Pre-Prequel: Beneficient River and Seven Blossoms [Incarnadine Waters]


The Djala are an unfortunate people, many of their numbers doomed to slavery whether it be in Varangia or elsewhere in Creation. The rest live in fear of slavery as they are plucked from their homes and sent to faraway places. Today, it is happening again. The noonday sun hangs high in the sky as the slavers begin their attack. They scatter fire arrows around the village, driving the Djala from their burning homes as horsemen charge in with nets and bolas. The slavers are just doing their job though. Most of them take little joy from hurting them, but a slave that fights back needs to be punished. They try to avoid killing any Djala they meet, telling themselves that they are guiltless if they don't kill anyone. It is still injustice.

A plume of fire smashes into the side of one of the covered carts and burns. The slavers are confused, few people bother to defend the Djala. For the sadists among these people, outside resistance is a nice chance for them to have fun. A horseman wheels about to confront their attacker, readying his bolas as another plume of fire engulfs him and his mount. Beneficent River shrugs off her cloak as she steadily strolls towards the slavers. The heat of the sun is withering, but even the elements cannot delay justice.
This is the moment, the perfect distraction. The formidable buzzard that has been tracking the slaver's caravan descents swiftly, breaking it's dive a few inches above ground. For a split second the bird hovers, then Seven Blossoms assumes a more natural form. Within a moment the bird has become a towering beast, towering, muscular and covered in dense brown fur. The beast instantly charges towards the largest group of slavers, showing off huge carnivore's teeth with a mischievous grin.

And, like so many times in nature, the hunters have become the hunted. Luna and her children understand the essence of change.

Most of the slavers or slaves-to-be don't initially seem to know what to do, but those obviously in harms way either scatter or raise their arms to kill or be killed. Not like they have a choice anymore. "It's time to pay!" the beast shouts, with a surprisingly soothing and feminine voice.
River notices the new arrival, somewhat shocked by its transformations, but she remembers the Golden Lord's words of the shapeshifters. They could be great allies. She smirks as she realizes she has help.

She strides forward, more confident as ever. She kills a slaver with each stride. Their flaming bodies drop to the sand, and she doesn't waste shots on the fallen. One by one she kills those that fight back. Eventually, only a fraction of their original number lives, having surrendered to the two supernatural fighters. River is tempted to execute the remaining ones. It would be justice after all. Surrender does not exonerate them of their crimes, but it would be better to talk with her potential ally first.

"Your assistance is appreciated stranger. I am Beneficent River."
The ravaging beast only stops slashing, tearing, and dicing after there's nothing left to even remotely offer up any kind of resistance. It seems like all the slavers are either dead, incapacitated or have fled. As Seven Blossoms fells the last enemy in sight with a forceful kick of her ferocious Lunar Hero Style, she finally allows herself to pay closer attention to her unexpected ally.

She assumes a less threatening form, her own face and body from before her exaltation. A young woman clad in purple silk, the her mouth covered by a near transparent silken veil.

Surprised and confused she stares at Beneficent River for a couple of moments. She just can't shake the feeling that she's seen that woman before. "I am Seven Blossoms", she finally responds, "I didn't expect any help on this one. Are you from around here?"
"How perceptive of you. Yes, I am not from here, I've come from An-Teng." She reloads her weapons before holstering them.

River briefly considers disposing of the bodies with the power given to her by the Unconquered Sun, but that can wait until later.

"I am an ally of all those who seek or uphold justice. Judging by your work," she gestures at Seven Blossoms' work, "I take it that you detest slavery."
"You don't seem too dull yourself", Blossoms replies with a smirk, "and you are right of course. These people endure enough hardships without having to worry about the mindless greed of..." She interrupts herself when she takes a look around. Most of the villagers seem to have fled or barricaded themselves within their homes, and yet none of theme dare approach the exalts.

"Maybe we should leave these people be. If there's another raid coming, I'll hear of it in time... And the last thing these people need now is the Wyld Hunt." Blossoms shakes her head. "They're afraid of us. Anathema, they call us... They've been taught to know nothing for centuries." She's still not sure what to make of her ally, but can't shake the feeling of familiarity...
Although River is not afraid of the Wyld Hunt, Seven Blossoms does have a point. The village is devastated and the last thing they need are Immaculates and Terrestrials poking around.

"You are quite right. But we cannot just leave these slavers here. They have surrendered but there's no guarantee they'll behave themselves once we're gone."

She kneels, touching a corpse. Her caste mark briefly appears as the corpse shatters into golden sparks.
"I say we leave their fate for the villagers to decide. The slavers were seeking to decide theirs after all." Blossoms looks at the slavers with a mischievous grin. The villagers probably won't show any mercy, and neither would she in their position. If it doesn't hurt enough the first time, there would always be more.

Then the Solar's castemark flares up and she instantly stops. She's heard rumors of the Solars returning, but she's never actually seen one. "I think now I understand... What's your next move?"
River finishes with another corpse before straightening up.

