Prelude 3: Clues from the past. [Two Faces of the Wyldspan]

Red Shadow Claws

Six Thousand Club
Over there. But where is there and how will I get there? Those are the thoughts that run through Kyros`head as he tries to hold on to whatever he can find. The tiny Wyldfarer he boarded to travel to yet another world to see if he can find more clues was smashed by this last attack of the fae. He managed to thrust his blade into the fae, but it was already too late, and the Wyldfarer was broken beyond his ability to repair. He was in the Wyld still, and while the owner said that they were close, the poor mortal was now dead.
Kyros looked around as the small ship began to lose control. The pilot was dead, he was a scholar, and Talon didn't have opposable thumbs. He looked at the eagle for a quick moment, it was staring at him with his "Well do something" look. Kyros shot back a "Shut it" look before the eagle to let out a screech in protest of the turbulence. Mumbling to the eagle about his lack of opposable thumb Kyros made his way toward the controls. He probably could learn to fly one of these things, only he didn't have the time nor the motivation to do so. Well, maybe the motivation at this second, but it would pass as soon as his life was out of danger.

He respectfully pushed the pilot to the floor, well as respectfully one could shove a corpse from a seat onto a floor and take his seat. Looking around for a quick moment he hoped watching the pilot earlier would somehow give him the last bit of information he needed to at least crash this heap with a bit of dignity. "let's see, he used this", Kyros said touching the helm controls, "and this", thinking aloud as he played with the speed controls. "Well, here goes something" Kyros smiles saying to the eagle before attempting to straighten out the Wyldfarer and aim it straight for the nearest Shard. He wasn't sure if Talon actually got nervous, but Kyros liked to think he could make the eagle sweat a bit, and in return all he got back was a "Don't mess up" look from the albino.

Trying to straighten out the controls on the ship and head for the shard, preferably without blowing up

You manage to steert he ship this way and that, but appear to have little success in going anywhere. The Wyld all around seems to be draw nearer, if that is possible. Could it be that the Wyldfarer's defenses against the Wyld have been damaged?
Luckily, out of seemingly nowhere, but it could just be that you were so focused on trying to control the ship that you've failed to notice it, a larger Wyldfarer appears.

Continue in the Refugees thread...

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