Powers and Drawbacks


Totally human, I swear!
Basically, someone posts a power, like flying, preternatural tracking abilities, or immunity to poisons and the next person to post comes up with a drawback to the power said by the person above them. And then they name a power, etc.

Power: Super Speed
But if you don't get injured again within a certain amount of time, your body will make a copy of itself a la mitosis.

Shapeshifting into an eagle
But only the minds of people who think mean things about you.

The ability to shapeshift
But no one believes you when you tell the truth.

The ability to make gold at will.
But it always disappears within a day, as in stories about Leprechauns.

The power to eat anything at all without getting poisoned.
In order to make this power, your body instantly goes through all the processes of digestion, so fast in fact that it becomes extremely inneficient. As a result you are perpetually in a state of starvation, always seeking new food but never being able to sate the appetite.

The power to become God.
You have to deal with the Omnipotence Paradox, and also some people don't believe you exist. Just try getting a therapist that'll help you deal with that!

The power to petrify things.
You gain the power to petrify, to turn things to stone, in the same way Midas turned things to gold. Without exception anything you touch turns to stone.

Give me the power to rejuvenate!
You can't stop and end up de-aging to nothing

The power to make phone calls with your mind
Your mind is constantly making phone calls and you can't stop it. Leading you to get blocked by all your contacts.

The power to be animals.
Granted, turns out this is the BEST POSSIBLE timeline.

The power to send antivaxers/antimaskers to the twilight zone

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