness to their specialty as well as choosing one of the generalized 3 as the one that they have little experience/capability in investigating.)
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Is it alright it I join?

Also, would it be alright if my chara's were secretly demons?

If yes, i'll put a bio, if not, it'll be a different person in the bio.
Awlright guys, I think I'll go ahead and cap this at 7. After the relationships have been established and the PI unit name settled, maybe ill accept more idk.

Alright, so later today I'll post an abilities, role, and personality character sheet. After everyone's got that done, we can start collabing on relationships in the OOC thread or, if youre all up for it, we can google docs this :0

Silas Eagleton


A tall, spindly fellow with a long torso and a wide stare. He's got medium-length black hair and pale skin, with bright green eyes staring hauntingly out. Standing at a tall 6'4", he draws attention when he's not slouching in a poor attempt to blend in. He's male, and at the ripe age of 23.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/silastru.jpg.6924ce7ab031155b26783fa20ad2a00a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15107" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/silastru.jpg.6924ce7ab031155b26783fa20ad2a00a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Exorcist, Demonology specialist, Treasurer.

Current Personality:

Silas is patient and tolerant to the point of being overbearing. He'll keep going with a conversation even though the other's body language and brief words make it clear they want him to drop it. While he's purpose-driven, Silas makes it a point to consider all possibilities and perspectives of an issue, never taking his own judgement as an absolute truth. He's a team player and quick to compromise.

Previous Personality:

The Silas previous was a temper-driven, proud child that took offense when someone so much as looked at him wrong. He was always yelling, always demanding to be treated well, and if he offended someone else, he blamed them for taking the offense. He could easily have been described as insufferable and annoying. He was intolerant and demanded to be tolerated, a complete fool. He's grateful to have been shown the error of his ways.

Spiritual Beliefs:



Demons, he can see them. But he can't sense them and exorcising the possessed is done after he runs a series of tests on the possessed before utilizing his techniques.


He's terrible with aliens, as he has little to no scientific background or studies. When such requests come in, he either sits around in the background and watches everyone work, or does the grunt work and strictly follows orders.



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Name: Jeanette and Jeanelle Rogan

Description: (Include age, gender, appearance, body type): Both are short, fifteen year old females. They are near-identical twins, and the three major differences between them physically is is hair colour, eye colour, and each has a hidden 'birthmark'.

Jeanette has dark, not quite maroon, red hair that is sloppily cut short, and pale red eyes ringed in darker red. She usually wears a grey tank top with ripped up, white washed skiny jeans and beat up, old, purple hightops, she has small black ear stretchers and occasionally puts some darker make up on. Jeanette has a general messy-punk look about her. While Jeanelle, has strawberry red and equally as messily cut hair with dark red eyes ringed in a pale red, and likes to wear a close fitting, long sleeved black shirt and light green jeggings with newer-looking sneakers, again, make up and jewellry is kept at a minimum-to-none standard and despite the fact that the twins almost always look like they're street urchins, neither of the two seem to get acne or blackheads and clean up quite nicely when necessary.

Role: (Position in PI Office): Assistant Demonology experts.

Current Personality (make sure they have character flaws and make room for their weaknesses.):
The two girls tend to be in your face, laughing, joking, and pulling pranks, all for the sake of dismissing boredom. They also have dangerous tendencies, including expressing extreme curiousity towards death and how dying feels, this makes them willing to try anything and everything. They are both tomgirls and enjoy fighting, Jeanelle is much more strategic, while Jeanette is highly aggressive.

Not all their personality traits are horrid ones however, the twins are completely trustworthy and once you earn it, their respect and loyalty is admirable.

Previous Personality (if they've changed since ppl knew them): N/A

ritual Beliefs (If any, if there are none, put 'materialist'): Materialist, not really that either though.

ns, or Demons. Should tie in with above.): Jeanelle can speak freely with ghosts and demons, no seonces or fancy rituals necessary, and Jeanette can track them. however both of them have rusty skills which is why they joined the PI.

