PowerxKnowledge?? (always and spack)


Today was John 6th birthday and he was very nervous. His parents got in dressed in royal silk and he wandered if this was really what he needed. He was very shy for his age and very unsure. John notice as guest began to arrive at the castle which made his nervous even worse as he slowly began to walk down.

The party had started a hour ago but everybody was still arriving from all party of the world. Today would be the day he would need to pick a friend to have with him all the time. He was not sure about this because people made him very nervous.

He eventually arrived to the party himself as his brothers were having fun with all the games that were out and all the food. John slowly began to adventure around hoping that this would be a great day because it was his birthday.

He eventually sat at his own table and watch the other kids play. He was not much for playing with other nor has had made friends yet since he is the youngest in his family and his brothers all ready have arrangements with other princess's for marriage. He was just born on a wired year so he was on his own. He just stared at his hands as he eat a little birthday cake.
Piper sat near a table toward the back. Parties were never her thing. She wanted to be out side playing or under a really nice oak tree reading. Incidentally, there was a book currently hidden under the skirt of her party dress. She was waiting for the intense gaze of her parents, mingling with the adults, to look away. After all, it was the princes birthday and they had a reputation as valued members of the kingdom to uphold. Eventually their gaze drifted away from their daughter and she carefully lifted the book out from under the soft pink lace trim of her skirt. She flipped to the appropriate page and, trying to block out the incessant noise of the children playing in front of her, she began where she had left off last night when she'd read instead of slept. The dragon was about to slay the knight and she was eager to discover whether or not he'd survived.

The courtly knight was just recovering behind a rock from a pretty nasty burn when her eyes drifted upward and she saw the uncomfortable looking young prince. She had seen him several times around the palace, but never had the courage to say hi. She looked closely at him now, her book forgotten, hoping that she could catch his eye. Wanting to wave at him.
John really did not like being around strangers because it made him very uncomfortable and not safe. He just was eating his piece of cake for slowly as he watch everybody at the party enjoy them self. It was more like a get together than his birthday in a sense. He slowly got up and went over to a pond which he watched the koe fish go by. He always like these fish since they were very pretty, colorful and they would stare at him. Most kids would be scared if fish was staring back at them but he felt a connection with the fish since they were placed in this area when he was baby. In sense he felt like it was there birthday to. He had took a little bit of bread when people were not looking and throw in small pieces into the pond so the fish could eat.

After awhile he notice as some of the guest began to leave because he would eventually have to choose but the king would tell the guest the next day who had choose. He eventually stop at sat under the tree the girl was reading. He was very lonely. He had people around him all the time but nobody really to talk to that was his age and would understand him. Most of the time his brothers like to tease him in a playful way since he was the runt of the family. He just sigh hoping this would end soon so he could go to his room. All he really wanted for his birthday was someone his age that he could enjoy.
Catching his eye wasn't working. So Piper hopped up from her spot and followed the prince to the koi pond where he was secretly feeding fishes.

She was behind him in a few seconds and she she tapped lightly on his shoulder. "Hello. I'm Piper. Happy Birthday."
John was so focused on the fish. He eventually jump a little when he was poked and jump a little away from the girl. It took him a minute to catch his breath but than he began to relax. He look at the girl and gave her a soft smile in approval. "Thank you" He said softly to her not really sure what to say to her next. "Your very pretty" he gave her a sweet comment to see what she would do since he was still learning about girls. He also remember someone telling him that they are like flowers so they should be treated nice.
Piper blushed at the Princes comment. Pretty? It was nice of him to say so. She smiled and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "Thank you."

She wasn't sure what to say next, but the boy didn't seem to want her to leave. So she went on. "Are you having a nice time? I noticed you came over here by yourself. Don't you like parties?" She could understand someone not liking parties (because she, of course, wasn't a fan herself), but she figured a prince would like them. Lots of nice presents and people to be friends with... "I don't really like them either, I'd rather be playing or reading my book." She blushed again, afraid that she was blabbering and boring him.
He look at the girl and gave her a soft smile. He than came over a grabbed her hand. He wandered what she might do since he was holding her hand."Would you play with me" he softly took out some bread and put in the free hand as he softly began to throw some into the water and watch the fish. "Where do you live?". The Prince was the most shuttle one of his family since he was the youngest. He wanted to be more active but he had no friends.
Pipers arm tingled a little at the feel of the princes hand in hers. It was true she was becoming terribly board being inside all the time with just her parents. It would be nice to have a play mate to go on adventures with. "Of course! I'd love to play with you!"

