The setting
Set in 2037 our story revolves around a team of scientists and mercenaries employed by a billionaire benefactor named Robert Granander. This man has gained his vast wealth by creating new oil refinery techniques which produce oil with nearly no pollutants created when burned. from there he would invest in medical technologies like artificial limbs and organs which could be 3-d printed. However his true dream was never wealth however. Robert always wanted to change the world in a way that would forever cement his name in history. So when an earthquake unveiled an energy signature that Robert hadn't seen since his 20's he was quick to dump billions to fund an expedition to the mountains of Argentina. Local reports of militias and deadly gangs in the area prompted him to hire a team of mercenaries, led by his son, who would protect the researchers and scientists as they investigate the strange energy signature.
these are the roles available to players at the start. mercenaries all have a military background. researchers are scientists.
mercenary- breech expert
mercenary- survivalist
mercenary- vehicle operations
mercenary- translator
researcher- archeologist
researcher- anthropologist
researcher- environmentalist
researcher- geologist
researcher- engineer
existing characters
a billionaire philanthropist with multiple fortune 500 companies under his belt. he has contributed huge changes to mankind including artificial organs that can filter the blood killing bloodborne pathogens, artificial wombs, cellular regenerative therapies, and even neural reconstruction to treat mental trauma effectively reversing brain damage, Alzheimer's, and even regrowing missing brain tissues or rebuilding memories. he is viewed as the man of tomorrow and claims this project will elevate humanity to a new level if successful. (Researchers can have a history with him if so desired)
Mercenary Captain and son of Robert Granander. A 32 year old ex-military officer with ample experience commanding covert operations and a specialty in counteracting terror organizations, criminal syndicates, and human trafficking operations in underdeveloped nations. (mercenaries are allowed a background with him if desired.)
Set in 2037 our story revolves around a team of scientists and mercenaries employed by a billionaire benefactor named Robert Granander. This man has gained his vast wealth by creating new oil refinery techniques which produce oil with nearly no pollutants created when burned. from there he would invest in medical technologies like artificial limbs and organs which could be 3-d printed. However his true dream was never wealth however. Robert always wanted to change the world in a way that would forever cement his name in history. So when an earthquake unveiled an energy signature that Robert hadn't seen since his 20's he was quick to dump billions to fund an expedition to the mountains of Argentina. Local reports of militias and deadly gangs in the area prompted him to hire a team of mercenaries, led by his son, who would protect the researchers and scientists as they investigate the strange energy signature.
these are the roles available to players at the start. mercenaries all have a military background. researchers are scientists.
mercenary- breech expert
mercenary- survivalist
mercenary- vehicle operations
mercenary- translator
researcher- archeologist
researcher- anthropologist
researcher- environmentalist
researcher- geologist
researcher- engineer
existing characters
a billionaire philanthropist with multiple fortune 500 companies under his belt. he has contributed huge changes to mankind including artificial organs that can filter the blood killing bloodborne pathogens, artificial wombs, cellular regenerative therapies, and even neural reconstruction to treat mental trauma effectively reversing brain damage, Alzheimer's, and even regrowing missing brain tissues or rebuilding memories. he is viewed as the man of tomorrow and claims this project will elevate humanity to a new level if successful. (Researchers can have a history with him if so desired)
Mercenary Captain and son of Robert Granander. A 32 year old ex-military officer with ample experience commanding covert operations and a specialty in counteracting terror organizations, criminal syndicates, and human trafficking operations in underdeveloped nations. (mercenaries are allowed a background with him if desired.)
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