Other: Put basically, the twins are literally, solid demons. Jeanette is a Dared demon, meaning she has electrical abilities, and Jeanelle is a Flared demon, meaning she has pyro abilities. Their 'birthmarks' are on the left side of each girls collerbone, one is a wispy red fire symbol(flared) and the other is a three pronged black trident(dared)

Technically however, they haven't 'changed' and do not have the usual horns, fangs, or even controll over their powers and unlike the common misconception that all demons are things that float around taking over peoples bodies and minds, Jeanelle and Jeanette look feel and act like normal teenage girls would.
Name: Mae Osbourne

: Oz or Ozzy

: Mae has short auburn hair and chocolate brown eyes. She's 5'1 and recently turned 17 years old. She dresses comfortably, which for her means sweaters and skirts.

She's a psychic, so she works with exorcising ghosts and demons, and also works as the secretary and field agent.

Current Personality:

She believes the best in people and always sticks up for what she believes in. Mae is very compassionate and caring, and makes friends quickly. She's kind and polite, and tries to be cheerful without seeming to pushy. Mae is intuitive and good with people, and is also very loud and opinionated. She can be naïve at times, and gets annoyed and jealous extremely easily. She's also expressive and very simple.

Previous Personality:
Despite being more mature than she was, she practically hasn't changed.

Spiritual Beliefs:

Mainly ghosts, but she is pretty good with demons as well. She's a psychic and can see ghosts. She also has ESP, precognition, and can have dreams relating to the cases that they work. She may develop more skills as she matures.

: She has almost no experience with aliens, and she usually just lets the others do the work on those cases. She tries to be as helpful as possible, but is pretty useless when it comes to aliens.
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Abigail “Abby” Tompson

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Etc: A thin girl standing at 5’5 and weighing 125Lb. Her hair is naturally two colors, with the top being white (colorless) and the bottom being a dark auburn. Her eyes are a hazel-brown, sometimes looking like amber in certain light.

Role: Field Agent, Ghost Seeker

She goes in and gets her hand dirty, figuring out what’s the big deal on a mission. She’s usually the first wave that’s sent in to investigate.

Current Personality:

She usually acts like an airhead, being absentminded when around everyone at headquarters. Once she is placed on a job, she goes in head-first, listening later. She is fascinated with the ghosts that she has talked to since she was a child. She’s very hopeful when they meet a ghost that its not evil, and always wants to try redeeming them. She treats everyone the same, and is terrible at jokes.

Previous Personality:

She's always been the same positive, bubbly girl. She just didn't have as many friends, and that's probably why she isn't the best at social cues.

Spiritual Beliefs: Materialist


Ghosts. She can see them, talk to them, play with them. Any and all of the above. She loves the little buggers.


While she loves ghosts and can see them whether they like it or not, it doesn’t always mean that they want to be seen. She’s gotten many a broken bones from being tossed by a poltergeist. Also, while she can see ghosts, she can’t differentiate them from demons. Sometimes she will get the two confused, causing her to not be the most reliable source when it comes to asking which it is most likely. She’s been known to lead the team into a situation thinking that it was a ghost, only find out it’s really a demon. She’s never encountered an alien personally, and knows virtually nothing about them. She only knows what ghosts have told her about being in an “alien encounter.” Though, most of their claims seem to be illogical at best.
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Name: Lauren Annette


Sex: Female

Height: 4‘2“

Weight: 61.72 lbs

Role: Double Agent, Alien Ambassador, Field Agent.

Personality: Normal Fluffy little girl. She is significantly smarter than her age group. Not so much like doing high level math or reading but moreso comprehension. Understanding events, what they mean, and how they could effect the future. She is almost always positive even if her attitude and words may sound doom and gloom. She has no real fear and most things don’t frighten her unless somehow they emotionally link directly to her. Like someone she loves dying or being injured.

Spiritual Beliefs: Material


- Emotional Transference:

A genetically modified little girl so that she has higher brain function. This doesn’t make her super smart or anything, but her brain functions beyond the understanding of human knowledge. When she wants to her body can connect to another kind of like a battery. She cant talk to someone or see what they are thinking but she can feel their emotions and she can share her own emotions and thoughts. Its more like someone would instantly understand, rather than have a conversation.