Her brow scrunched together at his second question. She would have figured that the small prince might have seen her around the castle at least once or twice. She gave a mental shrug. No matter. He was the prince after all. "I live here, in the palace. My parents are the court Wizards. They are training me to take their place someday. I'm learning a lot! I am getting really good at levitation... wanna see?" She didn't wait for him to answer. She raised her hand over the koi pond and, concentrating hard, she made some of the bread the prince had thrown in float gently off the surface of the water before letting them go slowly back down. "Neat, huh? Mom and Dad say that I will be able to do much more than that someday. Like healing and clairvoyance. Someday I'll even get my own crystal ball!" Excitement colored her voice when talking about her future.
John watch her closely as he let go of her hand. He watch her door the magic and wandered what it could be. He had no ability like that. He felt a little a shamed about not being able to do the same. He had notice that other guest had left the air and we're watching the fireworks going off but he focused on me. He wandered what emotions he could get out of this girl before think he softly kissed her on the lips before moving slowly away and watching the Koi fish. He than wandered what he should tell her. "You will be better than your parents and you will be trained by the best" he meant she would get trained by the legendary makes around the world and that he had chosen her. He slowly walk away and went to his room to watch the fire works. He was sitting in comfy chair he had by the window and watch the fireworks go off as he look at the presents every once in awhile. She would get a letter tomorrow saying she would be his playmate and her family would have honors. He just sat in his chair slowly falling a sleep from the busy day.
Piper didn't get a chance to reply before the prince, John, walked slowly away from her and back to the palace. Her face was once again warm and red in reaction to the prince, and her lips tingling from the shock of her first kiss. She wasn't at all sure what he meant by what he said. "Trained by the best"? How could he possibly know that? She shook her head to clear it, and took a few deep breaths to calm her stomach of it's butterfly's.

The fireworks were winding down and her parents were walking over to collect her. She offered them her hand and answered their questions.

Did she have a good time? Of course. Meet any of the children? Yes. Were they nice? Uh huh.

It went on like that as they made their way back to the palace, her bedtime ritual completed, and her small body got tucked safely into bed by her mother. As her eyes drooped and sleep claimed her, she was glad for some reason that she had chosen to leave the princes comments out of her recounting of her day. That was something she was going to mull over herself.

Eventually, as she looked at the stars outside her window and at the shadow of the small koi pond outside, she fell into a peaceful sleep with dreams of a prince.
Young John woke up the next morning feeling great but a little messy from how he was sleeping in the chair. He slowly adventure to his bathroom and took a nice hit shower. He enjoy this alot as his body began to relax from the nice hot water. He than slowly got dressed in some casual cloths as he slowly began to open the gifts.

After a hour of writing thank you cards he demanded his father which made his announcement which his father did not disapprove of. He than added a request which his father question him about but he told his father her was avoiding the vaule of the girl. John had lie about where she had lived because he was watching her train. His father eventually gave him and invited some lendarys wizards but she would have to choose. (Wizards both male and female))

The guards greed the door do of the family and told them they had guest this morning.

John was by the Koi pond setting his breakfast as he watched the fish. There was one bright Koi fish always stay by the surface when he was there. It was as if the two were talking with their eyes.
Piper awoke the next morning a little groggy and disoriented. She was halfway through braiding her hair down her back and fastening it with a sky blue bow to match her blue dress when her parents burst into the room, announcing that an invitation from the prince had arrived. The invitation was for her and her parents both. All the dubious Piper heard were the words "invited", "honors", and "chosen". With her name mixed in every so often.

Everything after that was a flurry of excitement and activity. They were making their way down to the area where the party had been held the night before, her parents in their best robes and Piper, though still dressed in blue, in hers. Apparently, the best Witches as Wizards in the land had been gathered for her to pick from... in order to train her... She was in shock.

