Prelude Final: To Answer the Call [Indiana Jones and the Book of Three Circles]


A few generations ago, the city of Five Lion Lodge sat at the edge of the jungle on the Mangrove River, but the loggers have pushed the local jungle back considerably since leaving the sorcerers struggling to make the resultant land sustainable to non-jungle crops.

Trade Factol Parish, it is said, purchased a comprehensive crop rotation plan from Salt Sorrow, owner of the Seven Fingers Delta Plantaton and Trading Post up the river in the jungle that involved juggling native and foriegn crops localy with wind breaks, bumper crops, spells and prayers, and large tracts of 'fallow forests' that allowed the logging operations to never move further into the jungle than a day's ride from the city by replanting and rotating. The monumental sum paid by the already nigh beggared Trade Factol for the plan allowed the already well to do Salt Sorrow to elevate himself to "Baron of Mongoose Mangroves," a freeman worked plantation so vast none has successfully contested it's status as a Barony. Trade Factol Parish's has done well over the last 40 years as well. The text on the city notes that his specialty line of d'jala concubines had been the sole product available for expxort during those hard times, and on their profits alone did Factol Parish feed, clothe, and defend the people of his city.

Entering the city on the twentieth of Resplendent Earth one can see that old Factol Parish has done well in the 40 years since. Men, it is the norm, wear sheer cotton pantaloons, women usually short skirts of the same with a bit up top (depending on which of the two surounding cultures of 'civilized' folk, a tight band or a sheer fluttery pannel). A hodgepodge of slaves weaves through the streets as well, little different than their masters at a glance save that the iron collared--who often bare the marks of old criminal lashings--carry no knives while the silver collared--who do not, but might bare battle scars--carry small, serviceable tools as opposed to the daggers most men and many women walk with. No free person goes without a small expression of resalable fashion in the form of silver with a few small gems. They are clean, healthy, and their shoes recently renewed. Most bare to boot a minor talisman or two apropriate to the dangers that concern them, disease, pregnancy, battle, bad luck, poison, drunkeness...

The roads are quality second age pavement. The homes are teakwood and expensive tile. Though most locals care not a whit for the frequent cooling rains (and how it makes their sparse clothing translucent) a goodly number of shops carry umbrellas. To the typical northerner, the heat is that of an oven. To the typical southerner, the humidity is like breathing water.

Inquiries at the docks reveal that two major caravans are going to Mongoose Mangroves this season. Trade Factol Wedge out of the Verengian City States they missed 5 days ago, but Trade Factol Seresen Cotton's wagons came not long ago, and will be loading onto ships tomorrow.
We have come here at the call of Defies the Darkness to meet with other persons of power whom we hope might have the strength, working together, to put the dead to rest and protect the future from unatural plauge and more unatural foe.

The citties inn is the Dockside Guesting House, acomadations ranging from common to private. Though for a proper get together party a single resources 3 expense could buy the entire group Guest of Honor status at Factol Paris's compound.
Defies-the-Darkness hated the hot humidity of the Southeastern jungles, remembering the days of yore when sky mantises kept the weather pleasant without depriving the foliage of its lush green hue. Her silks clung to her slender body and she had been forced to trade a minor artefact for new ones of light colours which prevented the heat from bringing her to her knees. Cho didn't seem to mind the weather but hated the wetness, leaving the Twilight to speculate the God-Blooded slave girl was of fiery ancestry. Or just contrary.

Her room at the inn was a tiny cubbyhole and despite Cho's offers, Defies refused to use the girl's services to acquire a better room. They fit in together, sharing the same pallet, and if anyone assumed otherwise than just sleeping going on, the pale thaumaturge summoned ancestral ghosts to haunt them.

She was dreadfully overcharged on the substandard fare, but she really didn't know any better. If she did, there would be ghosts to pay.
Steel Avalanche had heeded the call after the lieutenant he had left in charge of his Steel Dragons had contacted him with a matter of some urgency. Deciding that discretion was necessary, he left his signature weapon with his wife while he entered. Gods knows, Steel Avalanche was a mountain of muscle already.

