Story Prepare To Die (Me x My PS3)

Aperire Animo

For all of you who talked with me on this idea, here it is.

And for you who have come here from the boredom, scrolling the main page for something to do, say or even slap with a wet fish, I bring you a Fan-Based Role Play of one of the most challenging and merciless games in the world...

Dark Souls

For those of you who are new to the gaming world and have not heard of the unforgiving game in the past...

I literally just checked the back of the game case and it doesn't have a synopsis so we're going to have to do it the hard way:

Watch this: [media]

That's right, I'm not explaining that shit, it's too damn long.

This game is long, hard, challenging, take that how you will, you don't have to be the best to take it on. But by god do you have to be one persistent son of a Lassie.

I would have liked to make a 'Let's Play' of this but I have neither the recording equipment or the ability to wait for the internet speed to render and upload...

So I bring you this Role Play.

A Role Play that will replicate every clink of my armour,

every swing of my sword,

every monster I encounter,

every stupid bloody mistake that gets me killed.

Yes my fellow RP lovers, this game is one where a kill counter is not only necessary but runs out of room to fit the number on the screen.

I hope you enjoy my Role Play Play Through of Dark Souls.

For those of you interested this thread will updated once a day AT THE VERY LEAST.

Though what time is varied on how my sleeping arrangements and me co-operate.

[Please do not post replies or comments in the thread. If you'd like to ask me a question or talk about a topic involved, feel free to message me privately and I'll respond as soon as I can.]
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I stepped forward into the light, I was a knight, dressed head to toe in fine armour.

Nothing remained in my memory but pain, I could not remember.

Where I was, why he was here, or even my name...

I examined the room I was in, the walls make of a black stone, the floor and walls were damp. There was an opening in the ceiling for light but nothing more. I turned around and come to the haunting realisation.

The rusted bars, the faulty hinges, the dusted and darkened hallway ahead. I was in prison.

I sat myself in the corner of my cell, looking around for something that could remind me of... anything.

No such luck. I leaned my head against the wall, turning it to one side I noticed a white marking on the wall, upon further inspection I realised it was a name someone had written on the wall... Arthur.

I pondered for a moment what it meant until I thought to check my pockets, clutching at straws in hope of an answer. After checking my person, I found only three things;

Firstly a broken sword, snapped a mere 6 inches from the handle. The second was a metal black spherical object, with a large fuse on the top, something that would be later referred to as 'The Black Firebomb'.

Lastly I held a small stone in the palm of my hand, with one side covered in scratches. To test my theory my I used the stone in attempt to draw a short line on the wall, it worked!

With the same colour and texture as the written name, and then it came to me, my name...


Now I knew my name there was nothing left to do, slouching back into the corner I closed my eyes for a moment. THUD! Opening my eyes, I looked across the room to the severely rotting corpse, dressed in what seemed to be a large tattered loincloth, now lying in the centre of my cell.

Looking up at the whole from which it dropped, another knight, dressed in armour in better condition than my own. He stayed there for a moment in a crouched position, resting his hands on his knees, he stood up and walked away. The questions of his identity had to wait, something glistened on the corpses clothing and since a dead body was dropped into the cell with me it had to be of some importance.

I stood up and walked over, checking the belt that held the fabric, I picked off a key. With instinct I stood and moved toward my cell door, with a strong twist of the rusted key in the further rusted lock, a metallic click was heard. I pushed on the door and it swung open with an eerie whine. I was free!
I paused a moment as I took in the sight. Dark and damp, a theme I was quickly becoming accustom to. I took my first step toward freedom, if not for sounds and sights; I would have sighed in relief and took my time enjoying the moment more.

But alas I could hear the moaning of the other prisoner in one of the many cells, his hands wrapped around the bars, pulling and pulling in sheer dumb luck for the door to open. One other prisoner was actually free, standing in the corridor leaning his head against the wall in distress. The thought occurred to me to test me very broken sword in case this one had turned to attack me. I moved my arm towards the handle and kept walking past.

As I pasted the many cells the smell grew worse, the mere stench of the rotting prisoners around here was enough to nauseate me. While stalking the shadowed corridor I examined the other ‘prisoners’. If I had not known better I would have said they were corpses, living corpses.

