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Futuristic Power Rangers Neon (18+) Lore


Kobe Nathan Wade

One Thousand Club
View attachment 823368

Year 4044, Planet Super Mechana in the Metrodromida Galaxy.

View attachment 823369

The human race has moved on to the cosmos, a bustling civilization spanning across galaxies. Technology is advanced so as to be unrecognizable next to Magic. This is because it is the Magic which powers it. Humans realized shortly after the time of the first power rangers emerging from the shadows in the early 1990s that there was something which rules the universe other than mathematics and physics. Governments across the globe harnessed the scraps left behind by the devastating battles taking place between titans over the many reincarnations of Power Rangers teams. Eventually, the Power Rangers SPD was formed which organized the power of Morphing alongside peacekeeping organizations. One thing they could not control, however, was who the morphing powers chose. It is always aligned with the forces of justice and truth, and cannot be harnessed in whole. Humanity have developed warp gates, planet sized cities like Super Mechana, and even managed to weaponize the same magic harnessed from that which powers the morphing phenomenon on some scale. It has gotten them millions of years ahead in progress exploring the universe than electricity or science alone ever did. One thing mere mortals cannot, however, influence is the source of that power at it's core. Because of this, those chosen by the power are treated as peacekeepers with special roles and diplomatic immunities in governments within the NEON treaty. It is unheard of for any hero chosen by the Power Ranger's mantle to turn down this role, if not after a little convincing by the community.

Despite it's status in this altruistic future society, the role of Power Ranger is not a light burden to bear. You are all in one a full time PR representative, police officer, detective, and the last line of defense against the actual forces of darkness. You have only your team to lean on, as well as your deadly unstable magical powers which no one knows how to master as every generation the power changes fundamentally; not to mention it's uniqueness from person to person. It is the mark of a hero, and the weight of the world as well.

Currently one ranger has been chosen by the abilities of the Red Ranger. Jason Windsor, a former member of the SDF who handle Magic-related crimes. He has singlehandedly been dealing with all of the interdimensional beings who seem to be converging upon Super Mechana as of the past year and a half. A self proclaimed "witch," Named Rita has been having her followers commit petty crimes seemingly at random, and distributing magical boons to gang members and thieves all around the planet-size city. One man, even with superpowers, is simply not enough. He was overwhelmed, and beginning to lose hope that any other rangers would appear to aid him, when one night four neon beams of light erupted around the districts, beacons to Jason's failing spirit. He set about personally inviting them when possible, encouraging them to accept the responsibility and help him in defense of humanity's greatest settlement in the stars.
Super Mechana
Super Mechana, located in the Metrodromida galaxy, is named as such for the fact that it is a completely artificial planet. It's core is a gigantic plasma furnace, fed by the waste from the billions of occupants of the artificial world. It orbits a yellow sun, just like earth, and thus it's flora and fauna are all carbon based and support an atmosphere of similar makeup to the human home world. The plants and animals are certainly not identical to Earth's, however. They consist of other carbon based life forms gathered from around the Human empire's vast reach. To support it's unique ecosystem, nearly fifty percent of the planet's surface is covered in massive sanctuaries which are open to tours but heavily guarded against poaching.

The rest of the planet is referred to by it's occupants as "The City." This territory is consisted of eleven "Districts." This is a rather loose term, as this also refers to the maintenance area around the core, and the landfill surrounding that which is fed into the middle of the planet to keep it alive. There are three manufacturing and raw material processing districts which are all basically either home to assembly line workers or vagrants. The next three districts, which refer to the city built directly overtop of the blue collar districts, actually get some sunlight. These are the tourism, entertainment, and shopping centers as well as the middle management residential areas. Travel between these six districts is more or less unrestricted.

The upper levels of the buildings of the previous three districts are referred to as the "Trinity." They consist of the business and law offices, the banks, the corporate leadership, and only their families. The only exceptions to travel between this separate society and the middle districts are the teachers who raise their prep school kids for them, so that they can replace their parents when they die. These separations are loosely referred to as the "states." In political conversation. Depending on who you ask, the fact that the last three are referred to as the "Upper State." is only because of their physical position and not because they are more important than any of the other states.
The Special Defense Force, or SDF, is a federal organization formed by the planet's government to deal with the rising threat of magical entities on Super Mechana. They are organized identically to a police organization, with a few exceptions. Firstly, their main headquarters is combined with the Power Ranger's sanctuary. Three generations of power rangers were present before the timeline of the Power Rangers Neon, the current team. As such, the SDF has plenty of protocol, infrastructure, and intelligence gathering techniques in place to adequately be of use to the Rangers. It is not unheard of for an SDF member to be granted the power of a Power Ranger, but for some reason the power never exclusively chooses from their ranks even though they would naturally be physically fit enough and experienced in fighting magical beings. The SDF organizes all Ranger training and missions for the squad, as well as looking after their personal needs while on active duty.

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