Potential Game-to-be

What kind of Exalt would you be interested in?

  • Solar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lunar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragon-Blood

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Abyssal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • God-blood

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mortal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (write in reply post)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Elder Member

Now, first off, I'm not going to be able to run anything for a while, due to the games I'm playing in already, and the amount of time I need available for college. However, I have a few Exalted game ideas floating around my brain, and I'd like to see if people have any preferences on what they'd want to play.

Since I'm not sure which/what I'll end up attempting to run, I'm not going to bother putting down any location/theme/whatever descriptions in here, but depending on the Exalt type, I'll lean towards filling out one idea or the other.

No rush, as I'm going to be busy for a while...
I can't help noticing a lack of a sidereal option. Is that a design flaw or deliberate?
To be honest, I think a Solars/Sidereals (or maybe even Lunars as well) game based in Yu-Shan would be pretty awesome. While developing my Sidereal for Clashing Waves, I had been reading the Yu-Shan book in depth, and there's so many possibilities there. A few of my personal interest include a game with returned Solars who have been deputized as new Censors by an Unconquered Sun who has regained interest in his Chosen, and/or a Sidereals game exploring the mysterious depths of Yu-Shan, including everything from the millions of disenfranchised gods to the potential horrors that lurk beneath Heaven's streets, left behind by the Primordials.
I picked Lunars, because I love them so*.

Read- "I have a raging hard-on for 'em"

But fhgwdads05's idea is really nice though.
Thanks! :D

It came to me randomly while I was mowing the lawn.

Another couple of ideas sprung up. One would be a First-Age game of Solars and Lunars. They would represent the Black Nadir Concordat, and would be the first Exalts to explore the Labyrinth and break open the tombs of the Neverborn. Another idea would be involve dealing with Malfeas (perhaps going back and forth it for whatever reasons...Scarlet Empress/Ebon Dragon invasion anyone? :twisted:) as semi-established Celestials in the Age of Sorrows.
Oh god, I would so love to play the Black Nadir Concordat. As long as I get to be one of the Lunars.
Lunars are awesome and Dragonbloods are the underdogs with cool toys.

The above reflects this.

But yeah, I'm a fan of Lunars. On the other hand, there's already two Lunar games on the forum. Might be best to try something different.
#1 pick: Lunars. Gotta love Lunars.

#2 pick: God-Blooded/mortals, preferably with toys.

#3 pick: Solars or Dragon-Blooded.
It's also one of the biggest examples of power-hungry exalts doing something that has really bad consequences for Creation, as doing so is what woke the Neverborn up enough that they could create the Deathlords and, eventually, the Abyssals. Possibly bringing about the end of the world.

But yeah, it was an adventure...
AS much as playing a first age uber powered shapeshifting sorcerer would be cool in my book, I voted for Dragon-Blooded here. There is not atm a Terrestrial focused game (besides Clashing Waves), plus it would be fun, I think, to play young Dragon-Bloods who Exalted recently in one of the four major schools... or maybe who got thrown up in one of the two scools for bad seeds :D

Oh well Tome, don't blame all on them. How could they know that stealing the secrets of necrotic magic from the dead husks of the progenitors of the world could have negative consequences?
"Hey, Ishmahana Fourfold, wanna get together this weekend? Me an' the old lady were thinking cook up some new Sorcery."

"I dunno, Larry the Chartreuse Gem. I'm kinda bored with Sorcery."

"Well so're we, which is why we were gonna create some new stuff to... to... well I dunno what we'd be trying to do with it yet. I mean I guess we could come up with some new Charms or find a better way to not stomp puppies but that's what we did the last time we got bored of Sorcery. Sorcery being what we did the last time we got bored of the other stuff."

"Well then we just need a new kind of magic."

"A new kind of magic? That's crazy talk! I like it! But where could we ever find such a thing?"

"Well Shifty Mongoose was telling me about this place he's been researching called the Labyrinth, and..."
I beg for forgiveness... I'm pretty new here and I have yet to check out all the games :D

Now that I look into it, And a star to steer her by also is a DB game... So there's more Terrestrial games than Lunar ones, which is really a shame :P
Well, it looks like so far the majority is split between Lunar, and Dragonblooded. Works out, as currently the most fleshed-out idea I have for a game is for Outcaste DBs. The game is still not ready, but this quarter at school I'm much less busy than I was last, so I'll have time to actually work on it.

People can continue to vote, and if the balance shift significantly to another type of Exalt I'll try to either change the scenario to match, or just work on a different one. Otherwise, I'll be doing a (mostly) DB game.
I voted for DB before reading the whole of the thread so it'd be cool to actually see a DB game!

I've actually been re-reading the Exalted books I have in order to be prepared when a new game actually starts, so hopefully that may coincide with when this new game gets started up! :D

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