- Neural Implant

Her Implant is part of her abduction. As part of their experimentation, her implant replays human biological and physiological information. If needed they can also override her own brain and take complete control oh her. It also works like a computer and can download information direction into her brain. Though this rarely happens and she doesn’t really know that it can be done.

The implant is extremely small but once installed, it grows into a web of circuitry that hardwires itself into her brain. Once installed it cannot be removed.

One of the side effects of her higher brain function and the implant is that it gives her telekinesis. For right now, she is unaware of this ability current and it usually only triggers under great emotional duress.

Weakness: Because emotions can be strength or weakness, surges of love, sadness, pain or rage can easily overwhelm her. As a coping mechanism to protect her, it usually results in a blackout. Also when the “Aliens” speak directly through her, it takes a great physical toll on her body. Usually results in hospital stay for a day afterwards. Though this rarely happens.



His appearance is like the first reddish one. The others are for size ideas.

Name: Felix

Species: Squirrel

Height: 8“

Weight: 3.72 lbs

Personality: Felix is conniving and a trickster. He likes to steal food. Mostly fruits and oreos and candy. He is a gangster climber and likes to hang out on peoples shoulders. Can pester people and kids but really likes Lauren and Abby and Leo. He tends to pester some of the others like Eraniel but is actually quite friendly with Hageshi's cat.

Specialty: Can communicate with anyone who has an implant like Lauren.
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Awrite, as most have posted their characters, we can start in the OOC thread planning character relationships right now. feel free to come and join! let us plan with all gusto.
Name: Blythe Foster


She stands at 5''5, she is 20 years old old

Role: Ghost Specialist Assistant, Psychic (by ear only)

Current Personality: Blythe is a hard worker who is very sarcastic and hardheaded so if she's made up her mind on something there's a 8/10 chance you'll be able to change her mind. She is very loyal and even though she's use to the sounds of the dead she can deal with hearing the dead and has learned to block them out. Blythe is always found eating lollipops and when she isn't working she is usually found either meditating to strengthen her hearing 'block' against ghost sounds or listening to music while writing stories. She always makes sure she gets a morning jog before she goes to work or else her mind is muddled and she can't do her job as an assistant right.

Previous Personality: She was anti-social and refused the love anyone tried to give her. Even though Blythe is alright in the dark with someone with her, she use to be deathly afraid of the dark and what was in it. She refused to go into any place that was to dark to see through. When she wasn't freaking out it was when she had her earphones in and music blasting from her ears.

Blythe grew up in a home that lived near the hospital and that always made Blythe feel crazy. Which her family had labelled her for. She didn't eat breakfast, lunch or dinner with them and kept as far away from people as possible. Her family did their best to ignore her and that pushed her further into an anti-social state. Because there were aggressive students at her school, Blythe learned karate, tae kwan do and ju jitsu... not that these would help her against ghosts. At the age of 17 years old Blythe had left home early and had 3-4 jobs that helped her out until she graduated from High School, which made it easier for her to get 2 decent jobs. She started picking up her personality when she started working at P.I.

Spiritual Beliefs: Materialist

Specialty: Ghosts

Weakness: When Blythe takes away her hearing 'block' its a bit hard for her to tell the difference between the sounds of the dead or the sounds of the living. She is afraid to be alone in the dark (is fine if someone is with her), she's afraid of heights and drowning (she can't swim)
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Oh, btw the twins are both bisexual with Jeanelle feeling more strongly attracted. This isn't really important, it just goes to say that since they're 15 there might be a small bit of flirting or something, nothing unusual for that age group though.

Imma Lima bean!
Name: Leonid "Leo" Molchenko

Description: 36, male, 6'2", brown eyes, red hair; big and "strong like ox". Also like's cigars.

Role: The camera guy/Documentation expert; also the muscle, not everything that goes bump in the night is paranormal.