Maybe this demented place was getting to me a little more than I realised. Reaching the end of the corridor, I entered a circular room no bigger than my cell but it was high. Looking up I noticed light, very recognisable as daylight. I could smell even fresher air than that from my ceiling window. The ladder used to reach the light was old and rusted. I wouldn’t know if it could even support my body until it was too late. But I’d be damned if not to try.

Stepping on the ladder my hands pulling me higher, maybe it was safe. Almost halfway and I could feel the breeze of outside air against my face.

I climbed up off the ladder and wiped the dust from my hands. I walked out of the room and into a small open courtyard. I looked around there was no sign of danger, I walked further and noticed a bonfire build just in the middle of the grass. Reaching it I lit the fire and decided to rest, sit down and take in my situation. Though I was free I still felt cold, but thankfully something was going right for me. As I rested at the fire I felt somewhat uplifted, like my energy once diminished was returning. I looked ahead to a large castle structure, the doors still intact. Maybe further salvation lied within?

I lifted myself up from the ground and moved forward. Walking up the few steps I examined the door, it seemed to be in good shape and condition for something with age as old as the walls that supported it. I placed my right hand on one door and my left hand on the other, building the strength up inside me. Slowly but surely I pushed heavy doors open revealing a large open room, walking up to the middle.

With a CRASH! It appeared...

The Asylum Demon...
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I looked out over the large room; I would imagine it would have been banquet hall or something of the sort. It was as old as everything else I had come across so far, yet fashionable. It was missing a roof but I didn't really mind the breeze that much right now, it had columns along the side creating a small path along the walls separated from the main of the room while in perfect view.

One thing that caught my eye was the vases. There were so many of them, one not too far from the other, not so many in the centre and such but more between and around the columns.

There were at least thirty if not more, not to be confused with my idea of them, I wasn't a particular fan nor did I have interest but they were nice, almost half my size in height and were a light beige colour.

Taking my eyes from the vases I looked to the opposite end of the room, another set of doors, similar to the ones I had just pushed through but were made of a strong metal instead of wood. I took another step forward, an almighty beast came crashing down from the sky, a hideous, obese and foul smelling monstrosity.

The creature was huge; at least 5 times the size of me, its skin was a rough dark-green colour, its legs and arms weren't in full proportion with its body, they were short and stubby. Its head was… terrifying, jagged rotting teeth leading to the large fangs either side, with the size of creature, and the size of me, those fangs were almost as big as my forearm. The skin or his upper-lip seemed to be stretched up to his nose revealing his mouth. As I looked closer I noticed the wings on his back, or what was left of them. The wing itself seems to be just thin overlays of its skin, held high with the brittle bones reaching out over his sides. The most fearsome thing about the creature was the weapon it was wielding. A great hammer with a long rod, a rough and jagged cylinder-based shape on the end. I knew if that object hit me, especially with the creature’s brute strength, I would surely be crushed.

I wasn't sure at the time what it could have been, but I knew I was in no condition to fight it. Now was the time to move, the demon flapped his wings and lifted his body into the air a few meters from the ground. Lifting his hammer into the air, I rolled to the side and into one of the vases. I began to realise that they would become a problem when running from this thing. I ran forward and toward the doors at the end of the room.

Slam! The floor shook furiously, the hammer shattered the tiles beneath me as I ran on. I quickly made my way toward the door, as soon as I took hold of the handle, I pulled and pulled.

It didn't work, I tried to opposite and pushed hard on the door, still nothing.

After all that it was locked, I turned back to see where the demon was. The hammer was swinging toward me fast. I jumped and rolled to one side, there had to be another way out, I couldn't die in this room. I looked around and there it was. An open door way to the side of the room, hidden behind the columns and vases, I ran on jumping out of the way of another floor-smashing attack from the demon. I sprinted as fast as I could but my energy was quickly depleting . I made it toward the columns but the vases were still blocking my I felt the steps of the demon behind me, running around the vases I manage to roll into the doorway, the falling gate mechanic slammed shut behind me. With what I felt like half of my life diminished, I was alive,

for now.

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