Power to the outcasts

black ace 3

Leap Year, Baby!
black ace 3 submitted a new role play. @black ace 3, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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The Skeleton:




Alternate ID:(wouldn't exactly do to have them use their powers in their plain old ID now would it?)

Power:(creative but no OP)

Family:(If any that are going to be semi-active in the RP)

Job:(if any and nothing really fancy)

Appearance:(Description or Pic/anime)


Name: Naomi Ravis

Age: 22


Alternate ID:Inferna

Power: Power over infernal energy and can influence others

Family: A sickly younger sister, Luna


Appearance:She is quite the sight to behold. pale skin with brown hair in long pigtails that reach to her chest and hazel eyes in a nice face and blue eyes. for clothing she usually actually dresses modestly except when going to and leaving work in which she wears a short skirt and and wind breaker over her costume. also a very nice looking body.

Personality: She's nice and a bit shy. she will do anything she can to help people especially for those close to her. she is not much of a fighter and will try to avoid it but she will if there is no other choice. also not trusting of authority figures.

History: Naomi grew up in a not so nice family. both parent's didn't really care about their kids and when they turned their attention to them it never ended well. eventually reaching the breaking point and so she took her sister and ran away. she did what she worked any odd job she could to support the two of them. but as soon as she was old enough she got the only stable job she could: a stripper. and she managed to get them an actual apartment with food and the meds her sister needs. despite the embarrassment she endures at the job. that was until she gained her powers. she's leaning towards helping them but who knows what'll happen.
The Skeleton:

Name: Evangeline (Eva) Adolphia

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Alternate ID: Angel

Power: Is able to manipulate people's minds with her singing

Family: Damien (Brother) - who doesn't like to stay in one place very long but likes to come and check on his younger sister.

Job: Singer, but not a famous one she likes to busk in small towns raising people's spirits

Appearance:(Description or Pic/anime)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/winged-headphone-girl.jpg.2a4ff056d631845978397546e30a71d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22965" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/winged-headphone-girl.jpg.2a4ff056d631845978397546e30a71d4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Eva is a kind and caring person who loves children and all sorts of animals. She has a some sort of special magnet and children and animals just seem to gather around her especially when she is singing when she isn't using her powers. She doesn't like her power because she doesn't believe that changing someones opinion is right. Despite that she can found with her smile on her face and humming a tune of some sort and her headphones playing music loudly.


Eva was abandoned as a child along with her brother. Being the kind caring brother he was, Damien found a child home in the middle of no where. Living there together Eva and her brother lived together looking after the younger children and helping with the chores around the orphanage. After her brother turned 16 Damien began to go out and bring back money for the orphanage from the jobs that he did. Following her brothers footsteps, 16 year old Eva went out and found a busking spot two years later after her brother. Many people say that wings can be seen behind her as she sings and that it gives the people relief. Eva loves her brother and the family she has at the orphanage. She knows that she was very lucky to have been in that orphanage and will protect it at any cost.

(I am so sorry that this took so long for me to put up!)



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Name: Raiko Izaya

Age:(13+) 18

Gender: Male

Alternate ID: Psychopath

Power: Psychokinesis (make things come out of thin air)

Family: none

Job: Currently looking

Appearance:(Description or Pic/anime)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.f14dab879d75727f9da9ababa48e8b3d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23219" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.f14dab879d75727f9da9ababa48e8b3d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Raiko is a quiet and reserved guy. He likes to chill. He is a very simple man. But if you mess with his friends he will go crazy on them.

History: Raiko grew up in a house with an abusive father and an absent mother. When he was 3 his father beat his mother to death. Raiko was blamed for the incident and he was never forgiven by his father. Raiko would do exactly as his father would say so. Until Raiko decided to leave. He ran away to one of his friend's house and stayed there for a while. He now lives in his own in an apartment. He makes his money by doing odd jobs. Raiko found out about his power when he was doing a farming job. Raiko felt thirsty and really needed a drink, when he saw a can if soda appear in his hands, he started to 'wish' for more thing and they were appearing. He continuously tries to hone his abilities by randomly summoning something that he wants. He also honed his physical abilities so he was able to summon weapons in case he needed to fight someone.



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Name: Mave White

Age:(13+) 18

Gender: Female

Alternate ID: Assault

Power: Can make any type of weapon from scratch

Family: None

Job: Looking


Personality: At first cold, distance, worried, becomes outgoing, caring, strong willed

History: At first glance she is cold and heartless, but she is much more. She has a violence tendency, nearly beating three kids to death in middle school. It only got worse when she got in high school as she began to be bullied. She kept to herself, working on her weapon designs. One day she was pushed over the edge. One of her more aggressive bullies took her sketch book and burnt all her designs in front of her. She snapped and made a knife out of her pencil. As quick as lighting she nearly murdered him. Her parents found out and couldn't handle it anymore. She was sent to prison and her parents never saw her again. Her brother would come by time to time, telling her how she wasted her genius on this. That she was insane and every day hated her more and more. She just had gotten out and wasn't allowed home. Her parents didn't want to deal with her and claimed she wasn't their daughter. Heart broken and no where to go, she resolved to stealing. Using her wits, she went under the name of Assault and robbed people in broad daylight, getting away with it. Soon she became skilled at sneaking, parkour and coming up with escape plans quickly.But she began to regret what she was doing and has dropped her life of crime to start fresh.
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