Current Personality (make sure they have character flaws and make room for their weaknesses.): Leo is a large, quiet, and cold, purebred Ukrainian. He was in the military for most of his working life and learned how to take an order. Not afraid of a fight, Leo can be violent if he deems it necessary. Because of his big size many take him for a stupid brute, but he's smarter than he looks. Leo works well in a team, and often puts his teammates safety about his own. His mother's memory has a left a soft spot for families on Leo's hard exterior, he hates seeing them terrorized by anything, paranormal or otherwise. He is often short sighted and neglects seeing the whole picture when it proves his time was wasted. If the group is doing something that he believes is wrong he will voice his opposition but if pressed will follow the group. The man is determined to find the truth at any cost, some could even say obsessed.

It all started when his mother said she was "taken by angels". Not many people from the Ukraine believed in alien abduction but Leo believed. He knew God and he would not scar his mother the same way these angels did. Other soldiers during his tours in Iraq would talk about abductions and aliens taking people, he didn't put much faith into the stories until he lived exactly what they explained. He couldn't bear watching his mother smile every time the "angels" came back for her. After every contact she withered and lost a part of herself; her son would keep looking for proof to show her and convince her to get help. Every time he would try to tell her the truth, his mother would wave him off, "It is Gods will" she would speak in her native Ukrainian.

She died of an unknown cancer, that Leo believes was caused by "them"; even though the doctors tell him it is impossible.

Leo quit the military and devoted his life to finding proof that "they" exist. He spend six years capturing footage of UFO's and abduction interviews. Eventually he was recruited to help record other strange phenomena. Over the years he has become an expert in paranormal documentation, able to capture the truth and sift through the fakes.

Previous Personality:Leo was recruited straight out of high school into the military. He was just another rowdy young man in the marines, then the gulf war broke out. At first it was about glory and patriotism but after men started to die, it was only about survival. Leo as determined and driven to help bring every member of his team back home alive, but he couldn't save them all. Leo watched a lot of friends die in the sand and it hit him hard. He did four tours, not able to stay away while others were still in danger. His mother dies before he could go back for his fifth.

Leo hasn't changed much since those days, he is just as driven to keep his team safe. But now he has learned not to grow too attached just in case he loses them.

Spiritual Beliefs: Christianity

Specialty: Documentation and recording of the teams efforts. Most interested in extra-terrestrials because of his mother.

Weakness: He has no special powers or abilities. Leo will sometimes choose to believe even if all of the evidence points in the other direction, making others believe he is stubborn. He can be over protective and will rush in to put himself in danger to save another. Being raised a christian, demons and exorcisms are especially hard for Leo, striking the most fear into his heart.
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Name: Hageshi Arasoi

Description: The first thing most people will notice about her appearance is her prominent eye-patch that hides her right eye. The second is her strange preference of formal suits and white gloves. Other than that, she is in all appearances, a young Asian lady with slightly tanned complexion and dark hair. Her remaining eye has a dark earth-brown shade. She looks to be in her early thirties, and her passport shows that she is thirty-three this year. She stands at 5'10", and is rather lean. Under her eyepatch, there is a concave where an eye should be. Skin has been grafted onto the hole, leaving an unsettling crater of pale skin.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/55d33335304ac16cb29c83e6f57effe1.jpg.381ede6aa2ef26f60dc6a3dbe204c451.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15162" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/55d33335304ac16cb29c83e6f57effe1.jpg.381ede6aa2ef26f60dc6a3dbe204c451.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Role: Onmyouji, Head Researcher, Data Analyst

Current Personality :

If there's a problem, Hageshi's reaction to it would be to charge straight into it and see if violence gets her anywhere. If it doesn't work, she starts taking out the talismans and see if spiritual violence gets her anywhere. Having served as one of the most notorious triad kingpins' right-hand lady, Hageshi knows her way in a fight and can as easily turn the tables with a simple reversal as she can break your bones. She was brought up in China, with a family that specialised in spiritual protection. Her homeland called them Onmyouji for their reverence to Shinto, though the Mainland Chinese simply called them ghostbusters. At an age of 18, she was persuaded by her best friend, he who would become the kingpin that ruled over the triads, to join the underworld. Having an undying loyalty to her friend, she followed. As he climbed to the top of the ladder in the triads, she followed with him, crushing all those who tried to endanger him. Her protectiveness of her friend earned her many scars from bullets, broken bottles and other sharp implements. Each of these items did nothing to stop her. As long as she is intent on living, there's nothing that can slow her down. Even when a knife went into her right eye. The story still rings in the underworld that she pulled the knife out, eye and all, and went on to kill the assailant with the same knife.