"Mask of Winters. There is justice to be had in the Scavenger Lands and I intend to destroy him."

She disposes of another slaver's body, "what will you do? Hunt more slavers?"
Blossoms shrugs. "I don't know. While someone should hunt those dogs down... It really doesn't help much, they'll just send more. I was thinking about going after those responsible... But the Mask of Winters - I've heard rumors. The Scavenger Lands are an important stage anyway... The only place where there's a chance to erect a bulwark against the Realm, but" she pauses. "I just don't know yet. Maybe Chirascoru... Maybe even Nexus?" She shakes her head. Should she just follow the stranger? She can't even tell why she would do such a thing, yet it just popped into her mind.
"I'm not foolish to think I can do it alone or unprepared," River smiles. She turns, extending her hand, "how about we fix the South first? It would be nice to have some friends to bring along against the Mask of Winters."
The whole situation is absurd. Seven Blossoms has never seen that girl before. Sure, she attacked the same people, but that doesn't make them best friends, yet... She still can't shrug the feeling something's off. But her curiosity usually gets the better of her, so she nods with a friendly smile. "Where do you propose we start?"
"Well, the Varang treat the Djala as slaves, so that would be a good place to start. On the other hand, it will be difficult to rid them of prejudice and wholesale slaughter isn't going to solve a thing..." She's deep in thought, murmuring, "Chiaroscuro is a satrap so it would be a strong blow to the Realm if we drive them out, but that will likely embroil the city in a war with the Realm. Many innocents would be killed and that would be an injustice."

River begins pacing, "the Kingdom of Harborhead has hatred for the Realm, and if I remember correctly, one of the powerful Gods there is an ally of the Unconquered Sun. Perhaps... No, there's no guarantee that we can trust the Gods in this. Hmm hmm..."
"I'm not one for large scale slaughter anyway... Harborhead sounds good, though. Maybe the Gods there will listen to us, if not..." Blossoms shrugs. "We can still try something else. But an ally of the Unconquered Sun sounds like an excellent start. Also, I agree to your points... Add to that, I think Chiaroscuro as a whole might be too big of a challenge. Soooo..." The Lunar smiles. "Harborhead?"

She starts off... And then realizes something, "which way is Harborhead?"

River also rummages through a small sack containing her possessions, "and do you have any water? My waterskin is empty."
"We might as well take one of the slaver's wagons. They oughta have some provisions in there, don't they?" Blossoms walks over to one of the wagons, examining it closer. "And Harborhead should be east. We could head north, though, until we meet one of the caravan routes and follow it east, so we don't get lost. I have to admit that I don't know this region all that well." She jumps aboard the wagon, peeking inside. "Ha, provisions for weeks, if not months!" She shouts excitedly.

River clambers aboard, quickly rummaging for a waterskin. She swallows the water greedily.

"Now... Do you know how to handle a wagon? I'm afraid I don't."
"Well, in theory" Blossoms smirks. She slaps the horses back with the reins and the animal reluctantly starts walking, albeit slowly. "This seems to work" she tries steering the animal, but it doesn't seem to care much for the Exalt's desires. At least the horse is following the road for now, so Blossoms leans back for now. "It's not like we could walk any faster for a whole day."

But I could fly...
"You're right. When you want to rest, just tell me and I'll take over."

Having been in the desert for... An unknown amount of time, River fills her stomach with bread and water. It's plain and not particularly good, but there's no difference for someone who is hungry.
Blossoms has had a grown hare for breakfast, and ripping apart those mortals didn't even make her sweat, so she nods to River. "All right, just pass me the water, I'm fine for the next couple of hours." The wagon rumbled slowly across the rocky path, leading north where they would hopefully cross one of the larger caravan trails.
River passes a waterskin before finding a comfortable position to lie down.

"So, how'd you come to this? How was life before?"
"Ah, that's a long story" Blossoms replied, "suffice to say, I didn't choose any of it. It chose me. But it's a chance to set things right... You?"
"It's a long story," she takes a sip, "I stood up for a cause I believed in. I expected to die for my cause but instead, I exalted. Not much else to say except that my mentor is an ally of the Unconquered Sun. Were it not for him, I would probably be dead by now."
"Mhm", Blossoms nods understandingly while drinking. "I was a slave. I've lost much, but I escaped. Maybe it's selfish of me to use my gift for revenge, but in my case... My vengeance helps a lot of people, otherwise I wouldn't do it. There's enough selfishness in the world and some people have to be taught consequences. Your kind has been absent for too long and the weak Terrestials can't keep creation safe. With what the Bull of the North has accomplished alone... I think there's much to be gained these days, who knows when again the Empire will be so unstable? I think you had the right idea with Harborhead. Maybe we could even find a safe haven there."
"The Bull of the North... I don't know what to think of him. I've heard tales of atrocities but that's probably the Realm's propaganda. I don't think Harborhead may be too safe, since it is a Realm satrapy. It's possible that we may be able to rally the people to revolt if their God supports us, but, well, I'm no general."

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