Possible fantasy RP idea?


New Member
I've got a world I'd like to develop, and I reckon it might be quite fun to do a roleplay in it.


Since the collapse of the great Houses of the smalls and humans, the argen race has had control of the land of Solmir. Lead by the great house Khrin and its matriarch Cali, the argen folk seem determined to spread their influence from their own city-state of Khrinen to the distant, snowy peaks of the Ninmiren in the east. For members of the remaining human and small houses, it's becoming a struggle to retain an identity and any influence they have left is more than minor. Even worse, for regular people, it's getting harder to keep a level job in society; many see humans as becoming thralls to the argen.

Still, the house of Khrin doesn't have direct influence over everything. Outside of their grand city, people are talking, people are rising, people are free. Diplomatic missions from Khrinen have been sent out to try and convince the other cities to join under Khrin rule rather than being independent city-states. In the Ninmiren mountains, a secluded group of Ulfhethnar shapeshifters wait, seeing their end of servitute inevitable. Some move further away, others stay and bide their time.


I was hoping for this to be a sandbox RP, maybe maybe resulting in revolution a la the July Revolution/Glorious Three Days in France in 1830, maybe resulting in something else altogether. I'd like to discuss the idea somewhat.

Here are the races and houses. Some of the race information is out of date, sorry about that. I wrote the race information months and months ago for an entirely different RP.

(click the names of races for more information!)

Human: As you would expect. Not the dominant race in this world.

Argen: They look a lot like humans. In general, this race is haughty. Argen have magical powers from birth (although this are normally minor). They have black scleras, orange or yellow irises, short sharp teeth and are generally angular and pale.

Smalls: A very strange race. They look very inhuman, with bony snouts and long, sharp teeth. They are hairless, with greyish skin. Generally, they range in height from 4'4" to 5'7". Smalls have very long claws and are in general less intelligent than humans. Smalls have human forms, if they are more intelligent.

Crafters: Crafters are generally peaceful. They look like canines and have four arms and four eyes. They're normally around 7' tall and are very independent and intelligent. Crafters like to make things and this is where their money comes from.

Ironfangs: Ironfangs are a somewhat domesticated reptilian race. They are bred and kept as guards and servants (mainly by argen and humans). In their lizard form, they are bipedal and average 12'. They also can't speak like this. In their human forms, they speak, and look nearly exactly like humans.

Ulfhethnar: Ulfhethnar are fiercely independent shapeshifters who look exactly like humans. However, with talismans (from an animal they killed), they have the power to take that form for a short length of time.


Argen houses - Khrin (largest, most powerful house), Vasken, Nalcath, Varlan. Human houses - Woode, Marsal, Jath. Small house - Hath.

Khrin: Khrin is the largest and most powerful house, ranking above all others. Its members started as traders of gold, silver, jewels and hardwoods (teak, ebony, etc). They are now pretty much considered nobles. People cannot join this house, but can become retainers or servants.

Vasken: The Vasken house is very closely linked with Khrin. There is a lot of marriage between them, and a subhouse of Khrin-Vasken. The Vaskens began their days as Ironfang tamers, and spice merchants.

Nalcath: The smallest of the argen houses. This one lets argen people join through deed - if they perform a grand service to the house, they may be initiated. They began life as traders as well, and also mercenaries.

Varlan: The poorest of the argen houses. Although it is relatively large, it doesn't have much money and has recently fallen out of favour with the other houses, thanks to the haughty attitude of the patriarch, Malth Varlan.

Woode: The poorest of the human houses, and also most warlike. Originally, the Woodes owned a school of combat, but recently have found it hard to keep level with the other houses, especially after accusations of embezzlement.

Marsal: Another warlike house, but much bigger. The Marsals years back seemed multi talented - their wealth has come from war, trade and artisan crafts. They are known to b very pious, at least on the surface, and tend to go along with what Khrin house says.

Jath: Jath is the richest of the human houses, and the 4th richest house overall. Jath is currently at odds with Khrin and owns the mountainous eastern lands, which the house of Khrin seems to be after for the Ulfhethnar.

Hath: Hath is the oldest of all the current houses. It was created by the god-hero Hath ak Harnan before his death many years ago. Most smalls in this house are very intelligent and wary of argen and human contact. However, they have very close links with Jath.

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