While in the triads, she occasionally came home to help her parents with their work, and read up on various spirits, religions, and practices of different countries, having shown an interest in the paranormal. She would have gone on to become a professional ghosthunter if it weren't for...previous businesses already keeping her busy. Her fascination with the underworld of the spiritual sense caused her to even bring various books of such to 'work' and read them when her Boss was in a meeting with the heads, or when she was on a smoke break. Once, she brought in an ancient, imposing hardcover with weird writings on it. When asked, she called it, in English, a "grimoire." While a mobster, there was simply no reason to not study, and Hageshi continued learning even when she was holding people out over railtracks, moments before the train came speeding past. There was a saying that went "Age is not an excuse to stop learning.", which basically boiled down to "Keep learning.".

Hageshi is a fierce and straightlaced lady who cannot stand jokes that are delivered at the wrong time. She is downright straightforwards with the delivery of her news and does not waste time in telling the truth if that is what is needed. While she does have a semblance of dignity and is able to keep secrets, don't expect her to hide important things if they need to be told. She does not spare children from this treatment, and believes that bitterness is a part of growing up for them. If they do not experience sadness or horror, they are not going to grow up well. After all, she did go through several years of bullying, jeering and name-calling for just being from Japan, and she plowed through it alone with her fists and nothing more. She developed a venomous tongue because of this, and up until today, she hasn't changed. Her time in the triads and her youth led her to have a wary personality and causes her to watch everyone but her Boss with a watchful eye. She is extremely cynical and distrustful, and will not believe anyone until evidence is given. Unless it's an emergency and someone's in danger, whereby she will lose all semblance of being cool and charge ahead.

She has a smoking habit and prefers cigarettes over any other sort of tobacco. She has a certain love for Salem cigarettes and only gets Marlboros when she needs her fix and can't find a Salem. As such, she can be found with a Zippo lighter in her pocket most of the time. She doesn't look like she is going to quit any time soon and brushes off any attempts to dissuade her with a cryptic "One foot in the grave; I'll be damned to hell if I let smoke bother me.".

Previous Personality (if they've changed since ppl knew them):

She hasn't changed much. She has always been very cynical and straightforwards.

Spiritual Beliefs: Shinto, to some extents. She studied up other religions as well and is well versed in Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism.

Specialty: Demons. Ghosts are her secondary.

Weakness: Has zero experience with aliens. She hates what is unknown, and the deep depths of space gives her the chills. Is able to banish spirits and demons and hold them at bay, but is unable to exorcise them completely.

I got really distracted by Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker. Sorry it took long...



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"I'm bearly your worst nightmare."


Description:He's a 2000 year old ex angel turned werebear. Contrary to most instances, he does not have the physique of a bear. He's stands proudly at 5'10 and weighs in at like 160 lbs. He's got an average build considering his past, not a ripped 10 pack avatar of badassery, wielding rook towers as clubs.




Role: Hitman/Gunman/Brawler/Janitor/Gopher/Bear/Etc.

Current Personality:

Eraniel never lets a debt go unpaid. That would be his cardinal rule in life, he owes no one nothing. He has a clear sense of right from wrong and does what he can to do what is right, though is not above dirtying his hands. He is possessed by a spirit of inquiry and inquires more after a topic long after everyone else had learned what they needed to learn. He wasn't one to waste opportunities, just sitting around and waiting for them. If he could not find an opportunity in life, he would dare to create it. Which was how he was cast out in the first place, he asked too many questions and forced his way to the answers. The most prominent of such questions was asking if he could ever become human. All that time he spent watching over humans, had given birth to a desire to be human. Clearly he was one of the flawed creations. The fact that he desires to be human makes him place them on a pedestal, addressing them with the utmost courtesy and politeness after he had been cast down.