OOC: Sorry about taking so long to respond, I have been waiting on the boss to help me finish the character given the alteration in the character creation rules (since I have never played an Exalted Game that ever lasted more than a few posts).
Defies-the-Darkness hated the hot humidity of the Southeastern jungles, remembering the days of yore when sky mantises kept the weather pleasant without depriving the foliage of its lush green hue. Her silks clung to her slender body and she had been forced to trade a minor artefact for new ones of light colours which prevented the heat from bringing her to her knees. Cho didn't seem to mind the weather but hated the wetness, leaving the Twilight to speculate the God-Blooded slave girl was of fiery ancestry. Or just contrary.
Her room at the inn was a tiny cubbyhole and despite Cho's offers, Defies refused to use the girl's services to acquire a better room. They fit in together, sharing the same pallet, and if anyone assumed otherwise than just sleeping going on, the pale thaumaturge summoned ancestral ghosts to haunt them.

She was dreadfully overcharged on the substandard fare, but she really didn't know any better. If she did, there would be ghosts to pay.
As Defies settled into a peaceful sleep, Cho rolled over in the bed and her eyes opened. Glowing a cool blue as they always did in the near absence of light, her kiss me lips smiled contentedly as she watched Defies the Darkness slip into the peace of sleep.

Very slowly the red haired girl's own glowing eyes fluttered closed as she followed.
Lieutenant Yular lead his captain to the riverside in. "I've made contact with Defies the Darkness's retainer, sir. Pretty lass named Cho. Fiery girl, if you take my meaning, sir. Wore a bit of red. Seems that despite being Heaven's own wrath to the unclean among the dead, she's having some money problems. I covered the private dining room myself. Eight other 'dignitaries' are hoped for, sir, if you take my meaning. If you sprang for lunch they'd surely take it kindly, all I managed was the room and a few bottles of rice wine."
"Good man Yular." Steel Avalanche said. "One imagines the cost of fighting that which has nothing to defend. I'm sure the least I can do is pay for lunch."
In the dim light of the smallest private room, Cho touched Defies the Darkness on the shoulder and spoke gently. "Mistress. i have taken the liberty of preparing a bath for us down the hall before the lunch meeting."
More used to nocturnal pursuits, Defies groaned and rolled over, placing a pillow over her head to ignore Cho. But the God-Blood wouldn't be denied and soon the hapless Twilight found herself hip deep in tepid water with her back being washed by Cho. Then, of course, Cho insisted on laying out pale, lightweight robes that were gauzy enough to make her feel uncomfortable. The pleading in the girl's eyes was enough to make Defies do as requested, which led to her white-blonde hair being piled up into a knot and secured with polished bamboo skewers, and her eyes being painted with kohl made from lamp-soot...

Then Cho used the remnants of the water to clean herself and get ready in her scanty silks. Defies decided to run her mind over what she recalled of Rathess, because there were some bad memories there...
That must be them.

Iris watched warily as the two women proceeded away from her and down the hallway, being careful to remain out of sight. She didn't quite want to introduce herself until the meeting, so as to avoid attracting unwanted attention. She wasn't as comfortable as she could be, meeting in a place like this, but she had managed to stay out of sight from the villagers and patrons of the inn to this point. Her master had sent her to meet this Defies the Darkness and assist her in his stead, and as little as she liked working with others, she did not intend to refuse. And admittedly, being with others similar to herself wouldn't be too bad...

