Post-apocalyptic superpower rp seeks friendly, quality writers!


mad to live



post-apocalyptic, powers rp

Evolution, a post-apocalyptic superpower RP just opened for sign-ups, so come join us by clicking [

here]. I'm very excited to get us started. This roleplay will begin at the start of a new mission for the Resistance, a group of "evolved humans" ( Also known as "E-Gens" or "specs") at war with the government. Their group has discovered a convoy of specs is being transported by the Department of Defense and military personnel to a "quarantine camp" just a state away from their headquarters in Texas. So they go to Oklahoma with the goal of to get through the military personnel guarding the armored trucks, and rescuing the prisoners inside. They also may have to watch out for radical human groups that may get in their way. Some of these extremists have been attacking any specs they find to try to eliminate their kind and they aren't above going up against the government to do it.
Ideas for potential characters found be:

1. Specs captured and waiting in the vehicle

2. Resistance members trying to rescue them

3. Members of a radical human group

4. Agents accompanying the convoy (human or spec traitors / double agents) running the transport and trying to keep the specs imprisoned but alive.

Unless someone really wants to play a leader of these factions I will NPC them in my posts to keep things moving forward. I will probably lay out a lot of the setting and world dynamics in my posts as a general FYI.

I can't wait to get this thing started! See you there!


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