Eraniel had been assigned as a watcher of the human realm, a sentinel to watch over the humans as they go about living and dying. He was created by a more powerful being, going by many aliases, and thus rooted him to the role of a lesser spirit. For two thousand years, he had been tasked to simply watch the humans. For two thousand years, boredom oft crept up on him like an unwanted cold. To occupy his wasted time and wandering mind he began scrutinizing the humans, emulating them. This raised much suspicion among the hierarchy and so he was reprimanded for his acts. It wasn't until a thousand years later that he began emulating human's again. This time, the higher ups banished him to the human realm. If he so wanted to be human, he would have his wish.

So it was that Eraniel had become mortal, but he was not completely stripped of his powers. He could still perform minor miracles through incantation and laying of hands. Though the miracles themselves put a strain on his mind as well as require a "feast," soaking in the christian prayers in their prayer meetings every week. He had been cut off from the supply of prayers after all. Forced to wander the earth, he lived on the fringes of civilization, opting that it was not yet time for him to integrate just yet. Being ignorant of human customs tended to draw unnecessary attention to one's self

It was during his nomadic life that his mortality would be stripped from him. He had taken shelter in a cave from a particularly furious storm. Little did he know that this cave would play a part in his life as well. For within dwelt a fierce bear who claimed the cave as its territory. They battled for the entire night until dawn when Eraniel had been worn out but otherwise slain the bear. Eraniel had proven ownership of the cave, in which he established his base of operations. He kept watching the humans until another bear had invaded his territory. This one was significantly more powerful that he ever was.

It had over powered him and instead of landing the final blow, the bear began roaring at Eraniel as if it was angry at him for something. Then the bear left and the night came. He became feral that night, a sharp pain raced through him a he felt himself getting bigger and bulkier. Before, long the world was painted red and hunger made itself known. His first victims were a group of campers, obviously college students. It didn't stop there and Eraniel knew he needed to keep it in check. He chained himself to a couple of trees every night, like a dog on a leash. It was a forced withdrawal until he could finally find the mental fortitude to control the animal he's become. He couldn't escape himself, yet so many times he's tried.

One night in particular stood out after he had caged the animal in him. He had simply been walking back to the outskirts of town after stealing some food from a convenience store nearby, when his world had gone dark. Someone had placed a bag over his head and seemed to pull him along. He wasn't about to go willingly. Neither the animal nor the angel in him allowed it to happen. He broke free of the the grip and proceeded to chase the idiot who thought they could capture him. Though as he tore the bag over his head into piece, he found that the kidnapper was female. She would pay dearly. He hounded her across many blocks and around several corners, ducking into numerous alleyways and navigating a labyrinth of old buildings with nothing but using her scent to guide him. He followed her to a dilapidated building, a door stood in his way and he wouldn't let it get in his way. He unleashed the animal within and tore down the door. Only to be wrestled down by a man strong like ox and then tranqed or sedated. In hindsight, it was stupid to starve his bear aspect to the point of it looking stupidly skinny and then take on a big man. It didn't even last long before he reverted back to his "human" self.

Then began his life as a workhorse for the organization. His first order of business was to repair the door he broke down. To be fair it was unhinged to begin with, no way a stupidly skinny werebear could break it down. Then he began looking alternatives to dominate the animal in him until he could control it.

Talk about bad life choices and misfortune.

Spiritual Beliefs: It's complicated. He knows for a fact that God is there just under a different name doing something else. Then there's that other god, don't get him started with the other god.

Specialty: Shooting stuff. Punching stuff. Tracking stuff. Chasing aerial targets.

Weakness: Everything else.
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(It's nothing new. Just adding some stuffs and change other, updating things we discussed.)

Name: Nathan Leroy

Description: 6'2, 26 years old.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/eb8-by-joseph-sinclair-2a.jpg.e77f0a2c16b0d3928fadcc45ea34a8d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15303" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/eb8-by-joseph-sinclair-2a.jpg.e77f0a2c16b0d3928fadcc45ea34a8d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Role: Ectomancer, Ghost specialist, doctor when needed, team leader.