Once they were outside Piper saw the a fore mentioned magical beings lined up, and the small prince standing by the koi pond. She left her parents sides and went over to him, determined to find some sort of answer to why this was happening. She took his hand, as he was still focused on the fish, and let out an exasperated sigh. "Prince John... what is going on? My parents say that I have been chosen. That you have chosen me. But for what?"
John was focused on the white Koi fish for a long time. He did not greet the wizards because that was not his job but it was his gift to her. He was going to enjoy his new playmate and wandered what she might do. Eventually he was greeted by her when she came over to question him. He slowly began to think about what she was looking for?

"Well I choose you because you seem like me and you were the only one who actually pay attention to me, also you are very pretty but I can see you being very beautiful when you are older. Also I see real talent in you and I want you to experience it with no limit"

He slowly slowly emotion her back to the wizards since this was important day. He gave her a soft hug before letting her go back to the other. He just slowly sat down and began read a letter from his teacher that had been busy recently with exploring a ancient land.
Piper was overwhelmed with the decision before her. She had been chosen as a friend to the prince? That aspect of this experience would probably be the easiest and most fun. But right now she had to choose an instructor. She was just a child and had no idea what to look for. However, she was a very wise little girl, though she may not have realized it.

She asked all the Witches and Wizards to preform certain magic and asked them all what they valued about magic. It was a question that had always perplexed her. What was valuable about magic? She got several answers about power and strength. But even people without magic had that and it wasn't, in her opinion, the most valuable thing. There was one female Witch, who impressed her though. Her name was Josephine, and she valued the knowledge one gained from magic. Expanding ones own mind and wisdom fro the sake of betterment and serving others. This was the witch Piper chose.
John watch as all the wizards and witches disappeared in till there was only one left with the family. The witch would be given all the things she needed at the school and who knows maybe a school close by or on the island in the middle of the lake. He wandered about this and he began to stroll around the castle. He had finished the letter and put on the ring that was sent to him. Little did he know that the ancient ring he had received from his friend would be his downfall later. This wrong posses demonic energy which would slowly twist his mind or eventually bend to his will.

John went back to his room and went into the garden in the middle of the castle. He sat in it and began to think of what he should do today since his friend would be busy he was guessing on the first day. John really wanted to play but he had nobody to play with right now. He just stare at the ring as if it was talking to him. He eventually snap out of it around lunch time. He began to look around the garden very confused.

He went to giant dining room which he notice his friend was eating lunch. He slowly sat next to her with his meal being brought out to him .He was really not sure what to say to her. "Umm hi?" He said shyly to her.
Piper smiled at her new friend. "Hi!" She was in an excellent mood. after the stress of the moment disappeared and she was left with her new teacher, she became animated and excited at the thought of being taught so may new things. She knew she would thrive under the tutelage of her new instructor. "I didn't see you around anywhere after I chose my instructor. I figured you might stick around to approve my choice or something. Seeing as how you are the reason I have her. Thank you, by the way, she's wonderful." She could feel herself babbling. "How are you doing?" She asked as lunch was handed to Prince John by a few nameless servants.
John stared at her for a long time before focus on the food. He just was not sure about everything because he felt a little sick. This was just the starting effects of the ring that was on his hand. He just slowly began to eat the food and wandered. He than smiled at her slowly and saw that nobody was in the room. He softly kiss her check to see how she might react. "You know you don't need my approval. I just want you to be happy and able to enjoy life" He just began to dig into his food again. He stop after the time and look at her. He gave her a big smile before stopping to ask her question. "Would you like to play with me when your done with your training today?" He hope she would say yes because he was lacking the interaction since his parents were busy and he really had nobody. He may be a prince but he had a very lonely life.
Piper still wasn't growing accustomed to the princes random acts of affection, having never really experienced anything like them before.

"I would love to play with you. I finish in a few hours. Would you like to meet somewhere?" She sat and ate slowly for a moment, pondering the kiss while awaiting his answer. Finally (though it had only been a few seconds) she couldn't take it any longer and had to ask. "Why do you kiss me so much? I can't figure it out..." She blushed, unsure if her question was out of order or not.
John did not want to answer the 2nd question but he would answer the first question. "Please come to my room when you are done, as for the kiss you will eventually figure it out since you seek knowledge" He also loved to tease her a little. He eventually finished her food and kiss her hand softly before leaving the room. He was having trouble getting up the stairs because he felt the lack of energy. He eventually reached his room and took of the ring when inside. He placed it into his night stand . He felt as if he needed a little space from it. He eventually lay down on his bed and took his small nap well watched for his friends. He had no idea that the ring had disappear or was going to it true master.