Having sighted her target, Iris slipped away to the meeting room to await the appointed time.
A moment after White Iris got back to the biggest private dining room, five soldiers and their captain entered, followed by two wenches with trays of light wines and cordials and punches. Two scantily clad slaves of various regional origin followed, one a man, one a women, and sat down baskets of bread and fresh churned butter.
Iris stood at the back of the room, watching the newcomers hesitantly. She didn't say anything, merely waiting for them to react to her presence first. Her master was counting on her for this job, after all, and social niceties weren't her strong point.
Aria had enjoyed the trip south, but now the heat was getting to her. Already she had removed almost all that was available and left her appropriate, and still she was uncomfortable. She was getting dangerously close to being unseemly when the town inn finally came into view. Aria dismounted before the inn, her retinue taking her reins. Five others have come with her, warriors all, though each with their unique talents. She also had her pets and bodyguards, they were outside town for the most part. Only Bria Soft Spoken moved as to follow and was allowed. Leading the way, Bria opened the door and passed inside first, the breeze off the Dragonblooded holding the lingering wicksmoke at bay from her and her mistress. Aria followed in the wake of the Dragon as one would an escort.

Aria was robed in a clean white doe leather overcloak that covered her shoulder to heel, her sandals peeking from beneath showed feet that were accustomed to walking and work. Her golden hair draped over her shoulders to sway deeply along the base of her spine. Aria held her shoulders up, but not rigid, drawing her buxom back and up. A large covered package swayed back and forth across Aria's back. Mixed in her hair were braids and feathers of several types of northern bird ranging from the small thrush, to the larger snow owl. The clink of metal on metal could be heard from beneath the robes.

Bria spoke with the innkeep and led the way to the meeting space, drawing back the door Bria allowed Aria to enter first then followed on her left. Before deciding the place was safe Aria scanned the room, eyes darting systematically over the room. Finally turning to confer with Bria in a whispered tone. "I am Aria, Binder of the Five Tribes, I have come in response to the summons from Defies the Darkness. How may I daughter of the Marath Riders, be of assistance.

Aria feels her eyes drawn to the shadows across the room, a beauty stands there, patiently awaiting the commencement of the meeting. With a nod of her head, Aria smiles as though to an old friend, the look and gesture are as to say to White Iris, Have we met?
"You could wait until I am in the room?" said a woman's cold, clear voice as she entered. Defies-the-Darkness was a pale woman with white-blonde hair and grey eyes, wrapped in gauzy silk robes; her attendant was a redhead with blue eyes who was obviously some kind of God-Blood.

"Thank you for coming, regardless. I am Defies-the-Darkness, incarnation of Pleasant Clouds, who died in Rathess. This is my friend Cho."
Steel Avalanche went to the meeting, leaving his honor guard with his wife at their suite. He then went to the room, with several courses ordered to be delivered by his men.

The mountain of man known as Steel Avalanche has to duck in order to enter the room. Upon discerning that he is in the correct location, he introduces himself, "Good day all. I am Steel Avalanche, Commander of the Steel Dragons, Slayer of Armies and Scourge to the Threats to Creation. I heed the call of Defies the Darkness. What great danger needs my attention?"
The southern man who entered next was lithe and nimble compared to Steel Avalanche's mountain of bulging manly power. He had light brown skin lightly scarred--heavy over one eye, and golden-brown eyes. Silver tatoos adorned his visible body. Swords crossed at the back of his waist behind his plain tan desert robes, open somewhat i front to bare a bit of chest, and a mospid, feathered and scaled, perched on his shoulder.

"Good afternoon and peace favor you. My name is Haroun Thuban Rivermaker. If it is easier in a meeting of foriegn tongues, I will answer to Aaron. My teacher bid me come."
"By the way, I understand that our reception is critically under-catered. Several of my men will be here shortly with a several course meal for all expected to show up." Steel Avalanche said. "Booze and classier forms of booze will be available for those who want."
As the dinner arrived, Cho served Defies the Darkness a plate of things she knew her mistress liked and set it before her. There was a light smattering of imported fair along with fried plantains, frog legs in a spicy red sauce, and peppery lizard meat, and a roast beef. Papaya and kiwi and bannas were the local fruits of the season most identifiable, though there was also a flat bread with a dip unknown to outsiders, and the servants knew no name for it outside of the local dialects. There was also an orange tuber in honey, they called it a candied yam, for desert.