Current Personality: Nathan usually seemed to be emotionless and hard to read. He is short-tempered since always bugged by ghosts everywhere he goes except his own house. He's an experienced leader and strategist, quick in making snap decisions, sometimes even ruthless ones. He's attracted to danger and has a messed-up morale compass, being very insensitive and judgemental, even though it's lucky that he's also the quiet type that does not speak his thoughts aloud. Nathan was distant even before he put some effort in shutting out the world. So when he really tries, well....

Previous Personality: He used to suffered from minor case of Multi-personalities disorder. He was even diagnosed to be totally insane, but that was just the ghosts he was talking to. Even cured, he sometimes show traces of his other personality, a merciless and cruel side of himself, especially when the memories of his late friends are dirtied.

Spiritual Beliefs: He knows what's out there, that ghost and the Other Side existed. But praying? Nah...

Specialty: He can talk to ghosts, although most of the times they were trying to talk to him. He can conduct the spiritual mind of a ghost through his body, using its talent and supernatural strengths. He can exorcise those possesed by vengeful spirits. He has a group of 3 loyal ghosts that always follow him, being his eyes and ears, but he never reveal their identities. In cases such as his spirit followers, he was so used to them that he can sometimes manifest ectoplasmic weapons that they used when alive.

Weakness: He has a very hard time shutting the ghosts out, which seriously affecting his concentration and attention span. He's immune to possession by demons though, having plenty of ectoplasm within his soul that threatens to choke off any demon stupid enough to try. He can be very biased when it comes to personal matters, and unless it hurt others, his decisions can be selfish.



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< Name >
Årethusa "Aretha" Knox

< Description > A stammering woman who has met her 21st birthday in a row. There are many things to know about her and many things that should never be revealed. But let's start with the basics, shall we?

Aretha is of Irish heritage, notably by her green eyes and slight accent that followed her from her homeland. Now, there are times when she comes of as intimidating. Not for her personality but for the fact when she's in discussion or in tuned with her naturally born gifts of spirit-talking her eyes change to scarlet. And somehow that scares people, odd really. She stands at the height of five' six", with a more or less, unshapely body. Which could be the reason why some would think of her as a male from a distance. To hide this fact, she'll wear over-sized sweaters. Her hair falls down to her shoulders, some strands curled while others not, though on some days when complete exhaustion has taken over, her hair is seemingly longer than that of usual. Where some of her curls brush against her neck, a dull ragged scar can be seen across her throat. Aretha wears red glasses, since she isn't much of a fan for contacts and becomes irritable when her eyes burn from the uncomfortable disturbance of a foreign object. She is of pale complexion due to not exactly being a very outdoorsy gal, rather staying inside her home with a protective barrier surrounding the yard. And to think, some people actually call her freaky.

A misconception of the truth really.


< Role > Medium Extraordinaire and Séance Holder; basically your friendly neighborhood spirit communicator among other gifts that associate with such.

< Current Personality > Aretha is one of the most kindest people you'll ever meet. She's helpful, patient, and understanding. Though she has a problem speaking and communicating properly (lung issues, habitual stammering, et al.), and whatnot, she intends to try speak her mind on whatever she feels input is needed. Being maternal, domestic with a love to nurture others, she can sometimes act like a mother. She is overly sensitive, easily hurt and prone to brooding. Even so, Aretha finds it easy to be sympathetic to others and are quick to show her


< Previous Personality > Aretha was a crybaby as a child. In fact, at times she still is emotionally insecure. She was teased by children for being shy and always bursting into tears when someone said something negative of the sort. At the age of 7, . . . some things happened that caused Aretha to lose her voice temporarily and she became a mute during that course of her life time. Being unable to talk, she became very fussy when no one could understand her. Becoming anti-social, she would not bother trying to speak nor draw out her thoughts. Instead she kept herself and her feelings closed up until finally she would go into a fit of rage. She would throw violent temper tantrums to the point were her parents decided she needed professional help among other things.

< Spiritual Beliefs > Spiritualism

► A belief in spirit communication.

► A belief that the soul continues to exist after the death of the physical body.

► Personal responsibility for life circumstances.

► Even after death it is possible for the soul to learn and improve

► A belief in a God, often referred to as "Infinite Intelligence".