John eventually woke up later that day and it was the evening. He had dinner brought to his room and made it large so he could share it with piper. He wanted to play with her and treat her special.
Piper spent all that day after lunch learning about wonderful types of magic. She hadn't attempted anything yet. She'd mostly had her nose stuck in a book. Josephine said tomorrow they would try some of the concepts she'd learned. Like teleportation. She was mentally exhausted from the days activities and was ready to wind down and play with the perplexing prince.

She'd been thinking about the comments he had made earlier at lunch and the only theory she could come up with was that he was flirting with her. But that couldn't be so... she just didn't know what to think about it all. She was excited to have a friend though. She was tired of spending all her time with her parents or in books. She was ready for the companionship of someone her age.

Piper made her way up to the Princes room, feeling slightly hungry. She knocked on the door and waited for him to answer the door. She felt a little fluttering in her stomach and her hands were getting moist. She wasn't sure what was happening to her. She didn't realize she was nervous to see the prince until he opened the door.
During this time John was release a little stress with a few tears because he was lonely. He hated being alone for so long because he had nobody to talk to or play with. He removed the tears quickly when he heard the knock on the door and eventually came over to the door slowly. He wandered who it could be at first because he had all ready had the food brought to his room. He eventually open the door to the young witch he gave her a soft smile and hope she did not notice that his eyes were a little red from the crying.

He slowly led her into the room and closed the door behind her. He sat at a big table with her and began to tell her all the different kind of foods that they could choose from. He just grab a few small sandwich with cookies and a side of fruits in a bowl. He hope she did not mind his choices in food?

He began to wander how her day had gone since he really did not see her much and wandered what she might want to do. "So how was your day cute Piper?" He gave devilish grin hoping she would not mind him playing with her a little. He slowly began to wander about one more thing because he saw that she was pretty tired and slowly began to wander. "Would you like to spend the night with me? It is very lonely when you have a room to yourself and nobody to share it with" He said softly to her hoping she would say yes.

"We can than play early in the morning and than I would let you spend time with your teacher"
Her stomach growled violently at the sight of food. She smiled at the sight of the food and, though she was hard pressed to admit it, the prince calling her cute Piper made her smile a bit, too. "I had a wonderful day. I learned a lot and we're starting to put the concepts into practice tomorrow!" Her enthusiasm filled her voice, learning was so exciting. "And yes, I would. Then we can have more time to play tomorrow!"I understand about the lonely room. I'm an only child and my room is empty except for me a lot, too."
John eventually finished his food and watch her in till she had eaten all the food. He than slowly adventure to the bed and lay down. He waited for her. For some reason he wanted to be close to her kind of like it was a addiction but he decided to just relax. It was hard for him since never really had a friend nor did he have someone he could get close to. He hope that she would not mind being close to him even if they were the same size right now. It was as if they were a match from heaven but he did not know. He just lay in bed and made room for her. He hope that she would sleep close to him because he wanted to hug on her. He had a small teddy on his bed which meant he is a huger.
Piper felt so full she couldn't stand. She was enjoying the company of John and looked forward to playing with him the next day.

She eventually finished walked over to the bed where John was already laying down, noticing that he made room for her. She snuggled in beside him and pulled covers around her. It was warm and comfortable and she liked it more than she realized. "I like you a lot John. I'm glad we are friends." She adjusted herself a little to get comfortable, really just wanting to wrap her arm around her new companion... eventually she decided to follow her impulses. She put her arm around him and got comfortable. "Is this okay?" She was self conscious now. She waited for his rejection.
John smiled at her as she came over to the bed. He could not wait to be close to her. He just wanted some interaction and someone to hug on. He notice her wrap her arms around him which he loved. He wrap his arms around her waist so they could be closer. He look at her face to face and had a big smile on his face. He hope that she was enjoying it as much as he was. He softly kissed her on the lips before closing his eyes and slowly pulling his lips away. He than whisper something softly to her. "My Piper" In a teasing way but in a friendly sense since they did not know what love was but only friendship was for now. He had a big king size bed because he would be living home most of his life. He just stay close to her because he enjoy the warmth and hope she would not mind him this close.

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