"I wish to seek out and restore Rathess as a base against the Deathlords," Defies answered as she took a seat. "I admit that in my youth, before and after Exaltation, I served the Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears. Now... I wish to destroy her and her ilk."

Defies didn't argue with someone footing the bill for the food. She had little money after all. "What I lack in material wealth, I make up for in knowledge, especially of the Art of the Dead. I am also practiced in the Laughing Wounds Style... And I have Cho, who is God-Blooded. What resources have you all brought?"
"I have substantial wealth to my name, a small army of Tiger Warriors, command experience, my wife Delilah who is a lovely sorceress, an axe forged from the jawbone of a Behemoth, and plenty of training on how to use it." Steel Avalanche boasts.
A slight figure stands next to Defies the Darkness, appearing seemingly from nowhere. "I hope I'm not too late for this meeting, got delayed a bit on the road." As she speaks, she moves closer to the light, and you can see a lithe woman, with creamy skin, and a lush black hair falling in locks around her head, wearing tight clothes of a myriad of colors and patterns, her mouth is smiling, and her voice slightly seductive, and her features seem attractive, if exotic, despite the fact that she seems to be a native of the Scavenger Lands.

She then turns to Defies the Darkness "Working against the Deathlords is dangerous job, care to elaborate more on what we are to do?"
"May I, mistress?" Cho inquired, and she waited politely for the nod.

* * *

"Before Defies the Darkess won me from a Death Knight of the Lover Clad in a Rainment of Tears, I was forced to endure many hardships. In an attempt to make me despair of life, he took me to the beautiful golden Cauldron the love displayed in her great hall and made me witness the horrors of the great contagion within it.

"Many months of research in Great Forks, with the sponsorship of their benficent gods, permited me to discover that the cauldron was called a Pheonix Cauldron. It was made in the first age to create medecine, but we are certain that this one made the Great Contagion itself. it is our hope to find another one in Rathless that we might be able to counteract any further plagues the Deathlords unleash."
Tilting her head slightly to the side, as she considered the words, the woman gives a small bow. "Then I will do my best to aid you, for it is none other than Spinner of Glorious Tales who sent me to aid you in this. My name is Shimmering Kiss, and I'm well trained in inflitration and social events."

I wonder who are these people, the one with moonsilver tattos is obviously a Lunar, are the rest of them Lunars, or are they Solars? this could be very interesting.

Channelig some of her essence through her eyes, she allows herself to more easily see flows of essence, to be better informed about the capabilities of some of her companions, should they decide to make use of the Charms they wield.


Spending 4 personal motes on Instinctive Essence Prediction.
Tossing back the folds of her cloak Aria displays intricate orichalcum bracers from elbow to wrist depicting harvest time and fields being gathered by great beasts as the winter snows cover the empty fields close behind them. About her neck lay a myriad of miniscule plates of orichalcum in a brilliant and pristine geometric pattern of hexagons and circles. Nowhere in the pattern is there a place for the eye to rest, much less a mote of dust or water. across her shoulders under the cloak is a wolf fur mantle, that matches in color to the northern snow owl feathers in her hair. A low cut halter of bleached doe skin bares her midriff, well framed by the white wolf fur leggings that end in a pair of mospid scale boots.

"I am Aria for you who have just arrived, I have been called Quill of Heaven and Quicksilver Falcon. I am schooled in the Sorcerous Arts having mastered Beast of the Howling Winds, Techniques of Elemental Boon, Enslavement of the least demons. I also bring the support of the Northern tribes of the Marath Riders. I am a skilled archer and rider and am willing to lend the support of those who have come with me."
"What Cho said," the young woman confirmed after the God-Blood spoke. "Rathess was a major hub for the Dragon Kings and I wish to restore it as a bulwark against the Deathlords. They were responsible for the Great Contagion, as Cho said."

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