► The natural world considered as an expression of said intelligence.

< Specialty > ✓Specters; in other simpler terms: Ghosts/Spirits

✓Celtic Mythology

✓ Spanish Mythology

< Weakness > Aliens and Demons. Honestly, she can't stomach either very well. Aliens are interesting but she has no liable knowledge of how to deal with the sort. And demons, lets just say she despises them just as much a reptiles. Which in case your wondering, is allot.

< Other > Aretha owns a cat, that has it's own gifts. Such as speaking and on the side note of being a ghost. Duran is a ghost which had possessed a passing animal. Sadly in turn, this meant the cat's soul had to be pushed out since two souls have a difficult time remaining in one body. Duran is very private about his past and sometimes makes very sinister comments towards people who know about his identity. He hates being held but will make exceptions for some of Aretha's friends and herself.



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Name: Kenia S. Rian


Kenia has a very feminine face, with soft features, big caramel, golden honey hued eyes. This along with his slight curves and the strange habit of cross dressing, always wearing dresses, and clothing made for females in every time period except futuristic themed clothing and anything from gets him mistaken for a woman. His hair is a dark shade of brown, but not quiet chocolate, but more like the color of rich soil. And is cut so it goes an inch or two pass his jaw. Kenia's hair is slightly curly, more like strong waves than anything else.

His skin is a shade somewhere between pale and lightly tanned. Kenia is also around 6'0 and weighs 172 lbs, and has a very skinny frame, but he does manage to have some hip even if it is a very small amount of it.(ignore the chest in this pic, he is flat as a board.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Miki.jpg.84bc2bd970dd8df14fd3e319edfe4ed0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Miki.jpg.84bc2bd970dd8df14fd3e319edfe4ed0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Technical engineer, Part time Secretary, and Shaman (He is kinda like a witch doctor)

Current Personality (make sure they have character flaws and make room for their weaknesses.):

Kenia in one word is can be called eccentric, because he always seems to be filled with a flirtatious energy in which no one is safe. When Keania wants to flirt he will flirt with you, no matter your gender, race, age, or marital status. It is just who he is. He also seems to have a Debonair air that, elegant and fine almost queenly you could say. But he is also a complete free spirit, and doesn't really believe in personal space, like at all. It seems to go well with his "sexy imagination" as he calls it

That's right he is a flirtatious, dirty minded cross dresser. Who if I might add doesn't seem understand the concept of personal space. Your welcome world! I hope you enjoy him. But that isn't all that he is. Kenia is also quiet loyal, and can sometimes have a know it all attitude. Along with being controlling. Sometimes he just likes stuff to be a certain way, and people just can't do it right. But he knows the right time to be mature and when to joke around, even if he has the bad habit of laughing when he is nervous.

He is also one to hold a grudge, and will become completely apathetic when he is upset with you, refusing to even make eye contact with the person who is upsetting him.

Previous Personality (if they've changed since ppl knew them):

Kenia hasn't changed much, besides his name, and clothing of course. He use to go by Johnson, but when he decided to stop hiding the fact that he rather liked acting like a woman he came out of his shell, became more talkative and less closed off.

Spiritual Beliefs (If any, if there are none, put 'materialist'):


Specialty: (Specifically either Ghosts, Aliens, or Demons. Should tie in with above.)

Demons. Kenia works rather well with demons and spirits such as Gaki's (Spirits of greed, or evil) with are like demons, because of his ability to sense, and seen them. Even though it does take some concentration to do so.

He can summon demons and spirits, but it takes concentration, and a different ritual depending on how powerful the being is, and how reluctant it is.

He also knows how to bind them, but again it takes a ritual and concentration, along with precise incantations.

Weakness: (Give a weakness to their specialty as well as choosing one of the generalized 3 as the one that they have little experience/capability in investigating.)

He is highly sensitive to possession from ghost and demons. He is best with demons, he can sense and see ghost but it is like talking on the phone with bad connection, or looking at a fuzzy photograph. Demons are clears as crystal though

(Well here you are @Killigrew I hope you accept and like him.)



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